Audiophiles Become Ipodiophiles

By Leander Kahney
Wired News

02:00 AM May, 16, 2006,70901-0.html

Old-time audiophiles must be spinning in their soundproof graves. Thanks to 
hardware modifications and headphone amplifiers, the humble iPod is earning 
a place at the heart of the most expensive and exacting sound systems.

Veteran audiophiles would scoff. The iPod is relatively inexpensive, 
costing only a fraction of the $10,000 to $100,000 some will spend on 
big-rig audio gear. And it plays -- gasp -- compressed audio.

Audiophiles demand only the highest fidelity and detail. For some, digital 
music in any form, especially highly compressed MP3, is contemptuously 
unacceptable. To purists, only old-fashioned vinyl platters cut it.

But remarkably, the iPod is exceptionally well engineered, boasting 
circuitry to rival much more expensive stereo components.

"The iPod's measured behavior is better than many CD players," concluded an 
exhaustive review and performance test in Stereophile magazine, "Excellent, 
cost-effective audio engineering from an unexpected source."

George Tyshchenko, who runs the testing-oriented HiFiiPod website, said: 
"The quality of the components used in the iPod are on the same level as 
low- to medium-priced audiophile gear. From the audio standpoint, iPod 
makes a very good source. And from a practical standpoint, iPod is 
revolutionary because the vinyl and CD mediums are now gone."

For the truly discerning, Red Wine Audio will modify the iPod's hardware to 
turn it into a miniature, high-quality music server.

Red Wine's iMod, which costs $200, eliminates some of the iPod's cheaper 
components and adds a new high-quality output jack.

"My customers are audiophiles," said Vinni Rossi, who owns Red Wine. "They 
are looking for the very best sound quality and it all starts from the 
source -- CD player, turntable or modded iPod."

The mod dispenses with the iPod's headphone jack and the dock connector on 
the bottom in favor of a dedicated one-eighth-inch line-out jack, which is 
plugged into a external headphone amplifier or a high-end sound system (via 
a $130 cable made from nearly pure, braided silver). It routes around the 
iPod's headphone amplifier, a cheapo ribbon cable and some other inferior 

"It's just you and the music," said American Wired in an enthusiastic 
review of the iMod. "Noisy transports going through their death waltz are a 
thing of the past with the iMod. It is almost unnerving to hold the iMod in 
your hand and have control over so much good music."

Red Wine will only modify older fourth-generation iPods and the original 
iPod photo. These iPods are based on the Wolfson WM8975 Digital Audio 
Converter, or DAC, which Red Wine said is "by far the best DAC used so far 
by Apple on any of the iPod units including the iPod with video." (The 
company recommends the 60-GB iPod Photo, which can hold 120 CDs encoded in 
Apple's Lossless codec, which claims to deliver CD quality in about half 
the storage space.)

In addition, Red Wine insists the iMod be used only when running on its 
internal battery -- AC power can add audible interference to the sound.

As well as high-end stereos, the iMod is intended to be used with headphone 
amplifiers, like the $2,400 Emmeline RS-IA, which are popular with 
audiophiles who like to be cocooned when concentrating on the music.

"Ninety percent of my customers are iPod owners," said Michael Gaspa, who 
makes CMoy headphone amplifiers by hand and sells them on eBay for about 
$35. "IPods need better stereo amplification with richer bass and highs. 
For users that prefer to use ear-canal type headphones, this amp will 
provide much better clarity … and (it) will drive the high-quality 
headphones like Sennheiser with no problem at all."

Not all audiophiles are embracing the iPod, of course. In fact, the device 
has polarized the high-end community, said writer Wes Phillips, who penned 
the Stereophile review.

"Some of us embrace it, especially since we can use uncompressed or 
lossless files," he wrote in e-mail. "Other folks feel that … anything less 
than vinyl doesn't seem like hi-fi to them. A certain amount of our 
readership distrusts the combination of computers and hi-fi."

Phillips said he's firmly in the camp that welcomes the iPod, and feels 
audiophiles should embrace any technology that has sparked such a huge 
interest in music.

"I'm frankly stunned at how long it has taken the audio industry to accept 
the iPod as something that has reinvented/reinvigorated people's love of 
music," he said. "You'd think that they'd welcome the iPod as a gateway 
drug to full-blown audiophilia, but sadly that has not been the case."

Personally, Phillips said he uses the iPod as a way to get more music into 
his life. His listening is not confined to the limited periods he can spend 
in front of his rig.

"You're trading fidelity for capacity, so you better know how to develop 
playlists and exchange task-specific music programs as part of your 
out-of-the-door rituals," he said. "I do the old 'spectacles, testicles, 
iPod, wallet' sign of the cross on my way to the gym each morning."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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