Andrew Bogott has uploaded a new change for review. ( )

Change subject: Keystone:  Kill off novaobserver and novaadmin tokens after 2+ 

Keystone:  Kill off novaobserver and novaadmin tokens after 2+ hours.

This is a bit horrifying but should improve keystone performance

Bug: T163259
Change-Id: I63be6533b30db03d648fd54c9136c919aa6ac91a
M modules/openstack/manifests/keystone/service.pp
1 file changed, 240 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/modules/openstack/manifests/keystone/service.pp 
index e696359..fd170c3 100644
--- a/modules/openstack/manifests/keystone/service.pp
+++ b/modules/openstack/manifests/keystone/service.pp
@@ -103,6 +103,246 @@
                 command => '/usr/bin/keystone-manage token_flush > /dev/null 
+        # Clean up service user tokens.  These tend to pile up
+        #  quickly, and are never used for Horizon sessions.
+        #  so, don't wait for them to expire, just delete them
+        #  after a few hours.
+        #
+        # Tokens only know when they expire and not when they
+        #  were created.  Since token lifespan is 7.1
+        #  days (613440 seconds), any token that expires
+        #  less than 7 days from now is already at least
+        #  2 hours old.
+        $keystone_db_name = $keystoneconfig['db_name']
+        $keystone_db_user = $keystoneconfig['db_user']
+        $keystone_db_pass = $keystoneconfig['db_pass']
+        $keystone_db_host = $keystoneconfig['db_host']
+        cron {
+            'cleanup_novaobserver_keystone_tokens':
+                ensure  => present,
+                user    => 'root',
+                minute  => 30,
+                command => "/usr/bin/mysql ${keystone_db_name} 
-h${keystone_db_host} -u${keystone_db_user} -p${keystone_db_pass} -e 'DELETE 
FROM token WHERE NOW() + INTERVAL 7 day > expires and user_id='novaobserver' 
LIMIT 10000;'",
+        }
+        cron {
+            'cleanup_novaadmin_keystone_tokens':
+                ensure  => present,
+                user    => 'root',
+                minute  => 40,
+                command => "/usr/bin/mysql ${keystone_db_name} 
-h${keystone_db_host} -u${keystone_db_user} -p${keystone_db_pass} -e 'DELETE 
FROM token WHERE NOW() + INTERVAL 7 day > expires and user_id='novaadmin' LIMIT 
+        }
+        monitoring::service { 'keystone-http-35357':
+            description   => 'keystone http',
+            check_command => 'check_http_on_port!35357',
+        }
+        monitoring::service { 'keystone-http-5000': # v2 api is limited here
+            description   => 'keystone http',
+            check_command => 'check_http_on_port!5000',
+        }
+        if ($openstack_version == 'liberty') {
+            # Keystone says that you should run it with uwsgi in Liberty,
+            #  but it's actually buggy and terrible in that config.  So, use 
+            #  ('keystone' service) on liberty, and we'll try uwsgi again on 
+            $enable_uwsgi = false
+            service { 'keystone':
+                ensure    => running,
+                subscribe => File['/etc/keystone/keystone.conf'],
+                require   => Package['keystone'];
+            }
+            service { 'uwsgi-keystone-admin':
+                ensure => stopped,
+            }
+            service { 'uwsgi-keystone-public':
+                ensure => stopped,
+            }
+        } else {
+            $enable_uwsgi = true
+            # stop the keystone process itself; this will be handled
+            #  by uwsgi
+            service { 'keystone':
+                ensure  => stopped,
+                require => Package['keystone'];
+            }
+            file {'/etc/init/keystone.conf':
+                ensure  => 'absent';
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        $enable_uwsgi = false
+        # Because of the enabled => false, the uwsgi::app
+        #  declarations below don't actually define
+        #  services for the keystone processes.  We need
+        #  to define them here (even though they're stopped)
+        #  so we can refer to them elsewhere.
+        service { 'uwsgi-keystone-admin':
+            ensure => stopped,
+        }
+        service { 'uwsgi-keystone-public':
+            ensure => stopped,
+        }
+        service { 'keystone':
+            ensure  => stopped,
+            require => Package['keystone'];
+        }
+    }
+    # Set up uwsgi services
+    # Keystone admin API
+    uwsgi::app { 'keystone-admin':
+        enabled  => $enable_uwsgi,
+        settings => {
+            uwsgi => {
+                die-on-term => true,
+                http        => "${keystoneconfig['auth_port']}",
+                logger      => 
+                master      => true,
+                name        => 'keystone',
+                plugins     => 'python, python3, logfile',
+                processes   => '20',
