Mobrovac has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )

Change subject: Hygiene: Delete template docs

Hygiene: Delete template docs

This is general template documentation and need not be committed to this

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  Jdlrobson: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve

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-This directory contains the documentation for the service template, aimed at
-getting you started up and running quickly.
-The documentation should be read in the following order:
-1. [Short API design practices](
-2. [Service template overview](
-3. [Configuration](
-4. [Useful Commands](
-5. [Coding Guide](
-6. [Deployment](
-Have fun while creating RESTful API services!
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-# API Design
-Before you start coding your service, you need to think hard about your API's
-design, especially for a public service exposing its API. Below are a couple of
-practices you should follow.
-- [Statelessness](#statelessness)
-- [Versioning](#versioning)
-- [Hierarchical URI Layout](#hierarchical-uri-layout)
-- [HTTP Verbs](#http-verbs)
-- [Documentation](#documentation)
-- [See Also](#see-also)
-## Statelessness
-RESTful API services should be
-they are conceptually modelled around *resources* (as opposed to *systems*).
-Accordingly, your service should take actions depending on assumptions about 
-caller or the current state of the service's process (e.g. that the user is
-logged in, that they are allowed to modify a resource, etc.)
-## Versioning
-You should always version all of your API. Always. Period. Applications depend 
-its stability and invariance. It is tolerable to add endpoints to an API
-version, but removing or modifying existing ones is not an option. Thus,
-versioning provides an easy way for you to improve upon the API while avoiding
-third-party application breakage. The template enforces this practice by
-requiring all of your [route files](../routes/) specify the API version.
-## Hierarchical URI Layout
-Use a hierarchical URI layout that is intuitive and makes sense. Grouping
-endpoints under a common URI prefix allows both you and the future API consumer
-to reason about the API. As an example, consider
-[RESTBase]('s API layout:
-  -- /v1
-     |- /page
-     |  |- /title
-     |  |- /html
-     |  |- /data-parsoid
-     |  -- /revision
-     -- /transform
-        |- /html/to/wikitext
-        |- /wikitext/to/html
-        -- /html/to/html
-The API is grouped in two *sections* - `page` and `transform`. The former
-exposes endpoints dealing with Wiki pages, while the latter comprises endpoints
-transforming one format to another.
-## HTTP Verbs
-There are many [HTTP
-verbs]( you can use and
-expose in your API. Use them appropriately. Especially, **do not allow GET
-requests to modify** any type of content.
-## Documentation
-Document your API meticulously, and keep it up to date with the code. Remember
-that API's are meant to be consumed by external applications, whose developers
-most often do not know the internal workings of your stack. A good starting
-point is to look into [Swagger](, a
-specification for API declaration and documentation from which nice, demo-able
-documentation such as 
-can be automatically generated.
-## See Also
-The above is just a short list of things you should think about when designing
-your API. Here are some resources you might find useful at this step:
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-# Coding Guide
-Let's get started! 
-- [Route Set-up](#route-set-up)
-- [Routes](#routes)
-- [Promises](#promises)
-  - [I/O](#io)
-  - [External Requests](#external-requests)
-- [Error Handling](#error-handling)
-- [Logging and Metrics](#logging-and-metrics)
-  - [Logging](#logging)
-  - [Metrics Collection](#metrics-collection)
-- [Test Cases](#test-cases)
-## Route Set-up
-All of the routes are read from the [routes directory](../routes) and are
-automatically mounted on start-up. The first step is to create a new route file
-by copying the [route template](../routes/empty.js.template):
-$ cd routes
-$ cp empty.js.template people.js
-Now, open `people.js` in your favourite editor. The first thing you need to
-decide is the mount path for the routes contained in the file and the API
-version the route belongs to. Let's say that this file will contain routes
-pertaining to famous people, so a path like `/people/` makes sense here.
-Obviously, the API version is going to be `1`. Change lines 32 - 36 to reflect
-return {
-    path: '/people',
-    api_version: 1,
-    router: router
-This causes all of the routes you create in `people.js` to be mounted on
-`/{domain}/v1/people/`, where `{domain}` represents the sought domain (such as
-``, ``, etc.).
