Ema has uploaded a new change for review.


Change subject: WIP: Maps VCL forward-porting to Varnish 4

WIP: Maps VCL forward-porting to Varnish 4

There is still quite a lot to do, see comments marked with TODO.
However, this is a good point to upload everything to gerrit, mostly to
get some initial feedback (and as a backup of my work so far). :-)

Bug: T124279
Change-Id: Iee05d5f712093c0a1d939e74a340627982979404
M modules/varnish/manifests/common/vcl.pp
M modules/varnish/manifests/instance.pp
A modules/varnish/templates/vcl/wikimedia_v4.vcl.erb
A templates/varnish/analytics_v4.inc.vcl.erb
A templates/varnish/errorpage_v4.inc.vcl.erb
A templates/varnish/maps-backend_v4.inc.vcl.erb
A templates/varnish/maps-frontend_v4.inc.vcl.erb
7 files changed, 1,011 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/puppet 

diff --git a/modules/varnish/manifests/common/vcl.pp 
index cff2aff..d79b164 100644
--- a/modules/varnish/manifests/common/vcl.pp
+++ b/modules/varnish/manifests/common/vcl.pp
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
 class varnish::common::vcl {
     require varnish::common
+    if hiera('varnish_version4', false) {
+        $vcl_version_suffix = '_v4'
+    }
+    else {
+        $vcl_version_suffix = ''
+    }
     file { '/etc/varnish/geoip.inc.vcl':
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
@@ -8,18 +15,18 @@
         content => template('varnish/geoip.inc.vcl.erb'),
-    file { '/etc/varnish/errorpage.inc.vcl':
+    file { "/etc/varnish/errorpage${vcl_version_suffix}.inc.vcl":
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
         mode    => '0444',
-        content => template('varnish/errorpage.inc.vcl.erb'),
+        content => 
-    file { '/etc/varnish/analytics.inc.vcl':
+    file { "/etc/varnish/analytics${vcl_version_suffix}.inc.vcl":
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
         mode    => '0444',
-        content => template('varnish/analytics.inc.vcl.erb'),
+        content => 
     # VCL unit tests
diff --git a/modules/varnish/manifests/instance.pp 
index dfeefd0..f11857b 100644
--- a/modules/varnish/manifests/instance.pp
+++ b/modules/varnish/manifests/instance.pp
@@ -24,6 +24,13 @@
         $extraopts = "-n ${name}"
+    if hiera('varnish_version4', false) {
+        $vcl_version_suffix = '_v4'
+    }
+    else {
+        $vcl_version_suffix = ''
+    }
     # Initialize variables for templates
     $backends_str = inline_template("<%= @directors.map{|k,v|  v['backends'] 
}.flatten.join('|') %>")
     $varnish_backends = sort(unique(split($backends_str, '\|')))
@@ -74,14 +81,14 @@
         group   => 'root',
         mode    => '0444',
         require => File["/etc/varnish/${vcl}.inc.vcl"],
-        content => template("${module_name}/vcl/wikimedia.vcl.erb"),
+        content => 
     file { "/etc/varnish/${vcl}.inc.vcl":
         owner   => 'root',
         group   => 'root',
         mode    => '0444',
-        content => template("varnish/${vcl}.inc.vcl.erb"),
+        content => template("varnish/${vcl}${vcl_version_suffix}.inc.vcl.erb"),
         notify  => Exec["load-new-vcl-file${instancesuffix}"],
diff --git a/modules/varnish/templates/vcl/wikimedia_v4.vcl.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f573d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/varnish/templates/vcl/wikimedia_v4.vcl.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+# This file is managed by Puppet!
+vcl 4.0;
+import std;
+import directors;
+# this is needed by geoip.inc.vcl and zero.inc.vcl, and in general is the only
+#   way to sanely do Set-Cookie in the face of multiple independent cookies
+#   being set from different code.
+import header;
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+# only used in recv_fe_ip_processing on frontends
+import netmapper;
+// TODO: possible replacement for chash in varnish 4
+import vslp;
+<% end %>
+def backend_option(backend, option, default)
+       if @varnish_backend_options.kind_of?(Array)
+               # List of hashes of options, 'backend_match' key is a regexp 
against the FQDN
+               @varnish_backend_options.each do |be_options|
+                       if Regexp.new(be_options.fetch("backend_match", 
+                               if be_options.has_key?(option)
+                                       return be_options[option]
+                               end
+                       end
+               end
+               return default
+       else
+               return @varnish_backend_options.fetch(option, default)
+       end
+# Calculates number of director-level retries necessary for chash to hit all
+# "n" backends with probability percentage "p", given they're randomly-mixed
+# into an array considerably larger in size than "n".  This is an
+# overestimation in that it assumes an infinite array, but the values still
+# come out reasonably small compared to doing anything based on our actual
+# weight*num_backends.
