Awight has uploaded a new change for review. ( )

Change subject: Merge master into deployment

Merge master into deployment

9b6c8bf9912b143986e8e0a00b0aa6b0f76bdb33 Add composer.json with phplint, also 
fix two files with incorrect paths
9ca62c0385db88f2513fcc685ed5ac9f91c71db1 Always call antifraud hooks after 
d1b41e773f34952c34d0c22b1e8dde3c6b7f4b7a Localisation updates from
6307aa34d8d7e516c0434e5d412fd7b6571cbed4 Localisation updates from
9c1a41c83106b92ca71eb6f62cda2fdaecb3a1fd Update composer libs
44b5248d9d186eb2c413cb235249f3d604f10ba6 Be less magical about unstaging order 
status things
5d5a47693fac07898bafe45324e8cae265ec5223 Don't use frontend classes from fraud 
fa7395f6ef6a3e7446c3aed7b0541a47463082cf Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset 

Change-Id: I783457e749a560d9206b37b07254d72d9f246394
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanAdapterTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanRectifierTest.php
D tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectTest.php
D tests/phpunit/DonationInterfaceTestCase.php
D tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
D tests/phpunit/includes/Responses/globalcollect/SET_PAYMENT_200.testresponse
8 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1,875 deletions(-)

  git pull 

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d1377..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanAdapterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GlobalCollect
- * @group OrphanSlayer
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_GlobalCollect_Orphans_GlobalCollectTest 
extends DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'cc-vmad' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'globalcollect',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('cc' => 
array( 'visa', 'mc', 'amex', 'discover' )),
-                                       'countries' => array(
-                                               '+' => array( 'US', ),
-                                       ),
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = 
'' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingGlobalCollectOrphanAdapter';
-               $this->dummy_utm_data = array (
-                       'utm_source' => 'dummy_source',
-                       'utm_campaign' => 'dummy_campaign',
-                       'utm_medium' => 'dummy_medium',
-                       'date' => time(),
-               );
-       }
-       public function testConstructor() {
-               $options = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $class = $this->testAdapterClass;
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject();
-               $this->assertInstanceOf( $class, $gateway );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       public function testBatchOrderID_generate() {
-               //no data on construct, generate Order IDs
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => TRUE ) ) );
-               $this->assertTrue( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 'The 
order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Order_id 
generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an absent order id is not left as null, 
when generating our own' );
-               $data = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $data['order_id'] = '55555';
-               //now, add data and check that we didn't kill the oid. Still 
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data, $useDB = false );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '55555', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $data['order_id'] = '444444';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data, $useDB = false );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '444444', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       public function testBatchOrderID_no_generate() {
-               //no data on construct, do not generate Order IDs
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 
'The order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Deferred 
order_id generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an absent order id is left as null, when 
not generating our own' );
-               $data = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $data['order_id'] = '66666';
-               //now, add data and check that we didn't kill the oid. Still 
not generating
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data, $useDB = false );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '66666', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID' );
-               $data['order_id'] = '777777';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $data, $useDB = false );
-               $this->assertEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), '777777', 'loadDataAndReInit failed to stick OrderID on second 
batch item' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-       }
-       public function testGCFormLoad() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $assertNodes = array (
-                       'submethod-mc' => array (
-                               'nodename' => 'input'
-                       ),
-                       'selected-amount' => array (
-                               'nodename' => 'span',
-                               'innerhtmlmatches' => '/^\s*' .
-                                       str_replace( '$', '\$',
-                                               Amount::format( 1.55, 'USD', 
$init['language'] . '_' . $init['country'] )
-                                       ).
-                                       '\s*$/',
-                       ),
-                       'state' => array (
-                               'nodename' => 'select',
-                               'selected' => 'CA',
-                       ),
-               );
-               $this->verifyFormOutput( 'GlobalCollectGateway', $init, 
$assertNodes, true );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests to make sure that certain error codes returned from GC will
-        * trigger order cancellation, even if retryable errors also exist.
-        * @dataProvider mcNoRetryCodeProvider
-        */
-       public function testNoMastercardFinesForRepeatOnBadCodes( $code ) {
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               //Toxic card should not retry, even if there's an order id 
-               $init = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $init['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = mt_rand();
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $init, $useDB = false );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( $code );
-               $result = $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $gateway->curled ), "Gateway 
kept trying even with response code $code!  MasterCard could fine us a thousand 
bucks for that!" );
-               $this->assertEquals( false, $result->getCommunicationStatus(), 
"Error code $code should mean status of do_transaction is false" );
-               $errors = $result->getErrors();
-               $this->assertFalse( empty( $errors ), 'Orphan adapter needs to 
see the errors to consider it rectified' );
-               $this->assertTrue( array_key_exists( '1000001', $errors ), 
'Orphan adapter needs error 1000001 to consider it rectified' );
-               $loglines = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::INFO, "/Got error 
code $code, not retrying to avoid MasterCard fines./" );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $loglines, "GC Error $code is not 
generating the expected payments log error" );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure we're incorporating GET_ORDERSTATUS AVS and CVV responses 
-        * fraud scores.
-        */
-       function testGetOrderstatusPostProcessFraud() {
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceEnableCustomFilters' => true,
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayCustomFiltersFunctions' => array(
-                               'getCVVResult' => 10,
-                               'getAVSResult' => 30,
-                       ),
-               ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( null, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $init = array_merge( $this->getDonorTestData(), 
$this->dummy_utm_data );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $init['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = mt_rand();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway->loadDataAndReInit( $init, $useDB = false );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '600_badCvv' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $action = $gateway->getValidationAction();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'review', $action,
-                       'Orphan gateway should fraud fail on bad CVV and AVS' );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $this->assertEquals( 40, $exposed->risk_score,
-                       'Risk score was incremented correctly.' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index ab88f18..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectOrphanRectifierTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use SmashPig\Core\Context;
-use SmashPig\Core\DataStores\PendingDatabase;
-use SmashPig\Tests\SmashPigDatabaseTestConfiguration;
- * @covers GlobalCollectOrphanRectifier
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GlobalCollect
- * @group OrphanSlayer
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_GlobalCollect_Orphan_Rectifier_Test
-       extends DonationInterfaceTestCase
-       // TODO: Give vulgar names.
-       // FIXME: Is 25 the normal unauthorized status?  Use the common one, 
whatever that is.
-       const STATUS_PENDING = 25;
-       const STATUS_PENDING_POKE = 600;
-       const STATUS_COMPLETE = 800;
-       // Arbitrary configuration for testing time logic.
-       const TIME_BUFFER = 60;
-       const TARGET_EXECUTE_TIME = 1200;
-       public $pendingDb;
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceOrphanCron' => array(
-                               'enable' => true,
-                               'target_execute_time' => 
-                               'time_buffer' => self::TIME_BUFFER,
-                       ),
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceGatewayAdapters' => array(
-                               // We include the regular adapter in order to 
pass gateway validation D:
-                               'globalcollect' => 
-                               'globalcollect_orphan' => 
-                       ),
-               ) );
-               $config = new SmashPigDatabaseTestConfiguration();
-               Context::init( $config );
-               $this->pendingDb = PendingDatabase::get();
-               // Create the schema.
-               $this->pendingDb->createTable();
-       }
-       /**
-        * When leaving a message unprocessed and pending, don't try to process 
-        * again.