-## Routes
-Creating routes is accomplished by calling `router.METHOD(path, 
-where `METHOD` is the HTTP verb you want to create the route for (`get`, `put`,
-`post`, etc.), and `handlerFunction` is the callback function called when the
-relative path `path` is matched. We are now ready to set up our first route.
-Replace line 23 with the following code:
-router.get('/:name', function(req, res) {
-    res.status(200).json({
-        name: decodeURIComponent(
-    });
-The route's path is `:name`, which signifies a variable path. In this case, it
-is the name of the person the request is about. Thus, both
-`/people/Albert_Einstein` and `/people/David_Lynch` will match the route. The
-callback's body is rather simple: we set the response's status to `200` and 
-back a JSON containing the person's name. To learn more about routes and their
-various options, read Express.js' [routing
-## Promises
-The service template includes the [bluebird
-module]( for handling asynchronous
-patterns via promises. Prime examples of when they should be used are 
-external requests or I/O actions. Promises allow the service process not to
-block on them and continue serving other requests until the action is 
-### I/O
-Coming back to our example route, let's say that we want to serve a simple HTML
-document on the endpoint `/people/:name/about`. To do so, first we need to
-require and *promisify* the `fs` module. Put this line in the header of your
-routes file (right below line 6):
-var fs = BBPromise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
-This creates additional functions, which are *promisified* versions of the
-original ones exported by the `fs` module. Henceforth, we can read a file 
-using the built-in `fs.readFile()` or its promise-aware counterpart
-Armed with this knowledge, we can now easily create a route handler:
-router.get('/:name/about', function(req, res) {
-    // read the file
-    return fs.readFileAsync(__dirname + '/../static/index.html')
-    // and then send back its contents
-    .then(function(src) {
-        res.status(200).type('html').send(src);
-    });
-As you can see, promises allow us to specify chained actions in a natural way
-(using the `.then()` continuation pattern). Note that, when using promises in
-services derived from this template it is important that you `return` the
-promise to the caller. Doing so allows the template's framework to 
-handle any possible errors during the promise's execution.
-### External Requests
-One other area where promises come in handy is making external requests. 
-we want to serve the latest news about a person from
-[Wikinews]( The template includes
-[preq]( -- a module promisifying the popular
-[request]( module -- which we can use
-right away:
-router.get('/:name/news/:lang?', function(req, res) {
-    // set the language if not set
-    var lang = req.params.lang || 'en';
-    // get the news
-    return preq.get({
-        uri: 'https://' + lang + ''
-                + encodeURIComponent(
-    }).then(function(wnRes) {
-        res.status(200).type('html').send(wnRes.body);
-    });
-#### MediaWiki API Requests
-If one wants to issue requests to MW API, `apiUtil.mwApiGet()` can be used. For
-example, getting certain properties of a page is as easy as:
-router.get('/page/:title', function(req, res) {
-    // construct the query for the MW Action API
-    var apiQuery = {
-        format: 'json',
-        formatversion: 2,
-        action: 'query',
-        prop: 'pageprops',
-        titles: req.params.title
-    };
-    return apiUtil.mwApiGet(app, req.params.domain, apiQuery)
-    .then(function(apiRes) {
-        if(!apiRes.body || !apiRes.body.query ||
-                !Array.isArray(apiRes.body.query.pages)) {
-            throw new HTTPError({
-                status: 500,
-                title: 'Could not get properties',
-                detail: 'Could not get page properties for ' + req.params.title
-            });
-        }
-        res.status(200).type('json').end(apiRes.body.query.pages[0]);
-    })
-#### REST API Requests
-Likewise, the template supports REST API requests out of the box via the
-`apiUtil.restApiGet()` library function. To get the Parsoid HTML for a title,
-router.get('/page/:title', function(req, res) {
-    return apiUtil.restApiGet(app, req.params.domain,
-        'page/html/' + encodeURIComponent(req.params.title))
-    .then(function(restRes) {
-        res.status(200).type('html').end(restRes.body);
-    });
-Note that you can also modify any part of the request; you can supply the
-method to use (`get` by default), the query parameters, headers or body. For
-example, if you don't want the REST API to send redirects, but to retrieve the
-parsed content of the page in case of redirect pages, you can use:
-    return apiUtil.restApiGet(app, req.params.domain,
-        'page/html/' + encodeURIComponent(req.params.title),
-        {
-            query: { redirect: false }
-        })
-## Error Handling
-As mentioned earlier, the template is capable of automatically handling errors
-for you. However, you might want to take matters into your own hands in some
-occasions. The template provides a convenient `HTTPError` object class which 
-can use.