+# Blame _joe_ for the math! :)
+def chash_def_retries(p, n)
+       x = n - 1
+       if (x <= 0)
+               return n
+       end
+       return ((Math.log10(100 - p) - 2) / (Math.log10(x) - 
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+// defines analytics_(recv|deliver) subs
+include "analytics_v4.inc.vcl";
+<% end -%>
+# ACLs
+acl local_host {
+       "";
+       "<%= @ipaddress %>"; // note this matches nginx proxy_pass for TLS
+acl wikimedia_nets {
+<% scope.lookupvar('::network::constants::all_networks_lo').each do |entry|
+       subnet, mask = entry.split("/", 2)
+       "<%= subnet %>"/<%= mask %>;
+<% end -%>
+# Backend probes
+# frontends in front of other varnish instances should send
+# probes that don't depend on the app backend
+# TODO: unused probe according to varnish 4. Commeting it out for now.
+#probe varnish {
+#      .request =
+#              "GET /check HTTP/1.1"
+#              "Host: varnishcheck"
+#              "User-agent: Varnish backend check"
+#              "Connection: close";
+#      .timeout = 500ms;
+#      .interval = 100ms;
+#      .window = 3;
+#      .threshold = 2;
+# TODO: unused probe according to varnish 4. Commeting it out for now.
+#probe logstash {
+#      .url = "/status";
+#      .interval = 5s;
+#      .timeout = 1s;
+#      .window = 5;
+#      .threshold = 3;
+probe maps {
+       .url = "/_info";
+       .interval = 5s;
+       .timeout = 1s;
+       .window = 5;
+       .threshold = 3;
+# TODO: unused probe according to varnish 4. Commeting it out for now.
+#probe wdqs {
+#      .url = "/";
+#      .interval = 5s;
+#      .timeout = 1s;
+#      .window = 5;
+#      .threshold = 3;
+# Backends
+# List of Puppet generated backends
+@varnish_backends.each do |backend|
+       name = /^[0-9\.]+$/.match(backend) ? "ipv4_" + backend.gsub(".", "_") : 
"be_" + backend.split(".")[0].gsub("-", "_")
+       probe = backend_option(backend, "probe", nil)
+backend <%= name %> {
+       .host = "<%= backend %>";
+       .port = "<%= backend_option(backend, "port", "80") %>";
+       .connect_timeout = <%= backend_option(backend, "connect_timeout", "2s") 
+       .first_byte_timeout = <%= backend_option(backend, "first_byte_timeout", 
"35s") %>;
+       .between_bytes_timeout = <%= backend_option(backend, 
"between_bytes_timeout", "2s") %>;
+       .max_connections = <%= backend_option(backend, "max_connections", 
"100") %>;
+<% if probe -%>
+       .probe = <%= probe %>;
+<% end -%>
+<% end -%>
+# Expected directors data format: (all keys required!)
+# @varnish_directors = {
+#     'director name' => {
+#         'dynamic' => 'yes', # or 'no'
+#         'type' => 'chash',
+#         'backends' => [ "backend1", "backend2" ],
+#     }
+# }
+if @use_dynamic_directors and @dynamic_directors -%>
+include "directors.<%= @inst %>.vcl";
+<% end -%>
+sub vcl_init {
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       // again, netmapper only used in frontends, for recv_fe_ip_processing
+       // args here are map-name (for .map()), data file, and seconds between 
mtime checks for reload
+       netmapper.init("proxies", "/var/netmapper/proxies.json", 89);
+       netmapper.init("carriers", "/var/netmapper/carriers.json", 89);
+<% end %>
+<% @varnish_directors.keys.sort.each do |director_name|
+director = @varnish_directors[director_name] 
+if (!@dynamic_directors or director['dynamic'] != 'yes')
+       backends = director['backends']
+       if (!backends.empty?)
+       # See 
+       new <%= director_name %> = directors.<%= director['type'] %>();
+       // director <%= director_name %> <%= director['type'] %> {
+<% if director['type'] == 'chash' -%>
+       // .retries = <%= chash_def_retries(99, backends.size) %>;
+       <% 
+       # TODO: vslp might replace chash. Add init_hashcircle().
+       director['type'] = 'vslp'
+       -%>
+<% end -%>
+       backends.each do |backend|
+               name = /^[0-9\.]+$/.match(backend) ? "ipv4_" + 
backend.gsub(".", "_") : "be_" + backend.split(".")[0].gsub("-", "_")
+       <%= director_name %>.add_backend(<%= name %>, <%= 
backend_option(backend, "weight", 10) %>);
+       //{
+       //      .backend = <%= name %>;
+       //      .weight = <%= backend_option(backend, "weight", 10) %>;
+       //}
+<%     end -%>
+<% end #if !empty -%>
+<% end #if !dynamic -%> 
+<% end #director loop -%>
+} # end vcl_init
+# Functions
+// start frontend-only block for HTTPS
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" && 
@vcl_config.fetch("https_redirects", false) -%>
+// *** HTTPS recv code - domain-based 301/302->HTTPS decisions happen here
+// if GET/HEAD filter is modified/removed later, keep in mind we need to not 
+//   the PURGE traffic here, as purge is called after this.
