Microsoft and Google's battle for supremacy
By Steve Lohr
The New York Times
Published: May 10, 2006, 4:49 AM PDT

The Microsoft-Google rivalry is shaping up as a titanic corporate clash 
for the ages.

It may not turn out that way. Markets and corporate fortunes routinely 
defy prediction. But it sure looks as if the two companies are on a 
collision course, as the realms of desktop computing and Internet 
services and software overlap more and more.

Microsoft, of course, is the reigning powerhouse of computing and Google 
is the muscular Internet challenger. On each side, the battalions are 
arrayed: executives, engineers, marketers, lawyers and lobbyists. The 
spending and competition are escalating daily. For each, it seems, the 
other passes what Andrew S. Grove, a founder and former chairman of 
Intel, calls the "silver bullet test" of strategic competition. "If you 
had one bullet, who would you shoot with it?"

How the Microsoft-Google confrontation plays out could shape the future 
of competition in computing and how people use information technology. 
Do the pitched corporate battles of the past shed any light on how this 
one might turn out?

Business historians and management experts say the experience in two of 
the defining industries of the 20th century, mass-market retailing and 
automobiles, may well be instructive. The winners certainly scored 
higher in the generic virtues of business management: innovation, 
execution and leadership.

But perhaps even more significant, those who came out on top, judging 
from history, had two more specific attributes. They were the companies, 
according to business historians, that proved able to adapt to change 
instead of being prisoners of past success. And in their glory days, 
these corporate champions were magnets for the best and brightest people.

"One area where Microsoft and Google are really competing head-to-head 
now is in the war for talent," said Richard S. Tedlow, a historian and 
professor at the Harvard Business School. "Historically, the company 
that won the war for talent, won the war."

Tedlow points to Montgomery Ward as a company that lost talented 
managers to its rival Sears, and then lost its way. The crucial 
defection, Tedlow said, was Robert E. Wood, a former Army general who 
joined Montgomery Ward in 1919 as a general merchandise manager.

Even in the Army, Wood was a close reader of the Statistical Abstract of 
the United States, the Census Bureau's annual tracking of social and 
economic conditions. Wood became convinced that America was at the 
beginning of a huge population shift from rural regions to urban areas.

That meant, he understood, that the mail-order giants like Montgomery 
Ward and Sears needed to move from being catalog retailers serving a 
dispersed market to department store merchants with stores in city and 
suburban population centers.

Sears, as a company, grasped that fundamental change in the marketplace 
in a way that initially Montgomery Ward did not, Tedlow said.

In 1924, Wood left Montgomery Ward to join Sears, and he later recruited 
others. In 1945, Wood, then the chairman of Sears, made another smart 
call on economic trends. The postwar years, he decided, would bring a 
long expansion, as pent-up consumer demand from the war years was unleashed.

So Sears embarked on a national store-building binge. His counterpart at 
Montgomery Ward, Sewell Avery, made the opposite bet, keeping money in 
the bank to prepare the company for a postwar depression, which he was 
convinced was around the corner.

Over the next several years, sales at Sears doubled, while Montgomery 
Ward's shrank 10 percent. "Losing Robert Wood was catastrophic to Ward," 
Tedlow observed.

In its recruiting face-offs against Google, Microsoft insists that it 
fares quite well over all. But there have been some high-profile 
defections of leading engineers, who said they preferred Google's 
technological direction and corporate culture.

The talent grab
The most prominent was Kai-Fu Lee, a stellar computer scientist and 
manager. Lee not only established Microsoft's research labs in China, 
but he is also an expert in areas like natural language and 
speech-recognition technologies--important ingredients to Internet 
search today and to the way people will interact with computers in the 

Last year, when Lee left Microsoft, it sued Google and Lee. Microsoft 
claimed, under a Washington state law, that Lee violated a noncompete 
clause in his employment contract and misused inside information in 
going to work for Google. The suit was settled last December.

"What does it say about a company when it sues when someone leaves?" 
Tedlow asked. "It makes Microsoft sound like a prison."

In business, forever tends to last about five years, a decade or two at 
most. So Sears prospered for a time and celebrated its success by 
building the Sears Tower in Chicago in the 1970s. Yet even from a height 
of 110 stories, Sears failed to see Wal-Mart coming. Wal-Mart brought 
the next revolution in retailing with its shrewd use of computer 
technology to track buying trends and orchestrate suppliers to become a 
hyper-efficient, low-cost merchant.