-Let's revise the handler for the `/people/:name/about` route. It does not seem
-to be very useful, as it returns the same content for any given name. We would
-like it to return content relevant to the person whose name was specified in 
-request URI by looking up the file `/static/name.html`. If the file does not
-exist, a `404` should be returned to the caller.
-router.get('/:name/about', function(req, res) {
-    return fs.readFileAsync(__dirname + '/../static/'
-            + encodeURIComponent( + '.html')
-    .then(function(src) {
-        res.status(200).type('html').send(src)
-    }).catch(function(err) {
-        throw new HTTPError({
-            status: 404,
-            type: 'not_found',
-            title: 'Not Found',
-            detail: 'No information could be found on ' +
-        });
-    });
-Note that you can also attach additional debug information to the `HTTPError`
-object to help you track down bugs. This information is going to be logged, but
-will not reach the client, thus ensuring no sensitive information is leaked
-unintentionally. To do so, simply add any property you deem important when
-creating / throwing the error.
-## Logging and Metrics
-Logging and metrics collection is supported out of the box via
-[service-runner]( They are exposed
-in route handler files via the `req.logger` and `app.metrics` objects.
-### Logging
-To log something, simply use `req.logger.log(level, what)`. The logger itself 
-a [bunyan]( wrapper, and thus supports 
-following levels:
-- `trace`
-- `debug`
-- `info`
-- `warn`
-- `error`
-- `fatal`
-Additionally, it is good practice to attach a component name to the log level 
-it eases log indexing and filtering later in production. For example, if a log
-entry has the `debug` level and pertains to one of our example routes, the log
-level could be set to `debug/people`. The `what` portion of the log entry can 
-either a string message, or any *stringifiable* object. As an example, let's
-log the person's name given to the `/people/:name/about` route and the file 
-that is going to be looked up:
-router.get('/:name/about', function(req, res) {
-    var info = {
-        name:,
-        path: __dirname + '/../static/'
-            + encodeURIComponent( + '.html'
-    };
-    req.logger.log('debug/people/about', info);
-    return fs.readFileAsync(info.path)
-    .then(function(src) {
-        res.status(200).type('html').send(src)
-    }).catch(function(err) {
-        throw new HTTPError({
-            status: 404,
-            type: 'not_found',
-            title: 'Not Found',
-            detail: 'No information could be found on ' +
-        });
-    });
-As you can see, the request object (`req`) has an additional property -
-`req.logger`, which allows you to log messages and objects in the context of 
-current request. To do so, it attaches a unique *request ID* to each logged
-information. If you would like to log context-free information, you can use the
-`app.logger` object instead, even though that is not recommended.
-### Metrics Collection
-Collecting metrics is a great way to have insights into the overall health and
-performance of your service. When using the template, this is as easy as 
-one of the following methods:
-- `app.metrics.timing`
-- `app.metrics.increment`
-- `app.metrics.decrement`
-- `app.metrics.histogram`
-- `app.metrics.gauge`
-- `app.metrics.unique`
-How can one collect them? Let's show it on `/people/:name/news`. This route 
-an external request to complete its action, which means that you have little
-control over your service's response time, as it is dominated by the request to
-Wikinews. Two interesting metrics that we can collect here (and that directly
-affect the service's response time) are the external request's response time 
-the size of its response. We can measure the former with `app.metrics.timing()`
-and the latter with `app.metrics.histogram()`. Additionally, it interesting to
-see the distribution of languages, which can be achieved with
-router.get('/:name/news/:lang?', function(req, res) {
-    // set the language if not set
-    var lang = req.params.lang || 'en';
-    // count the language occurrence
-    app.metrics.unique('', lang);
-    // start measuring the time
-    var startTime =;
-    // get the news
-    return preq.get({
-        uri: 'https://' + lang + ''
-                + encodeURIComponent(
-    }).then(function(wnRes) {
-        // external request done, report the request time
-        app.metrics.timing('', - startTime);
-        // also report the payload's size
-        app.metrics.histogram('', wnRes.body.length);
-        res.status(200).type('html').send(wnRes.body);
-    });
-For more information on the available methods, see the [service-runner
-## Test Cases
-The service needs to thoroughly tested since other services and clients are
-going to depend on it. The template uses
-[mocha]( for test execution and provides some
-useful utility functions in [test/utils](../test/utils).
