Robert Vogel has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] Moving upload panel/dialog to BSF (Part 2)

[WIP] Moving upload panel/dialog to BSF (Part 2)

Depends on

Change-Id: I0d653700c09e64ab1fa3e82d87fc8feb7aafb557
M InsertFile/InsertFile.setup.php
M InsertFile/includes/InsertFileAJAXBackend.php
D InsertFile/includes/JsonLicenses.php
M InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/BaseDialog.js
D InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadDialog.js
D InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadPanel.js
6 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 426 deletions(-)

  git pull 

diff --git a/InsertFile/InsertFile.setup.php b/InsertFile/InsertFile.setup.php
index d13d235..b2b7fa5 100644
--- a/InsertFile/InsertFile.setup.php
+++ b/InsertFile/InsertFile.setup.php
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['InsertFile'] = __DIR__ . 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['JsonLicenses']          = __DIR__ . 
 $wgAutoloadClasses['InsertFileAJAXBackend'] = __DIR__ . 
 $wgAjaxExportList[] = 'InsertFileAJAXBackend::getFilePage';
diff --git a/InsertFile/includes/InsertFileAJAXBackend.php 
index b9ad6ca..52818fb 100644
--- a/InsertFile/includes/InsertFileAJAXBackend.php
+++ b/InsertFile/includes/InsertFileAJAXBackend.php
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 class InsertFileAJAXBackend {
        public static function getLicenses() {
-               $oLicenses = new JsonLicenses();
-               return $oLicenses->getJsonOutput();
+               return BsCommonAJAXInterface::getLicenses();
diff --git a/InsertFile/includes/JsonLicenses.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 197e37e..0000000
--- a/InsertFile/includes/JsonLicenses.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * JsonLicenses
- *
- * Extends the mediawiki licenses class to put the available licenses out in a 
json format for ExtJS combobox.
- *
- * @author Sebastian Ulbricht
- */
-class JsonLicenses extends Licenses {
-       protected $json;
-       public function __construct() {
-               parent::__construct( array( 'fieldname' => 'JsonLicenses' ) );
-       }
-       public function getJsonOutput() {
-               $this->json[] = $this->outputJsonOption( wfMessage( 'nolicense' 
)->text(), '' );
-               $this->makeJson( $this->getLicenses() );
-               return json_encode(array('items' => $this->json));
-       }
-       protected function outputJsonOption( $text, $value, $depth = 0 ) {
-               return array(
-                       'text' => $text,
-                       'value' => "\n\n==".  wfMessage( 'license-header' 
-                       'indent'=> $depth
-               );
-       }
-       protected function makeJson( $tagset, $depth = 0 ) {
-               foreach ( $tagset as $key => $val ) {
-                       if ( is_array( $val ) ) {
-                               $this->json[] = $this->outputJsonOption( $key, 
'', $depth );
-                               $this->makeJson( $val, $depth + 1 );
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               $this->json[] = $this->outputJsonOption( 
$val->text, $val->template, $depth );
-                       }
-               }
-       }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/BaseDialog.js 
index 8968cd9..3e7e9ab 100644
--- a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/BaseDialog.js
+++ b/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/BaseDialog.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
        extend: 'BS.Window',
        requires: [
                '', 'Ext.form.TextField', 
-               'BS.InsertFile.UploadDialog', 'Ext.Button', 
+               'BS.dialog.Upload', 'Ext.Button', 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',
                'Ext.grid.Panel', 'Ext.form.Panel'
        modal: true,
@@ -99,8 +99,7 @@
-               this.dlgUpload = Ext.create('BS.InsertFile.UploadDialog',{
-                       title: mw.message('bs-insertfile-labelupload').plain(),
+               this.dlgUpload = Ext.create('BS.dialog.Upload',{
                        id: this.getId()+'-upload-dlg',
                        allowedFileExtensions: this.allowedFileExtensions
diff --git a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadDialog.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index d2476e2..0000000
--- a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadDialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Ext.define( 'BS.InsertFile.UploadDialog', {
-       extend: 'BS.Window',
-       requires:[
-               'Ext.Button'
-       ],
-       minHeight:null,
-       padding: 0,
-       layout: 'fit',
-       afterInitComponent: function() {
-               this.upMain = Ext.create( 'BS.InsertFile.UploadPanel', {
-                       id: this.getId()+'-upload-panel',
-                       allowedFileExtensions: this.allowedFileExtensions
-               });
-               this.upMain.on( 'uploadcomplete', this.onUpMainUploadComplete, 
this );
-               this.items = [
