jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Port table2wiki to core

Port table2wiki to core

Script table2wiki is ported from compat to core

Bug: T115104
Change-Id: I6aee53160d9b0f1d1e98cf780fe641752ae2f057
A scripts/
1 file changed, 604 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  jenkins-bot: Verified
  Whym: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
  Xqt: Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f432cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
+Nifty script to convert HTML-tables to MediaWiki's own syntax.
+These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:
+-xml              Retrieve information from a local XML dump (pages_current, 
+                  Argument can also be given as "-xml:filename".
+                  Searches for pages with HTML tables, and tries to convert 
+                  on the live wiki.
+-sql              Retrieve information from a local mirror.
+                  Searches for pages with HTML tables, and tries to convert 
+                  on the live wiki.
+-namespace:n      Number or name of namespace to process. The parameter can be
+                  used multiple times. It works in combination with all other
+                  parameters, except for the -start parameter. If you e.g.
+                  want to iterate over all categories starting at M, use
+                  -start:Category:M.
+This SQL query can be used to find pages to work on:
+                  SELECT CONCAT('[[', cur_title, ']]')
+                      FROM cur
+                      WHERE (cur_text LIKE '%<table%'
+                          OR cur_text LIKE '%<TABLE%')
+                          AND cur_title REGEXP "^[A-N]"
+                          AND cur_namespace=0
+                      ORDER BY cur_title
+                      LIMIT 500
+ table2wiki -xml:20050713_pages_current.xml -lang:de
+Save against missing </td>
+Corrects attributes of tags
+Broken HTML tables will most likely result in broken wiki tables!
+Please check every article you change.
+# (C) 2003 Thomas R. Koll, <>
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2013
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+# Automatically ported from compat branch by script
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+import re
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot import config
+from pywikibot import i18n
+from pywikibot import pagegenerators
+from pywikibot import xmlreader
+# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
+# with the parameter -help.
+docuReplacements = {
+    '&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp,
+class TableXmlDumpPageGenerator(object):
+    """A page generator that will yield all pages that seem to contain an HTML 
+    def __init__(self, xmlfilename):
+        """Constructor."""
+        self.xmldump = xmlreader.XmlDump(xmlfilename)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        tableTagR = re.compile('<table', re.IGNORECASE)
+        for entry in self.xmldump.parse():
+            if
+                yield pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site(), entry.title)
+class Table2WikiRobot(object):
+    """Bot to convert HTML tables to wiki syntax."""
+    def __init__(self, generator, quietMode=False):
+        """Constructor."""
+        self.generator = generator
+        self.quietMode = quietMode
+    def convertTable(self, table):
+        """
+        Convert an HTML table to wiki syntax.
+        If the table already is a
+        wiki table or contains a nested wiki table, tries to beautify it.
+        Returns the converted table, the number of warnings that occured and
+        a list containing these warnings.
+        Hint: if you give an entire page text as a parameter instead of a table
+        only, this function will convert all HTML tables and will also try to
+        beautify all wiki tables already contained in the text.
+        """
+        warnings = 0
+        # this array will contain strings that will be shown in case of 
+        # errors, before the user is asked if he wants to accept the changes.
+        warning_messages = []
+        newTable = table
+        ##################
+        # bring every <tag> into one single line.
+        num = 1
+        while num != 0:
+            newTable, num = re.subn("([^\r\n]{1})(<[tT]{1}[dDhHrR]{1})",
+                                    r"\1\r\n\2", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # every open-tag gets a new line.
+        ##################
+        # Note that we added the ## characters in markActiveTables().
+        # <table> tag with attributes, with more text on the same line
+        newTable = re.sub(
+            "(?i)[\r\n]*?<##table## (?P<attr>[\w\W]*?)>(?P<more>[\w\W]*?)[\r\n 
+            r"\r\n{| \g<attr>\r\n\g<more>", newTable)
+        # <table> tag without attributes, with more text on the same line
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*?<##table##>(?P<more>[\w\W]*?)[\r\n ]*",
+                          r"\r\n{|\n\g<more>\r\n", newTable)
+        # <table> tag with attributes, without more text on the same line
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*?<##table## (?P<attr>[\w\W]*?)>[\r\n ]*",
+                          r"\r\n{| \g<attr>\r\n", newTable)
+        # <table> tag without attributes, without more text on the same line
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*?<##table##>[\r\n ]*",
+                          "\r\n{|\r\n", newTable)
+        # end </table>
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\s]*<\/##table##>",
+                          "\r\n|}", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # caption with attributes
+        newTable = re.sub(
+            "(?i)<caption (?P<attr>[\w\W]*?)>(?P<caption>[\w\W]*?)<\/caption>",
+            r"\r\n|+\g<attr> | \g<caption>", newTable)
+        # caption without attributes
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)<caption>(?P<caption>[\w\W]*?)<\/caption>",
+                          r"\r\n|+ \g<caption>", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # <th> often people don't write them within <tr>, be warned!
