Paladox has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Test: DO NOT MERGE


Change-Id: I220e2a6fa16fadb22199107b73eabfb02fa18c6b
M TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php
M TimedMediaHandler.php
M WebVideoTranscode/WebVideoTranscode.php
A extension.json
6 files changed, 891 insertions(+), 764 deletions(-)

  git pull 

diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c37c5ad..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-== TimedMediaHandler ==
-This extension provides a media handler for the Ogg, WebM, mp4 container 
-When enabled, a player will be automatically embedded in the file description
-page, or any wiki page while still using the same syntax as for images.
-* Broad support for input file formats
-* Transcoder to make video at web resolutions when embedding clips in a page
-* include support for timed Text per the w3c "track" recommendation
-* use embedPlayer mwEmbed javascript module for playback
-To install this extension, add the following to the end of your
-       // You need mwEmbedSupport ( if not already added )
-       require( "$IP/extensions/MwEmbedSupport/MwEmbedSupport.php" );
-       // TimedMediaHandler
-    require( "$IP/extensions/TimedMediaHandler/TimedMediaHandler.php" );
-== Running Transcodes ==
-Transcoding a video to another resolution or format takes a good amount which
-prevents that processing to be handled as a web service. Instead, the extension
-implements an asynchronous job, named webVideoTranscode, which you must be
-running regularly as your web server user.
-The job can be run using the MediaWiki maintenance/runJobs.php utility (do not
-forget to su as a webserver user):
-  php runJobs.php --type webVideoTranscode --maxjobs 1
-== Kaltura HTML5 player library ==
-TimedMediaHandler uses the Kaltura HTML5 player library for video playback, it
-relies on the <video> element as well as JavaScript.
-For more information about the player library visit:
-== Libav ==
-We use Libav for two purposes:
- - creating still images of videos (aka thumbnails)
- - transcoding WebM, H.264 videos
-Wikimedia currently uses libav as shipped in Ubuntu 12.04 (libav 0.8.x).
-For best experience use that or any later release from
-On Ubuntu/Debian:
-  apt-get install libav-tools
-For H.264 support:
-  apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53
-If you operating system does not include the required libav software,
-you can download static builds for multiple platforms at:
-You can also build libav/ffmpeg from source.
-Guide for building ffmpeg with H.264 for Ubuntu:
-Some old versions of FFmpeg had a bug which made it extremely slow to seek in
-large theora videos in order to generate a thumbnail.  If you are using an old
-version of FFmpeg and find that performance is extremely poor (tens of seconds)
-to generate thumbnails of theora videos that are several minutes or more in
-length. Please update to a more recent version.
-In MediaWiki configuration, after the require line in LocalSettings.php, you
-will have to specify the FFmpeg binary location with:
-    $wgFFmpegLocation = '/path/to/ffmpeg';
-Default being `/usr/bin/avconv`.
-== ffmpeg2theora ==
-We use ffmpeg2theora for extract metadata from videos, you will need a copy on
-your server. For best experience, use the latest release of ffmpeg2theora. At a
-minimum you need to use ffmpeg2thoera 0.27.
-You can download static ffmpeg2theora builds for multiple platforms at:
-Set the ffmpeg2theora binary location with:
-    $wgFFmpeg2theoraLocation = '/path/to/ffmpeg2theora';
-Default being `/usr/bin/ffmpeg2theora`.
-We use oggvideotools for creating still images of videos, you will need a copy 
on your
-Set the oggThumb binary location with:
-    $wgOggThumbLocation = '/path/to/oggThumb';
-Download oggThumb from:
-== PEAR File_Ogg ==
-Tim Starling, a Wikimedia developer, forked the PEAR File_Ogg package and
-improved it significantly to support this extension.
-The PEAR bundle is licensed under the LGPL, you can get informations about
-this package on the pear webpage:
-== getID3 ==
-getID3 is used for metadata of WebM files.
-getID3() by James Heinrich <>
-available at
-getID3 code is released under the GNU GPL:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3512ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+This extension provides a media handler for the Ogg, WebM, mp4 container 
+When enabled, a player will be automatically embedded in the file description
+page, or any wiki page while still using the same syntax as for images.
+* Broad support for input file formats
+* Transcoder to make video at web resolutions when embedding clips in a page
+* include support for timed Text per the w3c "track" recommendation
+* use embedPlayer mwEmbed javascript module for playback
+To install this extension, add the following to the end of your
+For MediaWiki 1.24 or lower please add this
+// You need mwEmbedSupport ( if not already added )
+require_once( "$IP/extensions/MwEmbedSupport/MwEmbedSupport.php" );
+// TimedMediaHandler
+require_once( "$IP/extensions/TimedMediaHandler/TimedMediaHandler.php" );
+For MediaWiki 1.25 or higher please add this
+// TimedMediaHandler
+wfLoadExtensions( array( 'TimedMediaHandler' ) );
+### Running Transcodes
+Transcoding a video to another resolution or format takes a good amount which
+prevents that processing to be handled as a web service. Instead, the extension
+implements an asynchronous job, named webVideoTranscode, which you must be
+running regularly as your web server user.
+The job can be run using the MediaWiki maintenance/runJobs.php utility (do not
+forget to su as a webserver user):
+php runJobs.php --type webVideoTranscode --maxjobs 1
+### Kaltura HTML5 player library
+TimedMediaHandler uses the Kaltura HTML5 player library for video playback, it
+relies on the <video> element as well as JavaScript.
