Hello L10n-bot,

I'd like you to do a code review.  Please visit


to review the following change.

Change subject: Revert "Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.";

Revert "Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.";

Mistaken addition of English strings as Hindi messages.

This reverts commit f74047833671f3cf37f1ef610427e9d138eb31c9.

Change-Id: I396f129a3b393b21962f5ce1cd93464c86a423d1
M i18n/hi.json
M i18n/sr-ec.json
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch 

diff --git a/i18n/hi.json b/i18n/hi.json
index 32ef97b..acc41b8 100644
--- a/i18n/hi.json
+++ b/i18n/hi.json
@@ -3,57 +3,27 @@
                "authors": [
-                       "Jayprakash12345",
-                       "Anamdas"
+                       "Jayprakash12345"
        "cirrussearch-desc": "मीडियाविकि इलास्टिक-सर्च द्वारा कार्य करती है।",
        "cirrussearch-backend-error": "अस्थाई परेशानी के कारण हम आपके खोज को 
पूरा नहीं कर सके। कृपया थोड़ी देर बाद प्रयास करें।",
        "cirrussearch-parse-error": "आपके खोज समझ नहीं आया। कृपया इसे सरल करें। 
यह खोज को अच्छा करने के लिए सहेजा रहेगा।",
        "cirrussearch-too-busy-error": "खोज अभी बहुत व्यस्त है। कृपया थोड़ी देर 
बाद प्रयास करें।",
-       "cirrussearch-regex-syntax-error": "रेजेक्स त्रुटि $2: $1",
-       "cirrussearch-regex-too-busy-error": "Too many regular expression 
searches currently running. Please try again later.",
-       "cirrussearch-regex-too-complex-error": "Regular expression is too 
complex. Learn more about simplifying it 
-       "cirrussearch-now-using": "This wiki is using a new search engine. 
([[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:CirrusSearch|Learn more]])",
-       "cirrussearch-ignored-headings": " #<!-- leave this line exactly as it 
is --> <pre>\n# Headings that will be ignored by search.\n# Changes to this 
take effect as soon as the page with the heading is indexed.\n# You can force 
page reindexing by doing a null edit.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * 
Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * 
Every non-blank line is the exact title to ignore, case and 
everything.\nReferences\nExternal links\nSee also\n #</pre> <!-- leave this 
line exactly as it is -->",
-       "cirrussearch-boost-templates": " #<!-- leave this line exactly as it 
is --> <pre>\n# If a page contains one of these templates then its search score 
is multiplied by the configured percentage.\n# Changes to this take effect 
immediately.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * Everything from a \"#\" 
character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * Every non-blank line is 
the exact template name to boost, namespace, case and everything, followed by a 
\"|\" character followed by a number followed by a \"%\" character.\n# Examples 
of good lines:\n# Template:Good|150%\n# Template:Very Very Good|300%\n# 
Template:Bad|50%\n# Examples of non-working lines:\n# Template:Foo|150.234234% 
<-- no decimal points allowed!\n# Foo|150% <--- technically works, but for 
transclusions of the Foo page from the main namespace\n# You can test 
configuration changes by performing a query prefixed with 
boost-templates:\"XX\" where XX is all of the templates you want to boost 
separated by spaces instead of line breaks.\n# Queries that specify 
boost-templates:\"XX\" ignore the contents of this field.\n #</pre> <!-- leave 
this line exactly as it is -->",
        "cirrussearch-pref-label": "नई खोज",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-desc": "Try our new search which supports a greater 
number of languages, provides more up-to-date results, and can even find text 
inside of templates.",
        "apihelp-cirrus-config-dump-description": "सर्कस खोज का तय डम्प",
        "apihelp-cirrus-config-dump-example": "सर्कस खोज का तय डम्प हासिल करें",
        "apihelp-cirrus-mapping-dump-description": "इस विकि हेतु सर्कसखोज का 
        "apihelp-cirrus-mapping-dump-example": "सर्कल खोज का इस विकि हेतु डंप 
हासिल करें",
        "apihelp-cirrus-settings-dump-description": "इस विकि हेतु सर्कसखोज का 
        "apihelp-cirrus-settings-dump-example": "इस विकि हेतु सर्कसखोज डंप 
हासिल करें",
-       "apierror-cirrus-requesttoolong": "Prefix search request was longer 
than the maximum allowed length. ($1 &gt; $2)",
        "cirrussearch-give-feedback": "अपनी प्रतिक्रिया दें",
-       "cirrussearch-morelikethis-settings": " #<!-- leave this line exactly 
as it is --> <pre>\n# This message lets you configure the settings of the 
\"more like this\" feature.\n# Changes to this take effect immediately.\n# The 
syntax is as follows:\n#   * Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of 
the line is a comment.\n#   * Every non-blank line is the setting name followed 
by a \":\" character followed by the setting value\n# The settings are:\n#   * 
min_doc_freq (integer): Minimum number of documents (per shard) that need a 
term for it to be considered.\n#   * max_doc_freq (integer): Maximum number of 
