Siebrand has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Update indentation to use tabs

Update indentation to use tabs

Change-Id: I9c68fae746d4f8fcf4364b69230fc49d363c4919
M i18n/en.json
1 file changed, 103 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/i18n/en.json b/i18n/en.json
index 89d7cd9..18028bc 100644
--- a/i18n/en.json
+++ b/i18n/en.json
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
-    "@metadata": {
-        "authors": [
-            "Jeroen De Dauw"
-        ]
-    },
-    "survey-desc": "Survey tool for MediaWiki",
-    "right-surveyadmin": "Manage surveys",
-    "right-surveysubmit": "Participate in surveys",
-    "action-surveyadmin": "manage surveys",
-    "action-surveysubmit": "participate in surveys",
-    "group-surveyadmin": "Survey administrators",
-    "group-surveyadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|survey administrator}}",
-    "grouppage-surveyadmin": "{{ns:project}}:Survey administrators",
-    "group-surveysubmit": "Survey participants",
-    "group-surveysubmit-member": "{{GENDER:$1|survey participant}}",
-    "grouppage-surveysubmit": "{{ns:project}}:Survey_participants",
-    "group-surveyadmin.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect survey 
administrators only */",
-    "group-surveyadmin.js": "/* JS placed here will affect survey 
administrators only */",
-    "group-surveysubmit.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect survey 
participants only */",
-    "group-surveysubmit.js": "/* JS placed here will affect survey 
participants only */",
-    "special-editsurvey": "Survey admin",
-    "special-surveys": "Surveys admin",
-    "special-surveystats": "Survey statistics",
-    "special-takesurvey": "Take survey",
-    "survey-err-id-xor-name": "You need to provide either the ID or the name 
of the survey to submit",
-    "survey-err-survey-name-unknown": "There is no survey with the name 
-    "survey-err-duplicate-name": "There already is a survey with the name 
-    "survey-err-ids-xor-names": "You need to provide either the IDs or the 
names of the surveys to query",
-    "survey-question-type-text": "Single-line text field",
-    "survey-question-type-number": "Number",
-    "survey-question-type-select": "Dropdown menu",
-    "survey-question-type-radio": "Radio buttons",
-    "survey-question-type-textarea": "Multi-line text field",
-    "survey-question-type-check": "Checkbox",
-    "survey-user-type-all": "Everyone",
-    "survey-user-type-loggedin": "Logged in users",
-    "survey-user-type-confirmed": "Confirmed users",
-    "survey-user-type-editor": "Editors",
-    "survey-user-type-anon": "Anonymous users",
-    "survey-navigation-edit": "[[Special:Survey/$1|Edit this survey]]",
-    "survey-navigation-take": "[[Special:TakeSurvey/$1|Take this survey]]",
-    "survey-navigation-list": "[[Special:Surveys|Surveys list]]",
-    "survey-navigation-stats": "[[Special:SurveyStats/$1|View statistics]]",
-    "surveys-special-addnew": "Add a new survey",
-    "surveys-special-namedoc": "Enter an unique identifier (ID) for the new 
survey. Can not be changed later. For example: editor-motivation.",
-    "surveys-special-newname": "New survey ID:",
-    "surveys-special-add": "Add survey",
-    "surveys-special-existing": "Existing surveys",
-    "surveys-special-title": "Title",
-    "surveys-special-status": "Status",
-    "surveys-special-stats": "Statistics",
-    "surveys-special-edit": "Edit",
-    "surveys-special-save": "Save",
-    "surveys-special-delete": "Delete",
-    "surveys-special-enabled": "Enabled",
-    "surveys-special-disabled": "Disabled",
-    "surveys-special-confirm-delete": "Are you sure you want to delete this 
-    "surveys-special-delete-failed": "Failed to delete survey.",
-    "survey-special-label-usertype": "Users that should get the survey",
-    "survey-special-label-minpages": "Minimum amount of pages the user needs 
to visit before getting the survey",
-    "surveys-takesurvey-loading": "Loading survey...",
-    "surveys-takesurvey-nosuchsurvey": "The requested survey does not exist.",
-    "surveys-takesurvey-warn-notenabled": "This survey has not been enabled 
yet, and therefore is not visible to users.",
-    "surveys-takesurvey-surveynotenabled": "The requested survey has not been 
enabled yet.",
-    "surveys-surveystats-nosuchsurvey": "The requested survey does not exist. 
