Giuseppe Lavagetto has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: puppetmaster::web_frontend: use secret() for non-fqdn sites

puppetmaster::web_frontend: use secret() for non-fqdn sites

Instead of limiting non-fqdn frontends to the ca_server, use secret() to
provide the certs, which can be then generated manually on the ca_server
with puppet cert generate and committed to the private repository.

Change-Id: I2e6557aefe2c154f66b23a709c4479cd61d52070
M modules/puppetmaster/manifests/web_frontend.pp
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

  Giuseppe Lavagetto: Looks good to me, approved
  Alexandros Kosiaris: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/modules/puppetmaster/manifests/web_frontend.pp 
index f4b4215..cf5e094 100644
--- a/modules/puppetmaster/manifests/web_frontend.pp
+++ b/modules/puppetmaster/manifests/web_frontend.pp
@@ -32,32 +32,27 @@
     $ssldir = $::puppetmaster::ssl::ssldir
     $ssl_settings = ssl_ciphersuite('apache', 'compat')
-    if $alt_names {
-        $alt_names_list = join(sort($alt_names), ',')
-        $alt_names_cmd = " --dns_alt_names=${alt_names_list}"
-    } else {
-        $alt_names_cmd = ''
-    }
     if $server_name != $::fqdn {
-        # This is unfortunate, but "puppet cert generate"
-        # just works locally, even if ca=false and a different ca server is
-        # setup.
-        # We will make it work writing a proper puppet resource once we are
-        # settled on a PKI infrastructure to use, or we surrender to using the
-        # puppet one forever.
-        if $master != $::fqdn {
-            fail('Alternative names are not supported for secundary 
-        }
-        # Have puppet generate the certificate for this virtualhost
-        # BEWARE: SSL key length cannot be controlled here
-        exec { "generate hostcert for ${title}":
-            require => File["${ssldir}/certs"],
-            command => "/usr/bin/puppet cert generate 
-            creates => "${ssldir}/certs/${server_name}.pem",
-            before  => Service['apache2'],
+        # The files called with secret() should be generated on the current
+        # puppetmaster::ca_server with "puppet cert generate" and committed to
+        # the private repository.
+        # We use the private repo for the public key as well as it gets
+        # generated on the puppet ca server.
+        file { "${ssldir}/certs/${server_name}.pem":
+            content => secret("puppetmaster/${server_name}_pubkey.pem"),
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            mode    => '0640',
+            before  => Apache::Site[$server_name],
+        file { "${ssldir}/private_keys/${server_name}.pem":
+            content => secret("puppetmaster/${server_name}_privkey.pem"),
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            mode    => '0640',
+            before  => Apache::Site[$server_name],
+        }
     apache::site { $server_name:
         ensure   => present,

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I2e6557aefe2c154f66b23a709c4479cd61d52070
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Giuseppe Lavagetto <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alexandros Kosiaris <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Giuseppe Lavagetto <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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