+        # <th> with attributes
+        newTable = re.sub(
+            "(?i)[\r\n]+<th(?P<attr> [^>]*?)>(?P<header>[\w\W]*?)<\/th>",
+            r"\r\n!\g<attr> | \g<header>\r\n", newTable)
+        # <th> without attributes
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]+<th>(?P<header>[\w\W]*?)<\/th>",
+                          r"\r\n! \g<header>\r\n", newTable)
+        # fail save. sometimes people forget </th>
+        # <th> without attributes, without closing </th>
+        newTable, n = re.subn("(?i)[\r\n]+<th>(?P<header>[\w\W]*?)[\r\n]+",
+                              r"\r\n! \g<header>\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(
+                u'WARNING: found <th> without </th>. (%d occurences)\n' % n)
+            warnings += n
+        # <th> with attributes, without closing </th>
+        newTable, n = re.subn(
+            "(?i)[\r\n]+<th(?P<attr> [^>]*?)>(?P<header>[\w\W]*?)[\r\n]+",
+            r"\n!\g<attr> | \g<header>\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(
+                u'WARNING: found <th ...> without </th>. (%d occurences\n)' % 
+            warnings += n
+        ##################
+        # <tr> with attributes
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*<tr(?P<attr> [^>]*?)>[\r\n]*",
+                          r"\r\n|-\g<attr>\r\n", newTable)
+        # <tr> without attributes
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*<tr>[\r\n]*",
+                          r"\r\n|-\r\n", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # normal <td> without arguments
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]+<td>(?P<cell>[\w\W]*?)<\/td>",
+                          r"\r\n| \g<cell>\r\n", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # normal <td> with arguments
+        newTable = re.sub(
+            "(?i)[\r\n]+<td(?P<attr> [^>]*?)>(?P<cell>[\w\W]*?)<\/td>",
+            r"\r\n|\g<attr> | \g<cell>", newTable)
+        # WARNING: this sub might eat cells of bad HTML, but most likely it
+        # will correct errors
+        # TODO: some more docu please
+        newTable, n = re.subn("(?i)[\r\n]+<td>(?P<cell>[^\r\n]*?)<td>",
+                              r"\r\n| \g<cell>\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(
+                u'<td> used where </td> was expected. (%d occurences)\n' % n)
+            warnings += n
+        # fail save, sometimes it's a <td><td></tr>
+        #        newTable, n = 
+        #                             "\r\n| \\2\r\n", newTable)
+        #        newTable, n = 
+        #                             "\r\n|\\2| \\3\r\n", newTable)
+        # if n > 0:
+        #     warning_messages.append("WARNING: found <td><td></tr>, but no 
+        #                             " (%d occurences)\n" % n)
+        #     warnings += n
+        # what is this for?
+        newTable, n = re.subn("[\r\n]+<(td|TD)([^>]+?)>([^\r\n]*?)<\/(td|TD)>",
+                              r"\r\n|\2 | \3\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(
+                u"WARNING: (sorry, bot code unreadable (1). I don't know why "
+                u"this warning is given.) (%d occurences)\n" % n)
+        # fail save. sometimes people forget </td>
+        # <td> without arguments, with missing </td>
+        newTable, n = re.subn("(?i)<td>(?P<cell>[^<]*?)[\r\n]+",
+                              r"\r\n| \g<cell>\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(u"NOTE: Found <td> without </td>. This "
+                                    u"shouldn't cause problems.\n")
+        # <td> with attributes, with missing </td>
+        newTable, n = re.subn(
+            "(?i)[\r\n]*<td(?P<attr> [^>]*?)>(?P<cell>[\w\W]*?)[\r\n]+",
+            r"\r\n|\g<attr> | \g<cell>\r\n", newTable)
+        if n > 0:
+            warning_messages.append(u"NOTE: Found <td> without </td>. This "
+                                    u"shouldn't cause problems.\n")
+        ##################
+        # Garbage collecting ;-)
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)<td>[\r\n]*<\/tr>", "", newTable)
+        # delete closing tags
+        newTable = re.sub("(?i)[\r\n]*<\/t[rdh]>", "", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # OK, that's only theory but works most times.
