Monday, May 8, 2006
Give and get good feeds

Source: Tech Crunch

Share your OPML [1] is the not-so-catchy name of a service just 
released by Dave Winer. If you use a feed aggregator to read the web 
(I use FeedDemon Feedburner edition), you can export your OPML list 
(the list of RSS feeds you read) and upload it to the site. Then you 
can browse through and see whose list is like yours and find other 
feeds that you might be interested in. If you have a blog, you can 
search to see who is reading it. This is a great idea and it's 
already getting some traction with the tech set.

I love how the Web lets people launch ideas and see where they go. 
Look at, a good idea that Yahoo acquired last 
year. It's another great way to find good feeds. Now, Dave needs to 
get some marketer/usability people to make it SIMPLE so regular 
people can get what it is!

Posted by mwelch at 04:01 PM


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