Dominic.sauer has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Few fixes and error handling for JS.

Few fixes and error handling for JS.

Change-Id: I0ae873d4003b846d8446b1eda9261ebc851fe48c
M WikibaseQuality.php
M i18n/en.json
M i18n/qqq.json
M modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.SpecialViolationsPage.js
M modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js
5 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

  Dominic.sauer: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/WikibaseQuality.php b/WikibaseQuality.php
index 64d565c..d7f350c 100755
--- a/WikibaseQuality.php
+++ b/WikibaseQuality.php
@@ -31,30 +31,31 @@
        $GLOBALS['wgSpecialPages']['Violations'] = array( 
'WikibaseQuality\SpecialPageFactory', 'newSpecialViolationsPage' );
        // Define modules
-    $remoteExtPathParts = explode(
-    );
+       $remoteExtPathParts = explode(
+               DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'extensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 
__DIR__, 2
+       );
        $GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['SpecialViolationsPage'] = array (
                'styles' => 
-        'scripts' => '/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.SpecialViolationsPage.js',
-        'dependencies' => array( 'jquery.confirmable' ),
+               'scripts' => 
+               'dependencies'  => array( 'jquery.confirmable' ),
                'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
                'remoteExtPath' => $remoteExtPathParts[1],
-        'messages' => array(
-            'wbq-violations-status-violation',
-            'wbq-violations-status-exception',
-            'wbq-violations-mark-as-violation',
-            'wbq-violations-mark-as-exception'
-        )
+               'messages' => array(
+                       'wbq-violations-status-violation',
+                       'wbq-violations-status-exception',
+                       'wbq-violations-mark-as-violation',
+                       'wbq-violations-mark-as-exception',
+                       'wbq-violations-permission-denied'
+               )
-    $GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript'] = array(
-        'scripts'       => 'modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js',
-        'styles'        => 'modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.css',
-        'dependencies' => array( 'jquery.confirmable' ),
-        'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
-        'remoteExtPath' => $remoteExtPathParts[1]
-    );
+       $GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript'] = array(
+               'scripts'       => 'modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js',
+               'styles'        => 'modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.css',
+               'dependencies'  => array( 'jquery.confirmable' ),
+               'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
+               'remoteExtPath' => $remoteExtPathParts[1]
+       );
        // Register hooks for QUnit Tests
        $GLOBALS['wgHooks']['ResourceLoaderTestModules'][] = function( array 
&$testModules, \ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) {
diff --git a/i18n/en.json b/i18n/en.json
index dda2e06..ed4eeb2 100755
--- a/i18n/en.json
+++ b/i18n/en.json
@@ -1,54 +1,55 @@
-  "@metadata": {
-    "authors": "BP2014N1"
-  },
-  "wbq-desc": "Base extension for wikibase quality extensions that manages 
found incorrect data",
-  "specialpages-group-wikibasequality": "Wikibase Quality",
+       "@metadata": {
+               "authors": "BP2014N1"
+       },
+       "wbq-desc": "Base extension for wikibase quality extensions that 
manages found incorrect data",
+       "specialpages-group-wikibasequality": "Wikibase Quality",
-  "wbq-violations-description": "List of data quality issues",
-  "wbq-violations-explanations-general": "This special page lists all data 
quality issues that were detected in Wikidata. Such issues may be violations 
against defined constraints or mismatches with other external databases. ",
-  "wbq-violations-explanations-exceptions": "If a statement is incorrectly 
labeled as a data quality issue, it can be marked as exception by privileged 
users. Those exceptions are not shown in the list per default. Existing 
exceptions can also be reverted and set as issue again. ",
-  "wbq-violatons-filter-headline": "Filter issues",
-  "wbq-violations-entity-id-label": "Entity ID:",
-  "wbq-violations-entity-id-placeholder": "Qxx/Pxx",
-  "wbq-violations-property-id-label": "Property ID:",
-  "wbq-violations-property-id-placeholder": "Pxx",
-  "wbq-violations-group-label": "Group:",
-  "wbq-violations-type-label": "Type:",
-  "wbq-violations-form-select-all": "(all)",
-  "wbq-violations-exceptions-checkbox-label": "Show exceptions",
-  "wbq-violations-submit-button-label": "Show Violations",
-  "wbq-violations-invalid-entity-id": "Given entity ID is not a valid.",
-  "wbq-violations-not-existent-entity": "Entity with given ID does not exist.",
-  "wbq-violations-invalid-property-id": "Given property ID is not valid.",
-  "wbq-violations-not-existent-property": "Property with given ID does not 
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-entity": "Entity",