+        # Most browsers assume that <th> gets a new row and we do the same
+        #        newTable, n = re.subn("([\r\n]+\|\ [^\r\n]*?)([\r\n]+\!)",
+        #                             "\\1\r\n|-----\\2", newTable)
+        #        warnings = warnings + n
+        # adds a |---- below for the case the new <tr> is missing
+        #        newTable, n = re.subn("([\r\n]+\!\ [^\r\n]*?[\r\n]+)(\|\ )",
+        #                             "\\1|-----\r\n\\2", newTable)
+        #        warnings = warnings + n
+        ##################
+        # most <th> come with '''title'''. Senseless in my eyes cuz
+        # <th> should be bold anyways.
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\!([^'\n\r]*)'''([^'\r\n]*)'''",
+                          r"\r\n!\1\2", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # kills indention within tables. Be warned, it might seldom bring
+        # bad results.
+        # True by default. Set 'deIndentTables = False' in
+        if config.deIndentTables:
+            num = 1
+            while num != 0:
+                newTable, num = re.subn("(\{\|[\w\W]*?)\n[ \t]+([\w\W]*?\|\})",
+                                        r"\1\r\n\2", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # kills additional spaces after | or ! or {|
+        # This line was creating problems, so I commented it out --Daniel
+        # newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\|[\t ]+?[\r\n]+", "\r\n| ", newTable)
+        # kills trailing spaces and tabs
+        newTable = re.sub("\r\n(.*)[\t\ ]+[\r\n]+",
+                          r"\r\n\1\r\n", newTable)
+        # kill extra new-lines
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]{4,}(\!|\|)",
+                          r"\r\n\1", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # shortening if <table> had no arguments/parameters
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\{\|[\ ]+\| ", "\r\n\{| ", newTable)
+        # shortening if <td> had no articles
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\|[\ ]+\| ", "\r\n| ", newTable)
+        # shortening if <th> had no articles
+        newTable = re.sub("\n\|\+[\ ]+\|", "\n|+ ", newTable)
+        # shortening of <caption> had no articles
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\![\ ]+\| ", "\r\n! ", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # proper attributes. attribute values need to be in quotation marks.
+        num = 1
+        while num != 0:
+            # group 1 starts with newlines, followed by a table or row tag
+            # ( {| or |--- ), then zero or more attribute key - value
+            # pairs where the value already has correct quotation marks, and
+            # finally the key of the attribute we want to fix here.
+            # group 2 is the value of the attribute we want to fix here.
+            # We recognize it by searching for a string of non-whitespace
+            # characters
+            # - [^\s]+? - which is not embraced by quotation marks - [^"]
+            newTable, num = re.subn(
+                r'([\r\n]+(?:\|-|\{\|)[^\r\n\|]+) *= *([^"\s>]+)',
+                r'\1="\2"', newTable, 1)
+        num = 1
+        while num != 0:
+            # The same for header and cell tags ( ! or | ), but for these tags
+            # the attribute part is finished by a | character. We don't want to
+            # change cell contents which accidentially contain an equal sign.
+            # Group 1 and 2 are anologously to the previous regular expression,
+            # group 3 are the remaining attribute key - value pairs.
