July 9, 2006
Producers Use the Web to Romance Audience and Bring Them Back

IF you were one of the 2,500 people who saw the Off Broadway musical 
"Altar Boyz" last week, its producer, Ken Davenport, probably has 
your number. Or at least, if you were among the 40 percent who bought 
your tickets online, he has your e-mail address. So don't be 
surprised when a thank-you message ("on behalf of Matthew, Mark, 
Luke, Juan and Abraham") shows up in your electronic mailbox Monday 
morning, including a discount offer for a return visit or to send to 
friends, "so that they too can fall in love with The Boyz, just like 
you have."

"The open rates on that e-mail are off the charts," Mr. Davenport 
said: more than 70 percent, in an industry where 30 percent is high. 
But the point isn't just to get you to open the message, it's really 
to push you to the show's Web site, where you might be tempted to 
join the Altarholics fan group ("Win big prizes and help spread the 
word"), take a trivia quiz, find out what your favorite cast member's 
favorite lunch meat is, sign up for a newsletter, click over to the 
show's official MySpace page or add to a list of "audience 
confessions" like, "I hate flan," or, more inspirationally, "I 
ditched 'Lestat' for 'Altar Boyz' ... again!"

In the old days - about five years ago - producers didn't know much 
about their audiences, who they were and how to reel them in (or 
back). They largely relied on direct mail and print advertising, 
communications that were one-way, not to mention expensive, 
scattershot and impersonal. The old-technology equivalents of Mr. 
Davenport's Monday morning e-mail blasts were the "bounceback" 
discount coupons blown into Playbills and usually left to confetti 
Times Square. The "Altar Boyz" messages are much "stickier": people 
apparently pay attention to them because they come across as personal 
and interactive. "When you see a show you love, the moment after you 
see it is the moment you're most excited about it," Mr. Davenport 
said. "My job is to capture that feeling, as close to the event as 
possible, and turn it into word of mouth."

Word of mouth has always been the ideal. But the Internet has 
provided a new and, some say, vastly improved set of tools to 
generate it: not just e-mail blasts but also Web sites, banner ads, 
search-engine pop-ups and blog coverage. In the last few years these 
tools have reshaped the way the theater reaches its audience.

The most obvious change is in ticketing, which the Internet makes 
simpler for customers and cheaper for producers. During the 2004-5 
season the portion of Broadway tickets sold online more than 
quadrupled to 29 percent from 7 percent; this past season it 
continued to creep up, to about 33 percent. (For non-group ticket 
sales, the figure is more than 60 percent.) The remaining tickets 
were purchased via phone, group-sales brokers, the TKTS booths and 
the old-fashioned box office, which now accounts for only one-quarter 
of purchases, making lines around the block mostly a thing of the 

But that's just technical, a change in how people buy what they were 
going to buy anyway. A much bigger change involves tapping audience 
members' social networks to bring in entirely new theatergoers. This 
summer "The Color Purple" is rolling out a Web campaign called 
"Organize Your Group" to help families, schools, gospel choirs and 
churches arrange theatergoing "reunions"; an earlier form of this 
program has already referred more than 100,000 people to the show. In 
May "Avenue Q" filled some slow midweek houses by offering discounts 
to people who had visited its Web site. A single blast to 20,000 
e-mail addresses netted $40,000 in sales and cost almost nothing.



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