-        */
-       public function testProcessOrphansStatusPending() {
-               $orphan_pending = $this->createOrphan();
-               $rectifier = new GlobalCollectOrphanRectifier();
-               $this->gateway = $rectifier->getAdapter();
-               $this->gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 
-               $rectifier->processOrphans();
-               $fetched = $this->pendingDb->fetchMessageByGatewayOrderId(
-                       'globalcollect', $orphan_pending['order_id'] );
-               $this->assertNull( $fetched,
-                       'Message was popped.' );
-               $this->assertGatewayCallsExactly( array(
-                       'GET_ORDERSTATUS'
-               ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * If a message is waiting for the API kiss of death, perform it.
-        */
-       public function testProcessOrphansStatusPendingPoke() {
-               $orphan_pending_poke = $this->createOrphan();
-               $rectifier = new GlobalCollectOrphanRectifier();
-               $this->gateway = $rectifier->getAdapter();
-               $this->gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 
-               $rectifier->processOrphans();
-               $fetched = $this->pendingDb->fetchMessageByGatewayOrderId(
-                       'globalcollect', $orphan_pending_poke['order_id'] );
-               $this->assertNull( $fetched,
-                       'Message was popped' );
-               $this->assertGatewayCallsExactly( array(
-                       'GET_ORDERSTATUS',
-                       'SET_PAYMENT',
-               ) );
-               // TODO: test that we sent a completion message
-       }
-       /**
-        * Report a completed transaction.
-        */
-       public function testProcessOrphansStatusComplete() {
-               $orphan_complete = $this->createOrphan();
-               $rectifier = new GlobalCollectOrphanRectifier();
-               $this->gateway = $rectifier->getAdapter();
-               $this->gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 
-               $rectifier->processOrphans();
-               $fetched = $this->pendingDb->fetchMessageByGatewayOrderId(
-                       'globalcollect', $orphan_complete['order_id'] );
-               $this->assertNull( $fetched,
-                       'Message was popped' );
-               $this->assertGatewayCallsExactly( array(
-                       'GET_ORDERSTATUS',
-               ) );
-               // TODO: test that we sent a completion message
-       }
-       /**
-        * Don't process recent messages.
-        */
-       public function testTooRecentMessage() {
-               $orphan_complete = $this->createOrphan( array(
-                       'date' => time() - self::TIME_BUFFER + 30,
-               ) );
-               $rectifier = new GlobalCollectOrphanRectifier();
-               $this->gateway = $rectifier->getAdapter();
-               $rectifier->processOrphans();
-               $fetched = $this->pendingDb->fetchMessageByGatewayOrderId(
-                       'globalcollect', $orphan_complete['order_id'] );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $fetched,
-                       'Message was not popped' );
-               $this->assertGatewayCallsExactly( array() );
-               // TODO: Test that we:
-               // * Logged the "done with old messages" line.
-       }
-       /**
-        * Create an orphaned tranaction and store it to the pending database.
-        *
-        * TODO: Reuse SmashPigBaseTest#createMessage
-        */
-       public function createOrphan( $overrides = array() ) {
-               $uniq = mt_rand();
-               $message = $overrides + array(
-                       'contribution_tracking_id' => $uniq,
-                       'gateway' => 'globalcollect',
-                       'gateway_txn_id' => "txn-{$uniq}",
-                       'order_id' => "order-{$uniq}",
-                       'gateway_account' => 'default',
-                       // Defaults to a magic 25 minutes ago, within the 
process window.
-                       'date' => time() - 25 * 60,
-                       'amount' => 123,
-                       'currency' => 'EUR',
-               );
-               $this->pendingDb->storeMessage( $message );
-               return $message;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Assert whether we made exactly the expected gateway calls
-        *
-        * @param array $expected List of API action names, in the form they 
-        * in the <ACTION> tag.
-        */
-       protected function assertGatewayCallsExactly( $expected ) {
-               $expected_num_calls = count( $expected );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected_num_calls, count( 
$this->gateway->curled ),
-                       "Ran exactly {$expected_num_calls} API calls" );
-               foreach ( $expected as $index => $action ) {
-                       $this->assertRegExp( '/\b' . $action . '\b/', 
-                               "Call #" . ( $index + 1 ) . " was {$action}." );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Dump the entire database state, for debugging.
-        */
-       protected function debugDbContents() {
-               $result = $this->pendingDb->getDatabase()->query(
-                       "select * from pending" );
-               $rows = $result->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
-               var_export($rows);
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectTest.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index 966f942..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/Adapter/GlobalCollect/GlobalCollectTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,589 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
- *
- * @group Fundraising
- * @group DonationInterface
- * @group GlobalCollect
- */
-class DonationInterface_Adapter_GlobalCollect_GlobalCollectTest extends 
DonationInterfaceTestCase {
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayEnabled' => true,
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceAllowedHtmlForms' => array(
-                               'cc-vmad' => array(
-                                       'gateway' => 'globalcollect',
-                                       'payment_methods' => array('cc' => 
array( 'visa', 'mc', 'amex', 'discover' )),
-                                       'countries' => array(
-                                               '+' => array( 'US', ),
-                                       ),
-                               ),
-                       ),
-               ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = 
'' ) {
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-               $this->testAdapterClass = 'TestingGlobalCollectAdapter';
-       }
-       /**
-        * testnormalizeOrderID
-        * Non-exhaustive integration tests to verify that order_id
-        * normalization works as expected with different settings and
-        * conditions in theGlobalCollect adapter
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::normalizeOrderID
-        */
-       public function testNormalizeOrderID() {
-               $request = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $externalData = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $session = array( 'Donor' => $this->getDonorTestData() );
-               //no order_id from anywhere, explicit no generate
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $externalData, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $this->assertFalse( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 
'The order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Deferred 
order_id generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an absent order id is left as null, when 
not generating our own' );
-               //no order_id from anywhere, explicit generate
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $externalData, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => TRUE ) ) );
-               $this->assertTrue( $gateway->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ), 'The 
order_id meta generate setting override is not working properly. Self order_id 
generation may be broken.' );
-               $this->assertInternalType( 'numeric', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'Generated order_id is not 
numeric, which it should be for GlobalCollect' );
-               // conflicting order_id in request and session, default GC 
-               $request['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $session['Donor']['order_id'] = '44444';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $request, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter();
-               $this->assertEquals( '55555', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'GlobalCollect gateway is 
preferring session data over the request. Session should be secondary.' );
-               // conflicting order_id in request and session, garbage data in 
request, default GC generation
-               $request['order_id'] = 'nonsense!';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $request, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter();
-               $this->assertEquals( '44444', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'GlobalCollect gateway is not 
ignoring nonsensical order_id candidates' );
-               // order_id in session, default GC generation
-               unset( $request['order_id'] );
-               $this->setUpRequest( $request, $session );
-               $gateway = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter();
-               $this->assertEquals( '44444', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'GlobalCollect gateway is not 
recognizing the session order_id' );
-               // conflicting order_id in external data, request and session, 
explicit GC generation, batch mode
-               $request['order_id'] = '33333';
-               $externalData['order_id'] = '22222';
-               $this->setUpRequest( $request, $session );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $externalData, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => true ), 'batch_mode' => true ) );
-               $this->assertEquals( $externalData['order_id'], 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'Failed asserting that an 
extrenally provided order id is being honored in batch mode' );
-               //make sure that decimal numbers are rejected by GC. Should be 
a toss and regen
-               $externalData['order_id'] = '2143.0';
-               unset( $request['order_id'] );
-               unset( $session['Donor']['order_id'] );
-               $this->setUpRequest( $request, $session );
-               //conflicting order_id in external data, request and session, 
explicit GC generation, batch mode
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $externalData, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => true, 'disallow_decimals' => true ), 
'batch_mode' => true ) );
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $externalData['order_id'], 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'Failed assering that a 
decimal order_id was regenerated, when disallow_decimals is true' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Non-exhaustive integration tests to verify that order_id, when in
-        * self-generation mode, won't regenerate until it is told to.