-                       this.upMain
-               ];
-               this.callParent(arguments);
-       },
-       onBtnOKClick: function() {
-               this.upMain.uploadFile();
-       },
-       onUpMainUploadComplete: function( panel, upload ) {
-               this.fireEvent( 'ok', this, upload );
-               this.close();
-       },
-       resetData: function() {
-               this.upMain.getForm().reset();
-               this.callParent(arguments);
-       }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadPanel.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index d323d23..0000000
--- a/InsertFile/resources/BS.InsertFile/UploadPanel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-Ext.define( 'BS.InsertFile.UploadPanel', {
-       extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
-       require:[
-               'BS.form.action.MediaWikiApiCall'
-       ],
-       fieldDefaults: {
-               anchor: '100%',
-               labelWidth: 70,
-               labelAlign: 'right',
-               msgTarget: 'under'
-       },
-       fileUpload: true,
-       layout: {
-               type: 'vbox',
-               align: 'stretch'  // Child items are stretched to full width
-       },
-       bodyPadding: 5,
-       //Custom settings
-       allowedFileExtensions: mw.config.get( 'wgFileExtensions' ),
-       initComponent: function() {
-               //HINT:
-               this.fuFile = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.File', {
-                       fieldLabel: 
-                       buttonText: 
-                       id: this.getId()+'-file',
-                       name: 'file',
-                       emptyText: 
-                       validator: this.validateFile,
-                       validateOnChange: true
-               });
-               this.fuFile.on( 'change', this.fuFileChange, this );
-               this.tfFileName = Ext.create('Ext.form.TextField', {
-                       fieldLabel: 
-                       id: this.getId()+'-filename',
-                       name: 'filename'
-               });
-               this.tfFileName.on( 'change', this.tfFileNameChange, this );
-               this.taDescription = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {
-                       fieldLabel: 
-                       id: this.getId()+'-text',
-                       value: '',
-                       name: 'text'
-               });
-               this.storeLicenses = Ext.create( '', {
-                       proxy: {
-                               type: 'ajax',
-                               url: 
-                               reader: {
-                                       type: 'json',
-                                       root: 'items',
-                                       idProperty: 'value'
-                               }
-                       },
-                       extraParams: {
-                               type: this.storeFileType
-                       },
-                       remoteSort: true,
-                       fields: ['text', 'value', 'indent']
-               });
-               this.cbLicences = Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox',{
-                       fieldLabel: mw.message('bs-insertfile-license').plain(),
-                       //autoSelect: true,
-                       //forceSelection: true,
-                       //typeAhead: true,
-                       //triggerAction: 'all',
-                       //lazyRender: true,
-                       mode: 'local',
-                       store: this.storeLicenses,
-                       valueField: 'value',
-                       displayField: 'text',
-                       tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
-                               '<ul class="x-list-plain">',
-                                 '<tpl for=".">',
-                                   '<tpl if="this.hasValue(value) == false">',
-                                     '<li role="option" 
class="x-boundlist-item no-value">{text}</li>',
-                                   '</tpl>',
-                                   '<tpl if="this.hasValue(value)">',
-                                     '<li role="option" 
class="x-boundlist-item indent-{indent}">{text}</li>',
-                                   '</tpl>',
-                                 '</tpl>',
-                               '</ul>',
-                               {
-                                       compiled: true,
-                                       disableFormats: true,
-                                       // member functions:
-                                       hasValue: function(value) {
-                                               return value !== '';
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       )
-               });
-               this.cbxWatch = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', {
-                       boxLabel: 
-                       id: this.getId()+'watch_page',
-                       name: 'watch'
