Mayankmadan has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Ported to core

Ported to core

Bug: 56897
Change-Id: Id238d86cd72851b027c9c0b5bd20fa0da41d5f13
A scripts/
1 file changed, 367 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c0c00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#coding: utf-8
+This bot takes its input from a file that contains a number of
+pages to be put on the wiki. The pages should all have the same
+begin and end text (which may not overlap).
+By default the text should have the intended title of the page
+as the first text in bold (that is, between ''' and '''),
+you can modify this behavior with command line options.
+The default is not to include the begin and
+end text in the page, if you want to include that text, use
+the -include option.
+Specific arguments:
+-start:xxx      Specify the text that marks the beginning of a page
+-end:xxx        Specify the text that marks the end of a page
+-file:xxx       Give the filename we are getting our material from
+-include        The beginning and end markers should be included
+                in the page.
+-titlestart:xxx Use xxx in place of ''' for identifying the
+                beginning of page title
+-titleend:xxx   Use xxx in place of ''' for identifying the
+                end of page title
+-notitle        do not include the title, including titlestart, and
+                titleend, in the page
+-nocontent      If page has this statment it dosen't append
+                (example: -nocontents:"{{infobox")
+-summary:xxx    Use xxx as the edit summary for the upload - if
+                a page exists, standard messages are appended
+                after xxx for appending, prepending, or replacement
+-autosummary    Use MediaWikis autosummary when creating a new page,
+                overrides -summary in this case
+-minor          set minor edit flag on page edits
+If the page to be uploaded already exists:
+-safe           do nothing (default)
+-appendtop      add the text to the top of it
+-appendbottom   add the text to the bottom of it
+-force          overwrite the existing page
+# (C) Andre Engels, 2004
+# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2005-2010
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+import re, codecs
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot import config
+class NoTitle(Exception):
+    """No title found"""
+    def __init__(self, offset):
+        self.offset = offset
+class PageFromFileRobot:
+    """
+    Responsible for writing pages to the wiki, with the titles and contents
+    given by a PageFromFileReader.
+    """
+    msg = {
+        'ar': u'استيراد تلقائي للمقالات',
+        'de': u'Automatischer Import von Artikeln',
+        'en': u'Automated import of articles',
+        'fa': u'درون‌ریزی خودکار مقاله‌ها',
+        'fr': u'Import automatique',
+        'he': u'ייבוא ערכים אוטומטי',
+        'ia': u'Importation automatic de articulos',
+        'id': u'Impor artikel automatis',
+        'it': u'Caricamento automatico',
+        'ja': u'記事の自動取り込み',
+        'ksh': u'Bot: automatesch huhjelaade',
+        'mzn': u'ربوت:صفحه شه خاد به خاد دله دکته',
+        'nl': u'Geautomatiseerde import',
+        'no': u'bot: Automatisk import',
+        'pl': u'Automatyczny import artykułów',
+        'pt': u'Importação automática de artigos',
+        'uk': u'Автоматичний імпорт статей',
+        'zh': u'機器人: 自動匯入頁面',
+    }
+    # The following messages are added to topic when the page already exists
+    msg_top = {
+        'ar': u'كتابة على الأعلى',
+        'de': u'ergänze am Anfang',
+        'en': u'append on top',
+        'fa': u'به بالا اضافه شد',
+        'he': u'הוספה בראש הדף',
+        'fr': u'rajouté en haut',
+        'id': u'ditambahkan di atas',
+        'it': u'aggiungo in cima',
+        'ja': u'冒頭への追加',
+        'ksh': u'un dofüürjesaz',
+        'nl': u'bovenaan toegevoegd',
+        'no': u'legger til øverst',
+        'pl': u'dodaj na górze',
+        'pt': u'adicionado no topo',
+        'uk': u'додано зверху',
+        'zh': u'機器人: 增加至最上層',
+    }
+    msg_bottom = {
+        'ar': u'كتابة على الأسفل',
+        'de': u'ergänze am Ende',
+        'en': u'append on bottom',
+        'fa': u'به پایین اضافه شد',
+        'he': u'הוספה בתחתית הדף',
+        'fr': u'rajouté en bas',
+        'id': u'ditambahkan di bawah',
+        'it': u'aggiungo in fondo',
+        'ja': u'末尾への追加',
+        'ksh': u'un aanjehange',
+        'nl': u'onderaan toegevoegd',
+        'no': u'legger til nederst',
+        'pl': u'dodaj na dole',
+        'pt': u'adicionando no fim',