+            newTable, num = re.subn(
+                r'([\r\n]+(?:!|\|)[^\r\n\|]+) *= *([^"\s>]+)([^\|\r\n]*)\|',
+                r'\1="\2"\3|', newTable, 1)
+        ##################
+        # merge two short <td>s
+        num = 1
+        while num != 0:
+            newTable, num = re.subn(
+                "[\r\n]+(\|[^\|\-\}]{1}[^\n\r]{0,35})" +
+                "[\r\n]+(\|[^\|\-\}]{1}[^\r\n]{0,35})[\r\n]+",
+                r"\r\n\1 |\2\r\n", newTable)
+        ####
+        # add a new line if first is * or #
+        newTable = re.sub("[\r\n]+\| ([*#]{1})",
+                          r"\r\n|\r\n\1", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # strip <center> from <th>
+        newTable = re.sub("([\r\n]+\![^\r\n]+?)<center>([\w\W]+?)<\/center>",
+                          r"\1 \2", newTable)
+        # strip align="center" from <th> because the .css does it
+        # if there are no other attributes than align, we don't need
+        # that | either
+        newTable = re.sub("([\r\n]+\! +)align\=\"center\" +\|",
+                          r"\1", newTable)
+        # if there are other attributes, simply strip the align="center"
+        newTable = re.sub(
+            "([\r\n]+\![^\r\n\|]+?)align\=\"center\"([^\n\r\|]+?\|)",
+            r"\1 \2", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # kill additional spaces within arguments
+        num = 1
+        while num != 0:
+            newTable, num = re.subn(
+                "[\r\n]+(\||\!)([^|\r\n]*?)[ \t]{2,}([^\r\n]+?)",
+                r"\r\n\1\2 \3", newTable)
+        ##################
+        # I hate those long lines because they make a wall of letters
+        # Off by default, set 'splitLongParagraphs = True' in
+        if config.splitLongParagraphs:
+            num = 1
+            while num != 0:
+                # TODO: how does this work? docu please.
+                # why are only äöüß used, but not other special characters?
+                newTable, num = re.subn(
+                    "(\r\n[A-Z]{1}[^\n\r]{200,}?[a-zäöüß]\.)\ 
+                    r"\1\r\n\2", newTable)
+        return newTable, warnings, warning_messages
+    def markActiveTables(self, text):
+        """
+        Mark all table start and end tags that are not disabled by nowiki 
tags, comments etc.
+        We will then later only work on these marked tags.
+        """
+        tableStartTagR = re.compile("<table", re.IGNORECASE)
+        tableEndTagR = re.compile("</table>", re.IGNORECASE)
+        text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, tableStartTagR, "<##table##",
+                                       exceptions=['comment', 'math',
+                                                   'nowiki', 'pre', 'source'])
+        text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, tableEndTagR, "</##table##>",
+                                       exceptions=['comment', 'math',
+                                                   'nowiki', 'pre', 'source'])
+        return text
+    def findTable(self, text):
+        """
+        Find the first HTML table (which can contain nested tables) inside a 
+        Returns the table and the start and end position inside the text.
+        """
+        # Note that we added the ## characters in markActiveTables().
+        markedTableStartTagR = re.compile("<##table##", re.IGNORECASE)
+        markedTableEndTagR = re.compile("</##table##>", re.IGNORECASE)
+        m =
+        if not m:
+            return None, 0, 0
+        else:
+            start = m.start()
+            offset = m.end()
+            originalText = text
+            text = text[m.end():]
+            # depth level of table nesting
+            depth = 1
+            # i = start + 1
+            while depth > 0:
+                nextStarting =
+                nextEnding =
+                if not nextEnding:
+                    pywikibot.output("More opening than closing table tags. 
+                    return None, 0, 0
+                # if another table tag is opened before one is closed
+                elif nextStarting and nextStarting.start() < 
+                    offset += nextStarting.end()
+                    text = text[nextStarting.end():]
+                    depth += 1
+                else:
+                    offset += nextEnding.end()
+                    text = text[nextEnding.end():]
+                    depth -= 1
+            end = offset
+            return originalText[start:end], start, end
+    def convertAllHTMLTables(self, text):
+        """
+        Convert all HTML tables in text to wiki syntax.
+        Returns the converted text, the number of converted tables and the
+        number of warnings that occured.
+        """
+        text = self.markActiveTables(text)
+        convertedTables = 0
+        warningSum = 0
+        warningMessages = u''
+        while True:
+            table, start, end = self.findTable(text)
+            if not table:
+                # no more HTML tables left
+                break
+            pywikibot.output(">> Table %i <<" % (convertedTables + 1))
+            # convert the current table
+            newTable, warningsThisTable, warnMsgsThisTable = self.convertTable(
+                table)
+            # show the changes for this table
+            if not self.quietMode:
+                pywikibot.showDiff(table.replace('##table##', 'table'),
+                                   newTable)
+            warningSum += warningsThisTable
+            for msg in warnMsgsThisTable:
+                warningMessages += 'In table %i: %s' % (convertedTables + 1,
+                                                        msg)
+            text = text[:start] + newTable + text[end:]
+            convertedTables += 1
+        pywikibot.output(warningMessages)
+        return text, convertedTables, warningSum
+    def treat(self, page):
+        """
+        Load a page, convert all HTML tables in its text to wiki syntax, and 
save the result.