+For more information about the player library visit:
+### Libav
+We use Libav for two purposes:
+ - creating still images of videos (aka thumbnails)
+ - transcoding WebM, H.264 videos
+Wikimedia currently uses libav as shipped in Ubuntu 12.04 (libav 0.8.x).
+For best experience use that or any later release from
+On Ubuntu/Debian:
+  apt-get install libav-tools
+For H.264 support:
+  apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53
+If you operating system does not include the required libav software,
+you can download static builds for multiple platforms at:
+You can also build libav/ffmpeg from source.
+Guide for building ffmpeg with H.264 for Ubuntu:
+Some old versions of FFmpeg had a bug which made it extremely slow to seek in
+large theora videos in order to generate a thumbnail.  If you are using an old
+version of FFmpeg and find that performance is extremely poor (tens of seconds)
+to generate thumbnails of theora videos that are several minutes or more in
+length. Please update to a more recent version.
+In MediaWiki configuration, after the require line in LocalSettings.php, you
+will have to specify the FFmpeg binary location with:
+$wgFFmpegLocation = '/path/to/ffmpeg';
+Default being `/usr/bin/avconv`.
+### ffmpeg2theora
+We use ffmpeg2theora for extract metadata from videos, you will need a copy on
+your server. For best experience, use the latest release of ffmpeg2theora. At a
+minimum you need to use ffmpeg2thoera 0.27.
+You can download static ffmpeg2theora builds for multiple platforms at:
+Set the ffmpeg2theora binary location with:
+$wgFFmpeg2theoraLocation = '/path/to/ffmpeg2theora';
+Default being `/usr/bin/ffmpeg2theora`.
+We use oggvideotools for creating still images of videos, you will need a copy 
on your
+Set the oggThumb binary location with:
+$wgOggThumbLocation = '/path/to/oggThumb';
+Download oggThumb from:
+### PEAR File_Ogg
+Tim Starling, a Wikimedia developer, forked the PEAR File_Ogg package and
+improved it significantly to support this extension.
+The PEAR bundle is licensed under the LGPL, you can get informations about
+this package on the pear webpage:
+### getID3
+getID3 is used for metadata of WebM files.
+getID3() by James Heinrich <>
+available at
+getID3 code is released under the GNU GPL:
+### Configuration settings
+The following variables can be overridden in your LocalSettings.php file:
+// Path overdie for cortado ( by default its false and uses hard coded paths 
relative to TMH
+// or the predefined path on upload server:
+$wgCortadoJarFile = false;
+// Show a warning to the user if they are not using an html5 browser with high 
quality ogg support
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.DirectFileLinkWarning'] = true;
+// Show the options menu:
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.EnableOptionsMenu'] = true;
+// TMH needs java ( no h.264 or mp3 derivatives )
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.DisableJava' ] = true;
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.DisableHTML5FlashFallback' ] = true;
+// The text interface should always be shown
+// ( even if there are no text tracks for that asset at render time )
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowInterface'] = 'always';
+// Show the add text link:
+$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowAddTextLink'] = true;
+// How long you have to wait between transcode resets for non-error transcodes
+$wgWaitTimeForTranscodeReset = 3600;
+// The minimum size for an embed video player ( smaller than this size uses a 
pop-up player )
+$wgMinimumVideoPlayerSize = 200;
+// Set the supported ogg codecs:
+$wgMediaVideoTypes = array( 'Theora', 'VP8' );
+$wgMediaAudioTypes = array( 'Vorbis', 'Speex', 'FLAC', 'Opus' );
+// Default skin for mwEmbed player
+$wgVideoPlayerSkinModule = 'mw.PlayerSkinKskin';
+// Support iframe for remote embedding
+$wgEnableIframeEmbed = true;
+// If transcoding is enabled for this wiki (if disabled, no transcode jobs are 
added and no
+// transcode status is displayed). Note if remote embedding an asset we will 
still check if
+// the remote repo has transcoding enabled and associated flavors for that 
media embed.
+$wgEnableTranscode = true;
+// If the job runner should run transcode commands in a background thread and 
monitor the
+// transcoding progress. This enables more fine grain control of the 
transcoding process, wraps
+// encoding commands in a lower priority 'nice' call, and kills long running 
transcodes that are
+// not making any progress. If set to false, the job runner will use the more 
+// php blocking shell exec command.
+$wgEnableNiceBackgroundTranscodeJobs = false;
+// The priority to be used with the nice transcode commands.
+$wgTranscodeBackgroundPriority = 19;
+// The total amout of time a transcoding shell command can take:
+$wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit = 3600 * 8;
+// Maximum amount of virtual memory available to transcoding processes in KB
+$wgTranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2GB avconv, 
ffmpeg2theora mmap resources so virtual memory needs to be high enough
+// Maximum file size transcoding processes can create, in KB
+$wgTranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3GB
+// Number of threads to use in avconv for transcoding
+$wgFFmpegThreads = 1;
+// The NS for TimedText (registered on
+// Note commons pre-dates TimedMediaHandler and should set $wgTimedTextNS = 
102 in LocalSettings.php
+$wgTimedTextNS = 710;
+// Set TimedText namespace for ForeignDBViaLBRepo on a per wikiID basis
+// $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = array( 'commonswiki' => 102 );
+$wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = array();
+// Set to false to disable local TimedText,
+// you still get subtitles for videos from foreign repos
+// to disable all TimedText, set
+// $wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowInterface'] = 'off';
+$wgEnableLocalTimedText = true;
+ * Default enabled transcodes
+ *
+ * -If set to empty array, no derivatives will be created
+ * -Derivative keys encode settings are defined in WebVideoTranscode.php
+ *
+ * -These transcodes are *in addition to* the source file.