+sub https_recv_redirect {
+       if (req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto != "https") {
+               if (req.method == "GET" || req.method == "HEAD") {
+                       // This is all of our unified cert wildcard domains 
which are TLS-clean (cert matches all extant hostnames within)
+                       // The lone exception now is wikimedia.org, in the next 
+                       if (req.http.Host ~ 
+                               set req.http.Location = "https://"; + 
req.http.Host + req.url;
+                               return (synth(751, "TLS Redirect"));
+                       }
+                       // wikimedia.org has multi-level subdomains used for 
HTTP for which we have no certs, so they must be avoided here:
+                       // Ref: T102826 + T102827
+                       else if(req.http.Host ~ 
"(?i)^([^.]+\.)?(m\.)?wikimedia\.org$") {
+                               set req.http.Location = "https://"; + 
req.http.Host + req.url;
+                               return (synth(751, "TLS Redirect"));
+                       }
+               }
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("secure_post", true) -%>
+               if (req.method == "POST" && !(req.http.Host ~ 
"(?i)\.beta\.wmflabs\.org$")) {
+                       return (synth(403, "Insecure POST Forbidden - use 
+               }
+<% end %>
+       }
+// *** HTTPS error code - implements 301 response for recv code
+sub https_error_redirect {
+       if (obj.status == 751) {
+               set obj.http.Location = req.http.Location;
+               set obj.status = 301;
+               set obj.http.Content-Length = "0"; // T64245
+               return(deliver);
+       }
+// *** HTTPS deliver code - domain-based HSTS headers
+sub https_deliver_hsts {
+       // The reason we don't need the stricter domain restrictions here,
+       // like we do on the recv side for redirects, is that in order for
+       // HSTS to reach a client, the client implicitly has to have already
+       // successfully reached us over HTTPS for the given domainname.
+       if (req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto == "https") {
+               // This is the same regex as the first one in 
https_recv_redirect (all unified except wikimedia.org)
+               if (req.http.Host ~ 
+                       set resp.http.Strict-Transport-Security = 
"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload";
+               }
+               else {
+                       set resp.http.Strict-Transport-Security = 
+               }
+       }
+<% end -%>
+// ^ end frontend + https_redirects block
+// We shouldn't even legally be receiving proxy-style requests, as we're not a
+// proxy from any client's point of view.  Just in case, we support it anyways
+// according to RFC7230 rules: we ignore any Host header sent along with it
+// and set a new Host header based on the host part we strip from the abs URI.
+// ref: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4
+// TODO: varnish4 says this is unused. Commenting out for now.
+//sub rewrite_proxy_urls {
+//     if(req.url ~ "(?i)^https?://[^/]") {
+//             set req.http.Host = regsub(req.url, "(?i)^https?://([^/]+).*$", 
+//             set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(?i)^https?://[^/]+", "");
+//     }
+sub recv_purge {
+       /* Support HTTP PURGE */
+       if (req.method == "PURGE") {
+               if (client.ip !~ local_host) {
+                       return (synth(405, "Denied."));
+               } elsif (req.http.Host ~ "<%= 
@vcl_config.fetch('purge_host_regex') %>") {
+                       set req.hash_ignore_busy = true;
+                       return (hash);
+               } else {
+                       return (synth(204, "Domain not cached here."));
+               }
+       }
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+// Must be done at the top of vcl_recv, in our varnish-frontend layer only,
+// and should be guarded against running on request restarts.
+sub recv_fe_ip_processing {
+       // this subroutine "owns" these 3 headers - nothing else in our VCL or
+       // anywhere in our network should be setting them.
+       unset req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy;
+       unset req.http.X-Carrier;
+       unset req.http.X-Carrier-Meta;
+       // unset this one just because it's well-known and some default
+       // software configs may look at it, and an external client may spoof
+       // it. We don't set or use this header internally (we use X-Client-IP)
+       unset req.http.X-Real-IP;
+       if (client.ip !~ wikimedia_nets) {
+               // Ensure we only accept XFP from our own networks.  Ideally
+               // it should only be set by our nginx TLS terminator
+               // specifically, but there are known cases where internal apps
+               // set XFP to fake HTTPS when making a request to our public
+               // endpoints from the inside.
+               unset req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto;
+       }
+       if (client.ip !~ local_host) {
+               // only the local nginx TLS terminator should set this one at
+               // all - there are no other internal exceptions to that rule
+               unset req.http.X-Client-IP;
+       }
+       if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
+               // To make further parsing/sanitizing simpler, convert all 
+               // in XFF to single spaces, and make sure all commas have a 
+               // suffix but no space prefix.
