Paladox has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Prefix files with extension name

Prefix files with extension name

* Test fails because BlogPgae is a class not main php file. This fixes test.

Change-Id: If49308f52cbaacbb5417842b680669f43f512fb6
D Blog.php
R BlogPage.alias.php
R BlogPage.namespaces.php
M BlogPage.php
A BlogPageClass.php
R BlogPageHooks.php
M i18n/en.json
M i18n/fi.json
8 files changed, 1,391 insertions(+), 1,389 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/Blog.php b/Blog.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f1062..0000000
--- a/Blog.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- * BlogPage -- introduces a new namespace, NS_BLOG (numeric index is 500 by
- * default) and some special handling for the pages in this namespace
- *
- * @file
- * @ingroup Extensions
- * @version 2.3
- * @author David Pean <>
- * @author Jack Phoenix <>
- * @license GNU General Public License 
2.0 or later
- * @link Documentation
- */
-if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
-       die();
-// Extension credits that will show up on Special:Version
-$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
-       'name' => 'BlogPage',
-       'version' => '2.3',
-       'author' => array( 'David Pean', 'Jack Phoenix' ),
-       'descriptionmsg' => 'blogpage-desc',
-       'url' => '',
-// Define the namespace constants
-define( 'NS_BLOG', 500 );
-define( 'NS_BLOG_TALK', 501 );
-// ResourceLoader support for MediaWiki 1.17+
-$blogResourceTemplate = array(
-       'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
-       'remoteExtPath' => 'BlogPage'
-// Main module, used on *all* blog pages (see the hooks file)
-$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
-       'styles' => 'resources/css/BlogPage.css',
-       'position' => 'top'
-// Used on Special:ArticlesHome & Special:ArticleLists
-$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.articlesHome'] = $blogResourceTemplate + 
-       'styles' => 'resources/css/ArticlesHome.css',
-       'position' => 'top'
-// Used on Special:CreateBlogPost
-$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.create.css'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
-       'styles' => 'resources/css/CreateBlogPost.css',
-       'position' => 'top'
-$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.create.js'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
-       'scripts' => 'resources/js/CreateBlogPost.js',
-       // 'dependencies' => 'mediawiki.action.edit',
-       'messages' => array(
-               'blog-js-create-error-need-content', 
-               'blog-js-create-error-page-exists'
-       )
-// Default setup for displaying sections
-$wgBlogPageDisplay = array(
-       // Output the left-hand column? This column contains the list of 
-       // recent editors (if enabled), recent voters (if enabled), embed widget
-       // (if enabled) and left-side advertisement (if enabled).
-       'leftcolumn' => true,
-       // Output the right-hand column? This column contains the list of 
-       // blog articles (if enabled), in the news section (if enabled), 
-       // of the day (if enabled), a random casual game (if enabled) and a 
list of
-       // new blog articles.
-       'rightcolumn' => true,
-       // Display the box that contains some information about the author of 
-       // blog post?
-       'author' => true,
-       // Display some (three, to be exact) other blog articles written by the
-       // same user?
-       'author_articles' => true,
-       // Display a list of people (complete with their avatars) who recently
-       // edited this blog post?
-       'recent_editors' => true,
-       // Display a list of people (complete with their avatars) who recently
-       // voted for this blog post?
-       'recent_voters' => true,
-       // Show an advertisement in the left-hand column?
-       'left_ad' => false,
-       // Show a listing of the most popular blog posts?
-       'popular_articles' => true,
-       // Should we display some random news items from 
-       'in_the_news' => true,
-       // Show comments of the day (comments with the most votes) in the 
-       // on a blog post page?
-       'comments_of_day' => true,
-       // Display a random casual game (picture game, poll or quiz)?
-       // Requires the RandomGameUnit extension.
-       'games' => true,
-       // Show a listing of the newest blog posts in blog pages?
-       'new_articles' => true,
-       // Display the widget that allows you to embed the blog post on another
-       // site? Off by default since it requires the ContentWidget extension,
-       // which is currently ArmchairGM-specific.
-       'embed_widget' => false
-// Set up everything
-$wgMessagesDirs['Blog'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['BlogAlias'] = __DIR__ . '/Blog.alias.php';
-// Namespace translations
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['BlogNamespaces'] = __DIR__ . '/Blog.namespaces.php';
-// Autoload the class which is used when rendering pages in the NS_BLOG NS
-$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogPage'] = __DIR__ . '/BlogPage.php';
-// Special pages
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ArticlesHome'] = __DIR__ . '/SpecialArticlesHome.php';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ArticleLists'] = __DIR__ . '/SpecialArticleLists.php';
-$wgSpecialPages['ArticlesHome'] = 'ArticlesHome';
-$wgSpecialPages['ArticleLists'] = 'ArticleLists';
-// Special page for creating new blog posts + yet another copy of TagCloud 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogTagCloud'] = __DIR__ . '/TagCloudClass.php';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCreateBlogPost'] = __DIR__ . 
-$wgSpecialPages['CreateBlogPost'] = 'SpecialCreateBlogPost';
-$wgAjaxExportList[] = 'SpecialCreateBlogPost::checkTitleExistence';
-// New user right, required to create new blog posts via the new special page
-$wgAvailableRights[] = 'createblogpost';
-$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createblogpost'] = false;
-$wgGroupPermissions['user']['createblogpost'] = true;
-// Hooked functions
-$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogHooks'] = __DIR__ . '/BlogHooks.php';
-$wgHooks['ArticleFromTitle'][] = 'BlogHooks::blogFromTitle';
-$wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 'BlogHooks::updateCreatedOpinionsCount';
-$wgHooks['ArticleSave'][] = 'BlogHooks::updateCreatedOpinionsCount';
-$wgHooks['AlternateEdit'][] = 'BlogHooks::allowShowEditBlogPage';
-$wgHooks['CanonicalNamespaces'][] = 'BlogHooks::onCanonicalNamespaces';
-// UserProfile integration
-$wgHooks['UserProfileRightSideAfterActivity'][] = 'BlogHooks::getArticles';
-// Show blogs in profiles; this needs to be defined to prevent "undefined 
index" notices
-$wgUserProfileDisplay['articles'] = true;
diff --git a/Blog.alias.php b/BlogPage.alias.php
similarity index 100%
rename from Blog.alias.php
rename to BlogPage.alias.php
diff --git a/Blog.namespaces.php b/BlogPage.namespaces.php
similarity index 100%
rename from Blog.namespaces.php
rename to BlogPage.namespaces.php
diff --git a/BlogPage.php b/BlogPage.php
index 216bfb0..12b00cb 100644
--- a/BlogPage.php
+++ b/BlogPage.php
@@ -1,1249 +1,145 @@
- * Class for handling the viewing of pages in the NS_BLOG namespace.
+ * BlogPage -- introduces a new namespace, NS_BLOG (numeric index is 500 by
+ * default) and some special handling for the pages in this namespace
  * @file
+ * @ingroup Extensions
+ * @version 2.3
+ * @author David Pean <>
+ * @author Jack Phoenix <>
+ * @license GNU General Public License 
2.0 or later
+ * @link Documentation
-class BlogPage extends Article {
-       public $title = null;
-       public $authors = array();
-       public function __construct( Title $title ) {
-               parent::__construct( $title );
-               $this->setContent();
-               $this->getAuthors();
-       }
-       public function setContent() {
-               // Get the page content for later use
-               $this->pageContent = $this->getContent();
-               // If it's a redirect, in order to get the *real* content for 
later use,
-               // we have to load the text for the real page
-               // Note: If $this->getContent() is called anywhere before 
-               // the real article text won't get loaded on the page
-               if ( $this->isRedirect( $this->pageContent ) ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', __METHOD__ );
-                       $target = $this->followRedirect();
-                       if ( !$target instanceof Title ) {
-                               // Correctly handle interwiki redirects and the 
-                               // WikiPage::followRedirect() can return either 
a Title, boolean
-                               // or a string! A string is returned for 
interwiki redirects,
-                               // and the string in question is the target URL 
with the rdfrom
-                               // URL parameter appended to it, which -- since 
it's an interwiki
-                               // URL -- won't resolve to a valid local Title.
-                               // Doing the redirection here is somewhat 
hacky, but ::getAuthors(),
-                               // which is called right after this function in 
the constructor,
-                               // attempts to read $this->pageContent... 
-                               // @see
-                               $this->getContext()->getOutput()->redirect( 
$target );
-                       } else {
-                               $rarticle = new Article( $target );
-                               $this->pageContent = $rarticle->getContent();
-                               // If we don't clear, the page content will be 
-                               // and not the actual page
-                               $this->clear();
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       public function view() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
-               $context = $this->getContext();
-               $user = $context->getUser();
-               $output = $context->getOutput();
-               $sk = $user->getSkin();
-               wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', __METHOD__ );
-               $output->setHTMLTitle( $this->getTitle()->getText() );
-               $output->setPageTitle( $this->getTitle()->getText() );
-               // Don't throw a bunch of E_NOTICEs when we're viewing the page 
of a
-               // nonexistent blog post
-               if ( !$this->getID() ) {
-                       parent::view();
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $output->addHTML( "\t\t" . '<div id="blog-page-container">' . 
"\n" );
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['leftcolumn'] == true ) {
-                       $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t" . '<div 
id="blog-page-left">' . "\n" );
-                       $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t\t" . '<div 
class="blog-left-units">' . "\n" );
-                       $output->addHTML(
-                               "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<h2>' .
-                               wfMessage( 'blog-author-title' )
-                                       ->numParams( count( $this->authors ) )
-                                       ->escaped() . '</h2>' . "\n"
-                       );
-                       // Why was this commented out? --ashley, 11 July 2011
-                       if ( count( $this->authors ) > 1 ) {
-                               $output->addHTML( 
$this->displayMultipleAuthorsMessage() );
-                       }
-                       // Output each author's box in the order that they 
appear in [[Category:Opinions by X]]
-                       for ( $x = 0; $x <= count( $this->authors ); $x++ ) {
-                               $output->addHTML( $this->displayAuthorBox( $x ) 
-                       }
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->recentEditors() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->recentVoters() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->embedWidget() );
-                       $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->leftAdUnit() );
-               }
-               $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t" . '</div><!-- #blog-page-left -->' . 