+ * -Only derivatives with smaller width than the source asset size will be 
+ * -Regardless of source size at least one WebM and Ogg source will be created 
from the $wgEnabledTranscodeSet
+ * -Derivative jobs are added to the MediaWiki JobQueue the first time the 
asset is displayed
+ * -Derivative should be listed min to max
+ */
+$wgEnabledTranscodeSet = array(
+       // WebM VP8/Vorbis
+       // primary free/open video format
+       // supported by Chrome/Firefox/Opera but not Safari/IE/Edge
+       // Medium-bitrate web streamable WebM video
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_360P,
+       // Moderate-bitrate web streamable WebM video
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_480P,
+       // A high quality WebM stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_720P,
+       // A full-HD high quality WebM stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_1080P,
+       // Ogg Theora/Vorbis
+       // Fallback for Safari/IE/Edge with ogv.js
+       //
+       // Requires twice the bitrate for same quality as VP8,
+       // and JS decoder can be slow, so shift to smaller sizes.
+       // Low-bitrate Ogg stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_160P,
+       // Medium-bitrate Ogg stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_240P,
+       // Moderate-bitrate Ogg stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_360P,
+       // High-bitrate Ogg stream
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_480P,
+       // MP4 H.264/AAC
+       // Primary format for the Apple/Microsoft world
+       //
+       // Check patent licensing issues in your country before use!
+       // Similar to WebM in quality/bitrate
+       // A least common denominator h.264 stream; first gen iPhone, iPods, 
early android etc.
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_320P,
+       // A mid range h.264 stream; mid range phones and low end tables
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_480P,
+       // An high quality HD stream; higher end phones, tablets, smart tvs
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_720P,
+       // A full-HD high quality stream; higher end phones, tablets, smart tvs
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_1080P,
+$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet = array(
+       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_VORBIS,
+       //opus support must be available in avconv
+       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_OPUS,
+       //avconv needs libmp3lame support
+       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_MP3,
+       //avconv needs libvo_aacenc support
+       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_AAC,
+// If mp4 source assets can be ingested:
+$wgTmhEnableMp4Uploads = false;
+// Two-pass encoding for .ogv Theora transcodes is flaky as of October 2015.
+// Enable this only if testing with latest theora libraries!
+// See tracking bug:
+$wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding = false;
+// List of extensions handled by Timed Media Handler since its referenced in a 
few places.
+// you should not modify this variable
+$wgTmhFileExtensions = array( 'ogg', 'ogv', 'oga', 'flac', 'wav', 'webm', 
'mp4' );
+$wgFileExtensions = array_merge( $wgFileExtensions, $wgTmhFileExtensions );
diff --git a/TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php b/TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php
index d290bf7..aa288ef 100644
--- a/TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php
+++ b/TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php
@@ -8,6 +8,34 @@
 class TimedMediaHandlerHooks {
+       /**
+        * Executed after processing extension.json
+        */
+       public static function registerExtension() {
+               global $wgFileExtensions, $wgTmhFileExtensions, 
+               $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet;
+               // List of file extensions handled by Timed Media Handler since 
its referenced in
+               // a few places. You should not modify this variable.
+               $wgTmhFileExtensions = array( 'ogg', 'ogv', 'oga', 'flac', 
'wav', 'webm', 'mp4' );
+               $wgFileExtensions = array_merge( $wgFileExtensions, 
$wgTmhFileExtensions );
+               /**
+                * Default enabled transcodes
+                *
+                * -If set to empty array, no derivatives will be created
+                * -Derivative keys encode settings are defined in 
+                *
+                * -These transcodes are *in addition to* the source file.
+                * -Only derivatives with smaller width than the source asset 
size will be created
+                * -Regardless of source size at least one WebM and Ogg source 
will be created from the $wgEnabledTranscodeSet
+                * -Derivative jobs are added to the MediaWiki JobQueue the 
first time the asset is displayed
+                * -Derivative should be listed min to max
+                */
+       }
        // Register TimedMediaHandler Hooks
        public static function register(){
                global $wgHooks, $wgJobClasses, 
diff --git a/TimedMediaHandler.php b/TimedMediaHandler.php
index 040dff0..128d2ee 100644
--- a/TimedMediaHandler.php
+++ b/TimedMediaHandler.php
@@ -1,309 +1,18 @@
-if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
-       echo "This is the TimedMediaHandler extension. Please see the README 
file for installation instructions.\n";
-       exit( 1 );
+if ( function_exists( 'wfLoadExtension' ) ) {
+       wfLoadExtension( 'TimedMediaHandler' );
+       // Keep i18n globals so mergeMessageFileList.php doesn't break
+       $wgMessagesDirs['TimedMediaHandler'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
+       $wgMessagesDirs['MwEmbed.EmbedPlayer'] = __DIR__ . 
+       $wgMessagesDirs['MwEmbed.TimedText'] = __DIR__ . 
+       $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['TimedMediaHandlerMagic'] = __DIR__ . 
+       $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['TimedMediaHandlerAliases'] = __DIR__ . 
+       /* wfWarn(
+               'Deprecated PHP entry point used for TimedMediaHandler 
extension. Please use wfLoadExtension instead, ' .
+               'see for 
more details.'