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::normalizeOrderID
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::regenerateOrderID
-        */
-       function testStickyGeneratedOrderID() {
-               $init = self::$initial_vars;
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               //no order_id from anywhere, explicit generate
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => TRUE ) ) );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Generated order_id is null. The rest of this test is broken.' );
-               $original_order_id = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' );
-               $gateway->normalizeOrderID();
-               $this->assertEquals( $original_order_id, 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'Re-normalized order_id has 
changed without explicit regeneration.' );
-               //this might look a bit strange, but we need to be able to 
generate valid order_ids without making them stick to anything.
-               $gateway->generateOrderID();
-               $this->assertEquals( $original_order_id, 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'function generateOrderID 
auto-changed the selected order ID. Not cool.' );
-               $gateway->regenerateOrderID();
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $original_order_id, 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ), 'Re-normalized order_id has 
not changed, after explicit regeneration.' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Integration test to verify that order_id can be retrieved from
-        * performing an INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT.
-        */
-       function testOrderIDRetrieval() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               //no order_id from anywhere, explicit generate
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init, array ( 
'order_id_meta' => array ( 'generate' => FALSE ) ) );
-               $this->assertNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'Ungenerated order_id is not null. The rest of this test is 
broken.' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT' );
-               $this->assertNotNull( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), 'No order_id was retrieved from INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Just run the GET_ORDERSTATUS transaction and make sure we load the 
-        */
-       function testGetOrderStatus() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'GET_ORDERSTATUS' );
-               $data = $gateway->getTransactionData();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'N', $data['CVVRESULT'], 'CVV Result not 
loaded from XML response' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Don't fraud-fail someone for bad CVV if GET_ORDERSTATUS
-        * comes back with STATUSID 25 and no CVVRESULT
-        * @group CvvResult
-        */
-       function testConfirmCreditCardStatus25() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $this->setUpRequest( array( 'CVVRESULT' => 'M' ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '25' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $action = $gateway->getValidationAction();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'process', $action, 'Gateway should not 
fraud fail on STATUSID 25' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure we're incorporating GET_ORDERSTATUS AVS and CVV responses 
-        * fraud scores.
-        */
-       function testGetOrderstatusPostProcessFraud() {
-               $this->setMwGlobals( array(
-                       'wgDonationInterfaceEnableCustomFilters' => true,
-                       'wgGlobalCollectGatewayCustomFiltersFunctions' => array(
-                               'getCVVResult' => 10,
-                               'getAVSResult' => 30,
-                       ),
-               ) );
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               $init['order_id'] = '55555';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['contribution_tracking_id'] = mt_rand();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '600_badCvv' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $action = $gateway->getValidationAction();
-               $this->assertEquals( 'review', $action,
-                       'Orphan gateway should fraud fail on bad CVV and AVS' );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $this->assertEquals( 40, $exposed->risk_score,
-                       'Risk score was incremented correctly.' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Ensure the Confirm_CreditCard transaction prefers CVVRESULT from the 
-        * over any value from the querystring
-        */
-       function testConfirmCreditCardPrefersXmlCvv() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $this->setUpRequest( array( 'CVVRESULT' => 'M' ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'N', 
$gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped('cvv_result'), 'CVV Result not taken from 
XML response' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure we record the actual amount charged, even if the donor has
-        * opened a new window and screwed up their session data.
-        */
-       function testConfirmCreditCardUpdatesAmount() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               // The values in session are not the values we originally used
-               // for INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT
-               $init['amount'] = '12.50';
-               $init['currency_code'] = 'USD';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $amount = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' );
-               $currency = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' 
-               $this->assertEquals( '12.50', $amount );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'USD', $currency );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $amount = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' );
-               $currency = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency_code' 
-               $this->assertEquals( '23.45', $amount, 'Not recording correct 
amount' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'EUR', $currency, 'Not recording correct 
currency'  );
-       }
-       /**
-        * testDefineVarMap
-        *
-        * This is tested with a bank transfer from Spain.
-        *
-        * @covers GlobalCollectAdapter::__construct
-        * @covers GlobalCollectAdapter::defineVarMap
-        */
-       public function testDefineVarMap() {
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( self::$initial_vars );
-               $var_map = array(
-                       'ORDERID' => 'order_id',
-                       'AMOUNT' => 'amount',
-                       'CURRENCYCODE' => 'currency_code',
-                       'LANGUAGECODE' => 'language',
-                       'COUNTRYCODE' => 'country',
-                       'MERCHANTREFERENCE' => 'contribution_tracking_id',
-                       'RETURNURL' => 'returnto',
-                       'IPADDRESS' => 'server_ip',
-                       'ISSUERID' => 'issuer_id',
-                       'PAYMENTPRODUCTID' => 'payment_product',
-                       'CVV' => 'cvv',
-                       'EXPIRYDATE' => 'expiration',
-                       'CREDITCARDNUMBER' => 'card_num',
-                       'FIRSTNAME' => 'fname',
-                       'SURNAME' => 'lname',
-                       'STREET' => 'street',
-                       'CITY' => 'city',
-                       'STATE' => 'state',
-                       'ZIP' => 'zip',
-                       'EMAIL' => 'email',
-                       'ACCOUNTHOLDER' => 'account_holder',
-                       'ACCOUNTNAME' => 'account_name',
-                       'ACCOUNTNUMBER' => 'account_number',
-                       'ADDRESSLINE1E' => 'address_line_1e',
-                       'ADDRESSLINE2' => 'address_line_2',
-                       'ADDRESSLINE3' => 'address_line_3',
-                       'ADDRESSLINE4' => 'address_line_4',
-                       'ATTEMPTID' => 'attempt_id',
-                       'AUTHORISATIONID' => 'authorization_id',
-                       'BANKACCOUNTNUMBER' => 'bank_account_number',
-                       'BANKAGENZIA' => 'bank_agenzia',
-                       'BANKCHECKDIGIT' => 'bank_check_digit',
-                       'BANKCODE' => 'bank_code',
-                       'BANKFILIALE' => 'bank_filiale',
-                       'BANKNAME' => 'bank_name',
-                       'BRANCHCODE' => 'branch_code',
-                       'COUNTRYCODEBANK' => 'country_code_bank',
-                       'COUNTRYDESCRIPTION' => 'country_description',
-                       'CUSTOMERBANKCITY' => 'customer_bank_city',
-                       'CUSTOMERBANKSTREET' => 'customer_bank_street',
-                       'CUSTOMERBANKNUMBER' => 'customer_bank_number',
-                       'CUSTOMERBANKZIP' => 'customer_bank_zip',
-                       'DATECOLLECT' => 'date_collect',
-                       'DESCRIPTOR' => 'descriptor',
-                       'DIRECTDEBITTEXT' => 'direct_debit_text',
-                       'DOMICILIO' => 'domicilio',
-                       'EFFORTID' => 'effort_id',
-                       'IBAN' => 'iban',
-                       'IPADDRESSCUSTOMER' => 'user_ip',
-                       'PAYMENTREFERENCE' => 'payment_reference',
-                       'PROVINCIA' => 'provincia',
-                       'SPECIALID' => 'special_id',
-                       'SWIFTCODE' => 'swift_code',
-                       'TRANSACTIONTYPE' => 'transaction_type',
-                       'FISCALNUMBER' => 'fiscal_number',
-                       'AVSRESULT' => 'avs_result',
-                       'CVVRESULT' => 'cvv_result',
-               );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $this->assertEquals( $var_map, $exposed->var_map );
-       }
-       public function testLanguageStaging() {
-               $options = $this->getDonorTestData( 'NO' );
-               $options['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $options['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $options );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $exposed->stageData();
-               $this->assertEquals( $exposed->getData_Staged( 'language' ), 
'no', "'NO' donor's language was inproperly set. Should be 'no'" );
-       }
-       public function testLanguageFallbackStaging() {
-               $options = $this->getDonorTestData( 'Catalonia' );
-               $options['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $options['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $options );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $exposed->stageData();
-               // Requesting the fallback language from the gateway.