+        'uk': u'додано знизу',
+        'zh': u'機器人: 增加至最底層',
+    }
+    msg_force = {
+        'ar': u'تمت الكتابة على النص الموجود',
+        'de': u'bestehender Text überschrieben',
+        'en': u'existing text overwritten',
+        'fa': u'متن جایگزین شد',
+        'he': u'הטקסט הישן נמחק',
+        'fr': u'texte existant écrasé',
+        'id': u'menimpa teks yang ada',
+        'it': u'sovrascritto il testo esistente',
+        'ja': u'存在するテキストの上書き',
+        'ksh': u'un komplët ußjetuusch',
+        'nl': u'bestaande tekst overschreven',
+        'no': u'erstatter eksisterende tekst',
+        'pl': u'aktualny tekst nadpisany',
+        'pt': u'sobrescrever texto',
+        'uk': u'існуючий текст перезаписано',
+        'zh': u'機器人: 覆寫已存在的文字',
+    }
+    def __init__(self, reader, force, append, summary, minor, autosummary,
+                 dry, nocontents):
+        self.reader = reader
+        self.force = force
+        self.append = append
+        self.summary = summary
+        self.minor = minor
+        self.autosummary = autosummary
+        self.dry = dry
+        self.nocontents=nocontents
+    def run(self):
+        for title, contents in
+            self.put(title, contents)
+    def put(self, title, contents):
+        mysite = pywikibot.getSite()
+        page = pywikibot.Page(mysite, title)
+        # Show the title of the page we're working on.
+        # Highlight the title in purple.
+        pywikibot.output(u">>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
+                         % page.title())
+        if self.summary:
+            comment = self.summary
+        else:
+            comment = pywikibot.translate(mysite, self.msg)
+        comment_top = comment + " - " + pywikibot.translate(mysite,
+                                                            self.msg_top)
+        comment_bottom = comment + " - " + pywikibot.translate(mysite,
+                                                               self.msg_bottom)
+        comment_force = comment + " *** " + pywikibot.translate(mysite,
self.msg_force) + " ***"
+        # Remove trailing newlines (cause troubles when creating redirects)
+        contents = re.sub('^[\r\n]*','', contents)
+        if page.exists():
+            if self.append == "Top":
+                if appendtops.find(self.nocontents)==-1 and 
+                    contents=contents +appendtops
+                    pywikibot.output(u"Page %s already exists, appending on 
+                                 % title)
+                else:
+                    pywikibot.output(u'Page had %s so it is skipped' % 
+                    return
+                contents = contents + page.get()
+                comment = comment_top
+            elif self.append == "Bottom":
+                if appendtops.find(self.nocontents)==-1 and 
+                    contents=contents +appendtops
+                    pywikibot.output(u"Page %s already exists, appending on 
+                                 % title)
+                else:
+                    pywikibot.output(u'Page had %s so it is skipped' % 
+                    return
+                contents = page.get() + contents
+                comment = comment_bottom
+            elif self.force:
+                pywikibot.output(u"Page %s already exists, ***overwriting!"
+                                 % title)
+                comment = comment_force
+            else:
+                pywikibot.output(u"Page %s already exists, not adding!" % 
+                return
+        else:
+           if self.autosummary:
+                comment = ''
+                pywikibot.setAction('')
+        if self.dry:
+            pywikibot.output("*** Dry mode ***\n" + \
+                "\03{lightpurple}title\03{default}: " + title + "\n" + \
+                "\03{lightpurple}contents\03{default}:\n" + contents + "\n" \
+                "\03{lightpurple}comment\03{default}: " + comment + "\n")
+            return
+        try:
+            page.put(contents, comment = comment, minorEdit = self.minor)
+        except pywikibot.LockedPage:
+            pywikibot.output(u"Page %s is locked; skipping." % title)
+        except pywikibot.EditConflict:
+            pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s because of edit conflict' % title)
+        except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, error:
+            pywikibot.output(
+                u'Cannot change %s because of spam blacklist entry %s'
+                % (title, error.url))
+class PageFromFileReader:
+    """
+    Responsible for reading the file.
