Krinkle has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: jshint: resources/jquery/*

jshint: resources/jquery/*

* .jshintrc: Updated to include more strict options that match
  our code conventions.
  Also separated into 3 groups:
  - stricter (curly, eqeqeq etc.)
  - laxer (smarttabs, laxbreak)
  - envrionment (browser)

* .jshintignore: Updated to include more third-party/upstream files
   that should not be linted.

* Most of it is just routine cleanup, a few notable points:

 - jquery.autoEllipsis: Removed unused variable $protectedText.

 - jquery.arrowSteps.js: Remove <!-- --> and language="javascript"
   that hasn't been needed for almost a decade.

 - jquery.byteLimit: Use dashToCamel key for .data(), this already
   happens internally in jQuery data(), since data storage should use
   keys that are usable as identifiers. The dashed versions are to
   populate these from data-attribute-names, which then becomes
   data.attributeNames. jQuery data() takes both forms as

 - jquery.client.js: To avoid a rewrite of it, allowing unexpected
   assignments (boss) and eval (evil) in the functions that use that.
   Left as it is for now, could use a rewrite later.

 - jquery.color.js: Tolerate unexpected assignment for now (boss).
   Left as it is for now, should perhaps be refactored later.
   Also re-ordered per jshint/jslint to put definition before
   invocation. This option can be disabled, but then it doesn't
   warn for invoking undefined functions (or typos) at all.

 - jquery.expandableField.js: Remove empty switch/case.

 - jquery.localize.js: Alias mw global.

 - jquery.suggestions.js: Use e.which; jQuery.Event normalizes
   e.keyCode etc.

 - jquery.tablesorter.js: Alias mw global.

 - jquery.textSelection.js: Fix leakage of variable in global scope
   of var "i" and "j".

 - mediawiki.util.test.js: Fixed implied global `pCustom`.

* Review with -w for your own sanity.

Change-Id: Ia972f79539a96a38357ec4e92b0b6e38cc301681
M .jshintignore
M .jshintrc
M resources/jquery/jquery.arrowSteps.css
M resources/jquery/jquery.arrowSteps.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.autoEllipsis.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.byteLength.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.byteLimit.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.checkboxShiftClick.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.client.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.collapsibleTabs.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.color.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.colorUtil.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.delayedBind.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.expandableField.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.getAttrs.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.highlightText.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.localize.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.makeCollapsible.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.messageBox.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.mwExtension.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.placeholder.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.qunit.completenessTest.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.spinner.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.suggestions.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.tabIndex.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.js
M resources/jquery/jquery.textSelection.js
M tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js
28 files changed, 1,704 insertions(+), 1,579 deletions(-)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ia972f79539a96a38357ec4e92b0b6e38cc301681
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Krinkle <>

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