-               $this->assertEquals( 'en', $exposed->getData_Staged( 'language' 
) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Make sure unstaging functions don't overwrite core donor data.
-        */
-       public function testAddResponseData_underzealous() {
-               $options = $this->getDonorTestData( 'Catalonia' );
-               $options['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $options['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $options );
-               // This will set staged_data['language'] = 'en'.
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $exposed->stageData();
-               $ctid = mt_rand();
-               $gateway->addResponseData( array(
-                       'contribution_tracking_id' => $ctid . '.1',
-               ) );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               // Desired vars were written into normalized data.
-               $this->assertEquals( $ctid, $exposed->dataObj->getVal_Escaped( 
'contribution_tracking_id' ) );
-               // Language was not overwritten.
-               $this->assertEquals( 'ca', $exposed->dataObj->getVal_Escaped( 
'language' ) );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests to make sure that certain error codes returned from GC will or
-        * will not create payments error loglines.
-        */
-       function testCCLogsOnGatewayError() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               //this should not throw any payments errors: Just an invalid 
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '430285' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'GET_ORDERSTATUS' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-               //Now test one we want to throw a payments error
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '21000050' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'GET_ORDERSTATUS' );
-               $loglines = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::ERROR, 
'/Investigation required!/' );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $loglines, 'GC Error 21000050 is not 
generating the expected payments log error' );
-               //Reset logs
-               $this->testLogger->messages = array();
-               //Most irritating version of 20001000 - They failed to enter an 
expiration date on GC's form. This should log some specific info, but not an 
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( '20001000-expiry' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'GET_ORDERSTATUS' );
-               $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-               $loglines = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::INFO, 
'/processResponse:.*EXPIRYDATE/' );
-               $this->assertNotEmpty( $loglines, 'GC Error 20001000-expiry is 
not generating the expected payments log line' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests to make sure that certain error codes returned from GC will
-        * trigger order cancellation, even if retryable errors also exist.
-        * @dataProvider mcNoRetryCodeProvider
-        */
-       public function testNoMastercardFinesForRepeatOnBadCodes( $code ) {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               //Make it not look like an orphan
-               $this->setUpRequest( array(
-                       'CVVRESULT' => 'M',
-                       'AVSRESULT' => '0'
-               ) );
-               //Toxic card should not retry, even if there's an order id 
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( $code );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $gateway->curled ), "Gateway 
kept trying even with response code $code!  MasterCard could fine us a thousand 
bucks for that!" );
-               // Test limbo queue contents.
-               $this->assertEquals( array( true ), $gateway->limbo_messages,
-                       "Gateway did not delete limbo message for code $code!" 
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests that two API requests don't send the same order ID and merchant
-        * reference.  This was the case when users doubleclicked and we were
-        * using the last 5 digits of time in seconds as a suffix.  We want to 
-        * what happens when a 2nd request comes in while the 1st is still 
-        * for a CURL response, so here we fake that situation by having CURL 
-        * an exception during the 1st response.
-        */
-       public function testNoDupeOrderId( ) {
-               $this->setUpRequest( array(
-                       'action'=>'donate',
-                       'amount'=>'3.00',
-                       'card_type'=>'amex',
-                       'city'=>'Hollywood',
-                       'contribution_tracking_id'=>'22901382',
-                       'country'=>'US',
-                       'currency_code'=>'USD',
-                       'email'=>'',
-                       'fname'=>'Fakety',
-                       'format'=>'json',
-                       'gateway'=>'globalcollect',
-                       'language'=>'en',
-                       'lname'=>'Fake',
-                       'payment_method'=>'cc',
-                       'referrer'=>'',
-                       'state'=>'MA',
-                       'street'=>'99 Fake St',
-                       'utm_campaign'=>'C14_en5C_dec_dsk_FR',
-                       'utm_medium'=>'sitenotice',
-                       'utm_source'=>'',
-                       'zip'=>'90210'
-               ) );
-               $gateway = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter( array( 
'api_request' => 'true' ) );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( 'Exception' );
-               try {
-                       $gateway->do_transaction( 'INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT' );
-               }
-               catch ( Exception $e ) {
-                       // totally expected this
-               }
-               $first = $gateway->curled[0];
-               //simulate another request coming in before we get anything 
back from GC
-               $anotherGateway = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter( array( 
'api_request' => 'true' ) );
-               $anotherGateway->do_transaction( 'INSERT_ORDERWITHPAYMENT' );
-               $second = $anotherGateway->curled[0];
-               $this->assertFalse( $first == $second, 'Two calls to the api 
did the same thing');
-       }
-       /**
-        * Tests to see that we don't claim we're going to retry when we aren't
-        * going to. For GC, we really only want to retry on code 300620
-        * @dataProvider benignNoRetryCodeProvider
-        */
-       public function testNoClaimRetryOnBoringCodes( $code ) {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData( 'US' );
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               //Make it not look like an orphan
-               $this->setUpRequest( array(
-                       'CVVRESULT' => 'M',
-                       'AVSRESULT' => '0'
-               ) );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( $code );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $gateway );
-               $start_id = $exposed->getData_Staged( 'order_id' );
-               $gateway->do_transaction( 'Confirm_CreditCard' );
-               $finish_id = $exposed->getData_Staged( 'order_id' );
-               $loglines = $this->getLogMatches( LogLevel::INFO, '/Repeating 
transaction on request for vars:/' );
-               $this->assertEmpty( $loglines, "Log says we are going to repeat 
the transaction for code $code, but that is not true" );
-               $this->assertEquals( $start_id, $finish_id, "Needlessly 
regenerated order id for code $code ");
-       }
-       /**
-        * doPayment should return an iframe result with normal data
-        */
-       function testDoPaymentSuccess() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertEmpty( $result->isFailed(), 'PaymentResult should 
not be failed' );
-               $this->assertEmpty( $result->getErrors(), 'PaymentResult should 
have no errors' );
-               $this->assertEquals( 'url_placeholder', $result->getIframe(), 
'PaymentResult should have iframe set' );
-       }
-       /**
-        * doPayment should recover from an attempt to use a duplicate order ID.