You can view a [[Special:Surveys|list of available surveys]].",
-    "surveys-surveystats-name": "Survey ID",
-    "surveys-surveystats-title": "Survey title",
-    "surveys-surveystats-status": "Survey status",
-    "surveys-surveystats-questioncount": "Number of questions",
-    "surveys-surveystats-submissioncount": "Number of submissions",
-    "surveys-surveystats-enabled": "Enabled",
-    "surveys-surveystats-disabled": "Disabled",
-    "surveys-surveystats-questions": "Question statistics",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-nr": "#",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-#": "$1",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-type": "Question type",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-text": "Question text",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-answercount": "Number of answers",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-answers": "Most provided answers",
-    "surveys-surveystats-question-answer": "$1 ($2 
-    "surveys-surveystats-unchecked": "Unchecked",
-    "surveys-surveystats-checked": "Checked",
-    "surveys-special-unknown-name": "There is no survey with the requested 
-    "survey-special-label-name": "Survey ID",
-    "survey-special-label-title": "Survey title",
-    "survey-special-label-enabled": "Survey enabled",
-    "survey-special-label-ratio": "Percentage of people to show the survey to",
-    "survey-special-label-add-first": "Add question",
-    "survey-special-label-add-another": "Add another question",
-    "survey-special-label-addquestion": "New question",
-    "survey-question-label-nr": "Question #$1",
-    "survey-special-label-required": "Question is required",
-    "survey-special-label-type": "Question type",
-    "survey-special-label-text": "Question text",
-    "survey-special-remove": "Remove question",
-    "survey-special-remove-confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this 
-    "survey-special-label-header": "Text to display above the survey",
-    "survey-special-label-footer": "Text to display below the survey",
-    "survey-special-label-thanks": "Thanks message to display after submission 
of the survey",
-    "survey-special-label-answers": "Available answers, one per line.",
-    "survey-jquery-submit": "Submit",
-    "survey-jquery-finish": "Finish",
-    "survey-jquery-load-failed": "Could not load the survey."
+       "@metadata": {
+               "authors": [
+                       "Jeroen De Dauw"
+               ]
+       },
+       "survey-desc": "Survey tool for MediaWiki",
+       "right-surveyadmin": "Manage surveys",
+       "right-surveysubmit": "Participate in surveys",
+       "action-surveyadmin": "manage surveys",
+       "action-surveysubmit": "participate in surveys",
+       "group-surveyadmin": "Survey administrators",
+       "group-surveyadmin-member": "{{GENDER:$1|survey administrator}}",
+       "grouppage-surveyadmin": "{{ns:project}}:Survey administrators",
+       "group-surveysubmit": "Survey participants",
+       "group-surveysubmit-member": "{{GENDER:$1|survey participant}}",
+       "grouppage-surveysubmit": "{{ns:project}}:Survey_participants",
+       "group-surveyadmin.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect survey 
administrators only */",
+       "group-surveyadmin.js": "/* JS placed here will affect survey 
administrators only */",
+       "group-surveysubmit.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect survey 
participants only */",
+       "group-surveysubmit.js": "/* JS placed here will affect survey 
participants only */",
+       "special-editsurvey": "Survey admin",
+       "special-surveys": "Surveys admin",
+       "special-surveystats": "Survey statistics",
+       "special-takesurvey": "Take survey",
+       "survey-err-id-xor-name": "You need to provide either the ID or the 
name of the survey to submit",
+       "survey-err-survey-name-unknown": "There is no survey with the name 
+       "survey-err-duplicate-name": "There already is a survey with the name 
+       "survey-err-ids-xor-names": "You need to provide either the IDs or the 
names of the surveys to query",
+       "survey-question-type-text": "Single-line text field",
+       "survey-question-type-number": "Number",
+       "survey-question-type-select": "Dropdown menu",
+       "survey-question-type-radio": "Radio buttons",
+       "survey-question-type-textarea": "Multi-line text field",
+       "survey-question-type-check": "Checkbox",
+       "survey-user-type-all": "Everyone",
+       "survey-user-type-loggedin": "Logged in users",
+       "survey-user-type-confirmed": "Confirmed users",