-To create a test suite for our example routes, create the `people` directory in
-`/test/features/` and two files inside of it: `about.js` and `news.js`. These
-will test the example routes. Let's start with `about.js`:
-'use strict';
-// mocha defines to avoid JSHint breakage
-/* global describe, it, before, beforeEach, after, afterEach */
-var preq   = require('preq');
-var assert = require('../../utils/assert.js');
-var server = require('../../utils/server.js');
-describe('people - about', function() {
-    this.timeout(20000);
-    before(function () { return server.start(); });
-    // common URI prefix
-    var uri = server.config.uri + '';
-    it('get HTML for index', function() {
-        return preq.get({
-            uri: uri + 'index/about'
-        }).then(function(res) {
-            // check the status
-            assert.status(res, 200);
-            // check the returned Content-Type header
-            assert.contentType(res, 'text/html');
-            // inspect the body
-            assert.notDeepEqual(res.body, undefined, 'No body returned!');
-        });
-    });
-    it('fail for a non-existent person', function() {
-        return preq.get({
-            uri: uri + 'Walt_Disney/about'
-        }).then(function(res) {
-            // if we are here, no error was thrown, not good
-            throw new Error('Expected an error to be thrown, got status: ', 
-        }, function(err) {
-            // inspect the status
-            assert.deepEqual(err.status, 404);
-        });
-    });
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-# Useful Commands
-- [npm 101](#npm-101)
-- [Service-related Tasks](#service-related-tasks)
-- [Docker](#docker)
-## npm 101
-[npm]( is the package manager for Node.js modules. It is
-used for managing and publishing modules.
-The template (and your future service) needs its dependencies to be present.
-Install them with:
-npm install
-Sometimes the configuration can get a bit messed up you may experience strange
-*npm*-related errors when running your service. The remedy is:
-rm -rf node_modules
-npm install
-If you need to add a dependency, this will install it and add it your
-npm install --save <name_of_module>
-## Service-related Tasks
-The template comes with some handy `npm` tasks. To start your service based on
-the configuration in `config.yaml`, use simply:
-npm start
-Starting unit tests is as easy as:
-npm test
-A code coverage utility is also available:
-npm run-script coverage
-Once the script finishes, open up `coverage/lcov-report/index.html` which will
-show you detailed reports about which lines of code have been covered by the
-unit tests.
-## Docker
-Included in the template is also a Dockerfile, allowing you to run and test 
-service in a production-like environment inside of a Docker container. You need
-to have [docker]( installed if you are on a Linux host,
-or [boot2docker]( in case of OSX/Windows hosts.
-To start your service in the container, execute:
-npm run-script docker-start
-The first time you run it, it takes a while as the script automatically builds
-the full image and then starts the service.
-If you want to test your service instead, use:
-npm run-script docker-test
-Similarly, to run code coverage, run:
-npm run-script docker-cover
-*Note:* On Linux hosts, running `docker` requires superuser rights, so you may
-need to prefix the commands with `sudo`. If you are on a Ubuntu box, you may
-circumvent that by adding yourself to the `docker` group:
-sudo gpasswd -a <your_username> docker
-After you log out completely and log back in, you should be able to run the
-above scripts without resorting to `sudo`.
-## Deployment
-See [this document]( for how to get ready to deploy your service.