The auto industry presents a sobering history of past-success syndrome. 
The Model T, introduced by Henry Ford in 1908, famously made the 
automobile affordable, helped along by his pioneering assembly-line 
production, which started in 1913. Ford's laserlike focus on efficiency 
drove the cost of a Model T from $850 when it was introduced down to 
$275 by the early 1920s.

But cost and efficiency was all he focused on. The design was not 
updated, the color selection remained black and only black. Eventually, 
the single-mindedness caught up with the company. In 1925, the Ford 
share of the American market had fallen to 45 percent, from 57 percent 
two years earlier. By then, Alfred P. Sloan Jr., the managerial maestro 
of Detroit, was president of General Motors and its sales were surging.

"Henry Ford was so in love with his brilliant idea that he refused to 
change," said John Steele Gordon, a historian and author of "The 
Business of America" (Walker, 2001).

General Motors was well on its way to becoming the world's largest 
carmaker. Yet as early as the 1950s, the Japanese challenge to Detroit's 
auto supremacy was quietly getting under way. The architect of the 
Japanese ascent was a production engineer, Taiichi Ohno, who worked at 
Toyota. In 1950, Toyota manufactured 13,000 cars, barely a day's 
production for GM

Ohno had to devise an efficient way to manufacture a variety of cars in 
small production runs. He turned that adversity into an advantage, using 
rapid tooling changes, constant quality improvements and just-in-time 
parts delivery to steadily improve the cars.

Once again, the corporate giant was complacent, and late to see a 
fundamental shift in its industry.

"GM did not take Toyota and the Japanese seriously until the 1980s," 
said Michael A. Cusumano, a professor at the Sloan School of Management 
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of "The Japanese 
Automobile Industry" (Harvard University Press, 1986). "By then it was 
really too late."

History, then, suggests that past success is often an anchor holding a 
company back, and that Microsoft is at risk from the Google challenge. 
"The wind is really behind Google, and Microsoft's main tool for 
navigating the future is the rear view mirror," said Paul Saffo, a 
director of the Institute for the Future, a forecasting consultancy in 
Silicon Valley.

Microsoft bristles at being cast as a laggard. In a meeting last week 
with online advertisers and reporters, Bill Gates, the Microsoft 
chairman, portrayed his company as a force for healthy competition in 
Internet search. "We will keep them honest," Gates said of Google. And 
he vowed to catch up. "I think this is a rare case where we are being 
underestimated," he said. Microsoft certainly has plenty of money to 
finance any competitive foray, with $35 billion in cash, while Google 
has about $8 billion.

Indeed, the incumbent-challenger narrative--which portrays the incumbent 
as an endangered species--may not apply this time. Microsoft has adapted 
nimbly to big challenges before.

Apple introduced point-and-click graphical computing with the Macintosh 
in 1984, but Microsoft caught up and became dominant on the desktop with 

In the mid-1990s, Netscape Communications posed a threat because the 
Internet browser might undermine the importance of Windows. Microsoft 
came up with its own browser and rebuffed that challenge, partly with 
tactics that violated antitrust laws, a federal appeals court ruled.

"Microsoft has responded every time in the past," said Cusumano, who is 
also the author of two books on Microsoft. Now comes Google. It is 
offering or developing as free Web-based services e-mail, word 
processing and other programs that could replace Microsoft desktop 
programs and eat into Microsoft's lucrative software business. But that 
is by no means certain.

Google is cagey about its strategy. When Netscape was flying high, some 
of its executives talked of making Microsoft irrelevant--a strategic 
blunder, according to Silicon Valley lore.

  Google's chief executive, Eric E. Schmidt, is a veteran of past 
battles with Microsoft, and he has no intention of making the same 
misstep. He speaks mainly of Google's limitless potential and ambitions, 
embellished by intriguing remarks like the one recently that Google is 
"building the systems and infrastructure of a global $100 billion 
company," many times its current yearly revenue. Some clues about 
Google's plans could emerge today, when its executives hold an annual 
media day at its Silicon Valley headquarters. Google now makes virtually 
all its money by selling advertisements linked to its enormously popular 
Internet search service. Microsoft and Yahoo are desperately trying to 
close the gap with Google, the Internet search and ad sales titan.

If Google stumbles, it will be seen as the company unable to move beyond 
a single stellar success.

Since the future is so often the pattern of the past with some twist, 
what is the expert view? "I'm a historian," said Tedlow of Harvard. "Ask 
me in 10 years and I'll tell you why what happened was inevitable."

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