documents (per shard) that have a term for it to be considered.\n#              
     High frequency terms are generally \"stop words\".\n#   * max_query_terms 
(integer): Maximum number of terms to be considered. This value is limited to 
$wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisMaxQueryTermsLimit (100).\n#   * min_term_freq 
(integer): Minimum number of times the term appears in the input to doc to be 
considered. For small fields (title) this value should be 1.\n#   * 
minimum_should_match (percentage -100% to 100%, or integer number of terms): 
The percentage of terms to match on. Defaults to 30%.\n#   * min_word_len 
(integer): Minimal length of a term to be considered. Defaults to 0.\n#   * 
max_word_len (integer): The maximum word length above which words will be 
ignored. Defaults to unbounded (0).\n#   * fields (comma separated list of 
values): These are the fields to use. Allowed fields are title, text, 
auxiliary_text, opening_text, headings.\n# Examples of good lines:\n# 
min_doc_freq:2\n# max_doc_freq:20000\n# max_query_terms:25\n# 
min_term_freq:2\n# minimum_should_match:30%\n# min_word_len:2\n# 
max_word_len:40\n# fields:text,opening_text\n# </pre> <!-- leave this line 
exactly as it is -->",
-       "cirrussearch-didyoumean-settings": "  #<!-- leave this line exactly as 
it is --> <pre>\n# This message lets you configure the settings of the \"Did 
you mean\" suggestions.\n# See also 
 Changes to this take effect immediately.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * 
Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * 
Every non-blank line is the setting name followed by a \":\" character followed 
by the setting value\n# The settings are :\n#   * max_errors (integer): the 
maximum number of terms that will be considered misspelled in order to be 
corrected. 1 or 2.\n#   * confidence (float): The confidence level defines a 
factor applied to the input phrases score which is used as a threshold for 
other suggestion candidates. Only candidates that score higher than the 
threshold will be included in the result. For instance a confidence level of 
1.0 will only return suggestions that score higher than the input phrase. If 
set to 0.0 the best candidate are returned.\n#   * min_doc_freq (float 0 to 1): 
The minimal threshold in number of documents a suggestion should appear in.\n#  
                 High frequency terms are generally \"stop words\".\n#   * 
max_term_freq (float 0 to 1): The maximum threshold in number of documents in 
which a term can exist in order to be included.\n#   * prefix_length (integer): 
The minimal number of prefix characters that must match a term in order to be a 
suggestion.\n#   * suggest_mode (missing, popular, always): The suggest mode 
controls the way suggestions are included.\n# Examples of good lines:\n# 
max_errors:2\n# confidence:2.0\n# max_term_freq:0.5\n# min_doc_freq:0.01\n# 
prefix_length:2\n# suggest_mode:always\n#\n# </pre> <!-- leave this line 
exactly as it is -->",
        "cirrussearch-query-too-long": "खोज का शब्द अनुमति की सीमा से बाहर है। 
($1 > $2)",
        "cirrussearch-completionsuggester-pref": "सुझाव पूर्ण करने वाला",
-       "cirrussearch-completionsuggester-desc": "New algorithm for search as 
you type. Once enabled the search box at the top right corner will use the 
Completion Suggester.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict": "Strict profile with few 
punctuation characters removed but diacritics and stress marks are kept.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic": "Classic prefix, few 
punctuation characters and some diacritics removed.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal": "Few punctuation characters, 
some diacritics and stopwords removed.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-subphrases": "Few punctuation 
characters, some diacritics and stopwords removed. It will match also 
subphrases (can be subphrases or subpages depending on internal wiki 
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy": "Similar to normal with typo 
correction (two typos supported).",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fast-fuzzy": "Experimental fuzzy 
profile (may be removed at any time)",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases": "Similar to normal 
with typo correction (two typos supported). It will match also subphrases (can 
be subphrases or subpages depending on internal wiki configuration).",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic": "Ranking based on the number of 
incoming links, some templates, article language and recency 
(templates/language/recency may not be activated on this wiki).",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic-noboostlinks": "Ranking based on some 
templates, article language and recency when activated on this wiki.",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-empty": "Ranking based solely on query 
dependent features (for debug only).",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks-pv": "Weighted sum based on 