+        Returns True if the converted table was successfully saved, otherwise 
returns False.
+        """
+        pywikibot.output(u'\n>>> %s <<<' % page.title())
+        site =
+        try:
+            text = page.get()
+        except pywikibot.NoPage:
+            pywikibot.error(u"couldn't find %s" % page.title())
+            return False
+        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
+            pywikibot.output(u'Skipping redirect %s' % page.title())
+            return False
+        newText, convertedTables, warningSum = self.convertAllHTMLTables(text)
+        # Check if there are any marked tags left
+        markedTableTagR = re.compile("<##table##|</##table##>", re.IGNORECASE)
+        if
+            pywikibot.error(
+                u'not all marked table start or end tags processed!')
+            return
+        if convertedTables == 0:
+            pywikibot.output(u"No changes were necessary.")
+        else:
+            if config.table2wikiAskOnlyWarnings and warningSum == 0:
+                doUpload = True
+            else:
+                if config.table2wikiSkipWarnings:
+                    doUpload = True
+                else:
+                    pywikibot.output("There were %i replacement(s) that might 
lead to bad "
+                                     "output." % warningSum)
+                    doUpload = (pywikibot.input(
+                        u'Do you want to change the page anyway? [y|N]') == 
+            if doUpload:
+                # get edit summary message
+                if warningSum == 0:
+                    editSummaryMessage = i18n.twtranslate(site.code, 
+                else:
+                    editSummaryMessage = i18n.twntranslate(
+                        site.code,
+                        'table2wiki-warnings',
+                        {'count': warningSum}
+                    )
+                page.put_async(newText, summary=editSummaryMessage)
+    def run(self):
+        """Check each page passed."""
+        for page in self.generator:
+            self.treat(page)
+def main(*args):
+    """
+    Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
+    If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
+    @param args: command line arguments
+    @type args: list of unicode
+    """
+    quietMode = False  # use -quiet to get less output
+    # if the -file argument is used, page titles are stored in this array.
+    # otherwise it will only contain one page.
+    articles = []
+    # if -file is not used, this temporary array is used to read the page 
+    page_title = []
+    # Which namespaces should be processed?
+    # default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
+    namespaces = []
+    xmlfilename = None
+    gen = None
+    # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
+    # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
+    # to work on.
+    genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
+    for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args):
+        if arg.startswith('-xml'):
+            if len(arg) == 4:
+                xmlfilename = pywikibot.input(
+                    u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename:')
+            else:
+                xmlfilename = arg[5:]
+            gen = TableXmlDumpPageGenerator(xmlfilename)
+        elif arg == '-sql':
+            query = u"""
+SELECT page_namespace, page_title
+FROM page JOIN text ON (page_id = old_id)
+WHERE old_text LIKE '%<table%'
+LIMIT 200"""
+            gen = pagegenerators.MySQLPageGenerator(query)
+        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
+            try:
+                namespaces.append(int(arg[11:]))
+            except ValueError:
+                namespaces.append(arg[11:])
+        elif arg.startswith('-skip:'):
+            articles = articles[articles.index(arg[6:]):]
+        elif arg.startswith('-auto'):
+            config.table2wikiAskOnlyWarnings = True
+            config.table2wikiSkipWarnings = True
+            pywikibot.output('Automatic mode!\n')
+        elif arg.startswith('-quiet'):
+            quietMode = True
+        else:
+            if not genFactory.handleArg(arg):
+                page_title.append(arg)
+    # if the page is given as a command line argument,
+    # connect the title's parts with spaces
+    if page_title != []:
+        page_title = ' '.join(page_title)
+        page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site(), page_title)
+        gen = iter([page])
+    if not gen:
+        gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
+    if gen:
+        if namespaces != []:
+            gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
+        preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
+        bot = Table2WikiRobot(preloadingGen, quietMode)
+    else:
+        pywikibot.showHelp('table2wiki')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6aee53160d9b0f1d1e98cf780fe641752ae2f057
Gerrit-PatchSet: 6
Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Phantom42 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: GuerellaNuke23 
Gerrit-Reviewer: John Vandenberg <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Phantom42 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Whym <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Xqt <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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