+               set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = 
regsuball(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, "[ \t]+", " ");
+               set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = 
regsuball(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, " ?, ?", ", ");
+               // Now fully-sanitize it to only the strict form "X(, X)*", 
where X is
+               // a string of legal characters in IPv[46] addresses.  Note
+               // that injections can still leave well-formed junk on the
+               // left, but it's up to the trusted proxy code to ignore that,
+               // e.g.:
+               // "junk2," -> "2,"
+               set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For,
+                       "^.*?([0-9A-Fa-f:.]+(, [0-9A-Fa-f:.]+)*)? ?$", "\1");
+               // Clear header if empty after all the above, to avoid messing
+               // up our normal XFF-append code later
+               if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For == "") {
+                       unset req.http.X-Forwarded-For;
+               }
+       }
+       // There are two possible cases here: either nginx acted as our TLS
+       // proxy and already set X-Client-IP (as well as appended the same value
+       // to XFF), or the traffic was direct to varnish-fe, in which case
+       // XCIP is not yet set and XFF is directly from external.
+       if (!req.http.X-Client-IP) {
+               // direct-to-port-80 case, set XCIP ourselves
+               set req.http.X-Client-IP = client.ip;
+               set req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy = netmapper.map("proxies", 
+               // normalize to boolean post-netmapper (varnish-3.0.4...)
+               if (req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy == "") {
+                       unset req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy;
+               }
+               if (req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy && req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
+                       // get last from trusted-proxy-supplied XFF
+                       set req.http.maybe-xcip = 
regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, "^([^,]+, )+", "");
+                       if(std.ip(req.http.maybe-xcip, "") !~ 
wikimedia_nets) {
+                               set req.http.X-Client-IP = req.http.maybe-xcip;
+                       }
+                       unset req.http.maybe-xcip;
+               }
+       } else {
+               // XCIP from nginx, XFF set/appended by nginx and contains at
+               // least XCIP at the end, possibly prepended by other addrs
+               // set externally by some proxy.
+               set req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy = netmapper.map("proxies", 
+               // normalize to boolean post-netmapper (varnish-3.0.4...)
+               if (req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy == "") {
+                       unset req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy;
+               }
+               if (req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy) {
+                       // We want the second-to-last XFF entry here, assuming
+                       // there's two or more IPs.  Note that with the
+                       // regsub's below if there was only one (which would
+                       // alias XCIP by definition), there would be no commas
+                       // to match and XCIP gets reset to its original value.
+                       set req.http.maybe-xcip = 
regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, ", [^,]+$", "");
+                       set req.http.maybe-xcip = regsub(req.http.maybe-xcip, 
"^([^,]+, )+", "");
+                       if(std.ip(req.http.maybe-xcip, "") !~ 
wikimedia_nets) {
+                               set req.http.X-Client-IP = req.http.maybe-xcip;
+                       }
+                       unset req.http.maybe-xcip;
+               }
+       }
+       // Now check carrier database for setting X-Carrier based on XCIP
+       set req.http.X-Carrier = netmapper.map("carriers", 
+       // normalize to boolean post-netmapper (varnish-3.0.4...)
+       if (req.http.X-Carrier == "") {
+               unset req.http.X-Carrier;
+       }
+       else {
+               // Split X-Carrier data from raw form with optional trailing 
+               // such as "123-45|wap|mobile", so that X-Carrier contains only
+               // MCC-MNC and X-Carrier-Meta contains the trailing attributes
+               set req.http.X-Carrier-Meta = regsub(req.http.X-Carrier, 
"^[^|]*\|?", "");
+               if (req.http.X-Carrier-Meta != "") {
+                       set req.http.X-Carrier = regsub(req.http.X-Carrier, 
"\|.*$", "");
+               }
+               else {
+                       unset req.http.X-Carrier-Meta;
+               }
+       }
+       // From this (very early) point forward, regardless of cache tier/layer:
+       // req.http.X-Client-IP ->
+       //     This is our standard notion of the Client/UA's real IP, after
+       //     decoding XFF for our internal infrastructure addresses as well
+       //     as any trusted proxies.
+       // req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy ->
+       //     If the traffic pass through a trusted proxy in our "proxies"
+       //     database (such as OperaMini), this will be the official name of
+       //     the trusted proxy.  Otherwise it will be unset (boolean false).
+       // req.http.X-Carrier ->
+       //     If X-Client-IP matches a network in our "carriers" database,
+       //     this will contain the MCC-MNC code for that carrier.  Otherwise
+       //     it will be undefined.
+       // req.http.X-Carrier-Meta ->
+       //     If X-Carrier is defined: for some carriers, the database
+       //     contains extra metadata in the form of one or more labels like
+       //     "wap" or "residential".  They'll be separated by "|" if more
+       //     than one, and this header is undefined if there was no such
+       //     metadata.
+<% end %>
+sub vcl_recv {
+       unset req.http.X-CDIS; // clear internal cache-disposition header
+       // IP processing is req->req mangling that shouldn't be re-done on
+       // restart, and XFF-appending is non-idempotent for restart purposes..