"\n" );
-               $output->addHTML( '<div id="blog-page-middle">' . "\n" );
-               global $wgUseEditButtonFloat;
-               if ( $wgUseEditButtonFloat == true && method_exists( $sk, 
'editMenu' ) ) {
-                       $output->addHTML( $sk->editMenu() );
-               }
-               $output->addHTML( "<h1 
class=\"page-title\">{$this->getTitle()->getText()}</h1>\n" );
-               $output->addHTML( $this->getByLine() );
-               $output->addHTML( "\n<!--start Article::view-->\n" );
-               parent::view();
-               // Get categories
-               $cat = $sk->getCategoryLinks();
-               if ( $cat ) {
-                       $output->addHTML( "\n<div id=\"catlinks\" 
class=\"catlinks\">{$cat}</div>\n" );
-               }
-               $output->addHTML( "\n<!--end Article::view-->\n" );
-               $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['rightcolumn'] == true ) {
-                       $output->addHTML( '<div id="blog-page-right">' . "\n" );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->getPopularArticles() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->getInTheNews() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->getCommentsOfTheDay() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->getRandomCasualGame() );
-                       $output->addHTML( $this->getNewArticles() );
-                       $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
-               }
-               $output->addHTML( '<div class="cleared"></div>' . "\n" );
-               $output->addHTML( '</div><!-- #blog-page-container -->' . "\n" 
-               wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the authors of this blog post and store them in the authors 
-        * variable.
-        */
-       public function getAuthors() {
-               global $wgContLang;
-               $articleText = $this->pageContent;
-               $categoryName = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY );
-               // This unbelievably weak and hacky regex is used to find out 
-               // author's name from the category. See also getBlurb(), which 
uses a
-               // similar regex.
-               preg_match_all(
-                       "/\[\[(?:(?:c|C)ategory|{$categoryName}):\s?" .
-                               // This is an absolutely unholy, horribly hacky 
and otherwise
-                               // less-than-ideal solution that likely works 
for English only
-                               // Someone needs to come up with a better 
solution one of these
-                               // days than this regex soup...
-                               str_replace( ' $1', '', wfMessage( 
'blog-by-user-category' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped() ) .
-                       " (.*)\]\]/",
-                       $articleText,
-                       $matches
-               );
-               $authors = $matches[1];
-               foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
-                       $authorUserId = User::idFromName( $author );
-                       $this->authors[] = array(
-                               'user_name' => trim( $author ),
-                               'user_id' => $authorUserId
-                       );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the creation date of the page with the given ID from the revision
-        * table and cache it in memcached.
-        * The return value of this function can be passed to the various 
-        * methods for i18n-compatible code.
-        *
-        * @param int $pageId Page ID number
-        * @return int Page creation date
-        */
-       public static function getCreateDate( $pageId ) {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               // Try memcached first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'page', 'create_date', $pageId );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( !$data ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading create_date for page 
{$pageId} from database" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $createDate = $dbr->selectField(
-                               'revision',
-                               'rev_timestamp',// 
'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rev_timestamp) AS create_date',
-                               array( 'rev_page' => $pageId ),
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC' )
-                       );
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $createDate );
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading create_date for page 
{$pageId} from cache" );
-                       $createDate = $data;
-               }
-               return $createDate;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the "by X, Y and Z" line, which also contains other nifty
-        * information, such as the date of the last edit and the creation date.
-        *
-        * @return string
-        */
-       public function getByLine() {
-               $lang = $this->getContext()->getLanguage();
-               $count = 0;
-               // Get date of last edit
-               $timestamp = $this->getTimestamp();
-               $edit_time['date'] = $lang->date( $timestamp, true );
-               $edit_time['time'] = $lang->time( $timestamp, true );
-               $edit_time['datetime'] = $lang->timeanddate( $timestamp, true );
-               // Get date of when article was created
-               $timestamp = self::getCreateDate( $this->getId() );
-               $create_time['date'] = $lang->date( $timestamp, true );
-               $create_time['time'] = $lang->time( $timestamp, true );
-               $create_time['datetime'] = $lang->timeanddate( $timestamp, true 
-               $output = '<div class="blog-byline">' . wfMessage( 'blog-by' 
)->escaped() . ' ';
-               $authors = '';
-               foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
-                       $count++;
-                       $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$author['user_name'] );
-                       if ( $authors && count( $this->authors ) > 2 ) {
-                               $authors .= ', ';
-                       }
-                       if ( $count == count( $this->authors ) && $count != 1 ) 
-                               $authors .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
)->escaped() .
-                                       wfMessage( 'blog-and' ) -escaped() .
-                                       wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
-                       }
-                       $authors .= Linker::link( $userTitle, 
$author['user_name'] );
-               }
-               $output .= $authors;
-               $output .= '</div>';
-               $edit_text = '';
-               if ( $create_time['datetime'] != $edit_time['datetime'] ) {
-                       $edit_text = ', ' .
-                               wfMessage(
-                                       'blog-last-edited',
-                                       $edit_time['datetime'],
-                                       $edit_time['date'],
-                                       $edit_time['time']
-                               )->escaped();
-               }
-               $output .= "\n" . '<div class="blog-byline-last-edited">' .
-                       wfMessage(
-                               'blog-created',
-                               $create_time['datetime'],
-                               $create_time['date'],
-                               $create_time['time']
-                       )->escaped() .
-                       " {$edit_text}</div>";
-               return $output;
-       }
-       public function displayMultipleAuthorsMessage() {
-               $count = 0;
-               $authors = '';
-               foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
-                       $count++;
-                       $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$author['user_name'] );
-                       if ( $authors && count( $this->authors ) > 2 ) {
-                               $authors .= ', ';
-                       }
-                       if ( $count == count( $this->authors ) ) {
-                               $authors .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
)->escaped() .
-                                       wfMessage( 'blog-and' )->escaped() .
-                                       wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
-                       }
-                       $authors .= Linker::link( $userTitle, 
$author['user_name'] );
-               }
-               $output = '<div class="multiple-authors-message">' .
-                       wfMessage( 'blog-multiple-authors', $authors 
)->escaped() .
-                       '</div>';
-               return $output;
-       }
-       public function displayAuthorBox( $author_index ) {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['author'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $author_user_name = $author_user_id = '';
-               if (
-                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index] ) &&
-                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index]['user_name'] )
-               )
-               {
-                       $author_user_name = 
-               }
-               if (
-                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index] ) &&
-                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index]['user_id'] )
-               )
-               {
-                       $author_user_id = 
-               }
-               if ( empty( $author_user_id ) ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $authorTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $author_user_name );
-               $profile = new UserProfile( $author_user_name );
-               $profileData = $profile->getProfile();
-               $avatar = new wAvatar( $author_user_id, 'm' );
-               $articles = $this->getAuthorArticles( $author_index );
-               $cssFix = '';
-               if ( !$articles ) {
-                       $cssFix = ' author-container-fix';
-               }
-               $output = "\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"author-container$cssFix\">
-                                               <div class=\"author-info\">
-                                                       <a href=\"" . 
htmlspecialchars( $authorTitle->getFullURL() ) . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">
-                                                       </a>
-                                                       <div 
-                                                               <a href=\"" . 
htmlspecialchars( $authorTitle->getFullURL() ) .
-                                                                       '" 
rel="nofollow">' .
wordwrap( $author_user_name, 12, "<br />\n", true ) .
-                                                               '</a>
-                                                       </div>';
-               // If the user has supplied some information about themselves 
on their
-               // social profile, show that data here.
-               if ( $profileData['about'] ) {
-                       $output .= $out->parse( $profileData['about'], false );
-               }
-               $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><!-- .author-info -->
-                                               <div class=\"cleared\"></div>
-                                       </div><!-- .author-container -->
-               {$this->getAuthorArticles( $author_index )}";
-               return $output;
-       }
-       public function getAuthorArticles( $author_index ) {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['author_articles'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $user_name = $this->authors[$author_index]['user_name'];
-               $user_id = $this->authors[$author_index]['user_id'];
-               $archiveLink = Title::makeTitle(
-                       NS_CATEGORY,
-                       wfMessage( 'blog-by-user-category', $user_name )->text()
-               );
-               $articles = array();
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'author', 'articles', $user_id );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got blog author articles for 
user {$user_name} from cache" );
-                       $articles = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got blog author articles for 
user {$user_name} from DB" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $categoryTitle = Title::newFromText(
-                                wfMessage( 'blog-by-user-category', $user_name 
-                       );
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               array( 'page', 'categorylinks' ),
-                               array( 'DISTINCT(page_id) AS page_id', 
'page_title' ),
-                               /* WHERE */array(
-                                       'cl_to' => array( 
$categoryTitle->getDBkey() ),
-                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG
-                               ),
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array(
-                                       'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC',
-                                       'LIMIT' => 4
-                               ),
-                               array(
-                                       'categorylinks' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 
'cl_from = page_id' )
-                               )
-                       );
-                       $array_count = 0;
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               if ( $row->page_id != $this->getId() && 
$array_count < 3 ) {
-                                       $articles[] = array(
-                                               'page_title' => 
-                                               'page_id' => $row->page_id
-                                       );
-                                       $array_count++;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       // Cache for half an hour
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $articles, 60 * 30 );
-               }
-               $output = '';
-               if ( count( $articles ) > 0 ) {
-                       $css_fix = '';
-                       if (
-                               count( $this->getVotersList() ) == 0 &&
-                               count( $this->getEditorsList() ) == 0
-                       )
-                       {
-                               $css_fix = ' more-container-fix';
-                       }
-                       $output .= "<div class=\"more-container{$css_fix}\">
-                       <h3>" . wfMessage( 'blog-author-more-by', $user_name 
)->escaped() . '</h3>';
-                       $x = 1;
-                       foreach ( $articles as $article ) {
-                               $articleTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$article['page_title'] );
-                               $output .= '<div class="author-article-item">
-                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$articleTitle->getFullURL() ) . "\">{$articleTitle->getText()}</a>
-                                       <div class=\"author-item-small\">" .
-                                               wfMessage(
-                                                       'blog-author-votes',
BlogPage::getVotesForPage( $article['page_id'] )
-                                               )->escaped() .
-                                               ', ' .
-                                               wfMessage(
-                                                       'blog-author-comments',
BlogPage::getCommentsForPage( $article['page_id'] )
-                                               )->escaped() .
-                                               '</div>
-                               </div>';
-                               $x++;
-                       }
-                       $output .= '<div class="author-archive-link">
-                               <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$archiveLink->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
-                                       wfMessage( 'blog-view-archive-link' 
)->escaped() .
-                               '</a>
-                       </div>
-               </div>';
-               }
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the eight newest editors for the current blog post from the 
-        * table.
-        *
-        * @return array Array containing each editors' user ID and user name
-        */
-       public function getEditorsList() {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               $pageTitleId = $this->getId();
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'recenteditors', 'list', $pageTitleId );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               $editors = array();
-               if ( !$data ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent editors for 
page {$pageTitleId} from DB" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $where = array(
-                               'rev_page' => $pageTitleId,
-                               'rev_user <> 0', // exclude anonymous editors
-                               "rev_user_text <> 'MediaWiki default'", // 
exclude MW default
-                       );
-                       // Get authors and exclude them
-                       foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
-                               $where[] = 'rev_user_text <> \'' . 