-        */
-       function testDuplicateOrderId() {
-               $init = $this->getDonorTestData();
-               $init['payment_method'] = 'cc';
-               $init['payment_submethod'] = 'visa';
-               $init['email'] = '';
-               $init['ffname'] = 'cc-vmad';
-               unset( $init['order_id'] );
-               $gateway = $this->getFreshGatewayObject( $init );
-               $orig_id = $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' );
-               $gateway->setDummyGatewayResponseCode( function ( $gateway ) 
use ( $orig_id ) {
-                       if ( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' ) 
=== $orig_id ) {
-                               return 'duplicate';
-                       } else {
-                               return null;
-                       }
-               } );
-               $result = $gateway->doPayment();
-               $this->assertEmpty( $result->isFailed(), 'PaymentResult should 
not be failed' );
-               $this->assertEmpty( $result->getErrors(), 'PaymentResult should 
have no errors' );
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' ), $orig_id,
-                       'Order ID regenerated in DonationData.' );
-               $this->assertNotEquals( $gateway->session_getData( 'order_id' 
), $orig_id,
-                       'Order ID regenerated in session.' );
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/DonationInterfaceTestCase.php 
deleted file mode 100644
index cbdd326..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/DonationInterfaceTestCase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
- * Wikimedia Foundation
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- */
-use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
-use SmashPig\Core\Context;
- * @group              Fundraising
- * @group              QueueHandling
- * @group              ClassMethod
- * @group              ListenerAdapter
- *
- * @category   UnitTesting
- * @package            Fundraising_QueueHandling
- */
-abstract class DonationInterfaceTestCase extends MediaWikiTestCase {
-       /**
-        * An array of the vars we expect to be set before people hit payments.
-        * @var array
-        */
-       public static $initial_vars = array (
-               'ffname' => 'testytest',
-               'referrer' => '', //please don't go there.
-               'currency_code' => 'USD',
-       );
-       /**
-        * This will be set by a test method with the adapter object.
-        *
-        * @var GatewayAdapter  $gatewayAdapter
-        */
-       protected $gatewayAdapter;
-       /**
-        * @var TestingDonationLogger
-        */
-       protected $testLogger;
-       protected $testAdapterClass = TESTS_ADAPTER_DEFAULT;
-       /**
-        * @param $name string The name of the test case
-        * @param $data array Any parameters read from a dataProvider
-        * @param $dataName string|int The name or index of the data set
-        */
-       public function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), 
$dataName = '' ) {
-               //Just in case you got here without running the configuration...
-               global $wgDonationInterfaceTestMode;
-               $wgDonationInterfaceTestMode = true;
-               parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
-       }
-       protected function setUp() {
-               // TODO: Use SmashPig dependency injection instead.  Also 
-               // SmashPig core logger.
-               $this->testLogger = new TestingDonationLogger();
-               DonationLoggerFactory::$overrideLogger = $this->testLogger;
-               parent::setUp();
-       }
-       protected function tearDown() {
-               $this->resetAllEnv();
-               DonationLoggerFactory::$overrideLogger = null;
-               parent::tearDown();
-       }
-       /**
-        * Set up a fake request with the given data. Returns the fake request.
-        * @param array $data
-        * @param array $session
-        * @return FauxRequest
-        */
-       protected function setUpRequest( $data, $session = null ) {
-               RequestContext::resetMain();
-               $request = new FauxRequest( $data, false, $session );
-               RequestContext::getMain()->setRequest( $request );
-               return $request;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Set global language for the duration of the test
-        *
-        * @param string $language language code to force
-        */
-       protected function setLanguage( $language ) {
-               RequestContext::getMain()->setLanguage( $language );
-               // BackCompat
-               $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgLang', 
RequestContext::getMain()->getLanguage() );
-       }
-       /**
-        * buildRequestXmlForGlobalCollect
-        *
-        * @todo
-        * - there are many cases to this that need to be developed.
-        * - Do not consider this a complete test!
-        *
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::__construct
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::setCurrentTransaction
-        * @covers GatewayAdapter::buildRequestXML
-        */
-       public function buildRequestXmlForGlobalCollect( $optionsForTestData, 
$options ) {
-               global $wgDonationInterfaceTest;
-               $wgDonationInterfaceTest = true;
-               $this->setUpRequest( $options );
-               $this->gatewayAdapter = new TestingGlobalCollectAdapter();
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( 
$this->gatewayAdapter );
-               $request = trim( $exposed->buildRequestXML() );
-               $this->setUpRequest( $options );
-               $expected = $this->getExpectedXmlRequestForGlobalCollect( 
$optionsForTestData, $options );
-               $this->assertEquals( $expected, $request, 'The constructed XML 
for payment_method [' . $optionsForTestData['payment_method'] . '] and 
payment_submethod [' . $optionsForTestData['payment_submethod'] . '] does not 
match our expected request.' );
-       }
-       /**
-        *
-        * @param string $country The country we want the test user to be from.
-        * @return array Donor data to use
-        * @throws OutOfBoundsException when there is no data available for the 
requested country
-        */
-       public static function getDonorTestData( $country = '' ) {
-               $donortestdata = array (
-                       'US' => array ( //default
-                               'city' => 'San Francisco',
-                               'state' => 'CA',
-                               'zip' => '94105',
-                               'currency_code' => 'USD',
-                               'street' => '123 Fake Street',
-                               'fname' => 'Firstname',
-                               'lname' => 'Surname',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'en',
-                               'email' => '',
-                       ),
-                       'ES' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Barcelona',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 Calle Fake',
-                               'fname' => 'Nombre',
-                               'lname' => 'Apellido',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'es',
-                       ),
-                       'Catalonia' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Barcelona',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 Calle Fake',
-                               'fname' => 'Nombre',
-                               'lname' => 'Apellido',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'ca',
-                       ),
-                       'NO' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Oslo',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 Fake Gate',
-                               'fname' => 'Fornavn',
-                               'lname' => 'Etternavn',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'no',
-                       ),
-                       'FR' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Versailles',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 Rue Faux',
-                               'fname' => 'Prénom',
-                               'lname' => 'Nom',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'fr',
-                       ),
-                       // Fiji is configured as a snowflake to test special 
treatment for certain store IDs
-                       'FJ' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Suva',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 Fake Street',
-                               'fname' => 'FirstName',
-                               'lname' => 'LastName',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'en',
-                       ),
-                       'NL' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Amsterdam',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 nep straat',
-                               'fname' => 'Voornaam',
-                               'lname' => 'Achternaam',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'nl',
-                       ),
-                       'BE' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Antwerp',
-                               'state' => 'XX',
-                               'zip' => '0',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => '123 nep straat',
-                               'fname' => 'Voornaam',
-                               'lname' => 'Achternaam',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'nl',
-                       ),
-                       'IT' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Torino',
-                               'state' => 'TO',
-                               'zip' => '10123',
-                               'currency_code' => 'EUR',
-                               'street' => 'Via Falso 123',
-                               'fname' => 'Nome',
-                               'lname' => 'Cognome',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'it',
-                       ),
-                       'CA' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Saskatoon',
-                               'state' => 'SK',
-                               'zip' => 'S7K 0J5',
-                               'currency_code' => 'CAD',
-                               'street' => '123 Fake Street',
-                               'fname' => 'Firstname',
-                               'lname' => 'Surname',
-                               'amount' => '1.55',
-                               'language' => 'en',
-                       ),
-                       'BR' => array (
-                               'currency_code' => 'BRL',
-                               'fiscal_number' => '00003456789',
-                               'payment_submethod' => 'test_bank',
-                               'fname' => 'Nome',
-                               'lname' => 'Apelido',
-                               'amount' => '100',
-                               'language' => 'pt',
-                               'email' => ''
-                       ),
-                       'MX' => array (
-                               'city' => 'Tuxtla Gutiérrez',
-                               'state' => 'CHP',
-                               'currency_code' => 'MXN',
-                               'street' => 'Calle Falso 123',
-                               'fname' => 'Nombre',
-                               'lname' => 'Apellido',
-                               'email' => '',
-                               'amount' => '155',
-                               'language' => 'es',
-                       ),
-               );
-               //default to US
-               if ( $country === '' ) {
-                       $country = 'US';
-               }
-               if ( array_key_exists( $country, $donortestdata ) ) {
-                       $donortestdata = array_merge( self::$initial_vars, 
$donortestdata[$country] );
-                       $donortestdata['country'] = $country;
-                       return $donortestdata;
-               }
-               throw new OutOfBoundsException( __FUNCTION__ . ": No donor data 
for country '$country'" );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Supported languages for Belgium
-        */
-       public function belgiumLanguageProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       array( 'nl' ),
-                       array( 'de' ),
-                       array( 'fr' ),
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Supported languages for Canada
-        */
-       public function canadaLanguageProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       array( 'en' ),
-                       array( 'fr' ),
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Transaction codes for GC and GC orphan adapters not to be retried
-        * on pain of $1000+ fines by MasterCard
-        */
-       public function mcNoRetryCodeProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       array( '430260' ),
-                       array( '430306' ),
-                       array( '430330' ),
-                       array( '430354' ),
-                       array( '430357' ),
-               );
-       }
-       public function benignNoRetryCodeProvider() {
-               return array(
-                       array( '430285' ),
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get the expected XML request from GlobalCollect
-        *
-        * @param $optionsForTestData
-        * @param array $options
-        * @return string    The expected XML request
-        */
-       public function getExpectedXmlRequestForGlobalCollect( 
$optionsForTestData, $options = array() ) {
-               global $wgDonationInterfaceThankYouPage;
-               $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
-               $orderId = $this->gatewayAdapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 
'order_id' );
-               $exposed = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( 
$this->gatewayAdapter );
-               $merchantref = $exposed->getData_Staged( 
'contribution_tracking_id' );
-               //@TODO: WHY IN THE NAME OF ZARQUON are we building XML in a 
STRING format here?!?!?!!!1one1!?. Great galloping galumphing giraffes.