+       if (req.restarts == 0) {
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+               call recv_fe_ip_processing;
+<% end %>
+               // All layers need to update XFF with client.ip hop-by-hop so 
that it
+               // looks right to layers beneath, including the app layer
+               if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
+                       set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Forwarded-For 
+ ", " + client.ip;
+               } else {
+                       set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
+               }
+       }
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") != "frontend" -%>
+       if (client.ip !~ wikimedia_nets) {
+               // Do not allow direct access to non-frontend layers
+               return (synth(403, "Access denied"));
+       }
+<% end -%>
+       if (req.method !~ "<%= @vcl_config.fetch("allowed_methods", 
+               && !(req.method == "OPTIONS" && req.http.Origin)) {
+               return (synth(403, "HTTP method not allowed."));
+       }
+       <% if @vcl_config.fetch("has_def_backend", "yes") == "yes" -%>
+       /* Select the default backend/director, which is always the one named 
+        * If an instance has no default 'backend', it must declare 
+        * and its own VCL must handle all possible req.backend_hint cases.
+        */
+       set req.backend_hint = backend.backend();
+       if (std.healthy(req.backend_hint)) {
+               #
+               # This is now handled in vcl_hit.
+               #
+               # set req.grace = 5m;
+       } else {
+               #
+               # This is now handled in vcl_hit.
+               #
+               # set req.grace = 60m;
+       }
+       <% end -%>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       call rewrite_proxy_urls;
+<% end -%>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" && 
@vcl_config.fetch("https_redirects", false) -%>
+       call https_recv_redirect;
+<% end -%>
+       if ( req.http.host ~ "^varnishcheck" ) {
+               return (synth(200, "OK")); 
+       }
+       if (req.url ~ "^/beacon\/[^/?]+") {
+               // Logging beacon endpoints
+               //
+               // They are handled by log tailers (varnishkafka and 
varnishncsa) that filter the
+               // Varnish shm log for reqs to these endpoints and forward them 
to log processors
+               // for storage and analysis.
+               return (synth(204));
+       }
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       if(req.restarts == 0) {
+               call analytics_recv;
+       }
+<% end -%>
+       /* Function vcl_recv in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+sub vcl_backend_response {
+       // default hard cap of max 30d life on all cache objects everywhere
+       if (beresp.ttl > 30d) {
+               set beresp.ttl = 30d;
+       }
+       /* Don't cache private, no-cache, no-store objects */
+       if (beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "(private|no-cache|no-store)") {
+               set beresp.ttl = 0s;
+               /* This should be translated into hit_for_pass later */
+       }
+       elsif (beresp.status >= 400 && beresp.status <= 499 && beresp.ttl > <%= 
@vcl_config.fetch("cache4xx", "5m") %>) {
+               set beresp.ttl = <%= @vcl_config.fetch("cache4xx", "5m") %>;
+       }
+       set beresp.grace = 60m;
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("do_gzip", false) -%>
+       // Compress compressible things if the backend didn't already
+       if (beresp.http.content-type ~ 
"json|text|html|script|xml|icon|ms-fontobject|ms-opentype|x-font") {
+               set beresp.do_gzip = true;
+       }
+<% end -%>
+       /* Function vcl_backend_response in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be 
appended here */
+sub vcl_hit {
+       set req.http.X-CDIS = "hit";
+       if (req.method == "PURGE") {
+               # TODO
+               return (synth(204, "Purged"));
+       }
+       /* Function vcl_hit in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+sub vcl_miss {
+       set req.http.X-CDIS = "miss";
+       if (req.method == "PURGE") {
+               # TODO
+               return (synth(204, "Cache miss"));
+       }
+       /* Function vcl_miss in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+sub vcl_pass {
+       if (req.http.X-CDIS) {
+               // _pass can theoretically be called after moving through _hit 
or _miss
+               set req.http.X-CDIS = req.http.X-CDIS + "+pass";
+       } else {
+               set req.http.X-CDIS = "pass";
+       }
+// All cache clusters are dual-tier/layer, and all tier-two backends and all
+// frontends have exactly two backends: "backend" and "backend_random".  The
+// regular backend is a chash on the URL to help with cacheable objects,
+// whereas the randomized one avoids focusing pass/hit-for-pass traffic onto a
+// single node in the varnish-backend layers.  All pass and hit-for-pass
+// traffic comes through vcl_pass, so we set backend_random here for all such
+// requests.
+// Note parsoid is specially excluded, because it's legacy / non-standard.
+<% if scope.function_hiera(["cluster"]) != "cache_parsoid" %>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" || @site_tier == "two" -%>
+       set req.backend_hint = backend_random;
+<% end -%>
+<% end -%>
+sub vcl_deliver {
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       std.collect(resp.http.Via);
+       std.collect(resp.http.X-Varnish);
+       // Set CP ('Connection Properties') cookie
+       if (req.http.X-Connection-Properties ~ "SPDY=3") {
+               if (req.http.X-Orig-Cookie !~ "(^|;\s*)CP=H2" && 
req.http.Cookie !~ "(^|;\s*)CP=H2") {
+                       header.append(resp.http.Set-Cookie, "CP=H2; Path=/");
+               }
+       } else {
+               // Explicitly unset the cookie if it exists. Support for SPDY 
in a browser session can
+               // flip if a device moves networks and thus behind a proxy.