$author['user_name'] . '\'';
-                       }
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               'revision',
-                               array( 'DISTINCT rev_user', 'rev_user_text' ),
-                               $where,
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_user_text ASC', 
'LIMIT' => 8 )
-                       );
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               $editors[] = array(
-                                       'user_id' => $row->rev_user,
-                                       'user_name' => $row->rev_user_text
-                               );
-                       }
-                       // Store in memcached for five minutes
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $editors, 60 * 5 );
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent editors for 
page {$pageTitleId} from cache" );
-                       $editors = $data;
-               }
-               return $editors;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the avatars of the people who recently edited this blog post, if
-        * this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function recentEditors() {
-               global $wgUploadPath, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['recent_editors'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $editors = $this->getEditorsList();
-               $output = '';
-               if ( count( $editors ) > 0 ) {
-                       $output .= '<div class="recent-container">
-                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-editors' )->escaped() . 
-                       <div>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-editors-message' 
)->escaped() . '</div>';
-                       foreach ( $editors as $editor ) {
-                               $avatar = new wAvatar( $editor['user_id'], 'm' 
-                               $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$editor['user_name'] );
-                               $output .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$userTitle->getFullURL() ) .
-                                       "\"><img 
src=\"{$wgUploadPath}/avatars/{$avatar->getAvatarImage()}\" alt=\"" .
-                                               $userTitle->getText() . '" 
border="0" /></a>';
-                       }
-                       $output .= '</div>';
-               }
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the eight newest voters for the current blog post from VoteNY's
-        * Vote table.
-        *
-        * @return array Array containing each voters' user ID and user name
-        */
-       public function getVotersList() {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               // Gets the page ID for the query
-               $pageTitleId = $this->getId();
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'recentvoters', 'list', $pageTitleId );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               $voters = array();
-               if ( !$data ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent voters for page 
{$pageTitleId} from DB" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $where = array(
-                               'vote_page_id' => $pageTitleId,
-                               'vote_user_id <> 0'
-                       );
-                       // Exclude the authors of the blog post from the list 
of recent
-                       // voters
-                       foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
-                               $where[] = 'username <> \'' . 
$author['user_name'] . '\'';
-                       }
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               'Vote',
-                               array( 'DISTINCT username', 'vote_user_id', 
'vote_page_id' ),
-                               $where,
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'vote_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 
8 )
-                       );
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               $voters[] = array(
-                                       'user_id' => $row->vote_user_id,
-                                       'user_name' => $row->username
-                               );
-                       }
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $voters, 60 * 5 );
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent voters for page 
{$pageTitleId} from cache" );
-                       $voters = $data;
-               }
-               return $voters;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the avatars of the people who recently voted for this blog post, 
-        * this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function recentVoters() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['recent_voters'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $voters = $this->getVotersList();
-               $output = '';
-               if ( count( $voters ) > 0 ) {
-                       $output .= '<div class="recent-container bottom-fix">
-                               <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-voters' 
)->escaped() . '</h2>
-                               <div>' . wfMessage( 
'blog-recent-voters-message' )->escaped() . '</div>';
-                       foreach ( $voters as $voter ) {
-                               $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$voter['user_name'] );
-                               $avatar = new wAvatar( $voter['user_id'], 'm' );
-                               $output .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$userTitle->getFullURL() ) .
-                                       "\">{$avatar->getAvatarURL()}</a>";
-                       }
-                       $output .= '</div>';
-               }
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the embed widget, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function embedWidget() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath;
-               // Not enabled? ContentWidget not available?
-               if (
-                       $wgBlogPageDisplay['embed_widget'] == false ||
-                       !is_dir( dirname( __FILE__ ) . 
'/../extensions/ContentWidget' )
-               )
-               {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $title = $this->getTitle();
-               $output = '';
-               $output .= '<div class="recent-container bottom-fix"><h2>' .
-                       wfMessage( 'blog-embed-title' )->escaped() . '</h2>';
-               $output .= '<div class="blog-widget-embed">';
-               $output .= "<p><input type='text' size='20' 
onclick=';' value='" .
-                       '<object width="300" height="450" id="content_widget" 
align="middle"> <param name="movie" value="content_widget.swf" /><embed src="' .
-                       $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . 
'/extensions/ContentWidget/widget.swf?page=' .
-                       urlencode( $title->getFullText() ) . '" quality="high" 
bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="450" 
name="content_widget"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /> </object>' . "' 
-               $output .= '</div>';
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get an ad unit for the left side, if this feature is enabled in 
-        * config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function leftAdUnit() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['left_ad'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $output = '<div class="article-ad">
-                       <!-- BlogPage ad temporarily disabled -->
-               </div>';
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get some random news items from MediaWiki:Inthenews, if this feature 
-        * enabled in BlogPage config and that interface message has some 
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function getInTheNews() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['in_the_news'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $output = '';
-               $message = wfMessage( 'inthenews' )->inContentLanguage();
-               if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) {
-                       $newsArray = explode( "\n\n", $message->plain() );
-                       $newsItem = $newsArray[array_rand( $newsArray )];
-                       $output = '<div class="blog-container">
-                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-in-the-news' )->escaped() . 
-                       <div>' . $this->getContext()->getOutput()->parse( 
$newsItem, false ) . '</div>
-               </div>';
-               }
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the five most popular blog articles, if this feature is enabled 
-        * BlogPage config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function getPopularArticles() {
-               global $wgMemc, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['popular_articles'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'popular', 'five' );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got popular articles from 
cache' );
-                       $popularBlogPosts = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got popular articles from DB' 
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       // Code sporked from Rob Church's NewestPages extension
-                       // @todo FIXME: adding categorylinks table and that one 
-                       // clause causes an error about "unknown column 
'page_id' on ON
-                       // clause"
-                       $commentsTable = $dbr->tableName( 'Comments' );
-                       $voteTable = $dbr->tableName( 'Vote' );
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               array( 'page', /*'categorylinks',*/ 'Comments', 
'Vote' ),
-                               array(
-                                       'DISTINCT page_id', 'page_namespace', 
-                                       'page_title',
-                               ),
-                               array(
-                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG,
-                                       'page_is_redirect' => 0,
-                                       'page_id = Comment_Page_ID',
-                                       'page_id = vote_page_id',
-                                       // If you can figure out how to do this 
without a subquery,
-                                       // please let me know. Until that...
-                                       "((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $voteTable 
WHERE vote_page_id = page_id) >= 5 OR
-                                       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $commentsTable 
WHERE Comment_Page_ID = page_id) >= 5)",
-                               ),
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array(
-                                       'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC',
-                                       'LIMIT' => 10
-                               ),
-                               array(
-                                       'Comments' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 
'page_id = Comment_Page_ID' ),
-                                       'Vote' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'page_id 
= vote_page_id' )
-                               )
-                       );
-                       $popularBlogPosts = array();
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               $popularBlogPosts[] = array(
-                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
-                                       'id' => $row->page_id
-                               );
-                       }
-                       // Cache in memcached for 15 minutes
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $popularBlogPosts, 60 * 15 );
-               }
-               $html = '<div class="listpages-container">';
-               foreach ( $popularBlogPosts as $popularBlogPost ) {
-                       $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$popularBlogPost['title'] );
-                       $html .= '<div class="listpages-item">
-                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$titleObj->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
-                                               $titleObj->getText() .
-                                       '</a>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="cleared"></div>';
-               }
-               $html .= '</div>'; // .listpages-container
-               $output = '<div class="blog-container">
-                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-popular-articles' )->escaped() 
. '</h2>
-                       <div>' . $html . '</div>
-               </div>';
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the newest blog articles, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage
-        * config.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function getNewArticles() {
-               global $wgMemc, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['new_articles'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'new', 'five' );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got new articles from cache' );
-                       $newBlogPosts = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got new articles from DB' );
-                       // We could do complicated LIKE stuff with the 
categorylinks table,
-                       // but I think we can safely assume that stuff in the 
-                       // is blog-related :)
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       // Code sporked from Rob Church's NewestPages extension
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               'page',
-                               array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 
'page_is_redirect' ),
-                               array( 'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG, 
'page_is_redirect' => 0 ),
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 
5 )
-                       );
-                       $newBlogPosts = array();
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               $newBlogPosts[] = array(
-                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
-                               );
-                       }
-                       // Cache in memcached for 15 minutes
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $newBlogPosts, 60 * 15 );
-               }
-               $html = '<div class="listpages-container">';
-               foreach ( $newBlogPosts as $newBlogPost ) {
-                       $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$newBlogPost['title'] );
-                       $html .= '<div class="listpages-item">
-                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$titleObj->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
-                                               $titleObj->getText() .
-                                       '</a>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="cleared"></div>';
-               }
-               $html .= '</div>'; // .listpages-container
-               $output = '<div class="blog-container bottom-fix">
-                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-new-articles' )->escaped() . 
-                       <div>' . $html . '</div>
-               </div>';
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get a random casual game, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage 
-        * and the RandomGameUnit extension is installed.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function getRandomCasualGame() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
-               if (
-                       $wgBlogPageDisplay['games'] == false ||
-                       !function_exists( 'wfGetRandomGameUnit' )
-               )
-               {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               return wfGetRandomGameUnit();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get comments of the day, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage 
-        * Requires the Comments extension.