-               });
-               this.cbxWarnings = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', {
-                       boxLabel: 
-                       id: this.getId()+'ignorewarnings',
-                       name: 'ignorewarnings'
-               });
-               this.bsCategories = Ext.create( 'BS.form.CategoryBoxSelect', {
-                       id: this.getId()+'categories',
-                       name: 'categories',
-                       fieldLabel: 
-               });
-               this.fsDetails = Ext.create( 'Ext.form.FieldSet', {
-                       title: 'Details',
-                       collapsed: true,
-                       collapsible: true,
-                       anchor: '98%',
-                       defaults: {
-                               anchor: '100%',
-                               labelWidth: 90,
-                               labelAlign: 'right'
-                       }
-               });
-               this.panelItems = [
-                       this.tfFileName,
-                       this.fuFile,
-                       this.fsDetails
-               ];
-               var detailsItems = [
-                       this.bsCategories,
-                       this.taDescription,
-                       this.cbLicences,
-                       this.cbxWarnings,
-                       this.cbxWatch
-               ];
-               $(document).trigger( 'BSUploadPanelInitComponent', [ this, 
this.panelItems, detailsItems ] );
-               this.fsDetails.add( detailsItems );
-               this.items = this.panelItems;
-               this.addEvents( 'uploadcomplete' );
-               this.callParent(arguments);
-       },
-       fuFileChange:  function(field, value, eOpts) {
-               //Remove path info
-               value = value.replace(/^.*?([^\\\/:]*?\.[a-z0-9]+)$/img, "$1");
-               value = value.replace(/\s/g, "_");
-               if( mw.config.get('bsIsWindows') ) {
-                       value = value.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007F]/gmi, ''); 
//Replace Non-ASCII
-               }
-               this.tfFileName.setValue(value);
-               this.tfFileName.fireEvent('change', this.tfFileName, value);
-       },
-       tfFileNameChange: function(field, value) {
-               Ext.Ajax.request({
-                       url: bs.util.getAjaxDispatcherUrl( 
'InsertFileAJAXBackend::getExistsWarning', [ value ] ),
-                       success: function(response, options) {
-                               if(!(response.responseText.trim() === ''
-                                       || response.responseText === '&#160;'
-                                       || response.responseText === '&nbsp;')) 
-                                       bs.util.alert(
-                                               this.getId()+'-existswarning',
-                                               {
-                                                       titleMsg: 
-                                                       text: 
-                                               },
-                                               {
-                                                       ok: function() {
-                                                               //User is 
noticed. Now let's set the
-                                                               //ignore 
warnings flag automatically
-                                                       },
-                                                       scope: this
-                                               }
-                                       );
-                               }
-                       },
-                       scope: this
-               });
-       },
-       checkFileSize: function( ExtCmpId ) {
-               //No FileAPI? No love.
-               if(typeof window.FileReader === 'undefined') return true;
-               var allowedSize = mw.config.get('bsMaxUploadSize');
-               if( allowedSize === null ) return true;
-               var filesize = this.fuFile.fileInputEl.dom.files[0].size;
-               if( filesize > allowedSize.php || filesize > 
allowedSize.mediawiki) {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               return true;
-       },
-       uploadFile: function( sessionKeyForReupload ) {
-               var desc = this.taDescription.getValue();
-               var licence = this.cbLicences.getValue();
-               if( licence ) {
-                       desc += licence + "\n";
-               }
-               var categories = this.bsCategories.getValue();
-               var formattedNamespaces = 
-               for( var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++ ) {
-                       var categoryLink = new bs.wikiText.Link({
-                               title: $.ucFirst( categories[i] ),
-                               nsText: formattedNamespaces[bs.ns.NS_CATEGORY],
-                               link: false //TDOD: fix this in 