+               if (req.http.X-Orig-Cookie ~ "(^|;\s*)CP=H2" || req.http.Cookie 
~ "(^|;\s*)CP=H2") {
+                       header.append(resp.http.Set-Cookie, "CP=H1; 
Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; Path=/");
+               }
+       }
+<% end -%>
+       if (!req.http.X-CDIS) {
+               set req.http.X-CDIS = "int"; // internally-generated response 
(not a cache object hit, and not a miss|pass to a deeper layer either)
+       }
+       if (resp.http.X-Cache) {
+               set resp.http.X-Cache = resp.http.X-Cache + ", <%= @hostname + 
(@name.empty? ? "" : " " + @name) %> " + req.http.X-CDIS + "(" + obj.hits + ")";
+       } else {
+               set resp.http.X-Cache = "<%= @hostname + (@name.empty? ? "" : " 
" + @name) %> " + req.http.X-CDIS + "(" + obj.hits + ")";
+       }
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" && 
@vcl_config.fetch("https_redirects", false) -%>
+       call https_deliver_hsts;
+<% end -%>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       call analytics_deliver;
+<% end -%>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       // echo metadata about the client back to the client (analytics looks 
at this as well)
+       set resp.http.X-Client-IP = req.http.X-Client-IP;
+       // note mobile apps look at X-C + X-C-M below
+       if (req.http.X-Carrier) {
+               set resp.http.X-Carrier = req.http.X-Carrier;
+               if (req.http.X-Carrier-Meta) {
+                       set resp.http.X-Carrier-Meta = req.http.X-Carrier-Meta;
+               }
+       }
+<% end -%>
+       /* Function vcl_deliver in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+sub vcl_backend_error {
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" && 
@vcl_config.fetch("https_redirects", false) -%>
+       call https_error_redirect;
+<% end -%>
+       if (beresp.status == 400 || beresp.status == 413) {
+               return(deliver);
+       }
+<% if scope.function_hiera(["cluster"]) != "cache_parsoid" -%>
+<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+       // retry 503 once in frontend instances, to paper over transient issues
+       if (beresp.status == 503 && bereq.retries == 0) {
+               return (retry);
+       }
+<% end -%>
+<% end -%>
+       if (beresp.status == 204 && bereq.method == "PURGE") {
+               set beresp.http.Connection = "keep-alive";
+       }
+       /* Function vcl_error in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+/* Include the VCL file for this role */
+include "<%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl";
+#Generated by varnish3to4
+#TODO: do we really need to duplicate this here?
+#sub vcl_synth {
+#<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" && 
@vcl_config.fetch("https_redirects", false) -%>
+#      call https_error_redirect;
+#<% end -%>
+#      if (resp.status == 400 || resp.status == 413) {
+#              return(deliver);
+#      }
+#<% if scope.function_hiera(["cluster"]) != "cache_parsoid" -%>
+#<% if @vcl_config.fetch("layer", "") == "frontend" -%>
+#      // retry 503 once in frontend instances, to paper over transient issues
+#      if (resp.status == 503 && req.restarts == 0) {
+#              return(restart);
+#      }
+#<% end -%>
+#<% end -%>
+#      if (resp.status == 204 && req.method == "PURGE") {
+#              set resp.http.Connection = "keep-alive";
+#      }
+#      /* Function vcl_error in <%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl will be appended here */
+#/* Include the VCL file for this role */
+#include "<%= @vcl %>.inc.vcl";
diff --git a/templates/varnish/analytics_v4.inc.vcl.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd912b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/varnish/analytics_v4.inc.vcl.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Varnish VCL for WMF-Last-Access Cookie
+ * Please see what this cookie is trying to acomplish:
+ * 
+ *
+ * General notes on timestamp format strings used here:
+ * "now" stringifies as "Wed, 01 Jan 2000 01:01:01 GMT", which is the same
+ * format used by Set-Cookie "Expires" data.  The format for the last access
+ * value, and thus X-NowDay and X-WMF-LastStamp as well, is "01-Jan-2000"
+ * (because the other info is redundant or too-specific, and cookie values
+ * shouldn't have whitespace or commas).
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * This must be called *before* any vcl_recv cookie munging.  It more-properly
+ * belongs in _deliver, but putting it here avoids all of the issues
+ * surrounding consistent access to Cookie vs X-Orig-Cookie in vcl_deliver
+ * It does so at the cost of sending a pointless and unintended
+ * "X-WMF-LastStamp: 01-Jan-2000" header to the application layer as well on
+ * cache miss/bypass.