+       ); */
+       return;
+} else {
+       die( 'This version of the TimedMediaHandler extension requires 
MediaWiki 1.25+' );
-// Set up the timed media handler dir:
-$timedMediaDir = __DIR__;
-// Include WebVideoTranscode (prior to config so that its defined transcode 
keys can be used in configuration)
-$wgAutoloadClasses['WebVideoTranscode'] = 
-// Add the rest transcode right:
-$wgAvailableRights[] = 'transcode-reset';
-$wgAvailableRights[] = 'transcode-status';
-/*** MwEmbed module configuration: *********************************/
-// Show a warning to the user if they are not using an html5 browser with high 
quality ogg support
-$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.DirectFileLinkWarning'] = true;
-// Show the options menu:
-$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.EnableOptionsMenu'] = true;
-$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['EmbedPlayer.DisableHTML5FlashFallback' ] = true;
-// The text interface should always be shown
-// ( even if there are no text tracks for that asset at render time )
-$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowInterface'] = 'always';
-// Show the add text link:
-$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowAddTextLink'] = true;
-/*** Timed Media Handler configuration ****************************/
-// Which users can restart failed or expired transcode jobs:
-$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['transcode-reset'] = true;
-$wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['transcode-reset'] = true;
-// Which users can see Special:TimedMediaHandler
-$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['transcode-status'] = true;
-// How long you have to wait between transcode resets for non-error transcodes
-$wgWaitTimeForTranscodeReset = 3600;
-// The minimum size for an embed video player ( smaller than this size uses a 
pop-up player )
-$wgMinimumVideoPlayerSize = 200;
-// Set the supported ogg codecs:
-$wgMediaVideoTypes = array( 'Theora', 'VP8' );
-$wgMediaAudioTypes = array( 'Vorbis', 'Speex', 'FLAC', 'Opus' );
-// Default skin for mwEmbed player
-$wgVideoPlayerSkinModule = 'mw.PlayerSkinKskin';
-// Support iframe for remote embedding
-$wgEnableIframeEmbed = true;
-// If transcoding is enabled for this wiki (if disabled, no transcode jobs are 
added and no
-// transcode status is displayed). Note if remote embedding an asset we will 
still check if
-// the remote repo has transcoding enabled and associated flavors for that 
media embed.
-$wgEnableTranscode = true;
-// If the job runner should run transcode commands in a background thread and 
monitor the
-// transcoding progress. This enables more fine grain control of the 
transcoding process, wraps
-// encoding commands in a lower priority 'nice' call, and kills long running 
transcodes that are
-// not making any progress. If set to false, the job runner will use the more 
-// php blocking shell exec command.
-$wgEnableNiceBackgroundTranscodeJobs = false;
-// The priority to be used with the nice transcode commands.
-$wgTranscodeBackgroundPriority = 19;
-// The total amout of time a transcoding shell command can take:
-$wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit = 3600 * 8;
-// Maximum amount of virtual memory available to transcoding processes in KB
-$wgTranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2GB avconv, 
ffmpeg2theora mmap resources so virtual memory needs to be high enough
-// Maximum file size transcoding processes can create, in KB
-$wgTranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3GB
-// Number of threads to use in avconv for transcoding
-$wgFFmpegThreads = 1;
-// The location of ffmpeg2theora (transcoding)
-// Set to false to use avconv/ffmpeg to produce Ogg Theora transcodes instead;
-// beware this will disable Ogg skeleton metadata generation.
-$wgFFmpeg2theoraLocation = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg2theora';
-// Location of oggThumb binary ( used instead of ffmpeg )
-$wgOggThumbLocation = '/usr/bin/oggThumb';
-// Location of the avconv/ffmpeg binary (used to encode WebM and for 
-$wgFFmpegLocation = '/usr/bin/avconv';
-// The NS for TimedText (registered on
-// Note commons pre-dates TimedMediaHandler and should set $wgTimedTextNS = 
102 in LocalSettings.php
-$wgTimedTextNS = 710;
-// Set TimedText namespace for ForeignDBViaLBRepo on a per wikiID basis
-// $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = array( 'commonswiki' => 102 );
-$wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = array();
-// Set to false to disable local TimedText,
-// you still get subtitles for videos from foreign repos
-// to disable all TimedText, set
-// $wgMwEmbedModuleConfig['TimedText.ShowInterface'] = 'off';
-$wgEnableLocalTimedText = true;
- * Default enabled transcodes
- *
- * -If set to empty array, no derivatives will be created
- * -Derivative keys encode settings are defined in WebVideoTranscode.php
- *
- * -These transcodes are *in addition to* the source file.
- * -Only derivatives with smaller width than the source asset size will be 
- * -Regardless of source size at least one WebM and Ogg source will be created 
from the $wgEnabledTranscodeSet
- * -Derivative jobs are added to the MediaWiki JobQueue the first time the 
asset is displayed
- * -Derivative should be listed min to max
- */
-$wgEnabledTranscodeSet = array(
-       // WebM VP8/Vorbis
-       // primary free/open video format
-       // supported by Chrome/Firefox/Opera but not Safari/IE/Edge
-       // Medium-bitrate web streamable WebM video
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_360P,
-       // Moderate-bitrate web streamable WebM video
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_480P,
-       // A high quality WebM stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_720P,
-       // A full-HD high quality WebM stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_1080P,
-       // A 4K full high quality WebM stream
-       // WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_2160P,
-       // Ogg Theora/Vorbis
-       // Fallback for Safari/IE/Edge with ogv.js
-       //
-       // Requires twice the bitrate for same quality as VP8,
-       // and JS decoder can be slow, so shift to smaller sizes.