-               $expected  = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . ">\n";
-               $expected .= '<XML>';
-               $expected .=    '<REQUEST>';
-               $expected .=            
-               $expected .=            '<META><MERCHANTID>' . 
$exposed->account_config[ 'MerchantID' ] . '</MERCHANTID>';
-               if ( isset( $request ) ) {
-                       $expected .=            '<IPADDRESS>' . 
$request->getIP() . '</IPADDRESS>';
-               }
-               $expected .=                    '<VERSION>1.0</VERSION>';
-               $expected .=            '</META>';
-               $expected .=            '<PARAMS>';
-               $expected .=                    '<ORDER>';
-               $expected .=                            '<ORDERID>' . $orderId 
. '</ORDERID>';
-               $expected .=                            '<AMOUNT>' . 
$options['amount'] * 100 . '</AMOUNT>';
-               $expected .=                            '<CURRENCYCODE>' . 
$options['currency_code'] . '</CURRENCYCODE>';
-               $expected .=                            '<LANGUAGECODE>' . 
$options['language'] . '</LANGUAGECODE>';
-               $expected .=                            '<COUNTRYCODE>' . 
$options['country'] . '</COUNTRYCODE>';
-               $expected .= '<MERCHANTREFERENCE>' . $merchantref . 
-               if ( isset( $request ) ) {
-                       $expected .=                    '<IPADDRESSCUSTOMER>' . 
$request->getIP() . '</IPADDRESSCUSTOMER>';
-               }
-               $expected .=                            '<EMAIL>' . TESTS_EMAIL 
. '</EMAIL>';
-               $expected .=                    '</ORDER>';
-               $expected .=                    '<PAYMENT>';
-               $expected .=                            '<PAYMENTPRODUCTID>' . 
$optionsForTestData['payment_product_id'] . '</PAYMENTPRODUCTID>';
-               $expected .=                            '<AMOUNT>' . 
$options['amount'] * 100 . '</AMOUNT>';
-               $expected .=                            '<CURRENCYCODE>' . 
$options['currency_code'] . '</CURRENCYCODE>';
-               $expected .=                            '<LANGUAGECODE>' . 
$options['language'] . '</LANGUAGECODE>';
-               $expected .=                            '<COUNTRYCODE>' . 
$options['country'] . '</COUNTRYCODE>';
-               $expected .=                            
-               $expected .=                            
-               $expected .=                            
-               $expected .=                            '<FIRSTNAME>' . 
$options['fname'] . '</FIRSTNAME>';
-               $expected .=                            '<SURNAME>' . 
$options['lname'] . '</SURNAME>';
-               $expected .=                            '<STREET>' . 
$options['street'] . '</STREET>';
-               $expected .=                            '<CITY>' . 
$options['city'] . '</CITY>';
-               $expected .=                            '<STATE>' . 
$options['state'] . '</STATE>';
-               $expected .=                            '<ZIP>' . 
$options['zip'] . '</ZIP>';
-               $expected .= '<EMAIL>' . TESTS_EMAIL . '</EMAIL>';
-               // Set the issuer id if it is passed.
-               if ( isset( $optionsForTestData['descriptor'] ) ) {
-                       $expected .= '<DESCRIPTOR>' . 
$optionsForTestData['descriptor'] . '</DESCRIPTOR>';
-               }
-               // Set the issuer id if it is passed.
-               if ( isset( $optionsForTestData['issuer_id'] ) ) {
-                       $expected .=                            '<ISSUERID>' . 
$optionsForTestData['issuer_id'] . '</ISSUERID>';
-               }
-               // If we're doing Direct Debit...
-               //@TODO: go ahead and split this out into a "Get the direct 
debit I_OWP XML block function" the second this gets even slightly annoying.
-               if ( $optionsForTestData['payment_method'] === 'dd' ) {
-                       $expected .= '<ACCOUNTNAME>' . 
$optionsForTestData['account_name'] . '</ACCOUNTNAME>';
-                       $expected .= '<ACCOUNTNUMBER>' . 
$optionsForTestData['account_number'] . '</ACCOUNTNUMBER>';
-                       $expected .= '<BANKCODE>' . 
$optionsForTestData['bank_code'] . '</BANKCODE>';
-                       $expected .= '<BRANCHCODE>' . 
$optionsForTestData['branch_code'] . '</BRANCHCODE>';
-                       $expected .= '<BANKCHECKDIGIT>' . 
$optionsForTestData['bank_check_digit'] . '</BANKCHECKDIGIT>';
-                       $expected .= '<DATECOLLECT>' . gmdate( 'Ymd' ) . 
'</DATECOLLECT>'; //is this cheating? Probably.
-                       $expected .= '<DIRECTDEBITTEXT>' . 
$optionsForTestData['direct_debit_text'] . '</DIRECTDEBITTEXT>';
-               }
-               $expected .=                    '</PAYMENT>';
-               $expected .=            '</PARAMS>';
-               $expected .=    '</REQUEST>';
-               $expected .= '</XML>';
-               return $expected;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Get a fresh gateway object of the type specified in the variable
-        * $this->testAdapterClass.
-        * @param array $external_data If you want to shoehorn in some external
-        * data, do that here.
-        * @param array $setup_hacks An array of things that override stuff in
-        * the constructor of the gateway object that I can't get to without
-        * refactoring the whole thing. @TODO: Refactor the gateway adapter
-        * constructor.
-        * @return GatewayAdapter The new relevant gateway adapter object.