+                wsgi-file   => '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin',
+            },
+        },
+    }
+    uwsgi::app { 'keystone-public':
+        enabled  => $enable_uwsgi,
+        settings => {
+            uwsgi => {
+                die-on-term => true,
+                http        => "${keystoneconfig['public_port']}",
+                logger      => 
+                master      => true,
+                name        => 'keystone',
+                plugins     => 'python, python3, logfile',
+                processes   => '20',
+                wsgi-file   => '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public',
+            },
+        },
+    }
+# keystone is the identity service of openstack
+class openstack::keystone::service($keystoneconfig, 
$openstack_version=$::openstack::version) {
+    include ::openstack::repo
+    include ::openstack::keystone::hooks
+    package { 'keystone':
+        ensure  => present,
+        require => Class['openstack::repo'];
+    }
+    package { 'python-oath':
+        ensure  => present,
+    }
+    package { 'python-mysql.connector':
+        ensure  => present,
+    }
+    if $keystoneconfig['token_driver'] == 'redis' {
+        package { 'python-keystone-redis':
+            ensure => present;
+        }
+    }
+    $labs_osm_host = hiera('labs_osm_host')
+    include ::network::constants
+    $prod_networks = $network::constants::production_networks
+    $labs_networks = $network::constants::labs_networks
+    file {
+        '/var/log/keystone':
+            ensure => directory,
+            owner  => 'keystone',
+            group  => 'www-data',
+            mode   => '0775';
+        '/var/log/keystone/uwsgi':
+            ensure => directory,
+            owner  => 'www-data',
+            group  => 'www-data',
+            mode   => '0755';
+        '/etc/keystone':
+            ensure => directory,
+            owner  => 'keystone',
+            group  => 'keystone',
+            mode   => '0755';
+        '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf':
+            content => 
+            owner   => 'keystone',
+            group   => 'keystone',
+            notify  => Service['uwsgi-keystone-admin', 
+            require => Package['keystone'],
+            mode    => '0444';
+        '/etc/keystone/policy.json':
+            source  => 
+            mode    => '0644',
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            notify  => Service['uwsgi-keystone-admin', 
+            require => Package['keystone'];
+        '/etc/keystone/logging.conf':
+            source  => 
+            mode    => '0644',
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            notify  => Service['uwsgi-keystone-admin', 
+            require => Package['keystone'];
+        '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wmfkeystoneauth':
+            source  => 
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            mode    => '0644',
+            notify  => Service['uwsgi-keystone-admin', 
+            recurse => true;
+        '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wmfkeystoneauth.egg-info':
+            source  => 
+            owner   => 'root',
+            group   => 'root',
+            mode    => '0644',
+            notify  => Service['uwsgi-keystone-admin', 
+            recurse => true;
+        '/etc/logrotate.d/keystone-public-uwsgi':
+            ensure => present,
+            source => 
+            owner  => 'root',
+            group  => 'root',
+            mode   => '0444';
+        '/etc/logrotate.d/keystone-admin-uwsgi':
+            ensure => present,
+            source => 
+            owner  => 'root',
+            group  => 'root',
+            mode   => '0444';
+    }
+    if $::fqdn == hiera('labs_nova_controller') {
+        # Clean up expired keystone tokens, because keystone seems to leak them
+        $keystone_db_name = $keystoneconfig['db_name']
+        $keystone_db_user = $keystoneconfig['db_user']
+        $keystone_db_pass = $keystoneconfig['db_pass']
+        $keystone_db_host = $keystoneconfig['db_host']
+        cron {
+            'cleanup_expired_keystone_tokens':
+                ensure  => present,
+                user    => 'root',
+                minute  => 20,
+                command => "/usr/bin/mysql ${keystone_db_name} 
-h${keystone_db_host} -u${keystone_db_user} -p${keystone_db_pass} -e 'DELETE 
FROM token WHERE NOW() - INTERVAL 2 day > expires LIMIT 10000;'",
+        }
         monitoring::service { 'keystone-http-35357':
             description   => 'keystone http',
             check_command => 'check_http_on_port!35357',

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I63be6533b30db03d648fd54c9136c919aa6ac91a
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Andrew Bogott <>

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