-                       });
-                       desc += "\n" + categoryLink.toString();
-               }
-               this.taDescription.setValue( desc );
-               this.cbLicences.disable(); //To prevent the form from 
submitting a generated name
-               var params = {
-                       action: 'upload',
-                       token: mw.user.tokens.get('editToken'),
-                       //IE9 has an issue with this API call returnug a 
-                       //content-type. Therefore we let the server return a 
-                       //content-type header
-                       //HINT:
-                       format: 'xml'
-               };
-               if( sessionKeyForReupload ) {
-                       params.sessionkey = sessionKeyForReupload;
-               }
-               this.getForm().doAction( 
Ext.create('BS.form.action.MediaWikiApiCall', {
-                       form: this.getForm(), //Required
-                       url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
-                       params: params,
-                       success: this.onUploadSuccess,
-                       failure: this.onUploadFailure,
-                       scope: this
-               }));
-               //We mask only the FormPanel, because masking the whole 
document using
-               // "waitMsg" param on MediaWikiApiCall does no automatic 
-               //This is because MediaWikiApiCall overrides the 
-               //methods of action "Submit"
-               this.getEl().mask(
-                       mw.message('bs-insertfile-upload-waitmessage').plain(),
-                       Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'mask-loading'
-               );
-       },
-       onUploadSuccess: function( response, action ) {
-               this.getEl().unmask();
-               this.cbLicences.enable();
-               var errorTag = response.responseXML
-                       .documentElement.getElementsByTagName('error').item(0);
-               if( errorTag !== null ) {
-                       bs.util.alert(
-                               this.getId()+'-error',
-                               {
-                                       title: 
-                                       text: errorTag.getAttribute('info')
-                               }
-                       );
-                       return;
-               }
-               //As we process XML instead of JSON (see reason above) we have 
-               //create a suitable JS object from the XML response to be 
-               var uploadTag = response.responseXML
-                       .documentElement.getElementsByTagName('upload').item(0);
-               var imageinfoTag = 
-               var imageinfo = {};
-               if( imageinfoTag.attributes ) {
-                       for( var i = 0; i < imageinfoTag.attributes.length; i++ 
) {
-                               var attribute = imageinfoTag.attributes.item(i);
-                               imageinfo[attribute.nodeName] = 
-                       }
-               }
-               var upload = {
-                       result: uploadTag.getAttribute('result'),
-                       filename: uploadTag.getAttribute('filename'),
-                       imageinfo: imageinfo
-               };
-               this.fireEvent( 'uploadcomplete', this, upload );
-               this.getForm().reset();
-       },
-       onUploadFailure: function( response, action ) {
-               //This would only happen when a server error occurred but not 
when the
-               //MediaWiki API returns an JSON encoded error
-               this.getForm().reset();
-               this.cbLicences.enable();
-       },
-       //scope: "this" == fuFile
-       validateFile: function( value ) {
-               if( value === "" ) return true;
-               var me = this.up('form');
-               me.allowedFileExtensions = mw.config.get( 'wgFileExtensions' );
-               var nameParts = value.split('.');
-               var fileExtension = nameParts[nameParts.length-1].toLowerCase();
-               var extensionFound = false;
-               $.each(me.allowedFileExtensions, function(index, value) {
-                       if (value.toLowerCase() === 
fileExtension.toLowerCase()) {
-                               extensionFound = true;
-                               return false;
-                       }
-               });
-               if(!extensionFound) {
-                       return 
-                               + " " + me.allowedFileExtensions.join(', ');
-               }
-               if( me.checkFileSize() === false ) {
-                       return mw.message( 'largefileserver' ).plain();
-               }
-               return true;
-       }

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0d653700c09e64ab1fa3e82d87fc8feb7aafb557
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/BlueSpiceExtensions
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Robert Vogel <>

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