[Does the word irony seem a bit too obvious? One for the weird file.]

Conference Attendees' Personal Data May Be at Risk

By Stephen Barr
Washington Post

Wednesday, May 10, 2006; D04


The Pentagon has sent warning letters to thousands of people who may have 
had their personal data stolen, advising them that they may be at risk of 
identify theft and other fraudulent activities.

Most of those affected used an online registration for an August 2001 
Defense Department conference on health-care fraud. Names, Social Security 
numbers, credit card numbers, employer identification and other personal 
information were entered into a computer database by conference attendees, 
Defense Department spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said.

The conference data were stored on a computer server, which hackers broke 
into early last month. The server contained information on more than 14,000 
people who enrolled for the fraud conference, held in San Diego, and for 
other meetings.

The Pentagon announced the intrusion on April 28, saying that routine 
monitoring had discovered "unusual activity" on a computer server at the 
Tricare Management Activity. The agency administers health-care benefits 
for about 9.2 million active duty and retired military personnel and their 

The medical records of Tricare enrollees were not compromised, Smith said.

In its announcement, the Pentagon said the information "contained in the 
accessed files varied, and investigators do not know the intent of the 
crime or if any of the information will be misused."

Conference attendees included military personnel and representatives from 
companies that help administer and support the Tricare program, Smith said.

In the announcement, William Winkenwerder Jr. , the assistant secretary of 
defense for health affairs, said the Pentagon has "implemented enhanced 
security controls throughout the network and installed additional 
monitoring tools to improve security of existing networks and data files."

Authorities, including the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, are 
investigating the computer intrusion, Smith said.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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