-        *
-        * @return string HTML or nothing
-        */
-       public function getCommentsOfTheDay() {
-               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
-               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['comments_of_day'] == false ) {
-                       return '';
-               }
-               $comments = array();
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'comments', 'plus', '24hours' );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got comments of the day from 
cache' );
-                       $comments = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got comments of the day from 
DB' );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $res = $dbr->select(
-                               array( 'Comments', 'page' ),
-                               array(
-                                       'Comment_Username', 'comment_ip', 
-                                       'comment_date', 'Comment_user_id', 
-                                       'IFNULL(Comment_Plus_Count - 
Comment_Minus_Count,0) AS Comment_Score',
-                                       'Comment_Plus_Count AS CommentVotePlus',
-                                       'Comment_Minus_Count AS 
-                                       'Comment_Parent_ID', 'page_title', 
-                               ),
-                               array(
-                                       'comment_page_id = page_id',
-                                       'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) > ' . ( 
time() - ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ),
-                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG
-                               ),
-                               __METHOD__,
-                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'Comment_Plus_Count DESC', 
'LIMIT' => 5 )
-                       );
-                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
-                               $comments[] = array(
-                                       'user_name' => $row->Comment_Username,
-                                       'user_id' => $row->Comment_user_id,
-                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
-                                       'namespace' => $row->page_namespace,
-                                       'comment_id' => $row->CommentID,
-                                       'plus_count' => $row->CommentVotePlus,
-                                       'comment_text' => $row->comment_text
-                               );
-                       }
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $comments, 60 * 15 );
-               }
-               $output = '';
-               foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
-                       $page_title = Title::makeTitle( $comment['namespace'], 
$comment['title'] );
-                       if ( $comment['user_id'] != 0 ) {
-                               $commentPosterDisplay = $comment['user_name'];
-                       } else {
-                               $commentPosterDisplay = wfMessage( 
'blog-anonymous-name' )->escaped();
-                       }
-                       $comment['comment_text'] = strip_tags( 
$comment['comment_text'] );
-                       $comment_text = 
-                               $comment['comment_text'],
-                               ( 70 - strlen( $commentPosterDisplay ) )
-                       );
-                       $output .= '<div class="cod-item">';
-                       $output .= "<span 
class=\"cod-score\">{$comment['plus_count']}</span> ";
-                       $output .= ' <span class="cod-comment"><a href="' .
-                               htmlspecialchars( $page_title->getFullURL() ) .
-                               "#comment-{$comment['comment_id']}\" 
-                       $output .= '</div>';
-               }
-               if ( count( $comments ) > 0 ) {
-                       $output = '<div class="blog-container">
-                               <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-comments-of-day' 
)->escaped() . '</h2>' .
-                               $output .
-                       '</div>';
-               }
-               return $output;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the amount (COUNT(*)) of comments for the given page, identified 
-        * its ID and cache this info in memcached for 15 minutes.
-        *
-        * @param int $id Page ID
-        * @return int Amount of comments
-        */
-       public static function getCommentsForPage( $id ) {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'comments', 'count' );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got comments count for the 
page with ID {$id} from cache" );
-                       $commentCount = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got comments count for the 
page with ID {$id} from DB" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $commentCount = (int)$dbr->selectField(
-                               'Comments',
-                               'COUNT(*) AS count',
-                               array( 'Comment_Page_ID' => intval( $id ) ),
-                               __METHOD__
-                       );
-                       // Store in memcached for 15 minutes
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $commentCount, 60 * 15 );
-               }
-               return $commentCount;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the amount (COUNT(*)) of votes for the given page, identified via
-        * its ID and cache this info in memcached for 15 minutes.
-        *
-        * @param int $id Page ID
-        * @return int Amount of votes
-        */
-       public static function getVotesForPage( $id ) {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               // Try cache first
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'vote', 'count' );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( $data != '' ) {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got vote count for the page 
with ID {$id} from cache" );
-                       $voteCount = $data;
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got vote count for the page 
with ID {$id} from DB" );
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $voteCount = (int)$dbr->selectField(
-                               'Vote',
-                               'COUNT(*) AS count',
-                               array( 'vote_page_id' => intval( $id ) ),
-                               __METHOD__
-                       );
-                       // Store in memcached for 15 minutes
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $voteCount, 60 * 15 );
-               }
-               return $voteCount;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the first $maxChars characters of a page.
-        *
-        * @param string $pageTitle Page title
-        * @param int $namespace Namespace where the page is in
-        * @param int $maxChars Get the first this many characters of the page
-        * @param string $fontSize Font size; small, medium or large
-        * @return string First $maxChars characters from the page
-        */
-       public static function getBlurb( $pageTitle, $namespace, $maxChars, 
$fontSize = 'small' ) {
-               global $wgContLang;
-               // Get raw text
-               $title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $pageTitle );
-               $article = new Article( $title );
-               $text = $article->getContent();
-               // Remove some problematic characters
-               $text = str_replace( '* ', '', $text );
-               $text = str_replace( '===', '', $text );
-               $text = str_replace( '==', '', $text );
-               $text = str_replace( '{{Comments}}', '', $text ); // 
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<youtube[^>]*?>.*?</youtube>@si', '', 
$text ); // <youtube> tags (provided by YouTube extension)
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<video[^>]*?>.*?</video>@si', '', $text 
); // <video> tags (provided by Video extension)
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<comments[^>]*?>.*?</comments>@si', '', 
$text ); // <comments> tags (provided by Comments extension)
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<comments[^>]*?\/>@si', '', $text ); // 
more of the above -- this catches the self-closing variant, <comments />
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<vote[^>]*?>.*?</vote>@si', '', $text 
); // <vote> tags (provided by Vote extension)
-               $text = preg_replace( '@<vote[^>]*?\/>@si', '', $text ); // 
more of the above -- this catches the self-closing variant, <vote />, although 
it's unlikely to ever be present in the body of a blog post
-               if ( class_exists( 'Video' ) ) {
-                       $videoNS = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_VIDEO );
-                       if ( $videoNS === false ) {
-                               $videoNS = 'Video';
-                       }
-                       // [[Video:]] links (provided by Video extension)
-                       $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[{$videoNS}:[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text );
-               }
-               $localizedCategoryNS = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY );
-               $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[(?:(c|C)ategory|{$localizedCategoryNS}):[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text ); 
// categories
-               // $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[{$localizedCategoryNS}:[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text ); // original 
version of the above line
-               // Start looking at text after content, and force no Table of 
-               $pos = strpos( $text, '<!--start text-->' );
-               if ( $pos !== false ) {
-                       $text = substr( $text, $pos );
-               }
-               $text = '__NOTOC__ ' . $text;
-               // Run text through parser
-               $blurbText = $article->getContext()->getOutput()->parse( $text 
-               $blurbText = strip_tags( $blurbText );
-               $blurbText = preg_replace( 
'/&lt;comments&gt;&lt;\/comments&gt;/i', '', $blurbText );
-               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/&lt;vote&gt;&lt;\/vote&gt;/i', '', 
$blurbText );
-               // $blurbText = $text;
-               $pos = strpos( $blurbText, '[' );
-               if ( $pos !== false ) {
-                       $blurbText = substr( $blurbText, 0, $pos );
-               }
-               // Take first N characters, and then make sure it ends on last 
full word
-               $max = 300;
-               if ( strlen( $blurbText ) > $max ) {
-                       $blurbText = strrev( strstr( strrev( substr( 
$blurbText, 0, $max ) ), ' ' ) );
-               }
-               // Prepare blurb font size
-               $blurbFont = '<span class="listpages-blurb-size-';
-               if ( $fontSize == 'small' ) {
-                       $blurbFont .= 'small';
-               } elseif ( $fontSize == 'medium' ) {
-                       $blurbFont .= 'medium';
-               } elseif ( $fontSize == 'large' ) {
-                       $blurbFont .= 'large';
-               }
-               $blurbFont .= '">';
-               // Fix multiple whitespace, returns etc
-               $blurbText = trim( $blurbText ); // remove trailing spaces
-               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/\s(?=\s)/', '', $blurbText ); // 
remove double whitespace
-               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', ' ', $blurbText ); // 
replace any non-space whitespace with a space
-               return $blurbFont . $blurbText . '. . . <a href="' .
-                       htmlspecialchars( $title->getFullURL() ) . '">' . 
wfMessage( 'blog-more' )->escaped() .
-                       '</a></span>';
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the image associated with the given page (via the page's ID).
-        *
-        * @param int $pageId Page ID number
-        * @return string File name or nothing
-        */
-       public static function getPageImage( $pageId ) {
-               global $wgMemc;
-               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'page', 'image', $pageId );
-               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
-               if ( !$data ) {
-                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
-                       $il_to = $dbr->selectField(
-                               'imagelinks',
-                               array( 'il_to' ),
-                               array( 'il_from' => intval( $pageId ) ),
-                               __METHOD__
-                       );
-                       // Cache in memcached for a minute
-                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $il_to, 60 );
-               } else {
-                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading image for page 
{$pageId} from cache\n" );
-                       $il_to = $data;
-               }
-               return $il_to;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Yes, these are those fucking time-related functions once more.
-        * You probably have seen these in UserBoard, Comments...god knows 
-        * Seriously, this stuff is all over the place.
-        */
-       public static function dateDiff( $date1, $date2 ) {
-               $dtDiff = $date1 - $date2;
-               $totalDays = intval( $dtDiff / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
-               $totalSecs = $dtDiff - ( $totalDays * 24 * 60 * 60 );
-               $dif['w'] = intval( $totalDays / 7 );
-               $dif['d'] = $totalDays;
-               $dif['h'] = $h = intval( $totalSecs / ( 60 * 60 ) );
-               $dif['m'] = $m = intval( ( $totalSecs - ( $h * 60 * 60 ) ) / 60 
-               $dif['s'] = $totalSecs - ( $h * 60 * 60 ) - ( $m * 60 );
-               return $dif;
-       }
-       public static function getTimeOffset( $time, $timeabrv, $timename ) {
-               $timeStr = '';
-               if ( $time[$timeabrv] > 0 ) {
-                       $timeStr = wfMessage( "blog-time-$timename", 
$time[$timeabrv] )->text();
-               }
-               if ( $timeStr ) {
-                       $timeStr .= ' ';
-               }
-               return $timeStr;
-       }
-       public static function getTimeAgo( $time ) {
-               $timeArray = self::dateDiff( time(), $time );
-               $timeStr = '';
-               $timeStrD = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'd', 'days' );
-               $timeStrH = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'h', 'hours' );
-               $timeStrM = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'm', 'minutes' );
-               $timeStrS = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 's', 'seconds' );
-               $timeStr = $timeStrD;
-               if ( $timeStr < 2 ) {
-                       $timeStr .= $timeStrH;
-                       $timeStr .= $timeStrM;
-                       if ( !$timeStr ) {
-                               $timeStr .= $timeStrS;
-                       }
-               }
-               if ( !$timeStr ) {
-                       $timeStr = wfMessage( 'blog-time-seconds' )->numParams( 
1 )->text();
-               }
-               return $timeStr;
-       }
+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
+       die();
+// Extension credits that will show up on Special:Version
+$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
+       'name' => 'BlogPage',
+       'version' => '2.3',
+       'author' => array( 'David Pean', 'Jack Phoenix' ),
+       'descriptionmsg' => 'blogpage-desc',
+       'url' => '',
+// Define the namespace constants
+define( 'NS_BLOG', 500 );
+define( 'NS_BLOG_TALK', 501 );
+// ResourceLoader support for MediaWiki 1.17+
+$blogResourceTemplate = array(
+       'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
+       'remoteExtPath' => 'BlogPage'
+// Main module, used on *all* blog pages (see the hooks file)
+$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
+       'styles' => 'resources/css/BlogPage.css',
+       'position' => 'top'
+// Used on Special:ArticlesHome & Special:ArticleLists
+$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.articlesHome'] = $blogResourceTemplate + 
+       'styles' => 'resources/css/ArticlesHome.css',
+       'position' => 'top'
+// Used on Special:CreateBlogPost
+$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.create.css'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
+       'styles' => 'resources/css/CreateBlogPost.css',
+       'position' => 'top'
+$wgResourceModules['ext.blogPage.create.js'] = $blogResourceTemplate + array(
+       'scripts' => 'resources/js/CreateBlogPost.js',
+       // 'dependencies' => 'mediawiki.action.edit',
+       'messages' => array(
+               'blog-js-create-error-need-content', 
+               'blog-js-create-error-page-exists'
+       )
+// Default setup for displaying sections
+$wgBlogPageDisplay = array(
+       // Output the left-hand column? This column contains the list of 
+       // recent editors (if enabled), recent voters (if enabled), embed widget
+       // (if enabled) and left-side advertisement (if enabled).