+ * Note we don't validate that the cookie's 3-letter month abbreviation is
+ * legal, or that the numeric values for the date/year are legal, just that
+ * they have the right count of the right kinds of characters.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+sub analytics_last_access_recv_ {
+    unset req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp; // clear any sent by the user
+    if (req.http.Cookie ~ 
"(^|;\s*)WMF-Last-Access=[0-9]{2}-[A-Za-z]{3}-[0-9]{4}(;|$)") {
+        // Save the value for use later in _deliver
+        set req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp = regsub(
+            req.http.Cookie,
+            "^(?:.*;\s*)?WMF-Last-Access=([^;]+).*$",
+            "\1"
+        );
+    }
+ * !!! private to analytics_last_access_deliver !!!!
+ * This should be:
+ *     header.append(resp.http.Set-Cookie,
+ *         "WMF-Last-Access="
+ *         + req.http.X-NowDay
+ *         + ";Path=/;HttpOnly;Expires="
+ *         + (now + 32d)
+ *     );
+ * However, varnish3 is buggy wrt str + (time + duration), so we're forced to
+ * drop to inline C a bit here and do what the VCL compiler should have done
+ * for us above.  On top of all that, the C code now floors the expiry to the
+ * next-lower 12 hour mark, which would've been a bit trickier in VCL...
+ ****************************************************************************/
+sub set_last_access_cookie__ {}
+TODO: Inline C code not allowed in Varnish 4
+C{#include <time.h>}C
+sub set_last_access_cookie__ { C{
+    Vmod_Func_header.append(sp, HDR_RESP, "\013Set-Cookie:",
+        "WMF-Last-Access=",
+        VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_REQ, "\011X-NowDay:"),
+        ";Path=/;HttpOnly;Expires=",
+        VRT_time_string(sp, (double)(
+            ((time_t)VRT_r_now(sp) + 2764800) / 43200 * 43200
+        )),
+        vrt_magic_string_end
+    );
+}C }
+// Call from vcl_deliver near other X-Analytics code
+sub analytics_last_access_deliver_ {
+    // Create X-NowDay in "01-Jan-2000" form, from "now"
+    set req.http.X-NowDay = regsub(
+        now, "^..., (..) (...) (....) .*$", "\1-\2-\3"
+    );
+    if(req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics
+            + ";WMF-Last-Access="
+            + req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp;
+        // re-set the cookie if it's not from today
+        if (req.http.X-NowDay != req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp) {
+            call set_last_access_cookie__;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // sets the initial cookie if no valid one existed
+        call set_last_access_cookie__;
+    }
+    // we could clean up req.http.X-WMF-LastStamp + req.http.X-NowDay
+    // here, but they're not being sent anywhere (else) at this point
+    // anyways, so why bother?
+ * Analytics for "wprov" Provenance data
+ * See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Provenance for reserved values.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+sub analytics_provenance_recv_ {
+    // Avoid cache fragmentation for well-formed provenance parameters
+    // Refer to discussion starting from
+    // 
+    // Look for wprov parameter with a value
+    if (req.url ~ "(?i)[?&]wprov=[^&]+") {
+        // Ready a variable for later X-Analytics tagging in vcl_deliver.
+        // Grab just the value of the wprov parameter, excluding the rest of 
the URL
+        set req.http.X-WMF-WPROV = regsub(req.url, 
"(?i).+[?&]wprov=([^&]+).*", "\1");
+        // Remove the wprov=X parameter from req.url to avoid cache
+        // fragmentation using two regexes to cover distinct cases:
+        // (1) Simple strip if final query arg:
+        set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(?i)[?&]wprov=[^&]+$", "");
+        // (2) When not the final arg, we need to capture the leading
+        //     [?&] to reuse with the parameter that follows:
+        set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(?i)([?&])wprov=[^&]+&", "\1");
+    }
+sub analytics_provenance_deliver_ {
+    // In case there was a provenance parameter with a value, add it to 
+    if (req.http.X-WMF-WPROV) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";wprov=" + 
+    }
+ * Combined analytics recv and deliver hooks, to be included directly in
+ * vcl_recv and vcl_deliver in common wikimedia.vcl - these are the only
+ * "public" interfaces in this file!
+ ****************************************************************************/
+sub analytics_recv {
+    // If this request had no cookies whatsoever mark it as such
+    // to later report this fact to X-Analytics
+    if (!req.http.Cookie) {
+        set req.http.X-WMF-NOCOOKIES = 1;
+    }
+    call analytics_last_access_recv_;
+    call analytics_provenance_recv_;
+sub analytics_deliver {
+    // Create empty header if none, to avoid tons of if/else clauses; will
+    // clean up at the end.  Note that if we defined one of the k=v pairs as
+    // required (having a real value for the false/negative case), we could
+    // set that one first and this would get a bit cleaner...
+    if (!resp.http.X-Analytics) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = "";
+    }
+    call analytics_last_access_deliver_;
+    call analytics_provenance_deliver_;
+    if (req.http.X-Carrier) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";zero=" + 
+        if (req.http.X-Carrier-Meta) {
+            set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";zeronet=" + 
+        }
+    }
+    if (req.http.X-Trusted-Proxy) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";proxy=" + 
+    }
+    if (req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";https=1";
+    }
+    if (req.http.X-WMF-UUID) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";wmfuuid=" + 
+    }
+    // Add proxy=IORG X-Analytics tag if appropriate.