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-# Configuration
-The first thing you should configure is the service's general information 
-description, etc.). Open up [`package.json`](../package.json) and change (at
-least) the following fields:
-- `name`
-- `version`
-- `description`
-- `repository/url`
-- `keywords`
-- `author`
-- `contributors`
-- `licence`
-- `bugs`
-- `homepage`
-Now change the service's name in [``](../ 
-[``](../ While you are there, you might
-want to look at and play with other configuration parameters, such as:
-- `num_workers` - the number of workers to start; some special values are:
-  - `0` will not do any forking, but run the service in the master process
-  - `ncpu` will spawn as many worker processes as there are CPU cores on the
-    host
-- `worker_heap_limit_mb` - the maximum amount of memory (in MB) a worker's heap
-  can have
-- `logging` and `metrics` - the configuration for logging and metrics 
-- `services` - the block instructing the master process which services to 
-  there can be more than one service, if, e.g., your service depends on another
-  Node.js service being present; each service has further the following
-  information:
-  - `name` - the service's name
-  - `module` - the module starting the service; if not given, the service's 
-    is used instead
-  - `conf` - the configuration object passed directly to the service; settings
-    to consider (remember to update them in both
-    [``](../ as well as
-    [``](../
-    - `port` - the port to start the service on (default: `8888`)
-    - `interface` - where to bind the service's server (default: ``)
-    - you may add here any other configuration options needed by your service,
-      as long as it is [valid YAML](;
-      these will be accessible via the `app.conf` object
-For more information on configuration possibilities, take a look at the
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-# Deployment
-Getting your service ready to be deployed on WMF production machines involves
-several tasks. This document explains the steps needed to get started and how 
-keep your deployable copy up-to-date.
-## Repositories
-Because Node.js services use npm dependencies which can be binary, these need 
-be pre-built. Therefore, two repositories are needed; one for the source code 
-your service, and the other, so-called *deploy* repository. Both should be
-available as WM's Gerrit repositories with the paths
-*mediawiki/services/your-service-name* and
-*mediawiki/services/your-service-name/deploy*. When [requesting
-them]( ask for the
-former to be a clone of [the service
-template]( and the latter to
-be empty.
-It is important to note that the deploy repository is only to be updated
-directly before (re-)deploying the service, and not on each patch merge 
-the *master* branch of the regular repository. In other words, **the deploy
-repository mirrors the code deployed in production at all times**.
-The remainder of the document assumes these two repositories have been created
-and that you have cloned them using your Gerrit account, i.e. not anonymously,
-with the following outline:
-  |- your-service
-  -- deploy
-Furthermore, it is assumed that you have initialised the deploy repository:
-$ cd ~/code/deploy
-$ git review -s
-$ touch
-$ git add
-$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
-$ git push -u origin master  # or git review -R if this fails
-# go to Gerrit and +2 your change, if needed and then:
-$ git pull
-Finally, if you haven't yet done so, do [basic service
-The remainder of the document refers to these two repositories as the *source
-repository* and the *deploy repository*, respectively.
-## Configuration
-The service template includes an automation script which updates the deploy
-repository, but it needs to be configured properly in order to work.
-### package.json
-The first part of the configuration involves keeping your source repository's
-`package.json` updated. Look for its [deploy stanza](../package.json#L49).
-Depending on the exact machine on which your service will be deployed, you may
-need to set `target` to either `ubuntu` or `debian`.
-If you want to specify a version of Node.JS, different from the official 
-package, set the value of the `node` stanza to the desired version, following
-[nvm]( versions naming.
-To explicitly force official distribution package, `"system"` version can be 
-The important thing is keeping the `dependencies` field up to date at all 
-There you should list all of the extra packages that are needed in order to
-build the npm module dependencies. The `_all` field denotes packages which
-should be installed regardless of the target distribution, but you can add
-other, distribution-specific package lists, e.g.:
-"deploy": {
-  "target": "ubuntu",
-  "node": "system",
-  "dependencies": {
-    "ubuntu": ["pkg1", "pkg2"],
-    "debian": ["pkgA", "pkgB"],
-    "_all": ["pkgOne", "pkgTwo"]
-  }
-In this example, with the current configuration, packages *pkg1*, *pkg2*,
-*pkgOne* and *pkgTwo* are going to be installed before building the
-dependencies. If, instead, the target is changed to `debian`, then *pkgA*,
-*pkgB*, *pkgOne* and *pkgTwo* are selected.