+       'leftcolumn' => true,
+       // Output the right-hand column? This column contains the list of 
+       // blog articles (if enabled), in the news section (if enabled), 
+       // of the day (if enabled), a random casual game (if enabled) and a 
list of
+       // new blog articles.
+       'rightcolumn' => true,
+       // Display the box that contains some information about the author of 
+       // blog post?
+       'author' => true,
+       // Display some (three, to be exact) other blog articles written by the
+       // same user?
+       'author_articles' => true,
+       // Display a list of people (complete with their avatars) who recently
+       // edited this blog post?
+       'recent_editors' => true,
+       // Display a list of people (complete with their avatars) who recently
+       // voted for this blog post?
+       'recent_voters' => true,
+       // Show an advertisement in the left-hand column?
+       'left_ad' => false,
+       // Show a listing of the most popular blog posts?
+       'popular_articles' => true,
+       // Should we display some random news items from 
+       'in_the_news' => true,
+       // Show comments of the day (comments with the most votes) in the 
+       // on a blog post page?
+       'comments_of_day' => true,
+       // Display a random casual game (picture game, poll or quiz)?
+       // Requires the RandomGameUnit extension.
+       'games' => true,
+       // Show a listing of the newest blog posts in blog pages?
+       'new_articles' => true,
+       // Display the widget that allows you to embed the blog post on another
+       // site? Off by default since it requires the ContentWidget extension,
+       // which is currently ArmchairGM-specific.
+       'embed_widget' => false
+// Set up everything
+$wgMessagesDirs['BlogPage'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['BlogPageAlias'] = __DIR__ . '/BlogPage.alias.php';
+// Namespace translations
+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['BlogPageNamespaces'] = __DIR__ . 
+// Autoload the class which is used when rendering pages in the NS_BLOG NS
+$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogPageClass'] = __DIR__ . '/BlogPageClass.php';
+// Special pages
+$wgAutoloadClasses['ArticlesHome'] = __DIR__ . '/SpecialArticlesHome.php';
+$wgAutoloadClasses['ArticleLists'] = __DIR__ . '/SpecialArticleLists.php';
+$wgSpecialPages['ArticlesHome'] = 'ArticlesHome';
+$wgSpecialPages['ArticleLists'] = 'ArticleLists';
+// Special page for creating new blog posts + yet another copy of TagCloud 
+$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogTagCloud'] = __DIR__ . '/TagCloudClass.php';
+$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCreateBlogPost'] = __DIR__ . 
+$wgSpecialPages['CreateBlogPost'] = 'SpecialCreateBlogPost';
+$wgAjaxExportList[] = 'SpecialCreateBlogPost::checkTitleExistence';
+// New user right, required to create new blog posts via the new special page
+$wgAvailableRights[] = 'createblogpost';
+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createblogpost'] = false;
+$wgGroupPermissions['user']['createblogpost'] = true;
+// Hooked functions
+$wgAutoloadClasses['BlogPageHooks'] = __DIR__ . '/BlogPageHooks.php';
+$wgHooks['ArticleFromTitle'][] = 'BlogPageHooks::blogFromTitle';
+$wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 
+$wgHooks['ArticleSave'][] = 'BlogPageHooks::updateCreatedOpinionsCount';
+$wgHooks['AlternateEdit'][] = 'BlogPageHooks::allowShowEditBlogPage';
+$wgHooks['CanonicalNamespaces'][] = 'BlogPageHooks::onCanonicalNamespaces';
+// UserProfile integration
+$wgHooks['UserProfileRightSideAfterActivity'][] = 'BlogPageHooks::getArticles';
+// Show blogs in profiles; this needs to be defined to prevent "undefined 
index" notices
+$wgUserProfileDisplay['articles'] = true;
diff --git a/BlogPageClass.php b/BlogPageClass.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20d1aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlogPageClass.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+ * Class for handling the viewing of pages in the NS_BLOG namespace.
+ *
+ * @file
+ */
+class BlogPageClass extends Article {
+       public $title = null;
+       public $authors = array();
+       public function __construct( Title $title ) {
+               parent::__construct( $title );
+               $this->setContent();
+               $this->getAuthors();
+       }
+       public function setContent() {
+               // Get the page content for later use
+               $this->pageContent = $this->getContent();
+               // If it's a redirect, in order to get the *real* content for 
later use,
+               // we have to load the text for the real page
+               // Note: If $this->getContent() is called anywhere before 
+               // the real article text won't get loaded on the page
+               if ( $this->isRedirect( $this->pageContent ) ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', __METHOD__ );
+                       $target = $this->followRedirect();
+                       if ( !$target instanceof Title ) {
+                               // Correctly handle interwiki redirects and the 
+                               // WikiPage::followRedirect() can return either 
a Title, boolean
+                               // or a string! A string is returned for 
interwiki redirects,
+                               // and the string in question is the target URL 
with the rdfrom
+                               // URL parameter appended to it, which -- since 
it's an interwiki
+                               // URL -- won't resolve to a valid local Title.
+                               // Doing the redirection here is somewhat 
hacky, but ::getAuthors(),
+                               // which is called right after this function in 
the constructor,
+                               // attempts to read $this->pageContent... 
+                               // @see
+                               $this->getContext()->getOutput()->redirect( 
$target );
+                       } else {
+                               $rarticle = new Article( $target );
+                               $this->pageContent = $rarticle->getContent();
+                               // If we don't clear, the page content will be 
+                               // and not the actual page
+                               $this->clear();
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       public function view() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+               $context = $this->getContext();
+               $user = $context->getUser();
+               $output = $context->getOutput();
+               $sk = $user->getSkin();
+               wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', __METHOD__ );
+               $output->setHTMLTitle( $this->getTitle()->getText() );
+               $output->setPageTitle( $this->getTitle()->getText() );
+               // Don't throw a bunch of E_NOTICEs when we're viewing the page 
of a
+               // nonexistent blog post
+               if ( !$this->getID() ) {
+                       parent::view();
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $output->addHTML( "\t\t" . '<div id="blog-page-container">' . 
"\n" );
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['leftcolumn'] == true ) {
+                       $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t" . '<div 
id="blog-page-left">' . "\n" );
+                       $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t\t" . '<div 
class="blog-left-units">' . "\n" );
+                       $output->addHTML(
+                               "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<h2>' .
+                               wfMessage( 'blog-author-title' )
+                                       ->numParams( count( $this->authors ) )
+                                       ->escaped() . '</h2>' . "\n"
+                       );
+                       // Why was this commented out? --ashley, 11 July 2011
+                       if ( count( $this->authors ) > 1 ) {
+                               $output->addHTML( 
$this->displayMultipleAuthorsMessage() );
+                       }
+                       // Output each author's box in the order that they 
appear in [[Category:Opinions by X]]
+                       for ( $x = 0; $x <= count( $this->authors ); $x++ ) {
+                               $output->addHTML( $this->displayAuthorBox( $x ) 
+                       }
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->recentEditors() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->recentVoters() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->embedWidget() );
+                       $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->leftAdUnit() );
+               }
+               $output->addHTML( "\t\t\t" . '</div><!-- #blog-page-left -->' . 
"\n" );
+               $output->addHTML( '<div id="blog-page-middle">' . "\n" );
+               global $wgUseEditButtonFloat;
+               if ( $wgUseEditButtonFloat == true && method_exists( $sk, 
'editMenu' ) ) {
+                       $output->addHTML( $sk->editMenu() );
+               }
+               $output->addHTML( "<h1 
class=\"page-title\">{$this->getTitle()->getText()}</h1>\n" );
+               $output->addHTML( $this->getByLine() );
+               $output->addHTML( "\n<!--start Article::view-->\n" );
+               parent::view();
+               // Get categories
+               $cat = $sk->getCategoryLinks();
+               if ( $cat ) {
+                       $output->addHTML( "\n<div id=\"catlinks\" 
class=\"catlinks\">{$cat}</div>\n" );
+               }
+               $output->addHTML( "\n<!--end Article::view-->\n" );
+               $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['rightcolumn'] == true ) {
+                       $output->addHTML( '<div id="blog-page-right">' . "\n" );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->getPopularArticles() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->getInTheNews() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->getCommentsOfTheDay() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->getRandomCasualGame() );
+                       $output->addHTML( $this->getNewArticles() );
+                       $output->addHTML( '</div>' . "\n" );
+               }
+               $output->addHTML( '<div class="cleared"></div>' . "\n" );
+               $output->addHTML( '</div><!-- #blog-page-container -->' . "\n" 
+               wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the authors of this blog post and store them in the authors 
+        * variable.
+        */
+       public function getAuthors() {
+               global $wgContLang;
+               $articleText = $this->pageContent;
+               $categoryName = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY );
+               // This unbelievably weak and hacky regex is used to find out 
+               // author's name from the category. See also getBlurb(), which 
uses a
+               // similar regex.
+               preg_match_all(
+                       "/\[\[(?:(?:c|C)ategory|{$categoryName}):\s?" .
+                               // This is an absolutely unholy, horribly hacky 
and otherwise
+                               // less-than-ideal solution that likely works 
for English only
+                               // Someone needs to come up with a better 
solution one of these
+                               // days than this regex soup...
+                               str_replace( ' $1', '', wfMessage( 
'blog-by-user-category' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped() ) .
+                       " (.*)\]\]/",
+                       $articleText,
+                       $matches
+               );
+               $authors = $matches[1];
+               foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
+                       $authorUserId = User::idFromName( $author );
+                       $this->authors[] = array(
+                               'user_name' => trim( $author ),
+                               'user_id' => $authorUserId
+                       );
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the creation date of the page with the given ID from the revision
+        * table and cache it in memcached.