+       "survey-user-type-editor": "Editors",
+       "survey-user-type-anon": "Anonymous users",
+       "survey-navigation-edit": "[[Special:Survey/$1|Edit this survey]]",
+       "survey-navigation-take": "[[Special:TakeSurvey/$1|Take this survey]]",
+       "survey-navigation-list": "[[Special:Surveys|Surveys list]]",
+       "survey-navigation-stats": "[[Special:SurveyStats/$1|View statistics]]",
+       "surveys-special-addnew": "Add a new survey",
+       "surveys-special-namedoc": "Enter an unique identifier (ID) for the new 
survey. Can not be changed later. For example: editor-motivation.",
+       "surveys-special-newname": "New survey ID:",
+       "surveys-special-add": "Add survey",
+       "surveys-special-existing": "Existing surveys",
+       "surveys-special-title": "Title",
+       "surveys-special-status": "Status",
+       "surveys-special-stats": "Statistics",
+       "surveys-special-edit": "Edit",
+       "surveys-special-save": "Save",
+       "surveys-special-delete": "Delete",
+       "surveys-special-enabled": "Enabled",
+       "surveys-special-disabled": "Disabled",
+       "surveys-special-confirm-delete": "Are you sure you want to delete this 
+       "surveys-special-delete-failed": "Failed to delete survey.",
+       "survey-special-label-usertype": "Users that should get the survey",
+       "survey-special-label-minpages": "Minimum amount of pages the user 
needs to visit before getting the survey",
+       "surveys-takesurvey-loading": "Loading survey...",
+       "surveys-takesurvey-nosuchsurvey": "The requested survey does not 
+       "surveys-takesurvey-warn-notenabled": "This survey has not been enabled 
yet, and therefore is not visible to users.",
+       "surveys-takesurvey-surveynotenabled": "The requested survey has not 
been enabled yet.",
+       "surveys-surveystats-nosuchsurvey": "The requested survey does not 
exist. You can view a [[Special:Surveys|list of available surveys]].",
+       "surveys-surveystats-name": "Survey ID",
+       "surveys-surveystats-title": "Survey title",
+       "surveys-surveystats-status": "Survey status",
+       "surveys-surveystats-questioncount": "Number of questions",
+       "surveys-surveystats-submissioncount": "Number of submissions",
+       "surveys-surveystats-enabled": "Enabled",
+       "surveys-surveystats-disabled": "Disabled",
+       "surveys-surveystats-questions": "Question statistics",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-nr": "#",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-#": "$1",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-type": "Question type",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-text": "Question text",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-answercount": "Number of answers",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-answers": "Most provided answers",
+       "surveys-surveystats-question-answer": "$1 ($2 
+       "surveys-surveystats-unchecked": "Unchecked",
+       "surveys-surveystats-checked": "Checked",
+       "surveys-special-unknown-name": "There is no survey with the requested 
+       "survey-special-label-name": "Survey ID",
+       "survey-special-label-title": "Survey title",
+       "survey-special-label-enabled": "Survey enabled",
+       "survey-special-label-ratio": "Percentage of people to show the survey 
+       "survey-special-label-add-first": "Add question",
+       "survey-special-label-add-another": "Add another question",
+       "survey-special-label-addquestion": "New question",
+       "survey-question-label-nr": "Question #$1",
+       "survey-special-label-required": "Question is required",
+       "survey-special-label-type": "Question type",
+       "survey-special-label-text": "Question text",
+       "survey-special-remove": "Remove question",
+       "survey-special-remove-confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove this 
+       "survey-special-label-header": "Text to display above the survey",
+       "survey-special-label-footer": "Text to display below the survey",
+       "survey-special-label-thanks": "Thanks message to display after 
submission of the survey",
+       "survey-special-label-answers": "Available answers, one per line.",
+       "survey-jquery-submit": "Submit",
+       "survey-jquery-finish": "Finish",
+       "survey-jquery-load-failed": "Could not load the survey."

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9c68fae746d4f8fcf4364b69230fc49d363c4919
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/Survey
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Siebrand <>

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