incoming links and weekly pageviews",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks": "Weighted sum based on 
incoming links",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-pv": "प्रमुखतः पृष्ठ दर्शनीयता पर 
आधारित रैंकिंग",
-       "cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-inclinks": "Ranking based primarily on 
incoming link counts",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-profile-help": "Set the behavior for 
autocomplete (search-as-you-type) suggestions.",
        "prefs-completion": "खोज पूरा होने",
        "cirrussearch-pref-completion-section-desc": "सुझाव पूर्ण करने वाला",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-section-legend": "The 
 completion suggester] is an algorithm for search suggestions with better typo 
correction and search relevance.",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-name": "डिफ़ॉल्ट (संस्तुत)",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-desc": "दो टाइपो तक ठीक 
करता है करीब पुनर्निर्देश को हल करता है",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases-pref-name": 
"Subphrase matching (recommended for longer article titles)",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases-pref-desc": "Corrects 
up to two typos. Resolves close redirects. Matches subphrase in titles.",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-name": "सख्त मोड (उन्नत)",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-desc": "कोई टाइपो सुधार 
नहीं। कोई उच्चारण तह नहीं। सख्त मिलान",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-pref-name": "पुननिर्देशित मोड 
@@ -61,7 +31,6 @@
"सबफ़्रेज मिलान (उन्नत) के साथ पुननिर्देशित मोड",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-subphrases-pref-desc": "कोई 
टाइपो सुधार नहीं। करीब अनुप्रेषित को हल करता है, शीर्षक में सबफ़्रेश मेल करता 
        "cirrussearch-pref-completion-legacy-section-desc": "उपसर्ग खोज",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-legacy-section-legend": "The legacy 
search-as-you-type suggestion algorithm.",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-name": "पुराना उपसर्ग 
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-desc": "कोई टाइपो सुधार 
नहीं। शीर्षक की शुरुआत से मेल खाता है।",
        "cirrussearch-timed-out": "खोज का समय समाप्त हो गया है, केवल आंशिक 
परिणाम उपलब्ध हैं।",
diff --git a/i18n/sr-ec.json b/i18n/sr-ec.json
index 4f1f534..12dcd29 100644
--- a/i18n/sr-ec.json
+++ b/i18n/sr-ec.json
@@ -15,21 +15,8 @@
        "cirrussearch-now-using": "Овај вики има нови начин претраге. 
([[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:CirrusSearch|Сазнајте више]])",
        "cirrussearch-pref-label": "Нова претрага",
        "cirrussearch-give-feedback": "Дајте нам Ваше мишљење.",
-       "cirrussearch-completionsuggester-pref": "Предвиђање претраге",
        "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fast-fuzzy": "Експериментални фази 
профил (може се уклонити било када)",
        "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks-pv": "Пондерисана сума на основу 
долазних веза и седмичног броја прегледа",
        "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks": "Пондерисана сума на основу 
долазних веза",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-profile-help": "Подешавање аутоматских 
сугестија (претрага у току куцања).",
-       "prefs-completion": "Довршавање претраге",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-section-legend": 
 Предвиђање претраге] је омогућено алгоритмом за давање сугестија при куцању, 
са бољим системом за распознавање  и исправљање типфелера те одређивање 
релевантности претраге.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-name": "Подразумевано 
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-desc": "Исправља до два 
типфелера. Решава блиска преусмерења.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-name": "Строги режим 
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-desc": "Без исправљања 
типфелера. Без поистовећивања африката или верзала са еквивалентима. Строго 
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-pref-name": "Режим преусмерења 
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-pref-desc": "Без исправљања 
типфелера. Решава блиска преусмерења.",
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-legacy-section-desc": "Претрага по 
-       "cirrussearch-pref-completion-legacy-section-legend": "Стари алгоритам 
за аутоматско довршавање претраге у току куцања.",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-name": "Класична претрага 
по префиксу",
-       "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-desc": "Без исправљања 
типфелера. Тражи почетке наслова."
+       "prefs-completion": "Довршавање претраге"

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I396f129a3b393b21962f5ce1cd93464c86a423d1
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Nemo bis <federicol...@tiscali.it>
Gerrit-Reviewer: L10n-bot <l10n-...@translatewiki.net>

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