+        * The return value of this function can be passed to the various 
+        * methods for i18n-compatible code.
+        *
+        * @param int $pageId Page ID number
+        * @return int Page creation date
+        */
+       public static function getCreateDate( $pageId ) {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               // Try memcached first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'page', 'create_date', $pageId );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( !$data ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading create_date for page 
{$pageId} from database" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $createDate = $dbr->selectField(
+                               'revision',
+                               'rev_timestamp',// 
'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rev_timestamp) AS create_date',
+                               array( 'rev_page' => $pageId ),
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC' )
+                       );
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $createDate );
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading create_date for page 
{$pageId} from cache" );
+                       $createDate = $data;
+               }
+               return $createDate;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the "by X, Y and Z" line, which also contains other nifty
+        * information, such as the date of the last edit and the creation date.
+        *
+        * @return string
+        */
+       public function getByLine() {
+               $lang = $this->getContext()->getLanguage();
+               $count = 0;
+               // Get date of last edit
+               $timestamp = $this->getTimestamp();
+               $edit_time['date'] = $lang->date( $timestamp, true );
+               $edit_time['time'] = $lang->time( $timestamp, true );
+               $edit_time['datetime'] = $lang->timeanddate( $timestamp, true );
+               // Get date of when article was created
+               $timestamp = self::getCreateDate( $this->getId() );
+               $create_time['date'] = $lang->date( $timestamp, true );
+               $create_time['time'] = $lang->time( $timestamp, true );
+               $create_time['datetime'] = $lang->timeanddate( $timestamp, true 
+               $output = '<div class="blog-byline">' . wfMessage( 'blog-by' 
)->escaped() . ' ';
+               $authors = '';
+               foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
+                       $count++;
+                       $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$author['user_name'] );
+                       if ( $authors && count( $this->authors ) > 2 ) {
+                               $authors .= ', ';
+                       }
+                       if ( $count == count( $this->authors ) && $count != 1 ) 
+                               $authors .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
)->escaped() .
+                                       wfMessage( 'blog-and' ) -escaped() .
+                                       wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
+                       }
+                       $authors .= Linker::link( $userTitle, 
$author['user_name'] );
+               }
+               $output .= $authors;
+               $output .= '</div>';
+               $edit_text = '';
+               if ( $create_time['datetime'] != $edit_time['datetime'] ) {
+                       $edit_text = ', ' .
+                               wfMessage(
+                                       'blog-last-edited',
+                                       $edit_time['datetime'],
+                                       $edit_time['date'],
+                                       $edit_time['time']
+                               )->escaped();
+               }
+               $output .= "\n" . '<div class="blog-byline-last-edited">' .
+                       wfMessage(
+                               'blog-created',
+                               $create_time['datetime'],
+                               $create_time['date'],
+                               $create_time['time']
+                       )->escaped() .
+                       " {$edit_text}</div>";
+               return $output;
+       }
+       public function displayMultipleAuthorsMessage() {
+               $count = 0;
+               $authors = '';
+               foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
+                       $count++;
+                       $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$author['user_name'] );
+                       if ( $authors && count( $this->authors ) > 2 ) {
+                               $authors .= ', ';
+                       }
+                       if ( $count == count( $this->authors ) ) {
+                               $authors .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
)->escaped() .
+                                       wfMessage( 'blog-and' )->escaped() .
+                                       wfMessage( 'word-separator' 
+                       }
+                       $authors .= Linker::link( $userTitle, 
$author['user_name'] );
+               }
+               $output = '<div class="multiple-authors-message">' .
+                       wfMessage( 'blog-multiple-authors', $authors 
)->escaped() .
+                       '</div>';
+               return $output;
+       }
+       public function displayAuthorBox( $author_index ) {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['author'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $author_user_name = $author_user_id = '';
+               if (
+                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index] ) &&
+                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index]['user_name'] )
+               )
+               {
+                       $author_user_name = 
+               }
+               if (
+                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index] ) &&
+                       isset( $this->authors[$author_index]['user_id'] )
+               )
+               {
+                       $author_user_id = 
+               }
+               if ( empty( $author_user_id ) ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $authorTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $author_user_name );
+               $profile = new UserProfile( $author_user_name );
+               $profileData = $profile->getProfile();
+               $avatar = new wAvatar( $author_user_id, 'm' );
+               $articles = $this->getAuthorArticles( $author_index );
+               $cssFix = '';
+               if ( !$articles ) {
+                       $cssFix = ' author-container-fix';
+               }
+               $output = "\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"author-container$cssFix\">
+                                               <div class=\"author-info\">
+                                                       <a href=\"" . 
htmlspecialchars( $authorTitle->getFullURL() ) . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">
+                                                       </a>
+                                                       <div 
+                                                               <a href=\"" . 
htmlspecialchars( $authorTitle->getFullURL() ) .
+                                                                       '" 
rel="nofollow">' .
wordwrap( $author_user_name, 12, "<br />\n", true ) .
+                                                               '</a>
+                                                       </div>';
+               // If the user has supplied some information about themselves 
on their
+               // social profile, show that data here.
+               if ( $profileData['about'] ) {
+                       $output .= $out->parse( $profileData['about'], false );
+               }
+               $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div><!-- .author-info -->
+                                               <div class=\"cleared\"></div>
+                                       </div><!-- .author-container -->
+               {$this->getAuthorArticles( $author_index )}";
+               return $output;
+       }
+       public function getAuthorArticles( $author_index ) {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['author_articles'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $user_name = $this->authors[$author_index]['user_name'];
+               $user_id = $this->authors[$author_index]['user_id'];
+               $archiveLink = Title::makeTitle(
+                       NS_CATEGORY,
+                       wfMessage( 'blog-by-user-category', $user_name )->text()
+               );
+               $articles = array();
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'author', 'articles', $user_id );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got blog author articles for 
user {$user_name} from cache" );
+                       $articles = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got blog author articles for 
user {$user_name} from DB" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $categoryTitle = Title::newFromText(
+                                wfMessage( 'blog-by-user-category', $user_name 
+                       );
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               array( 'page', 'categorylinks' ),
+                               array( 'DISTINCT(page_id) AS page_id', 
'page_title' ),
+                               /* WHERE */array(
+                                       'cl_to' => array( 
$categoryTitle->getDBkey() ),
+                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG
+                               ),
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array(
+                                       'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC',
+                                       'LIMIT' => 4
+                               ),
+                               array(
+                                       'categorylinks' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 
'cl_from = page_id' )
+                               )
+                       );
+                       $array_count = 0;
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               if ( $row->page_id != $this->getId() && 
$array_count < 3 ) {
+                                       $articles[] = array(
+                                               'page_title' => 
+                                               'page_id' => $row->page_id
+                                       );
+                                       $array_count++;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // Cache for half an hour
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $articles, 60 * 30 );
+               }
+               $output = '';
+               if ( count( $articles ) > 0 ) {
+                       $css_fix = '';
+                       if (
+                               count( $this->getVotersList() ) == 0 &&
+                               count( $this->getEditorsList() ) == 0
+                       )
+                       {
+                               $css_fix = ' more-container-fix';
+                       }
+                       $output .= "<div class=\"more-container{$css_fix}\">
+                       <h3>" . wfMessage( 'blog-author-more-by', $user_name 
)->escaped() . '</h3>';
+                       $x = 1;
+                       foreach ( $articles as $article ) {
+                               $articleTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$article['page_title'] );
+                               $output .= '<div class="author-article-item">
+                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$articleTitle->getFullURL() ) . "\">{$articleTitle->getText()}</a>
+                                       <div class=\"author-item-small\">" .
+                                               wfMessage(
+                                                       'blog-author-votes',
BlogPage::getVotesForPage( $article['page_id'] )
+                                               )->escaped() .
+                                               ', ' .
+                                               wfMessage(
+                                                       'blog-author-comments',
BlogPage::getCommentsForPage( $article['page_id'] )
+                                               )->escaped() .
+                                               '</div>
+                               </div>';
+                               $x++;
+                       }
+                       $output .= '<div class="author-archive-link">
+                               <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$archiveLink->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
+                                       wfMessage( 'blog-view-archive-link' 
)->escaped() .
+                               '</a>
+                       </div>
+               </div>';
+               }
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the eight newest editors for the current blog post from the 
+        * table.
+        *
+        * @return array Array containing each editors' user ID and user name
+        */
+       public function getEditorsList() {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               $pageTitleId = $this->getId();
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'recenteditors', 'list', $pageTitleId );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               $editors = array();
+               if ( !$data ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent editors for 
page {$pageTitleId} from DB" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $where = array(
+                               'rev_page' => $pageTitleId,
+                               'rev_user <> 0', // exclude anonymous editors
+                               "rev_user_text <> 'MediaWiki default'", // 
exclude MW default
+                       );
+                       // Get authors and exclude them
+                       foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
+                               $where[] = 'rev_user_text <> \'' . 
$author['user_name'] . '\'';
+                       }
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               'revision',
+                               array( 'DISTINCT rev_user', 'rev_user_text' ),
+                               $where,
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_user_text ASC', 
'LIMIT' => 8 )
+                       );
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               $editors[] = array(
+                                       'user_id' => $row->rev_user,
+                                       'user_name' => $row->rev_user_text
+                               );
+                       }
+                       // Store in memcached for five minutes
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $editors, 60 * 5 );
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent editors for 
page {$pageTitleId} from cache" );
+                       $editors = $data;
+               }
+               return $editors;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the avatars of the people who recently edited this blog post, if
+        * this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function recentEditors() {
+               global $wgUploadPath, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['recent_editors'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $editors = $this->getEditorsList();
+               $output = '';
+               if ( count( $editors ) > 0 ) {
+                       $output .= '<div class="recent-container">
+                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-editors' )->escaped() . 
+                       <div>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-editors-message' 
)->escaped() . '</div>';
+                       foreach ( $editors as $editor ) {
+                               $avatar = new wAvatar( $editor['user_id'], 'm' 
+                               $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$editor['user_name'] );
+                               $output .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$userTitle->getFullURL() ) .
+                                       "\"><img 
src=\"{$wgUploadPath}/avatars/{$avatar->getAvatarImage()}\" alt=\"" .
+                                               $userTitle->getText() . '" 
border="0" /></a>';
+                       }
+                       $output .= '</div>';
+               }
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the eight newest voters for the current blog post from VoteNY's
+        * Vote table.