-       // Low-bitrate Ogg stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_160P,
-       // Medium-bitrate Ogg stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_240P,
-       // Moderate-bitrate Ogg stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_360P,
-       // High-bitrate Ogg stream
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_480P,
-       // MP4 H.264/AAC
-       // Primary format for the Apple/Microsoft world
-       //
-       // Check patent licensing issues in your country before use!
-       // Similar to WebM in quality/bitrate
-       // A least common denominator h.264 stream; first gen iPhone, iPods, 
early android etc.
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_320P,
-       // A mid range h.264 stream; mid range phones and low end tables
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_480P,
-       // An high quality HD stream; higher end phones, tablets, smart tvs
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_720P,
-       // A full-HD high quality stream; higher end phones, tablets, smart tvs
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_1080P,
-       // A 4K high quality stream; higher end phones, tablets, smart tvs
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_2160P,
-$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet = array(
-       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_VORBIS,
-       //opus support must be available in avconv
-       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_OPUS,
-       //avconv needs libmp3lame support
-       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_MP3,
-       //avconv needs libvo_aacenc support
-       //WebVideoTranscode::ENC_AAC,
-// If mp4 source assets can be ingested:
-$wgTmhEnableMp4Uploads = false;
-// Two-pass encoding for .ogv Theora transcodes is flaky as of October 2015.
-// Enable this only if testing with latest theora libraries!
-// See tracking bug:
-$wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding = false;
-/******************* CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE **********************/
-// List of extensions handled by Timed Media Handler since its referenced in a 
few places.
-// you should not modify this variable
-$wgTmhFileExtensions = array( 'ogg', 'ogv', 'oga', 'flac', 'wav', 'webm', 
'mp4' );
-$wgFileExtensions = array_merge( $wgFileExtensions, $wgTmhFileExtensions );
-// Timed Media Handler AutoLoad Classes:
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedMediaHandler'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedMediaHandlerHooks'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedMediaTransformOutput'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedMediaIframeOutput'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedMediaThumbnail'] = 
-// Transcode Page
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TranscodeStatusTable'] = 
-// Testing:
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiTestCaseVideoUpload'] = 
-// Ogg Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['OggHandlerTMH'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['OggException'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Bitstream'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Flac'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Media'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Opus'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Speex'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Theora'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['File_Ogg_Vorbis'] = 
-// getID3 provides metadata for mp4 and webm files:
-$wgAutoloadClasses['getID3'] = "$timedMediaDir/libs/getid3/getid3.php";
-$wgAutoloadClasses['getid3_exception'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['getid3_handler'] = "$timedMediaDir/libs/getid3/getid3.php";
-// ID3 Metadata Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ID3Handler'] = 
-// Mp4 / h264 Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['Mp4Handler'] = 
-// WebM Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['WebMHandler'] = 
-// FLAC Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['FLACHandler'] = 
-// WAV Handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['WAVHandler'] = 
-// Text handler
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ForeignApiQueryAllPages'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TextHandler'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['TimedTextPage'] = "$timedMediaDir/TimedTextPage.php";
-// Transcode support
-$wgAutoloadClasses['WebVideoTranscodeJob'] = 
-// API modules:
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiQueryVideoInfo'] = 
-$wgAPIPropModules['videoinfo'] = 'ApiQueryVideoInfo';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiTranscodeStatus'] = 
-$wgAPIPropModules['transcodestatus'] = 'ApiTranscodeStatus';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiTranscodeReset'] = 
-$wgAPIModules['transcodereset'] = 'ApiTranscodeReset';
-// Localization
-$wgMessagesDirs['TimedMediaHandler'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['TimedMediaHandlerMagic'] = 
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['TimedMediaHandlerAliases'] = 
-// Inlcude module locationlizations
-$wgMessagesDirs['MwEmbed.EmbedPlayer'] = __DIR__ . 
-$wgMessagesDirs['MwEmbed.TimedText'] = __DIR__ . 