-As a rule of thumb, **whenever you need to install extra packages into your
-development environment for satisfying node module dependencies, add them to
-*deploy.dependencies* to ensure the successful build and update of the deploy
-### Local git
-The script needs to know where to find your local copy of the deploy 
-To that end, when in your source repository, run:
-git config deploy.dir /absolute/path/to/deploy/repo
-Using the aforementioned local outline, you would type:
-git config deploy.dir /home/YOU/code/deploy
-The source repository is itself a submodule of the deploy repository. If its
-name as specified in `package.json`'s `name` field does not match the actual
-repository's name in Gerrit, run:
-git config name_in_gerrit
-That will make the system look for the repository
-`mediawiki/services/name_in_gerrit` when checking it out in the deploy
-repository. If, however, you do not use MediaWiki's Gerrit installation to host
-your repository, you can specify a different one using the `deploy.submodule`
-configuration directive by supplying the full remote reference URL:
-git config deploy.submodule
-The deploy-repo builder script assumes the name of the remote to check out in
-the deploy repository is `origin`. An alternative name can be configured by
-invoking (in the source repository):
-git config deploy.remote deploy_repo_remote_name
-## Testing
-Before updating the deploy repository you need to make sure your configuration
-works as expected. To do that, in your source repository run:
-./server.js docker-test
-The script will build a new Docker image, install the needed packages and npm
-dependencies and run the test suite. Tweak your code and configuration until
-everything works as expected (and commit those changes).
-## Update
-The final step is updating the deploy repository. First. make sure that your
-source repository has got the latest dependencies installed:
-rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install
-Update the deploy repository by running from the source repository:
-./server.js build --deploy-repo
-The script will:
-- create the proper deploy repository outline
-- fetch the updates
-- ensure the submodule is present
-- update the submodule
-- build the npm dependencies
-- commit the changes with a pretty-formatted message
-There is also a handy shortcut for sending the patch to Gerrit immediately. To
-do so, add the `--review` argument to the call:
-./server.js build --deploy-repo --review
-Note that if no changes were made to the source repository, the script aborts
-its execution. If, nevertheless, you need to rebuild the dependencies, you can
-do so using:
-./server.js build --deploy-repo --force
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index f9d28ad..0000000
--- a/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Service Template Overview
-This service template allows you to quickly dive into coding your own RESTful 
-- [Stack](#stack)
-- [Repository Outline](#repository-outline)
-## Stack
-The template makes use the following components:
-- [service-runner](
-- [express.js](
-- [Bluebird Promises](
-- [mocha](
-- [istanbul](
-- [docker](
-Everything begins and ends with *service-runner*. It is the supervisor in 
-of starting the service and controlling its execution. It spawns worker
-processes, each of which accepts and handles connections. If some workers use
-too much heap memory, they are restarted. Additionally, it provides your 
-with configurable logging and metrics facilities.
-When it comes to request handling, *express.js* and *Bluebird* take the centre
-stage. *express.js* is in charge of receiving the requests,  routing and
-dispatching them to the correct handlers and send responses back to the 
-*Bluebird* comes into play when there are actions which warrant asynchronous
-processing (such as reading files, dispatching requests to external resources,
-etc.). You can find example route handlers constructing the response both
-synchronously and asynchronously in this template's [routes](../routes/)
-Finally, testing is an important aspect of service programming, not only for
-their creators, but also testers (think CI) and consumers. The template uses
-*mocha* for carrying out the testing, and *istanbul* for reporting code 
-with tests. There are quite a few tests [available](../test/) for you to check
-The WMF is in the process of switching its production servers to Debian Jessie.
-As people developing services might use different platforms, the template
-provides also a Dockerfile, with which one can execute their service inside a
-container running the production OS.
-## Repository Outline
-Below is a simplified repository outline listing the important 
-for service development.
-- [`package.json`](../package.json) - the file containing the service's name 
-  dependencies
-- [``](../ and
-  [``](../ - contain development and 
-  configuration settings for the service
-- [`server.js`](../server.js) - the service's starter script
-- [`app.js`](../app.js) - contains the application declaration and loading 
-- [`routes`](../routes/) - contains the definitions of the loaded routes; this
-  is where most of your coding is to take place
-- [`lib/util.js`](../lib/util.js) - contains some utility functions and classes
-- [`static`](../static/) - this is where served static files go (HTML, CSS,
-  client-side JS, etc.)
-- [`test`](../test/) - contains the test files for the example routes in the
-  template; you should add your own here
-- docker script - a utility script building the service's docker image and
-  starting the container, now part of 

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I7ba901ed556c1c73157933a314da76cd0af1dacc
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/services/mobileapps
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Mholloway <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: BearND <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fjalapeno <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jdlrobson <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mhurd <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mobrovac <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ppchelko <>
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