+        *
+        * @return array Array containing each voters' user ID and user name
+        */
+       public function getVotersList() {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               // Gets the page ID for the query
+               $pageTitleId = $this->getId();
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'recentvoters', 'list', $pageTitleId );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               $voters = array();
+               if ( !$data ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent voters for page 
{$pageTitleId} from DB" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $where = array(
+                               'vote_page_id' => $pageTitleId,
+                               'vote_user_id <> 0'
+                       );
+                       // Exclude the authors of the blog post from the list 
of recent
+                       // voters
+                       foreach ( $this->authors as $author ) {
+                               $where[] = 'username <> \'' . 
$author['user_name'] . '\'';
+                       }
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               'Vote',
+                               array( 'DISTINCT username', 'vote_user_id', 
'vote_page_id' ),
+                               $where,
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'vote_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 
8 )
+                       );
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               $voters[] = array(
+                                       'user_id' => $row->vote_user_id,
+                                       'user_name' => $row->username
+                               );
+                       }
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $voters, 60 * 5 );
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading recent voters for page 
{$pageTitleId} from cache" );
+                       $voters = $data;
+               }
+               return $voters;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the avatars of the people who recently voted for this blog post, 
+        * this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function recentVoters() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['recent_voters'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $voters = $this->getVotersList();
+               $output = '';
+               if ( count( $voters ) > 0 ) {
+                       $output .= '<div class="recent-container bottom-fix">
+                               <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-recent-voters' 
)->escaped() . '</h2>
+                               <div>' . wfMessage( 
'blog-recent-voters-message' )->escaped() . '</div>';
+                       foreach ( $voters as $voter ) {
+                               $userTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 
$voter['user_name'] );
+                               $avatar = new wAvatar( $voter['user_id'], 'm' );
+                               $output .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$userTitle->getFullURL() ) .
+                                       "\">{$avatar->getAvatarURL()}</a>";
+                       }
+                       $output .= '</div>';
+               }
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the embed widget, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function embedWidget() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath;
+               // Not enabled? ContentWidget not available?
+               if (
+                       $wgBlogPageDisplay['embed_widget'] == false ||
+                       !is_dir( dirname( __FILE__ ) . 
'/../extensions/ContentWidget' )
+               )
+               {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $title = $this->getTitle();
+               $output = '';
+               $output .= '<div class="recent-container bottom-fix"><h2>' .
+                       wfMessage( 'blog-embed-title' )->escaped() . '</h2>';
+               $output .= '<div class="blog-widget-embed">';
+               $output .= "<p><input type='text' size='20' 
onclick=';' value='" .
+                       '<object width="300" height="450" id="content_widget" 
align="middle"> <param name="movie" value="content_widget.swf" /><embed src="' .
+                       $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . 
'/extensions/ContentWidget/widget.swf?page=' .
+                       urlencode( $title->getFullText() ) . '" quality="high" 
bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="450" 
name="content_widget"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /> </object>' . "' 
+               $output .= '</div>';
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get an ad unit for the left side, if this feature is enabled in 
+        * config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function leftAdUnit() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['left_ad'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $output = '<div class="article-ad">
+                       <!-- BlogPage ad temporarily disabled -->
+               </div>';
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get some random news items from MediaWiki:Inthenews, if this feature 
+        * enabled in BlogPage config and that interface message has some 
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function getInTheNews() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['in_the_news'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $output = '';
+               $message = wfMessage( 'inthenews' )->inContentLanguage();
+               if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) {
+                       $newsArray = explode( "\n\n", $message->plain() );
+                       $newsItem = $newsArray[array_rand( $newsArray )];
+                       $output = '<div class="blog-container">
+                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-in-the-news' )->escaped() . 
+                       <div>' . $this->getContext()->getOutput()->parse( 
$newsItem, false ) . '</div>
+               </div>';
+               }
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the five most popular blog articles, if this feature is enabled 
+        * BlogPage config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function getPopularArticles() {
+               global $wgMemc, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['popular_articles'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'popular', 'five' );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got popular articles from 
cache' );
+                       $popularBlogPosts = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got popular articles from DB' 
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       // Code sporked from Rob Church's NewestPages extension
+                       // @todo FIXME: adding categorylinks table and that one 
+                       // clause causes an error about "unknown column 
'page_id' on ON
+                       // clause"
+                       $commentsTable = $dbr->tableName( 'Comments' );
+                       $voteTable = $dbr->tableName( 'Vote' );
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               array( 'page', /*'categorylinks',*/ 'Comments', 
'Vote' ),
+                               array(
+                                       'DISTINCT page_id', 'page_namespace', 
+                                       'page_title',
+                               ),
+                               array(
+                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG,
+                                       'page_is_redirect' => 0,
+                                       'page_id = Comment_Page_ID',
+                                       'page_id = vote_page_id',
+                                       // If you can figure out how to do this 
without a subquery,
+                                       // please let me know. Until that...
+                                       "((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $voteTable 
WHERE vote_page_id = page_id) >= 5 OR
+                                       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $commentsTable 
WHERE Comment_Page_ID = page_id) >= 5)",
+                               ),
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array(
+                                       'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC',
+                                       'LIMIT' => 10
+                               ),
+                               array(
+                                       'Comments' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 
'page_id = Comment_Page_ID' ),
+                                       'Vote' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'page_id 
= vote_page_id' )
+                               )
+                       );
+                       $popularBlogPosts = array();
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               $popularBlogPosts[] = array(
+                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
+                                       'id' => $row->page_id
+                               );
+                       }
+                       // Cache in memcached for 15 minutes
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $popularBlogPosts, 60 * 15 );
+               }
+               $html = '<div class="listpages-container">';
+               foreach ( $popularBlogPosts as $popularBlogPost ) {
+                       $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$popularBlogPost['title'] );
+                       $html .= '<div class="listpages-item">
+                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$titleObj->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
+                                               $titleObj->getText() .
+                                       '</a>
+                               </div>
+                               <div class="cleared"></div>';
+               }
+               $html .= '</div>'; // .listpages-container
+               $output = '<div class="blog-container">
+                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-popular-articles' )->escaped() 
. '</h2>
+                       <div>' . $html . '</div>
+               </div>';
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the newest blog articles, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage
+        * config.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function getNewArticles() {
+               global $wgMemc, $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['new_articles'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'new', 'five' );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got new articles from cache' );
+                       $newBlogPosts = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got new articles from DB' );
+                       // We could do complicated LIKE stuff with the 
categorylinks table,
+                       // but I think we can safely assume that stuff in the 
+                       // is blog-related :)
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       // Code sporked from Rob Church's NewestPages extension
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               'page',
+                               array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 
'page_is_redirect' ),
+                               array( 'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG, 
'page_is_redirect' => 0 ),
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 
5 )
+                       );
+                       $newBlogPosts = array();
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               $newBlogPosts[] = array(
+                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
+                               );
+                       }
+                       // Cache in memcached for 15 minutes
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $newBlogPosts, 60 * 15 );
+               }
+               $html = '<div class="listpages-container">';
+               foreach ( $newBlogPosts as $newBlogPost ) {
+                       $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_BLOG, 
$newBlogPost['title'] );
+                       $html .= '<div class="listpages-item">
+                                       <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( 
$titleObj->getFullURL() ) . '">' .
+                                               $titleObj->getText() .
+                                       '</a>
+                               </div>
+                               <div class="cleared"></div>';
+               }
+               $html .= '</div>'; // .listpages-container
+               $output = '<div class="blog-container bottom-fix">
+                       <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-new-articles' )->escaped() . 
+                       <div>' . $html . '</div>
+               </div>';
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get a random casual game, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage 
+        * and the RandomGameUnit extension is installed.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function getRandomCasualGame() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay;
+               if (
+                       $wgBlogPageDisplay['games'] == false ||
+                       !function_exists( 'wfGetRandomGameUnit' )
+               )
+               {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               return wfGetRandomGameUnit();
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get comments of the day, if this feature is enabled in BlogPage 
+        * Requires the Comments extension.
+        *
+        * @return string HTML or nothing
+        */
+       public function getCommentsOfTheDay() {
+               global $wgBlogPageDisplay, $wgMemc;
+               if ( $wgBlogPageDisplay['comments_of_day'] == false ) {
+                       return '';
+               }
+               $comments = array();
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'comments', 'plus', '24hours' );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got comments of the day from 
cache' );
+                       $comments = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', 'Got comments of the day from 
DB' );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $res = $dbr->select(
+                               array( 'Comments', 'page' ),
+                               array(
+                                       'Comment_Username', 'comment_ip', 
+                                       'comment_date', 'Comment_user_id', 
+                                       'IFNULL(Comment_Plus_Count - 
Comment_Minus_Count,0) AS Comment_Score',
+                                       'Comment_Plus_Count AS CommentVotePlus',
+                                       'Comment_Minus_Count AS 
+                                       'Comment_Parent_ID', 'page_title', 
+                               ),
+                               array(
+                                       'comment_page_id = page_id',
+                                       'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) > ' . ( 
time() - ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ),
+                                       'page_namespace' => NS_BLOG
+                               ),
+                               __METHOD__,
+                               array( 'ORDER BY' => 'Comment_Plus_Count DESC', 
'LIMIT' => 5 )
+                       );
+                       foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+                               $comments[] = array(
+                                       'user_name' => $row->Comment_Username,
+                                       'user_id' => $row->Comment_user_id,
+                                       'title' => $row->page_title,
+                                       'namespace' => $row->page_namespace,
+                                       'comment_id' => $row->CommentID,
+                                       'plus_count' => $row->CommentVotePlus,
+                                       'comment_text' => $row->comment_text
+                               );
+                       }
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $comments, 60 * 15 );
+               }
+               $output = '';
+               foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
+                       $page_title = Title::makeTitle( $comment['namespace'], 
$comment['title'] );
+                       if ( $comment['user_id'] != 0 ) {
+                               $commentPosterDisplay = $comment['user_name'];
+                       } else {
+                               $commentPosterDisplay = wfMessage( 
'blog-anonymous-name' )->escaped();
+                       }
+                       $comment['comment_text'] = strip_tags( 
$comment['comment_text'] );
+                       $comment_text = 
+                               $comment['comment_text'],
+                               ( 70 - strlen( $commentPosterDisplay ) )
+                       );
+                       $output .= '<div class="cod-item">';
+                       $output .= "<span 
class=\"cod-score\">{$comment['plus_count']}</span> ";
+                       $output .= ' <span class="cod-comment"><a href="' .
+                               htmlspecialchars( $page_title->getFullURL() ) .
+                               "#comment-{$comment['comment_id']}\" 
+                       $output .= '</div>';
+               }
+               if ( count( $comments ) > 0 ) {
+                       $output = '<div class="blog-container">
+                               <h2>' . wfMessage( 'blog-comments-of-day' 
)->escaped() . '</h2>' .
+                               $output .
+                       '</div>';
+               }
+               return $output;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the amount (COUNT(*)) of comments for the given page, identified 
+        * its ID and cache this info in memcached for 15 minutes.