-        */
-       function getFreshGatewayObject( $external_data = null, $setup_hacks = 
array() ) {
-               $p1 = null;
-               if ( !is_null( $external_data ) ) {
-                       $p1 = array (
-                               'external_data' => $external_data,
-                       );
-               }
-               if ( $setup_hacks ) {
-                       if ( !is_null( $p1 ) ) {
-                               $p1 = array_merge( $p1, $setup_hacks );
-                       } else {
-                               $p1 = $setup_hacks;
-                       }
-               }
-               $class = $this->testAdapterClass;
-               $gateway = new $class( $p1 );
-               $classReflection = new ReflectionClass( $gateway );
-               // FIXME: Find a more elegant way to hackity hacken hack.
-               // We want to override any define- functions with hacky values.
-               foreach ( $setup_hacks as $field => $value ) {
-                       if ( property_exists( $class, $field ) ) {
-                               $propertyReflection = 
$classReflection->getProperty( $field );
-                               $propertyReflection->setAccessible( true );
-                               $propertyReflection->setValue( $gateway, $value 
-                       }
-               }
-               return $gateway;
-       }
-       function resetAllEnv() {
-               $_SESSION = array ( );
-               $_GET = array ( );
-               $_POST = array ( );
-               $_SERVER = array ( );
-               $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = 'HTTP/1.1';
-               $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = TESTS_HOSTNAME;
-               $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __FILE__;
-               RequestContext::resetMain();
-               // Wipe out the $instance of these classes to make sure they're
-               // re-created with fresh gateway instances for the next test
-               $singleton_classes = array(
-                       'Gateway_Extras_ConversionLog',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_Functions',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_IP_Velocity',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_MinFraud',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_Referrer',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_Source',
-                       'Gateway_Extras_SessionVelocityFilter',
-               );
-               foreach( $singleton_classes as $singleton_class ) {
-                       $unwrapped = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( 
$singleton_class );
-                       $unwrapped->instance = null;
-               }
-               // Reset SmashPig context
-               Context::set( null );
-       }
-       /**
-        * Instantiates the $special_page_class with supplied $initial_vars,
-        * yoinks the html output from the output buffer, loads that into a
-        * DomDocument and performs asserts on the results per the checks
-        * supplied in $perform_these_checks.
-        * Optional: Asserts that the gateway has logged nothing at ERROR level.
-        *
-        * @param string $special_page_class A testing descendant of GatewayPage
-        * @param array $initial_vars Array that will be loaded straight into a
-        * test version of the http request.
-        * @param array $perform_these_checks Array of checks to perform in the
-        * following format:
-        * 
-        * So far, $check_to_perform can be either 'nodename' or 'innerhtml'
-        * @param boolean $fail_on_log_errors When true, this will fail the
-        * current test if there are entries in the gateway's error log.
-        * @param array $session pre-existing session data.
-        */
-       function verifyFormOutput( $special_page_class, $initial_vars, 
$perform_these_checks, $fail_on_log_errors = false, $session = null ) {
-               // Nasty hack to clear output from any previous tests.
-               $mainContext = RequestContext::getMain();
-               $newOutput = new OutputPage( $mainContext );
-               $newRequest = new TestingRequest( $initial_vars, false, 
$session );
-               $newTitle = Title::newFromText( 'nonsense is apparently fine' );
-               $mainContext->setRequest( $newRequest );
-               $mainContext->setOutput( $newOutput );
-               $mainContext->setTitle( $newTitle );
-               $globals = array (
-                       'wgTitle' => $newTitle,
-                       'wgOut' => $newOutput,
-               );
-               $this->setMwGlobals( $globals );
-               $this->setLanguage( $initial_vars['language'] );
-               ob_start();
-               $formpage = new $special_page_class();
-               $formpage->execute( NULL );
-               $formpage->getOutput()->output();
-               $form_html = ob_get_contents();
-               ob_end_clean();
-               // In the event that something goes crazy, uncomment the next 
line for much easier local debugging
-               // file_put_contents( '/tmp/xmlout.txt', $form_html );
-               if ( $fail_on_log_errors ) {
-                       $this->verifyNoLogErrors();
-               }
-               $dom_thingy = new DomDocument();
-               //// DEBUGGING, foo
-               // if (property_exists($this, 'FOO')) {
-               //      
-               //      error_log(var_export($form_html, true));
-               // }
-               if ( $form_html ) {
-                       // p.s. i'm SERIOUS about the character encoding.
-                       $dom_thingy->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . 
$form_html );
-                       $dom_thingy->encoding = 'UTF-8';
-               }
-               foreach ( $perform_these_checks as $id => $checks ) {
-                       if ( $id == 'headers' ) {
-                               foreach ( $checks as $name => $expected ) {
-                                       $actual = 
$formpage->getRequest()->response()->getheader( $name );
-                                       $this->performCheck( $actual, 
$expected, "header '$name'");
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       unset( $perform_these_checks['headers'] );
-                       $input_node = $dom_thingy->getElementById( $id );
-                       $this->assertNotNull( $input_node, "Couldn't find the 
'$id' element" );
-                       foreach ( $checks as $name => $expected ) {
-                               switch ( $name ) {
-                                       case 'nodename':
-                                               $this->performCheck( 
$input_node->nodeName, $expected, "name of node with id '$id'");
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'innerhtml':
-                                               $actual_html = 
self::getInnerHTML( $input_node );
-                                               // Strip comments
-                                               $actual_html = preg_replace( 
'/<!--[^>]*-->/', '', $actual_html );
-                                               $this->performCheck( 
$actual_html, $expected, "innerHTML of node '$id'");
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'innerhtmlmatches':
-                                               $this->assertEquals( 1, 
preg_match( $expected, self::getInnerHTML( $input_node ) ), "Value of the node 
with id '$id' does not match pattern '$expected'. It has value " . 
self::getInnerHTML( $input_node ) );
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'value':
-                                               $this->performCheck( 
$input_node->getAttribute('value'), $expected, "value of node with id '$id'");
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'selected':
-                                               $selected = null;
-                                               if ( $input_node->nodeName === 
'select' ) {
-                                                       $options = 
$input_node->getElementsByTagName( 'option' );
-                                                       foreach ( $options as 
$option ) {
-                                                               if ( 
$option->hasAttribute( 'selected' ) ) {
$selected = $option->getAttribute( 'value' );
-                                                                       break;
-                                                               }
-                                                       }
-                                                       $this->performCheck( 
$selected, $expected, "selected option value of node with id '$id'");
-                                               } else {
-                                                       $this->fail( "Attempted 
to test for selected value on non-select node, id '$id'" );
-                                               }
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               // Are there untranslated boogers?
-               if ( preg_match_all( '/&lt;[^<]+(&gt;|>)/', $form_html, 
$matches ) ) {
-                       $this->fail( 'Untranslated messages present: ' . 
implode( ', ', $matches[0] ) );
-               }
-       }
-       /**
-        * Performs some sort of assertion on a value.
-        *
-        * @param string $value the value to test
-        * @param string|callable $check
-        *  if $check is callable, it is called with argument $value
-        *  otherwise, $value is asserted to be equal to $check
-        * @param string $label identifies the value in assertion failures
-        * @return void
-        */
-       function performCheck( $value, $check, $label = 'Tested value' ) {
-               if ( is_callable( $check ) ) {
-                       $check( $value );
-                       return;
-               }
-               $this->assertEquals( $check, $value, "Expected $label to be 
$check, found $value instead.");
-       }
-       /**
-        * Asserts that there are no log entries of LOG_ERR or worse.