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-claim": "Claim",
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-constraint-type": "Type",
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-updated-at": "Last updated",
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-status": "Status",
-  "wbq-violations-table-header-additional-info": "Additional information",
-  "wbq-violations-status-violation": "Violation",
-  "wbq-violations-status-unverified": "Unverified",
-  "wbq-violations-status-exception": "Exception",
-  "wbq-violations-mark-as-exception": "Mark as exception",
-  "wbq-violations-mark-as-violation": "Mark as violation",
-  "wbq-violations-next-page": "Next page >>",
-  "wbq-violations-prev-page": "<< Previous page",
+       "wbq-violations-description": "List of data quality issues",
+       "wbq-violations-explanations-general": "This special page lists all 
data quality issues that were detected in Wikidata. Such issues may be 
violations against defined constraints or mismatches with other external 
databases. ",
+       "wbq-violations-explanations-exceptions": "If a statement is 
incorrectly labeled as a data quality issue, it can be marked as exception by 
privileged users. Those exceptions are not shown in the list per default. 
Existing exceptions can also be reverted and set as issue again. ",
+       "wbq-violatons-filter-headline": "Filter issues",
+       "wbq-violations-entity-id-label": "Entity ID:",
+       "wbq-violations-entity-id-placeholder": "Qxx/Pxx",
+       "wbq-violations-property-id-label": "Property ID:",
+       "wbq-violations-property-id-placeholder": "Pxx",
+       "wbq-violations-group-label": "Group:",
+       "wbq-violations-type-label": "Type:",
+       "wbq-violations-form-select-all": "(all)",
+       "wbq-violations-exceptions-checkbox-label": "Show exceptions",
+       "wbq-violations-submit-button-label": "Show Violations",
+       "wbq-violations-invalid-entity-id": "Given entity ID is not a valid.",
+       "wbq-violations-not-existent-entity": "Entity with given ID does not 
+       "wbq-violations-invalid-property-id": "Given property ID is not valid.",
+       "wbq-violations-not-existent-property": "Property with given ID does 
not exist.",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-entity": "Entity",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-claim": "Claim",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-constraint-type": "Type",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-updated-at": "Last updated",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-status": "Status",
+       "wbq-violations-table-header-additional-info": "Additional information",
+       "wbq-violations-status-violation": "Violation",
+       "wbq-violations-status-unverified": "Unverified",
+       "wbq-violations-status-exception": "Exception",
+       "wbq-violations-mark-as-exception": "Mark as exception",
+       "wbq-violations-mark-as-violation": "Mark as violation",
+       "wbq-violations-next-page": "Next page >>",
+       "wbq-violations-prev-page": "<< Previous page",
+       "wbq-violations-permission-denied": "You do not have the permission to 
change this violation!",
-  "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-description": "Gets messages for data 
violations on claims.",
-  "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-param-entityid": "ID of an entity, whose 
data violations should be listed.",
-  "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-example": "Get messages for data violations 
of item Q76. ",
+       "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-description": "Gets messages for data 
violations on claims.",
+       "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-param-entityid": "ID of an entity, 
whose data violations should be listed.",
+       "apihelp-wbqgetviolationmessages-example": "Get messages for data 
violations of item Q76. ",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-description": "Modifies a specific data 
violations. Keep in mind, that only users with specific rights can modify 
violations. ",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-claimguid": "The claim guid of the data 
violation, that should be modified. Together with constraintid this identifies 
the violation.",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-constraintid": "The constraint id of the 
data violation, that should be modified. Together with claimguid this 
identifies the violation.",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-status": "The new status, that should be 
set for this violation.",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-examples-exception": "Change status of the 
violation identified by constraint id and claim GUID to exception.",
-  "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-examples-violation": "Change status of the 
violation identified by constraint id and claim GUID to violation.",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-description": "Modifies a specific data 
violations. Keep in mind, that only users with specific rights can modify 
violations. ",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-claimguid": "The claim guid of the 