+    The run() method yields a (title, contents) tuple for each found page.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, pageStartMarker, pageEndMarker,
+                 titleStartMarker, titleEndMarker, include, notitle):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.pageStartMarker = pageStartMarker
+        self.pageEndMarker = pageEndMarker
+        self.titleStartMarker = titleStartMarker
+        self.titleEndMarker = titleEndMarker
+        self.include = include
+        self.notitle = notitle
+    def run(self):
+        pywikibot.output('Reading \'%s\'...' % self.filename)
+        try:
+            f =, 'r',
+                            encoding=config.textfile_encoding)
+        except IOError, err:
+            print err
+            return
+        text =
+        position = 0
+        length = 0
+        while True:
+            try:
+                length, title, contents = self.findpage(text[position:])
+            except AttributeError:
+                if not length:
+                    pywikibot.output(u'\nStart or end marker not found.')
+                else:
+                    pywikibot.output(u'End of file.')
+                break
+            except NoTitle, err:
+                pywikibot.output(u'\nNo title found - skipping a page.')
+                position += err.offset
+                continue
+            position += length
+            yield title, contents
+    def findpage(self, text):
+        pageR = re.compile(self.pageStartMarker + "(.*?)" + 
self.pageEndMarker, re.DOTALL)
+        titleR = re.compile(self.titleStartMarker + "(.*?)" + 
+        location =
+        if self.include:
+            contents =
+        else:
+            contents =
+        try:
+            title =
+            if self.notitle:
+                #Remove title (to allow creation of redirects)
+                contents = titleR.sub('', contents, count = 1)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise NoTitle(location.end())
+        else:
+            return location.end(), title, contents
+def main():
+    # Adapt these to the file you are using. 'pageStartMarker' and
+    # 'pageEndMarker' are the beginning and end of each entry. Take text that
+    # should be included and does not occur elsewhere in the text.
+    # TODO: make config variables for these.
+    filename = "dict.txt"
+    pageStartMarker = "{{-start-}}"
+    pageEndMarker = "{{-stop-}}"
+    titleStartMarker = u"'''"
+    titleEndMarker = u"'''"
+    nocontents=u""
+    include = False
+    force = False
+    append = None
+    notitle = False
+    summary = None
+    minor = False
+    autosummary = False
+    for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
+        if arg.startswith("-start:"):
+            pageStartMarker = arg[7:]
+        elif arg.startswith("-end:"):
+            pageEndMarker = arg[5:]
+        elif arg.startswith("-file:"):
+            filename = arg[6:]
+        elif arg == "-include":
+            include = True
+        elif arg == "-appendtop":
+            append = "Top"
+        elif arg == "-appendbottom":
+            append = "Bottom"
+        elif arg == "-force":
+            force=True
+        elif arg == "-safe":
+            force = False
+            append = None
+        elif arg == '-notitle':
+            notitle = True
+        elif arg == '-minor':
+            minor = True
+        elif arg.startswith('-nocontent:'):
+            nocontents=arg[11:]
+        elif arg.startswith("-titlestart:"):
+            titleStartMarker = arg[12:]
+        elif arg.startswith("-titleend:"):
+            titleEndMarker = arg[10:]
+        elif arg.startswith("-summary:"):
+            summary = arg[9:]
+        elif arg == '-autosummary':
+            autosummary = True
+        else:
+            pywikibot.output(u"Disregarding unknown argument %s." % arg)
+    reader = PageFromFileReader(filename, pageStartMarker, pageEndMarker,
+                                titleStartMarker, titleEndMarker, include,
+                                notitle)
+    bot = PageFromFileRobot(reader, force, append, summary, minor, autosummary,
+                            config.simulate, nocontents)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    finally:
+        pywikibot.stopme()

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id238d86cd72851b027c9c0b5bd20fa0da41d5f13
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Mayankmadan <>

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