+        *
+        * @param int $id Page ID
+        * @return int Amount of comments
+        */
+       public static function getCommentsForPage( $id ) {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'comments', 'count' );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got comments count for the 
page with ID {$id} from cache" );
+                       $commentCount = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got comments count for the 
page with ID {$id} from DB" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $commentCount = (int)$dbr->selectField(
+                               'Comments',
+                               'COUNT(*) AS count',
+                               array( 'Comment_Page_ID' => intval( $id ) ),
+                               __METHOD__
+                       );
+                       // Store in memcached for 15 minutes
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $commentCount, 60 * 15 );
+               }
+               return $commentCount;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the amount (COUNT(*)) of votes for the given page, identified via
+        * its ID and cache this info in memcached for 15 minutes.
+        *
+        * @param int $id Page ID
+        * @return int Amount of votes
+        */
+       public static function getVotesForPage( $id ) {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               // Try cache first
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'vote', 'count' );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( $data != '' ) {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got vote count for the page 
with ID {$id} from cache" );
+                       $voteCount = $data;
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Got vote count for the page 
with ID {$id} from DB" );
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $voteCount = (int)$dbr->selectField(
+                               'Vote',
+                               'COUNT(*) AS count',
+                               array( 'vote_page_id' => intval( $id ) ),
+                               __METHOD__
+                       );
+                       // Store in memcached for 15 minutes
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $voteCount, 60 * 15 );
+               }
+               return $voteCount;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the first $maxChars characters of a page.
+        *
+        * @param string $pageTitle Page title
+        * @param int $namespace Namespace where the page is in
+        * @param int $maxChars Get the first this many characters of the page
+        * @param string $fontSize Font size; small, medium or large
+        * @return string First $maxChars characters from the page
+        */
+       public static function getBlurb( $pageTitle, $namespace, $maxChars, 
$fontSize = 'small' ) {
+               global $wgContLang;
+               // Get raw text
+               $title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $pageTitle );
+               $article = new Article( $title );
+               $text = $article->getContent();
+               // Remove some problematic characters
+               $text = str_replace( '* ', '', $text );
+               $text = str_replace( '===', '', $text );
+               $text = str_replace( '==', '', $text );
+               $text = str_replace( '{{Comments}}', '', $text ); // 
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<youtube[^>]*?>.*?</youtube>@si', '', 
$text ); // <youtube> tags (provided by YouTube extension)
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<video[^>]*?>.*?</video>@si', '', $text 
); // <video> tags (provided by Video extension)
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<comments[^>]*?>.*?</comments>@si', '', 
$text ); // <comments> tags (provided by Comments extension)
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<comments[^>]*?\/>@si', '', $text ); // 
more of the above -- this catches the self-closing variant, <comments />
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<vote[^>]*?>.*?</vote>@si', '', $text 
); // <vote> tags (provided by Vote extension)
+               $text = preg_replace( '@<vote[^>]*?\/>@si', '', $text ); // 
more of the above -- this catches the self-closing variant, <vote />, although 
it's unlikely to ever be present in the body of a blog post
+               if ( class_exists( 'Video' ) ) {
+                       $videoNS = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_VIDEO );
+                       if ( $videoNS === false ) {
+                               $videoNS = 'Video';
+                       }
+                       // [[Video:]] links (provided by Video extension)
+                       $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[{$videoNS}:[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text );
+               }
+               $localizedCategoryNS = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY );
+               $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[(?:(c|C)ategory|{$localizedCategoryNS}):[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text ); 
// categories
+               // $text = preg_replace( 
"@\[\[{$localizedCategoryNS}:[^\]]*?].*?\]@si", '', $text ); // original 
version of the above line
+               // Start looking at text after content, and force no Table of 
+               $pos = strpos( $text, '<!--start text-->' );
+               if ( $pos !== false ) {
+                       $text = substr( $text, $pos );
+               }
+               $text = '__NOTOC__ ' . $text;
+               // Run text through parser
+               $blurbText = $article->getContext()->getOutput()->parse( $text 
+               $blurbText = strip_tags( $blurbText );
+               $blurbText = preg_replace( 
'/&lt;comments&gt;&lt;\/comments&gt;/i', '', $blurbText );
+               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/&lt;vote&gt;&lt;\/vote&gt;/i', '', 
$blurbText );
+               // $blurbText = $text;
+               $pos = strpos( $blurbText, '[' );
+               if ( $pos !== false ) {
+                       $blurbText = substr( $blurbText, 0, $pos );
+               }
+               // Take first N characters, and then make sure it ends on last 
full word
+               $max = 300;
+               if ( strlen( $blurbText ) > $max ) {
+                       $blurbText = strrev( strstr( strrev( substr( 
$blurbText, 0, $max ) ), ' ' ) );
+               }
+               // Prepare blurb font size
+               $blurbFont = '<span class="listpages-blurb-size-';
+               if ( $fontSize == 'small' ) {
+                       $blurbFont .= 'small';
+               } elseif ( $fontSize == 'medium' ) {
+                       $blurbFont .= 'medium';
+               } elseif ( $fontSize == 'large' ) {
+                       $blurbFont .= 'large';
+               }
+               $blurbFont .= '">';
+               // Fix multiple whitespace, returns etc
+               $blurbText = trim( $blurbText ); // remove trailing spaces
+               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/\s(?=\s)/', '', $blurbText ); // 
remove double whitespace
+               $blurbText = preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', ' ', $blurbText ); // 
replace any non-space whitespace with a space
+               return $blurbFont . $blurbText . '. . . <a href="' .
+                       htmlspecialchars( $title->getFullURL() ) . '">' . 
wfMessage( 'blog-more' )->escaped() .
+                       '</a></span>';
+       }
+       /**
+        * Get the image associated with the given page (via the page's ID).
+        *
+        * @param int $pageId Page ID number
+        * @return string File name or nothing
+        */
+       public static function getPageImage( $pageId ) {
+               global $wgMemc;
+               $key = wfMemcKey( 'blog', 'page', 'image', $pageId );
+               $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+               if ( !$data ) {
+                       $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                       $il_to = $dbr->selectField(
+                               'imagelinks',
+                               array( 'il_to' ),
+                               array( 'il_from' => intval( $pageId ) ),
+                               __METHOD__
+                       );
+                       // Cache in memcached for a minute
+                       $wgMemc->set( $key, $il_to, 60 );
+               } else {
+                       wfDebugLog( 'BlogPage', "Loading image for page 
{$pageId} from cache\n" );
+                       $il_to = $data;
+               }
+               return $il_to;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Yes, these are those fucking time-related functions once more.
+        * You probably have seen these in UserBoard, Comments...god knows 
+        * Seriously, this stuff is all over the place.
+        */
+       public static function dateDiff( $date1, $date2 ) {
+               $dtDiff = $date1 - $date2;
+               $totalDays = intval( $dtDiff / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
+               $totalSecs = $dtDiff - ( $totalDays * 24 * 60 * 60 );
+               $dif['w'] = intval( $totalDays / 7 );
+               $dif['d'] = $totalDays;
+               $dif['h'] = $h = intval( $totalSecs / ( 60 * 60 ) );
+               $dif['m'] = $m = intval( ( $totalSecs - ( $h * 60 * 60 ) ) / 60 
+               $dif['s'] = $totalSecs - ( $h * 60 * 60 ) - ( $m * 60 );
+               return $dif;
+       }
+       public static function getTimeOffset( $time, $timeabrv, $timename ) {
+               $timeStr = '';
+               if ( $time[$timeabrv] > 0 ) {
+                       $timeStr = wfMessage( "blog-time-$timename", 
$time[$timeabrv] )->text();
+               }
+               if ( $timeStr ) {
+                       $timeStr .= ' ';
+               }
+               return $timeStr;
+       }
+       public static function getTimeAgo( $time ) {
+               $timeArray = self::dateDiff( time(), $time );
+               $timeStr = '';
+               $timeStrD = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'd', 'days' );
+               $timeStrH = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'h', 'hours' );
+               $timeStrM = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 'm', 'minutes' );
+               $timeStrS = self::getTimeOffset( $timeArray, 's', 'seconds' );
+               $timeStr = $timeStrD;
+               if ( $timeStr < 2 ) {
+                       $timeStr .= $timeStrH;
+                       $timeStr .= $timeStrM;
+                       if ( !$timeStr ) {
+                               $timeStr .= $timeStrS;
+                       }
+               }
+               if ( !$timeStr ) {
+                       $timeStr = wfMessage( 'blog-time-seconds' )->numParams( 
1 )->text();
+               }
+               return $timeStr;
+       }
diff --git a/BlogHooks.php b/BlogPageHooks.php
similarity index 99%
rename from BlogHooks.php
rename to BlogPageHooks.php
index 5b8eb40..dfa64da 100644
--- a/BlogHooks.php
+++ b/BlogPageHooks.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  * @file
-class BlogHooks {
+class BlogPageHooks {
         * Calls BlogPage instead of standard Article for pages in the NS_BLOG
diff --git a/i18n/en.json b/i18n/en.json
index 6232fac..7ac38d5 100644
--- a/i18n/en.json
+++ b/i18n/en.json
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
        "blog-time-hours": "{{PLURAL:$1|one hour|$1 hours}}",
        "blog-time-minutes": "{{PLURAL:$1|one minute|$1 minutes}}",
        "blog-time-seconds": "{{PLURAL:$1|one second|$1 seconds}}",
+       "action-createblogpost": "create new blog posts",
        "right-createblogpost": "[[Special:CreateBlogPost|Create new blog 
        "blog-user-articles-title": "Blogs",
        "blog-user-articles-votes": "{{PLURAL:$1|one vote|$1 votes}}",
diff --git a/i18n/fi.json b/i18n/fi.json
index 0667bb5..95a5386 100644
--- a/i18n/fi.json
+++ b/i18n/fi.json
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
        "blog-js-create-error-need-content": "Blogikirjoituksellasi tulee olla 
myös sisältöä!",
        "blog-js-create-error-need-title": "Sinun tulee antaa otsikko 
        "blog-js-create-error-page-exists": "Olemassaolevalla 
blogikirjoituksella on jo sama otsikko. Annathan erilaisen otsikon 
+       "action-createblogpost": "luoda uusia blogikirjoituksia",
        "right-createblogpost": "[[Special:CreateBlogPost|Luoda uusia 
        "blog-user-articles-title": "Blogit",
        "blog-user-articles-votes": "{{PLURAL:$1|yksi ääni|$1 ääntä}}",

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: If49308f52cbaacbb5417842b680669f43f512fb6
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/BlogPage
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Paladox <>

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