data violation, that should be modified. Together with constraintid this 
identifies the violation.",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-constraintid": "The constraint id of 
the data violation, that should be modified. Together with claimguid this 
identifies the violation.",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-param-status": "The new status, that should 
be set for this violation.",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-examples-exception": "Change status of the 
violation identified by constraint id and claim GUID to exception.",
+       "apihelp-wbqmodifyviolation-examples-violation": "Change status of the 
violation identified by constraint id and claim GUID to violation.",
-  "apihelp-wbqgetviolationtypes-description": "Returns a list of all supported 
violation types.",
-  "apihelp-wbqgetviolationtypes-param-groupid": "Optional parameter, that 
restricts the violation types to the ones associated with given group.",
-  "apihelp-wdqgetviolationtypes-examples-1": "Returns all supported violation 
types without restrictions.",
-  "apihelp-wdqgetviolationtypes-examples-2": "Returns all supported violation 
type that are associated with the group \"wbqc\". "
+       "apihelp-wbqgetviolationtypes-description": "Returns a list of all 
supported violation types.",
+       "apihelp-wbqgetviolationtypes-param-groupid": "Optional parameter, that 
restricts the violation types to the ones associated with given group.",
+       "apihelp-wdqgetviolationtypes-examples-1": "Returns all supported 
violation types without restrictions.",
+       "apihelp-wdqgetviolationtypes-examples-2": "Returns all supported 
violation type that are associated with the group \"wbqc\". "
diff --git a/i18n/qqq.json b/i18n/qqq.json
index 85de388..63bbd92 100755
--- a/i18n/qqq.json
+++ b/i18n/qqq.json
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
        "wbq-violations-mark-as-violation": "Message that is shown for marking 
a excepted violation as violation on violation special page.",
        "wbq-violations-next-page": "Message that is shown as link to next 
        "wbq-violations-prev-page": "Message that is shown as link to previous 
+       "wbq-violations-permission-denied": "Message that is shown, if the user 
wants to change a violation, but do not have the permissions for that.",
diff --git a/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.SpecialViolationsPage.js 
index 309ec98..a5ddaa1 100644
--- a/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.SpecialViolationsPage.js
+++ b/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.SpecialViolationsPage.js
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
                 var newStatus = oldStatus == 'violation' ? 'exception' : 
                 var statusCell = $(this).closest('td');
-                api.get({
+                api.postWithToken('edit', {
                     action: 'wbqmodifyviolation',
-                    claimGuid: claimGuid,
-                    constraintId: constraintId,
+                    claimguid: claimGuid,
+                    constraintid: constraintId,
                     status: newStatus,
                     format: 'json'
                 }).done(function () {
@@ -43,15 +43,19 @@
                     else {
                         var statusSpan = 
-                        statusSpan.text(mw.message('wbq-violations-status-' + 
+                        statusSpan.text(mw.message('wbq-violations-status-' + 
                         var toggleStatusClones = 
               'status', newStatus);
                         var toggleStatusLink = toggleStatusClones.first();
toggleStatusLink.text(mw.message('wbq-violations-mark-as-' + oldStatus).text());
toggleStatusLink.text(mw.message('wbq-violations-mark-as-' + 
toggleStatusLink.width() );
+                }).fail( function (errorCode) {
+                    if(errorCode == 'permissiondenied') {
+                    }
diff --git a/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js 
index 65ddf42..0d24026 100755
--- a/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js
+++ b/modules/ext.WikibaseQuality.UiScript.js
@@ -77,10 +77,14 @@
     anchor.parent().find( '.wbq-mark-as-exception' ).confirmable( {
         handler: function ( e ) {
-   modify_exception_data ).done( function () {
+            api.postWithToken( 'edit', modify_exception_data ).done( function 
() {
                anchor.parent().find( '#wbq-violation-msg-' + 
claim_guid_index.replace('$', '\\$') ).remove();
                anchor.find( '#wbq-violation-img-' + 
claim_guid_index.replace('$', '\\$') ).remove();
-            } );
+            } ).fail( function (errorCode) {
+                if(errorCode == 'permissiondenied') {
+                }
+            });
     } );

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0ae873d4003b846d8446b1eda9261ebc851fe48c
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/WikidataQuality
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Soeren.oldag <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dominic.sauer <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Siebrand <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tamslo <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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