-// Special Pages
-$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialTimedMediaHandler'] = 
-$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialOrphanedTimedText'] = 
-// Register all Timed Media Handler hooks right after initial setup
-// This way if you set a variable like $wgTimedTextNS in LocalSettings.php 
after you include TimedMediaHandler
-// we can still read the variable values
-$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'TimedMediaHandlerHooks::register';
-# add Special pages
-$wgSpecialPages['OrphanedTimedText'] = 'SpecialOrphanedTimedText';
-$wgSpecialPages['TimedMediaHandler'] = 'SpecialTimedMediaHandler';
-// Extension Credits
-$wgExtensionCredits['media'][] = array(
-       'path'           => __FILE__,
-       'name'           => 'TimedMediaHandler',
-       'namemsg'        => 'timedmediahandler-extensionname',
-       'author'         => array( 'Michael Dale', 'Tim Starling', 'James 
Heinrich', 'Jan Gerber', 'Brion Vibber' ),
-       'url'            => 
-       'descriptionmsg' => 'timedmediahandler-desc',
-       'version'        => '0.4.0',
-       'license-name'   => 'GPL-2.0+',
diff --git a/WebVideoTranscode/WebVideoTranscode.php 
index e3e4545..10ed434 100644
--- a/WebVideoTranscode/WebVideoTranscode.php
+++ b/WebVideoTranscode/WebVideoTranscode.php
@@ -59,9 +59,380 @@
        const ENC_OGG_OPUS = 'opus';
        const ENC_MP3 = 'mp3';
        const ENC_AAC = 'm4a';
+       const TimedMediaEncoding = '';
        // Static cache of transcode state per instantiation
        public static $transcodeState = array() ;
+       public static function TimedMediaEncoding() {
+               global $wgEnabledTranscodeSet, $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet;
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_160P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_160P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_160P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '160',
+                                       'framerate'                  => '15',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '-1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_240P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_240P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_240P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '512',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '0',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_360P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_360P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_360P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_480P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_480P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_480P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '2048',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '2',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_720P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_720P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_720P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoQuality'               => 6,
+                                       'audioQuality'               => 3,
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "OGV_1080P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_1080P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_1080P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoQuality'               => 6,
+                                       'audioQuality'               => 3,
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 
'false', // will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
+                                       'optimize'                   => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_160P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_160P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_160P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '256',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '-1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_360P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_360P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_360P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '512',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_480P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_480P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_480P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '2',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_720P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_720P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_720P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoQuality'               => 7,
+                                       'audioQuality'               => 3,
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_1080P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_1080P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_1080P =>
+                                array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoQuality'               => 7,
+                                       'audioQuality'               => 3,
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "WEBM_2160P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_2160P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_2160P =>
+                                array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoQuality'               => 7,
+                                       'audioQuality'               => 3,
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "VP9_360P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_360P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_360P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '256',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '48000',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "VP9_480P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_480P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_480P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '512',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '48000',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "VP9_720P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_720P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_720P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '48000',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'tileColumns'                => '2',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "VP9_1080P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_1080P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_1080P =>
+                                array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '2048',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '48000',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'tileColumns'                => '4',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "VP9_2160P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_2160P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_2160P =>
+                                array(
+                                       'maxSize'                    => 
+                                       'videoBitrate'               => '8192',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '48000',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'twopass'                    => 'true',
+                                       'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
+                                       'bufDelay'                   => '256',
+                                       'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'tileColumns'                => '4',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "H264_320P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_320P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_320P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize' => '480x320',
+                                       'videoCodec' => 'h264',
+                                       'preset' => 'ipod320',
+                                       'videoBitrate' => '400k',
+                                       'audioCodec' => 'aac',
+                                       'channels' => '2',
+                                       'audioBitrate' => '40k',
+                                       'type' => 'video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "H264_480P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_480P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_480P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize' => '640x480',
+                                       'videoCodec' => 'h264',
+                                       'preset' => 'ipod640',
+                                       'videoBitrate' => '1200k',
+                                       'audioCodec' => 'aac',
+                                       'channels' => '2',
+                                       'audioBitrate' => '64k',
+                                       'type' => 'video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "H264_720P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_720P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_720P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize' => '1280x720',
+                                       'videoCodec' => 'h264',
+                                       'preset' => '720p',
+                                       'videoBitrate' => '2500k',
+                                       'audioCodec' => 'aac',
+                                       'channels' => '2',
+                                       'audioBitrate' => '128k',
+                                       'type' => 'video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "H264_1080P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_1080P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_1080P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize' => '1920x1080',
+                                       'videoCodec' => 'h264',
+                                       'videoBitrate' => '5000k',
+                                       'audioCodec' => 'aac',