-        */
-       function verifyNoLogErrors( ) {
-               $log = $this->testLogger->messages;
-               $this->assertTrue( is_array( $log ), "Missing the test log" );
-               //for our purposes, an "error" is LOG_ERR or less.
-               $checklogs = array (
-                       LogLevel::ERROR => "Oops: We've got LOG_ERRors.",
-                       LogLevel::CRITICAL => "Critical errors!",
-                       LogLevel::ALERT => "Log Alerts!",
-                       LogLevel::EMERGENCY => "Logs says the servers are 
actually on fire.",
-               );
-               $message = false;
-               foreach ( $checklogs as $level => $levelmessage ) {
-                       if ( array_key_exists( $level, $log ) ) {
-                               $message = $levelmessage . ' ' . print_r( 
$log[$level], true ) . "\n";
-                       }
-               }
-               $this->assertFalse( $message, $message ); //ha
-       }
-       /**
-        * Finds a relevant line/lines in a gateway's log array
-        * @param string $log_level One of the constants in \Psr\Log\LogLevel
-        * @param string $match A regex to match against the log lines.
-        * @return array All log lines that match $match.
-        */
-       public function getLogMatches( $log_level, $match ) {
-               $log = $this->testLogger->messages;
-               if ( !array_key_exists( $log_level, $log ) ) {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               $return = array ( );
-               foreach ( $log[$log_level] as $line ) {
-                       if ( preg_match( $match, $line ) ) {
-                               $return[] = $line;
-                       }
-               }
-               return $return;
-       }
-       static function getInnerHTML( $node ) {
-               $innerHTML = '';
-               $children = $node->childNodes;
-               foreach ( $children as $child ) {
-                       $innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );
-               }
-               return $innerHTML;
-       }
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php b/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 54849f5..0000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/LintYaml.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
-// Sadly, I didn't find any off-the-shelf yaml linters that didn't make me mad.
-// Requires PHP 5.4
-use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;
-function runForYamlFiles( $callback ) {
-       $directoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__ . '/../' );
-       $filter = new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator( $directoryIterator, 
function( $current, $key, $iterator ) {
-               // Skip tests and vendor directories.
-               if ( $current->getFilename() === 'tests'
-                       || $current->getFilename() === 'vendor'
-                       || $current->getFilename() === 'node_modules'
-               ) {
-                       return false;
-               }
-               // Recurse
-               if ( $current->isDir() ) {
-                       return true;
-               }
-               // Match .yaml or .yml
-               return preg_match( '/\.ya?ml$/', $current->getFilename() );
-       } );
-       $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $filter );
-       foreach ( $iterator as $file ) {
-               if ( $file->isFile() ) {
-                       $callback( $file->getPathname() );
-               }
-       }
-function lintYamlFile( $path ) {
-       $yamlParser = new Parser();
-       try {
-               $data = $yamlParser->parse( file_get_contents( $path ) );
-       } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
-               global $exitStatus;
-               $exitStatus = -1;
-               error_log( $path . ': ' . $ex->getMessage() );
-       }
-$exitStatus = 0;
-require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
-runForYamlFiles( 'lintYamlFile' );
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index abae1d4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
-<?xml version = "1.0"?>
-<!-- FIXME: This was made up from the docs, replace with a sanitized wild 
message. -->
-       <REQUEST>
-               <META>
-                       <MERCHANTID>test</MERCHANTID>
-                       <IPADDRESS></IPADDRESS>
-                       <VERSION>1.0</VERSION>
-               </META>
-               <PARAMS>
-                       <PAYMENT>
-                               <ORDERID>626113410</ORDERID>
-                               <EFFORTID>1</EFFORTID>
-                               <ATTEMPTID>1</ATTEMPTID>
-                       </PAYMENT>
-               </PARAMS>
-               <RESPONSE>
-                       <RESULT>OK</RESULT>
-                       <META>
-                               <REQUESTID>1891851</REQUESTID>
-                       </META>
-                       <ROW>
-                               <AMOUNT>2345</AMOUNT>
-                               <CURRENCYCODE>EUR</CURRENCYCODE>
-                               <STATUSID>800</STATUSID>
-                               <STATUSDATE>20140704021814</STATUSDATE>
-                               <PAYMENTREFERENCE>0</PAYMENTREFERENCE>
-                               <AVSRESULT>Z</AVSRESULT>
-                               <CVVRESULT>M</CVVRESULT>
-                               <FRAUDRESULT>D</FRAUDRESULT>
-                               <FRAUDCODE>0</FRAUDCODE>
-                       </ROW>
-               </RESPONSE>
-       </REQUEST>
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc87f6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-       <REQUEST>
-               <META>
-                       <MERCHANTID>1</MERCHANTID>
-                       <IPADDRESS></IPADDRESS>
-                       <VERSION>2.0</VERSION>
-               </META>
-               <PARAMS>
-                       <ORDER>
-                               <ORDERID>9998890004</ORDERID>
-                       </ORDER>
-               </PARAMS>
-               <RESPONSE>
-                       <RESULT>OK</RESULT>
-                       <META>
-                               <REQUESTID>245</REQUESTID>
-                       </META>
-                       <STATUS>
-                               <PAYMENTMETHODID>1</PAYMENTMETHODID>
-                               <STATUSID>600</STATUSID>
-                               <CURRENCYCODE>EUR</CURRENCYCODE>
-                               <FRAUDRESULT>N</FRAUDRESULT>
-                               <EFFORTID>1</EFFORTID>
-                               <AUTHORISATIONCODE>654321</AUTHORISATIONCODE>
-                               <ATTEMPTID>2</ATTEMPTID>
-                               <MERCHANTID>1</MERCHANTID>
-                               <AMOUNT>2345</AMOUNT>
-                               <STATUSDATE>20100419132926</STATUSDATE>
-                               <PAYMENTPRODUCTID>1</PAYMENTPRODUCTID>
-                               <CVVRESULT>N</CVVRESULT>
-                               <AVSRESULT>E</AVSRESULT>
-                               <ORDERID>9998890004</ORDERID>
-                               <EXPIRYDATE>1210</EXPIRYDATE>
-                       </STATUS>
-               </RESPONSE>
-       </REQUEST>
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0642471..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD   (8d17a0 Merge branch 'master' into deployment)
-<?xml version = "1.0"?>
-       <REQUEST>
-               <ACTION>SET_PAYMENT</ACTION>
-               <META>
-                       <MERCHANTID>test</MERCHANTID>
-                       <IPADDRESS></IPADDRESS>
-                       <VERSION>1.0</VERSION>
-               </META>
-               <PARAMS>
-                       <PAYMENT>
-                               <ORDERID>626113410</ORDERID>
-                               <EFFORTID>1</EFFORTID>
-                               <PAYMENTPRODUCTID>1</PAYMENTPRODUCTID>
-                               <AMOUNT>2345</AMOUNT>
-                               <CURRENCYCODE>EUR</CURRENCYCODE>
-                               <MERCHANTREFERENCE>626113410</MERCHANTREFERENCE>
-                       </PAYMENT>
-               </PARAMS>
-               <RESPONSE>
-                       <RESULT>OK</RESULT>
-                       <META>
-                               <REQUESTID>1891851</REQUESTID>
-                       </META>
-               </RESPONSE>
-       </REQUEST>
->>>>>>> BRANCH (fa7395 Use SmashPig config shortcut, reset Context)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I783457e749a560d9206b37b07254d72d9f246394
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface
Gerrit-Branch: deployment
Gerrit-Owner: Awight <>

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