+    // Although Via: Internet.org usually comes via proxying, it isn't 
guaranteed to come that way.
+    // Nonetheless, as it is tagged with Via and the equipment is under 
Internet.org, we proxy tag.
+    if (req.http.Via ~ "(?i)Internet\.org") {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";proxy=IORG";
+    }
+    if (req.http.X-WMF-NOCOOKIES) {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = resp.http.X-Analytics + ";nocookies=1";
+    }
+    // Clean up header from setting to empty at the start...
+    if (resp.http.X-Analytics == "") {
+        unset resp.http.X-Analytics;
+    } else {
+        set resp.http.X-Analytics = regsub(resp.http.X-Analytics, "^;", "");
+    }
diff --git a/templates/varnish/errorpage_v4.inc.vcl.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..845440b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/varnish/errorpage_v4.inc.vcl.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+       # Source: https://www.wikimedia.org/static/images/wmf.png
+       wmf_png = 
+sub errorpage {
+       if (resp.status >= 400) {
+               call synth_errorpage;
+               return (deliver);
+       }
+sub synth_errorpage {
+       set resp.http.Content-Type = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
+       synthetic ({"<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang=en>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>Wikimedia Error</title>
+* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
+body { background: #fff; font: 15px/1.6 sans-serif; color: #333; }
+.content { margin: 7% auto 0; padding: 2em 1em 1em; max-width: 560px; }
+.footer { clear: both; margin-top: 14%; border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; 
background: #f9f9f9; padding: 2em 0; font-size: 0.8em; text-align: center; }
+img { float: left; margin: 0 2em 2em 0; }
+a img { border: 0; }
+h1 { margin-top: 1em; font-size: 1.2em; }
+p { margin: 0.7em 0 1em 0; }
+a { color: #0645AD; text-decoration: none; }
+a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
+code { font-family: sans-serif; }
+.text-muted { color: #777; }
+<div class="content" role="main">
+<a href="//www.wikimedia.org"><img src="<%= wmf_png %>" 
srcset="//www.wikimedia.org/static/images/wmf-2x.png 2x" alt=Wikimedia 
width=135 height=135></a>
+<p>Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is 
probably temporary and should be fixed&nbsp;soon.<br>Please <a href="" 
title="Reload this page" onclick="window.location.reload(false); return 
false">try again</a> in a few&nbsp;minutes.</p>
+<div class="footer">
+<p>If you report this error to the Wikimedia System Administrators, please 
include the details below.</p>
+<p class="text-muted"><code>
+Request from "} + client.ip + " via " + server.hostname + " " + 
server.identity + " ([" + server.ip + "]:" + std.port(server.ip) + "), Varnish 
XID " + req.xid + "<br>" +
+regsub(req.http.X-Forwarded-For, ".+", "Forwarded for: \0<br>") + 
regsub(resp.http.X-Cache, ".+", "Upstream caches: \0<br>") +
+"Error: " + resp.status + ", " + resp.reason + " at " + now +
diff --git a/templates/varnish/maps-backend_v4.inc.vcl.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbef527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/varnish/maps-backend_v4.inc.vcl.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Varnish VCL include file for maps backends
+include "errorpage_v4.inc.vcl";
+sub vcl_recv {
+       call recv_purge;
+       return (hash);
+sub vcl_backend_response {
+       // Cap TTL to 1 day for now (purging still hasn't been sorted out...)
+       if (beresp.ttl > 1d) {
+               set beresp.ttl = 1d;
+       }
+       return (deliver);
+// TODO: we cannot call errorpage from vcl_backend_error as resp. is not
+// available. Commenting it out for now
+//sub vcl_backend_error {
+//     call errorpage;
+//     return (deliver);
+sub vcl_synth {
+       call errorpage;
+       return (deliver);
diff --git a/templates/varnish/maps-frontend_v4.inc.vcl.erb 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed4f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/varnish/maps-frontend_v4.inc.vcl.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Varnish VCL include file for upload frontends
+include "errorpage_v4.inc.vcl";
+sub vcl_recv {
+       call recv_purge;
+       if (req.http.referer
+               && req.url != "/"
+               && req.http.referer !~ 
+               && req.http.referer !~ 
+               && req.http.referer !~ 
+       ) {
+               return (synth(403, "Access Denied"));
+       }
+       return (hash);
+sub vcl_backend_response {
+       // Cap TTL to 1 day for now (purging still hasn't been sorted out...)
+       if (beresp.ttl > 1d) {
+               set beresp.ttl = 1d;
+       }
+       return (deliver);
+sub vcl_backend_error {
+       call errorpage;
+       return (deliver);
+sub vcl_synth {
+       call errorpage;
+       return (deliver);

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