+                                       'channels' => '2',
+                                       'audioBitrate' => '128k',
+                                       'type' => 'video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledTranscodeSet != "H264_2160P" || 
$wgEnabledTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_2160P ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_2160P =>
+                               array(
+                                       'maxSize' => '4096x2160',
+                                       'videoCodec' => 'h264',
+                                       'videoBitrate' => '16384k',
+                                       'audioCodec' => 'aac',
+                                       'channels' => '2',
+                                       'audioBitrate' => '128k',
+                                       'type' => 'video/mp4; 
codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != "OGG_VORBIS" || 
$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_VORBIS ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_VORBIS =>
+                               array(
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'novideo'                    => 'true',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != "OGG_OPUS" || 
$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_OPUS ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_OPUS =>
+                               array(
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'novideo'                    => 'true',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'audio/ogg; codecs="opus"',
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != "ENC_MP3" || 
$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_ENC_MP3 ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_MP3 =>
+                               array(
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'mp3',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'novideo'                    => 'true',
+                                       'type'                       => 
+                               ),
+               }
+               if ( $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != "ENC_AAC" || 
$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet != WebVideoTranscode::ENC_ENC_AAC ) {
+                       WebVideoTranscode::ENC_AAC =>
+                               array(
+                                       'audioCodec'                 => 'aac',
+                                       'audioQuality'               => '1',
+                                       'samplerate'                 => '44100',
+                                       'channels'                   => '2',
+                                       'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
+                                       'novideo'                    => 'true',
+                                       'type'                       => 
'audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.5"',
+                               ),
+               }
+       }
        * Encoding parameters are set via firefogg encode api
@@ -72,338 +443,9 @@
        public static $derivativeSettings = array(
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_160P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '288x160',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '160',
-                               'framerate'                  => '15',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '-1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_240P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '426x240',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '512',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '0',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_360P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '640x360',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_480P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '854x480',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '2048',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '2',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_720P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1280x720',
-                               'videoQuality'               => 6,
-                               'audioQuality'               => 3,
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGV_1080P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1920x1080',
-                               'videoQuality'               => 6,
-                               'audioQuality'               => 3,
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'false', // 
will be overridden by $wgTmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding
-                               'optimize'                   => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'theora',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/ogg; 
codecs="theora, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               // WebM transcode:
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_160P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '288x160',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '256',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '-1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_360P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '640x360',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '512',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_480P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '854x480',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '2',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_720P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1280x720',
-                               'videoQuality'               => 7,
-                               'audioQuality'               => 3,
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_1080P =>
-                        array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1920x1080',
-                               'videoQuality'               => 7,
-                               'audioQuality'               => 3,
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_WEBM_2160P =>
-                        array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '4096x2160',
-                               'videoQuality'               => 7,
-                               'audioQuality'               => 3,
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp8',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp8, vorbis"',
-                       ),
-               // WebM VP9 transcode:
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_360P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '640x360',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '256',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '48000',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp9, opus"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_480P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '854x480',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '512',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '48000',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp9, opus"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_720P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1280x720',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '1024',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '48000',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'tileColumns'                => '2',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp9, opus"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_1080P =>
-                        array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '1920x1080',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '2048',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '48000',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'tileColumns'                => '4',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp9, opus"',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_VP9_2160P =>
-                        array(
-                               'maxSize'                    => '4096x2160',
-                               'videoBitrate'               => '8192',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '48000',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'twopass'                    => 'true',
-                               'keyframeInterval'           => '128',
-                               'bufDelay'                   => '256',
-                               'videoCodec'                 => 'vp9',
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'tileColumns'                => '4',
-                               'type'                       => 'video/webm; 
codecs="vp9, opus"',
-                       ),
-               // Losly defined per PCF guide to mp4 profiles:
-               //
-               // and apple HLS profile guide:
-               //
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_320P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize' => '480x320',
-                               'videoCodec' => 'h264',
-                               'preset' => 'ipod320',
-                               'videoBitrate' => '400k',
-                               'audioCodec' => 'aac',
-                               'channels' => '2',
-                               'audioBitrate' => '40k',
-                               'type' => 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_480P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize' => '640x480',
-                               'videoCodec' => 'h264',
-                               'preset' => 'ipod640',
-                               'videoBitrate' => '1200k',
-                               'audioCodec' => 'aac',
-                               'channels' => '2',
-                               'audioBitrate' => '64k',
-                               'type' => 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_720P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize' => '1280x720',
