Ottomata has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Slightly refactor  misc::statistics::limn::mobile_data_sync

Slightly refactor  misc::statistics::limn::mobile_data_sync

This will allow for multliple teams to more easily run
and sync data over to stat1001 using different limn dataset sources.

TODO: put into a generic limn generator repository,
rather than requiring that limn-mobile-data repo is cloned
for all limn::data::generate jobs.

Change-Id: Iec0f862ca3e4ee63570f1c495260807071b1e2a4
M manifests/misc/statistics.pp
M manifests/site.pp
2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/manifests/misc/statistics.pp b/manifests/misc/statistics.pp
index acb8e0d..3751ad1 100644
--- a/manifests/misc/statistics.pp
+++ b/manifests/misc/statistics.pp
@@ -701,45 +701,41 @@
-# Class: misc::statistics::limn::mobile_data_sync
+# == Class misc::statistics::limn::data
+# Sets up base directories and repositories
+# for using the misc::statistics::limn::data::generate() define.
-# Sets up daily cron jobs to run a script which
-# generates csv datafiles from mobile apps statistics
-# then rsyncs those files to stat1001 so they can be served publicly
-class misc::statistics::limn::mobile_data_sync {
+class misc::statistics::limn::data {
     include misc::statistics::base
     include misc::statistics::stats_researchdb_password
+    # Either '/a' or '/srv', depending on the server. :/
     $working_path      = $misc::statistics::base::working_path
+    # Directory where the repository of the will be cloned.
     $source_dir        = "${working_path}/limn-mobile-data"
+    # command to run in a cron.
     $command           = "${source_dir}/"
-    $config            = "${source_dir}/mobile/"
+    # my.cnf credentials file. This is the file rendered by
+    # misc::statistics::stats_researchdb_password.
     $mysql_credentials = '/etc/mysql/conf.d/stats-research-client.cnf'
-    $rsync_from        = "${working_path}/limn-public-data"
-    $output            = "${rsync_from}/mobile/datafiles"
-    $log               = '/var/log/limn-mobile-data.log'
-    $gerrit_repo       = 
+    # cron job logs will be kept here
+    $log_dir           = '/var/log/limn-data'
+    #'s repository
+    $git_remote        = 
+    # public data directory.  Data will be synced from here to a public web 
+    $public_dir        = "${working_path}/limn-public-data"
+    # Rsync generated data to stat1001 at
+    $rsync_to          = ""
+    # user to own files and run cron job as (stats).
     $user              = $misc::statistics::user::username
-    $db_user           = $passwords::mysql::research::user
-    $db_pass           = $passwords::mysql::research::pass
-    git::clone { 'analytics/limn-mobile-data':
-        ensure    => 'latest',
-        directory => $source_dir,
-        origin    => $gerrit_repo,
-        owner     => $user,
-        require   => [User[$user]],
-    }
-    file { $log:
-        ensure  => 'present',
-        owner   => $user,
-        group   => $user,
-        mode    => '0660',
-    }
     # This path is used in the limn-mobile-data config.
     # Symlink this until they change it.
@@ -749,20 +745,104 @@
         target => $mysql_credentials,
-    file { [$source_dir, $rsync_from, $output]:
+    # TODO:  This repository contains the script.
+    # Other limn data repositories only have config and data
+    # directories. should be abstracted out into
+    # a general purupose limn data generator.
+    # For now, all limn data classes rely on this repository
+    # and script to be present.
+    if !defined(Git::Clone['analytics/limn-mobile-data']) {
+        git::clone { 'analytics/limn-mobile-data':
+            ensure    => 'latest',
+            directory => $source_dir,
+            origin    => $git_remote,
+            owner     => $user,
+            require   => [User[$user]],
+        }
+    }
+    # Make sure these are writeable by $user.
+    file { [$log_dir, $source_dir, $public_data_dir]:
         ensure => 'directory',
         owner  => $user,
         group  => wikidev,
         mode   => '0775',
-    cron { 'rsync_mobile_apps_stats':
-        command => "python ${command} ${config} >> ${log} 2>&1 && 
/usr/bin/rsync -rt ${rsync_from}/*",
+# == Define: misc::statistics::limn::data::generate
+# Sets up daily cron jobs to run a script which
+# generates csv datafiles and rsyncs those files
+# to stat1001 so they can be served publicly.
+# This requires that a repository with config
+# exists at${title}-data.git.
+# == Usage
+#   misc::statistics::limn::data::generate { 'mobile': }
+#   misc::statistics::limn::data::generate { 'flow': }
+#   ...
+define misc::statistics::limn::data::generate() {
+    require misc::statistics::limn::data
+    $user    = $misc::statistics::limn::data::user
+    $command = $misc::statistics::limn::data::command
+    # A repo at analytics/limn-${title}-data.git had better exist!
+    $git_remote        = 
+    # Directory at which to clone $git_remote
+    $source_dir        = 
+    # config directory for this limn data generate job
+    $config_dir        = "${$source_dir}/${title}/"
+    # log file for the generate cron job
+    $log               = 
+    # Rsync from $public_dir/${title}
+    $rsync_from        = "${misc::statistics::limn::data::public_dir}/${title}"
+    $rsync_to          = $misc::statistics::limn::data::rsync_to
+    # I'm not totally sure what this is...
+    $output            = "${rsync_from}/mobile/datafiles"
+    if !defined(Git::Clone["analytics/limn-${title}-data"]) {
+        git::clone { "analytics/limn-${title}-data":
+            ensure    => 'latest',
+            directory => $source_dir,
+            origin    => $git_remote,
+            owner     => $user,
+            require   => [User[$user]],
+        }
+    }
+    file { [$source_dir, $rsync_from, $output]:
+        ensure => 'directory',
+        owner  => $misc::statistics::limn::data::user,
+        group  => wikidev,
+        mode   => '0775',
+    }
+    cron { "rsync_${title}_apps_stats":
+        command => "python ${command} ${config} >> ${log} 2>&1 && 
/usr/bin/rsync -rt ${rsync_from} ${rsync_to}/",
         user    => $user,
         minute  => 0,
+# == Class misc::statistics::limn::data::jobs
+# Uses the misc::statistics::limn::data::generate define
+# to set up cron jobs to generate and sync particular data.
+class misc::statistics::limn::data::jobs {
+    misc::statistics::limn::data::generate { 'mobile': }
 # == Class misc::statistics::geowiki::params
 # Parameters for geowiki that get used outside this file
 class misc::statistics::geowiki::params {
diff --git a/manifests/site.pp b/manifests/site.pp
index f3d67f3..8255a98 100644
--- a/manifests/site.pp
+++ b/manifests/site.pp
@@ -2590,7 +2590,7 @@
     include role::statistics::cruncher
     include misc::statistics::cron_blog_pageviews
-    include misc::statistics::limn::mobile_data_sync
+    include misc::statistics::limn::data::jobs
     include misc::statistics::researchdb_password
     class { 'admin':

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Iec0f862ca3e4ee63570f1c495260807071b1e2a4
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Ottomata <>

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