Krinkle has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] wikibits: Remove methods deprecated since 1.17 and 1.18

[WIP] wikibits: Remove methods deprecated since 1.17 and 1.18

Keeping importScript and friends, and document.write for now.

Bug: T122755
Change-Id: I7f9f61ea81ad1efa0b5cff79b5e5f4bbe2d401fe
M resources/Resources.php
M resources/src/mediawiki.legacy/wikibits.js
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/resources/Resources.php b/resources/Resources.php
index 5cc5681..8644884 100644
--- a/resources/Resources.php
+++ b/resources/Resources.php
@@ -1984,7 +1984,6 @@
        'mediawiki.legacy.wikibits' => [
                'scripts' => 'resources/src/mediawiki.legacy/wikibits.js',
-               'dependencies' => 'mediawiki.util',
                'position' => 'top',
                'targets' => [ 'desktop', 'mobile' ],
diff --git a/resources/src/mediawiki.legacy/wikibits.js 
index 38271a0..a2d6e26 100644
--- a/resources/src/mediawiki.legacy/wikibits.js
+++ b/resources/src/mediawiki.legacy/wikibits.js
@@ -4,159 +4,7 @@
 ( function ( mw, $ ) {
        var msg,
                win = window,
-               ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
-               onloadFuncts = [],
                loadedScripts = {};
-       /**
-        * User-agent sniffing.
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jquery.client instead
-        */
-       msg = 'Use feature detection or module jquery.client instead.';
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'clientPC', ua, msg );
-       // Ignored dummy values
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_gecko', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_chrome_mac', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_chrome', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'webkit_version', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_safari_win', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_safari', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'webkit_match', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'ff2_bugs', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2_win', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2_x11', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera95_bugs', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera7_bugs', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera6_bugs', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera_95', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera_preseven', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera', false, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'ie6_bugs', false, msg );
-       /**
-        * DOM utilities for handling of events, text nodes and selecting 
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jQuery instead
-        */
-       msg = 'Use jQuery instead.';
-       // Ignored dummy values
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'doneOnloadHook', undefined, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'onloadFuncts', [], msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'runOnloadHook', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'changeText', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'killEvt', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addHandler', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'hookEvent', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addClickHandler', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'removeHandler', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'getElementsByClassName', function () { return 
[]; }, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'getInnerText', function () { return ''; }, msg 
-       // Run a function after the window onload event is fired
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addOnloadHook', function ( hookFunct ) {
-               if ( onloadFuncts ) {
-                       onloadFuncts.push( hookFunct );
-               } else {
-                       // If func queue is gone the event has happened already,
-                       // run immediately instead of queueing.
-                       hookFunct();
-               }
-       }, msg );
-       $( win ).on( 'load', function () {
-               var i, functs;
-               // Don't run twice
-               if ( !onloadFuncts ) {
-                       return;
-               }
-               // Deference and clear onloadFuncts before running any
-               // hooks to make sure we don't miss any addOnloadHook
-               // calls.
-               functs = onloadFuncts.slice();
-               onloadFuncts = undefined;
-               // Execute the queued functions
-               for ( i = 0; i < functs.length; i++ ) {
-                       functs[ i ]();
-               }
-       } );
-       /**
-        * Toggle checkboxes with shift selection
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jquery.checkboxShiftClick instead
-        */
-       msg = 'Use jquery.checkboxShiftClick instead.';
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'checkboxes', [], msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'lastCheckbox', null, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'setupCheckboxShiftClick', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addCheckboxClickHandlers', $.noop, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'checkboxClickHandler', $.noop, msg );
-       /**
-        * Add a button to the default editor toolbar
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mw.toolbar instead
-        */
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'mwEditButtons', [], 'Use mw.toolbar instead.' );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'mwCustomEditButtons', [], 'Use mw.toolbar 
instead.' );
-       /**
-        * Spinner creation, injection and removal
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.18 Use jquery.spinner instead
-        */
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'injectSpinner', $.noop, 'Use jquery.spinner 
instead.' );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'removeSpinner', $.noop, 'Use jquery.spinner 
instead.' );
-       /**
-        * Escape utilities
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.18 Use mw.html instead
-        */
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'escapeQuotes', $.noop, 'Use mw.html instead.' );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'escapeQuotesHTML', $.noop, 'Use mw.html 
instead.' );
-       /**
-        * Display a message to the user
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mediawiki.notify instead
-        * @param {string|HTMLElement} message To be put inside the message box
-        */
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'jsMsg', function ( message ) {
-               if ( !arguments.length || message === '' || message === null ) {
-                       return true;
-               }
-               if ( typeof message !== 'object' ) {
-                       message = $.parseHTML( message );
-               }
-               mw.notify( message, { autoHide: true, tag: 'legacy' } );
-               return true;
-       }, 'Use mediawiki.notify instead.' );
-       /**
-        * Misc. utilities
-        *
-        * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mediawiki.util or jquery.accessKeyLabel 
-        */
-       msg = 'Use mediawiki.util instead.';
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addPortletLink', mw.util.addPortletLink, msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'appendCSS', mw.util.addCSS, msg );
-       msg = 'Use jquery.accessKeyLabel instead.';
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'tooltipAccessKeyPrefix', 'alt-', msg );
-       mw.log.deprecate( win, 'tooltipAccessKeyRegexp', /\[(alt-)?(.)\]$/, msg 
-       // mw.util.updateTooltipAccessKeys already generates a deprecation 
-       win.updateTooltipAccessKeys = function () {
-               return mw.util.updateTooltipAccessKeys.apply( null, arguments );
-       };
         * Wikipage import methods
@@ -179,10 +27,12 @@
        function importScript( page ) {
-               var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
-                       mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
-                       '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
-               return importScriptURI( uri );
+               mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util' ).then( function () {
+                       var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
+                               mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
+                               '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
+                       importScriptURI( uri );
+               } );
@@ -200,10 +50,12 @@
        function importStylesheet( page ) {
-               var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
-                       mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
-                       '&action=raw&ctype=text/css';
-               return importStylesheetURI( uri );
+               mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util' ).then( function () {
+                       var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
+                               mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
+                               '&action=raw&ctype=text/css';
+                       importStylesheetURI( uri );
+               } );
        msg = 'Use mw.loader instead.';
@@ -214,8 +66,12 @@
        win.importScript = importScript;
        win.importStylesheet = importStylesheet;
-       // Replace document.write/writeln with basic html parsing that appends
-       // to the <body> to avoid blanking pages. Added JavaScript will not run.
+       /**
+        * Replace document.write/writeln with basic html parsing that appends
+        * to the <body> to avoid blanking pages. Added JavaScript will not run.
+        *
+        * @deprecated since 1.26
+        */
        $.each( [ 'write', 'writeln' ], function ( idx, method ) {
                mw.log.deprecate( document, method, function () {
                        $( 'body' ).append( $.parseHTML( arguments, '' ) ) );

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I7f9f61ea81ad1efa0b5cff79b5e5f4bbe2d401fe
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Krinkle <>

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