-                               'videoCodec' => 'h264',
-                               'preset' => '720p',
-                               'videoBitrate' => '2500k',
-                               'audioCodec' => 'aac',
-                               'channels' => '2',
-                               'audioBitrate' => '128k',
-                               'type' => 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_1080P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize' => '1920x1080',
-                               'videoCodec' => 'h264',
-                               'videoBitrate' => '5000k',
-                               'audioCodec' => 'aac',
-                               'channels' => '2',
-                               'audioBitrate' => '128k',
-                               'type' => 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_H264_2160P =>
-                       array(
-                               'maxSize' => '4096x2160',
-                               'videoCodec' => 'h264',
-                               'videoBitrate' => '16384k',
-                               'audioCodec' => 'aac',
-                               'channels' => '2',
-                               'audioBitrate' => '128k',
-                               'type' => 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, 
-                       ),
-               //Audio profiles
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_VORBIS =>
-                       array(
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'vorbis',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'novideo'                    => 'true',
-                               'type'                       => 'audio/ogg; 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_OGG_OPUS =>
-                       array(
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'opus',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'novideo'                    => 'true',
-                               'type'                       => 'audio/ogg; 
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_MP3 =>
-                       array(
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'mp3',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'novideo'                    => 'true',
-                               'type'                       => 'audio/mpeg',
-                       ),
-               WebVideoTranscode::ENC_AAC =>
-                       array(
-                               'audioCodec'                 => 'aac',
-                               'audioQuality'               => '1',
-                               'samplerate'                 => '44100',
-                               'channels'                   => '2',
-                               'noUpscaling'                => 'true',
-                               'novideo'                    => 'true',
-                               'type'                       => 'audio/mp4; 
-                       ),
+               WebVideoTranscode::TimedMediaEncoding
         * @param $file File
         * @param $transcodeKey string
diff --git a/extension.json b/extension.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b48d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extension.json
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+       "name": "TimedMediaHandler",
+       "namemsg": "timedmediahandler-extensionname",
+       "version": "0.4.0",
+       "author": [
+               "Michael Dale",
+               "Tim Starling",
+               "James Heinrich",
+               "Jan Gerber",
+               "Brion Vibber"
+       ],
+       "url": "";,
+       "descriptionmsg": "timedmediahandler-desc",
+       "type": "media",
+       "license-name": "GPL-2.0+",
+       "callback": "TimedMediaHandlerHooks::registerExtension",
+       "@doc": "Read for all comments.",
+       "GroupPermissions": {
+               "autoconfirmed": {
+                       "transcode-reset": true
+               },
+               "sysop": {
+                       "transcode-reset": true,
+                       "transcode-status": true
+               }
+       },
+       "AvailableRights": [
+               "transcode-reset",
+               "transcode-status"
+       ],
+       "ExtensionFunctions": [
+               "TimedMediaHandlerHooks::register"
+       ],
+       "SpecialPages": {
+               "OrphanedTimedText": "SpecialOrphanedTimedText",
+               "TimedMediaHandler": "SpecialTimedMediaHandler"
+       },
+       "APIModules": {
+               "transcodereset": "ApiTranscodeReset"
+       },
+       "APIPropModules": {
+               "videoinfo": "ApiQueryVideoInfo",
+               "transcodestatus": "ApiTranscodeStatus"
+       },
+       "MessagesDirs": {
+               "TimedMediaHandler": [
+                       "i18n"
+               ],
+               "MwEmbed.EmbedPlayer": [
+                       "MwEmbedModules/EmbedPlayer/i18n"
+               ],
+               "MwEmbed.TimedText": [
+                       "MwEmbedModules/TimedText/i18n"
+               ]
+       },
+       "ExtensionMessagesFiles": {
+               "TimedMediaHandlerMagic": "TimedMediaHandler.i18n.magic.php",
+               "TimedMediaHandlerAliases": "TimedMediaHandler.i18n.alias.php"
+       },
+       "AutoloadClasses": {
+               "WebVideoTranscode": "WebVideoTranscode/WebVideoTranscode.php",
+               "TimedMediaHandler": "TimedMediaHandler_body.php",
+               "TimedMediaHandlerHooks": "TimedMediaHandler.hooks.php",
+               "TimedMediaTransformOutput": "TimedMediaTransformOutput.php",
+               "TimedMediaIframeOutput": "TimedMediaIframeOutput.php",
+               "TimedMediaThumbnail": "TimedMediaThumbnail.php",
+               "TranscodeStatusTable": "TranscodeStatusTable.php",
+               "ApiTestCaseVideoUpload": 
+               "OggHandlerTMH": "handlers/OggHandler/OggHandler.php",
+               "OggException": "handlers/OggHandler/OggException.php",
+               "File_Ogg": "handlers/OggHandler/File_Ogg/File/Ogg.php",
+               "File_Ogg_Bitstream": 
+               "File_Ogg_Flac": 
+               "File_Ogg_Media": 
+               "File_Ogg_Opus": 
+               "File_Ogg_Speex": 
+               "File_Ogg_Theora": 
+               "File_Ogg_Vorbis": 
+               "getID3": "libs/getid3/getid3.php",
+               "getid3_exception": "libs/getid3/getid3.php",
+               "getid3_handler": "libs/getid3/getid3.php",
+               "ID3Handler": "handlers/ID3Handler/ID3Handler.php",
+               "Mp4Handler": "handlers/Mp4Handler/Mp4Handler.php",
+               "WebMHandler": "handlers/WebMHandler/WebMHandler.php",
+               "FLACHandler": "handlers/FLACHandler/FLACHandler.php",
+               "WAVHandler": "handlers/WAVHandler/WAVHandler.php",
+               "ForeignApiQueryAllPages": 
+               "TextHandler": "handlers/TextHandler/TextHandler.php",
+               "TimedTextPage": "TimedTextPage.php",
+               "WebVideoTranscodeJob": 
+               "ApiQueryVideoInfo": "ApiQueryVideoInfo.php",
+               "ApiTranscodeStatus": "ApiTranscodeStatus.php",
+               "ApiTranscodeReset": "ApiTranscodeReset.php",
+               "SpecialTimedMediaHandler": "SpecialTimedMediaHandler.php",
+               "SpecialOrphanedTimedText": "SpecialOrphanedTimedText.php"
+       },
+       "config": {
+               "MwEmbedModuleConfig": {
+                       "EmbedPlayer.DirectFileLinkWarning": true,
+                       "EmbedPlayer.EnableOptionsMenu": true,
+                       "EmbedPlayer.DisableHTML5FlashFallback": true,
+                       "TimedText.ShowInterface": "always",
+                       "TimedText.ShowAddTextLink": true
+               },
+               "WaitTimeForTranscodeReset": 3600,
+               "MinimumVideoPlayerSize": 200,
+               "EnabledTranscodeSet": [
+                       "OGV_160P",
+                       "OGV_240P",
+                       "OGV_360P",
+                       "OGV_480P",
+                       "WEBM_160P",
+                       "WEBM_360P",
+                       "WEBM_480P",
+                       "WEBM_720P",
+                       "WEBM_1080P",
+                       "WEBM_2160P",
+                       "VP9_360P",
+                       "VP9_720P",
+                       "VP9_1080P",
+                       "VP9_2160P"
+               ],
+               "EnabledAudioTranscodeSet": [
+                       "OGG_VORBIS"
+               ],
+               "MediaVideoTypes": [
+                       "Theora",
+                       "VP8"
+               ],
+               "MediaAudioTypes": [
+                       "Vorbis",
+                       "Speex",
+                       "FLAC",
+                       "Opus"
+               ],
+               "VideoPlayerSkinModule": "mw.PlayerSkinKskin",
+               "EnableIframeEmbed": true,
+               "EnableTranscode": true,
+               "EnableNiceBackgroundTranscodeJobs": false,
+               "TranscodeBackgroundPriority": 19,
+               "TranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit": 28800,
+               "TranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit": 2097152,
+               "TranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit": 3145728,
+               "FFmpegThreads": 1,
+               "FFmpeg2theoraLocation": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg2theora",
+               "OggThumbLocation": "/usr/bin/oggThumb",
+               "FFmpegLocation": "/usr/bin/avconv",
+               "TimedTextNS": 710,
+               "EnableLocalTimedText": true,
+               "TmhEnableMp4Uploads": false,
+               "TmhTheoraTwoPassEncoding": false
+       },
+       "manifest_version": 1

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Gerrit-Change-Id: I220e2a6fa16fadb22199107b73eabfb02fa18c6b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/TimedMediaHandler
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Paladox <>

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