ArielGlenn has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: remove wikiqueries script, replaced by onallwikis which does 

remove wikiqueries script, replaced by onallwikis which does more

Change-Id: I8202d3a42fad71b1220fd32b577ac7617feebbc0
D xmldumps-backup/
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/xmldumps-backup/ b/xmldumps-backup/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1473f52..0000000
--- a/xmldumps-backup/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# for every wiki, run a specified query, gzipping the output.
-# there's a config file which needs to be set up.
-import getopt
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import dumps.WikiDump
-import time
-from os.path import exists
-import traceback
-from dumps.exceptions import BackupError
-from dumps.utils import TimeUtils, RunSimpleCommand, DbServerInfo
-from dumps.fileutils import FileUtils
-class WQDbServerInfo(DbServerInfo):
-    def build_sql_command_tofile(self, query, out_file):
-        """Put together a command to execute an sql query
-        to the server for this DB."""
-        if not exists(
-            raise BackupError("mysql command %s not found" %
-        command = ("/bin/echo '%s' | %s -h %s -u %s "
-                   % (query,, self.db_server,
-        if != "":
-            command = command + "-p" +
-        command = command + " -r --silent " + self.db_name
-        command = command + "| %s > %s" % (, out_file)
-        return command
-class WikiQuery(object):
-    def __init__(self, config, query, wiki_name, file_name_format, date,
-                 overwrite, dryrun, verbose):
-        self._config = config
-        self.wiki_name = wiki_name
-        self.query = query
-        if not self.query:
-            query = FileUtils.read_file(self._config.query_file)
-        self.file_name_format = file_name_format
- = date
-        if not
-   =
-        self.overwrite = overwrite
-        self.dryrun = dryrun
-        self.verbose = verbose
-    def do_one_wiki(self):
-        """returns true on success"""
-        query_dir = self._config.wiki_queries_dir.format(w=self.wiki_name,
-        if (self.wiki_name not in self._config.private_list and
-                self.wiki_name not in self._config.closed_list and
-                self.wiki_name not in self._config.skip_db_list):
-            if not exists(query_dir):
-                os.makedirs(query_dir)
-            try:
-                if self.verbose:
-                    print "Doing run for wiki: ", self.wiki_name
-                if not self.dryrun:
-                    if not self.run_wiki_query():
-                        return False
-            except:
-                if self.verbose:
-                    traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
-                return False
-        if self.verbose:
-            print "Success!  Wiki", self.wiki_name, "query complete."
-        return True
-    def run_wiki_query(self):
-        out_file = self.file_name_format.format(w=self.wiki_name,
-        query_dir = self._config.wiki_queries_dir.format(w=self.wiki_name,
-        full_path = os.path.join(query_dir, out_file)
-        if not self.overwrite and exists(full_path):
-            # don't overwrite existing file, just return a happy value
-            if self.verbose:
-                print ("Skipping wiki %s, file %s exists already"
-                       % (self.wiki_name, full_path))
-            return True
-        wiki = dumps.WikiDump.Wiki(self._config, self.wiki_name)
-        server = WQDbServerInfo(wiki, self.wiki_name)
-        return 
-            self.query, full_path), maxtries=1, shell=True,
-            verbose=self.verbose)
-class WikiQueryLoop(object):
-    def __init__(self, config, query, file_name_format, date, overwrite,
-                 dryrun, verbose):
-        self._config = config
-        self.query = query
- = date
-        if not
-   =
-        self.overwrite = overwrite
-        self.dryrun = dryrun
-        self.verbose = verbose
-        self.file_name_format = file_name_format
-        self.wikis_to_do = self._config.db_list
-    def do_run_on_all_wikis(self):
-        for wiki in self.wikis_to_do[:]:
-            query = WikiQuery(self._config, self.query, wiki,
-                              self.file_name_format,,
-                              self.overwrite, self.dryrun, self.verbose)
-            if query.do_one_wiki():
-                self.wikis_to_do.remove(wiki)
-    def do_all_wikis_til_done(self, num_fails):
-        """Run through all wikis, retrying up to num_fails
-        times in case of error"""
-        fails = 0
-        while 1:
-            self.do_run_on_all_wikis()
-            if not len(self.wikis_to_do):
-                break
-            fails = fails + 1
-            if fails > num_fails:
-                raise BackupError("Too many failures, giving up")
-            # wait 5 minutes and try another loop
-            time.sleep(300)
-def usage(message=None):
-    if message:
-        sys.stderr.write(message + "\n")
-    usage_message = """Usage: python [options] [wikidbname]
---configfile:     Specify config file to read
-                  Default: wikiqueries.conf
---date:           date that will appear in filename and/or dirname as specified
-                  Format: YYYYMMDD  If not specified, today's date will be used
---dryrun:         Don't execute commands, show the commands that would be run
---filenameformat: Format string for the name of each file, with {w} for
-                  wikiname and optional {d} for date
-                  Default: {w}-{d}-wikiquery.gz
---outdir:         Put output files for all projects in this directory; it will
-                  be created if it does not exist.  Accepts '{W}' and '{d}' for
-                  substituting wiki and date into the name.
-                  Default: the value given for 'querydir' in the config file
---nooverwrite:    Do not overwrite existing file of the same name, skip run for
-                  the specific wiki
---query:          MySQL query to run on each project.
-                  Default: the contents of the file specified by 'queryfile' in
-                  the config file
---retries:        Number of times to try running the query on all wikis in case
-                  of error, before giving up
-                  Default: 3
---verbose:        Print various informative messages
-wikiname:         Run the query only for the specific wiki
-    sys.stderr.write(usage_message)
-    sys.exit(1)
-def do_main():
-    config_file = False
-    dryrun = False
-    date = None
-    output_dir = None
-    overwrite = True
-    query = None
-    retries = "3"
-    verbose = False
-    file_name_format = "{w}-{d}-wikiquery.gz"
-    try:
-        (options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt(
-            sys.argv[1:], "", ['configfile=', "date=", 'filenameformat=',
-                               "outdir=", "query=", "retries=", 'dryrun',
-                               "nooverwrite", 'verbose'])
-    except:
-        usage("Unknown option specified")
-    for (opt, val) in options:
-        if opt == "--configfile":
-            config_file = val
-        elif opt == "--date":
-            date = val
-        elif opt == "--dryrun":
-            dryrun = True
-        elif opt == "--filenameformat":
-            file_name_format = val
-        elif opt == "--outdir":
-            output_dir = val
-        elif opt == "--nooverwrite":
-            overwrite = False
-        elif opt == "--query":
-            query = val
-        elif opt == "--retries":
-            if not retries.isdigit():
-                usage("A positive number must be specified for retries.")
-            retries = val
-        elif opt == "--verbose":
-            verbose = True
-    if date and not re.match("^20[0-9]{6}$", date):
-        usage("Date must be in the format YYYYMMDD"
-              " (four digit year, two digit month, two digit date)")
-    retries = int(retries)
-    if config_file:
-        config = dumps.WikiDump.Config(config_file)
-    else:
-        config = dumps.WikiDump.Config()
-    if output_dir:
-        config.wiki_queries_dir = output_dir
-    if len(remainder) > 0:
-        query = WikiQuery(config, query, remainder[0], file_name_format,
-                          date, overwrite, dryrun, verbose)
-        query.do_one_wiki()
-    else:
-        queries = WikiQueryLoop(config, query, file_name_format, date,
-                                overwrite, dryrun, verbose)
-        queries.do_all_wikis_til_done(retries)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    do_main()

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8202d3a42fad71b1220fd32b577ac7617feebbc0
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/dumps
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: ArielGlenn <>

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