Prianka has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: T66878 Port to core

T66878 Port to core

Added in core/scripts/

Change-Id: I28aafa2aa2928b9585fc825523dfc17fb808e4f9
A scripts/
1 file changed, 210 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58dfc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This script helps to find expensive templates that are subject to be converted
+to Lua. It counts parser functions and then orders templates by number of these
+and uploads the first n titles or alternatively templates having count()>n.
+-start            Will start from the given title (it does not have to exist).
+                  Parameter may be given as "-start" or "-start:title".
+                  Defaults to '!'.
+-first            Returns the first n results in decreasing order of number
+                  of hits (or without ordering if used with -nosort)
+                  Parameter may be given as "-first" or "-first:n".
+-atleast          Returns templates with at least n hits.
+                  Parameter may be given as "-atleast" or "-atleast:n".
+-nosort           Keeps the original order of templates. Default behaviour is
+                  to sort them by decreasing order of count(parserfunctions).
+-save             Saves the results. The file is in the form you may upload it
+                  to a wikipage. May be given as "-save:<filename>".
+                  If it exists, titles will be appended.
+-upload           Specify a page in your wiki where results will be uploaded.
+                  Parameter may be given as "-upload" or "-upload:title".
+                  Say good-bye to previous content if existed.
+Precedence of evaluation: results are first sorted in decreasing order of
+templates, unless nosort is switched on. Then first n templates are taken if
+first is specified, and at last atleast is evaluated. If nosort and first are
+used together, the program will stop at the nth hit without scanning the rest
+of the template namespace. This may be used to run it in more sessions
+(continue with -start next time).
+First is strict. That means if results #90-120 have the same number of parser
+functions and you specify -first:100, only the first 100 will be listed (even
+if atleast is used as well).
+Should you specify neither first nor atleast, all templates using parser
+functions will be listed.
+# (C) Bináris, 2013
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2013
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+* Using xml and xmlstart
+* Using categories
+* Error handling for uploading (anyway, that's the last action, it's only
+  for the beauty of the program, does not effect anything).
+import codecs
+import re
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot import pagegenerators
+APG = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator
+RPG = pagegenerators.RegexFilterPageGenerator
+def main(*args):
+    words = ['expr', 'if', 'ifeq', 'ifexpr', 'iferror', 'switch', 'ifexist',
+             'time', 'timel', 'rel2abs', 'titleparts', 'len', 'pos', 'rpos',
+             'sub', 'count', 'replace', 'explode', 'urldecode']
+    # default is left out because it may occur within switch only.
+    addwords = {
+        # Write translated parser function names here.
+        'hu': [u'kif', u'ha', u'haegyenlő', u'hakif', u'hahibás', u'halétezik',
+               u'idő', u'hossz', u'pozíció', u'jpozíció'],
+    }
+    documentsubpage = {
+        # You may write here a regex representing the name of template doc
+        # subpages in your wiki. Defaults to /doc.
+        # These subpages will be excluded for faster run.
+        'de': ur'(?i).*/Doku',
+        'fr': ur'(?i).*/Documentation',
+    }
+    editcomment = {
+        # This will be used for uploading the list to your wiki.
+        'en': u'Bot: uploading the list of templates having too many parser\
+        functions',
+        'hu': u'A túl sok parserfüggvényt használó sablonok listájának\
+        feltöltése',
+    }
+    start = '!'
+    results = []
+    first = None
+    atleast = None
+    nosort = False
+    filename = None  # The name of the file to save titles
+    titlefile = None
+    uploadpage = None
+    count = 0
+    # Handling parameters:
+    for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
+        if arg == '-start':
+            start = pywikibot.input(
+                u'From which title do you want to continue?')
+        elif arg.startswith('-start:'):
+            start = arg[7:]
+        elif arg == '-save':
+            filename = pywikibot.input('Please enter the filename:')
+        elif arg.startswith('-save:'):
+            filename = arg[6:]
+        elif arg == '-upload':
+            uploadpage = pywikibot.input('Please enter the pagename:')
+        elif arg.startswith('-upload:'):
+            uploadpage = arg[8:]
+        elif arg == '-first':
+            first = pywikibot.input(
+                'Please enter the max. number of templates to display:')
+        elif arg.startswith('-first:'):
+            first = arg[7:]
+        elif arg == '-atleast':
+            atleast = pywikibot.input(
+                'Please enter the min. number of functions to display:')
+        elif arg.startswith('-atleast:'):
+            atleast = arg[9:]
+        elif arg == '-nosort':
+            nosort = True
+    # File operations:
+    if filename:
+        try:
+            # This opens in strict error mode, that means bot will stop
+            # on encoding errors with ValueError.
+            # See
+            titlefile =, encoding='utf-8', mode='a')
+        except IOError:
+            pywikibot.output("%s cannot be opened for writing." % filename)
+            return
+    # Limitations for result:
+    if first:
+        try:
+            first = int(first)
+            if first < 1:
+                first = None
+        except ValueError:
+            first = None
+    if atleast:
+        try:
+            atleast = int(atleast)
+            if atleast < 2:  # 1 has no effect, don't waste resources.
+                atleast = None
+        except ValueError:
+            atleast = None
+    # Ready to initialize
+    site = pywikibot.Site()
+    lang = site.lang
+    try:
+        words.extend(addwords[lang])  # Adding translated function names
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    try:
+        comment = editcomment[lang]
+    except KeyError:
+        comment = editcomment['en']
+    try:
+        doc_subpages = documentsubpage[lang]  # Finding document subpage names
+    except KeyError:
+        doc_subpages = ur'(?i).*/doc'
+    regex = re.compile(ur'(?i)#(' + ur'|'.join(words) + '):')
+    gen1 = APG(start=start, namespace=10, includeredirects=False, site=site)
+    gen = RPG(gen1, doc_subpages, inverse=True)
+    # Processing:
+    pywikibot.output(u'Hold on, this will need some time. '
+                     u'You will be notified by 50 templates.')
+    for page in gen:
+        count += 1
+        title = page.title()
+        if not count % 50:
+            # Don't let the poor user panic in front of a black screen.
+            pywikibot.output('%dth template is being processed: %s'
+                             % (count, title))
+        text = page.get()
+        functions = regex.findall(text)
+        if functions:
+            results.append((title, len(functions)))
+        if nosort and first and len(results) == first:
+            break
+    # Combing the results:
+    if not nosort:
+        results.sort(key=lambda x: str(5000 - x[1]) + '.' + x[0])
+    if first:
+        results = results[:first]
+    if atleast:
+        results = filter(lambda x: x[1] >= atleast, results)
+    # Outputs:
+    resultlist = '\n'.join(
+        ['#[[%s]] (%d)' % (result[0], result[1]) for result in results])
+    pywikibot.output(resultlist)
+    pywikibot.output(u'%d templates were examined.' % count)
+    pywikibot.output(u'%d templates were found.' % len(results))
+    if titlefile:
+        titlefile.write(resultlist)
+        titlefile.close()
+    if uploadpage:
+        page = pywikibot.Page(site, uploadpage)
+        page.put(resultlist, comment)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I28aafa2aa2928b9585fc825523dfc17fb808e4f9
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Prianka <>

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