ArielGlenn has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: script to shovel in pages-logging xml file into logging table

script to shovel in pages-logging xml file into logging table

this script is for testing purposes only (populating the logging table
from a pages-logging xml file in order to test xml dumps); it also
populates the user table with mostly crap data except for the user
name and id as retrieved from the pages-logging xml file.

Change-Id: Ibe5ab1d8044a2faa60b1f1097dab1c40a553ebe3
A xmlfileutils/scripts/
1 file changed, 441 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/xmlfileutils/scripts/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43be39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlfileutils/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os, re, sys, getopt, urllib, gzip, bz2, subprocess, json, time, select, 
shutil, string
+from wikifile import File
+class WikiContentErr(Exception):
+    pass
+class NsDict(object):
+    def __init__(self, langCode, project, verbose = False):
+        """Constructor. Arguments:
+        langCode   -- language code of project, like en el etc.
+        project    -- type of project, like wiktionary, wikipedia, etc.
+        verbose    --  display progress messages"""
+        self.langCode = langCode
+        self.project = project
+        self.verbose = verbose
+    def getNsDict(self):
+        """Retrieve namespace informtion for a wiki via the MediaWiki api
+        and store in in dict form.
+        On error raises an exception."""
+        #
+        apiUrl = "http://"; + self.langCode + "." + self.project + "." + 
"org/w/api.php" + "?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=json"
+        nsDict = {}
+        ufd = urllib.urlopen(apiUrl)
+        if str(ufd.getcode()).startswith("2"):
+            output =
+            ufd.close()
+            siteInfo = json.loads(output)
+            if 'query' not in siteInfo or 'namespaces' not in 
+                raise WikiContentErr("Error trying to get namespace 
information from api\n")
+            for k in siteInfo['query']['namespaces'].keys():
+                if '*' in siteInfo['query']['namespaces'][k]:
+                    nsDict[k] = 
+                else:
+                    raise WikiContentErr("Error trying to get parse namespace 
+            return nsDict
+        else:
+            code = ufd.getcode()
+            ufd.close()
+            raise WikiContentErr("Error trying to retrieve namespace info: 
%s\n" % code);
+        return nsDict
+class TitlesDict(object):
+    def __init__(self, nsDictByString):
+        """Constructor. Arguments:
+        nsDictByString  -- hash of nstitle => nsnum"""
+        self.nsDictByString = nsDictByString
+    def getTitlesDict(self,sqlFile):
+        """Arguments:
+        sqlFile         -- file containing pageid whitespace nsnum whitespace 
pagetitle where the title
+                           is expected to be sql escaped and can be enclosed 
with single quotes"""
+        fd = File.openInput(sqlFile)
+        t = {}
+        for line in fd:
+            (pageid, ns, title) = line.split(' ',3)
+            ns = int(ns)
+            if title in t:
+                t[title][ns] = pageid
+            else:
+                t[title] = { ns: pageid }
+        return t
+class LoggingXml(object):
+    def __init__(self, nsDictByString, titlesDict, xmlFile, outputFile, 
+        """Constructor. Arguments:
+        nsDictByString  -- hash of nstitle => nsnum
+        titlesDict      -- hash of pagetitle => [ pageid, nsnum ]
+        xmlFile         -- path to filename with logging.xml
+        logOutFile      -- path to logging output filename"""
+        self.nsDictByString = nsDictByString
+        self.titlesDict = titlesDict
+        self.xmlFile = xmlFile
+        self.logOutFile = logOutFile
+        self.userOutFile = userOutFile
+        self.logitemPattern = "^\s*<logitem>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledLogitemPattern = re.compile(self.logitemPattern)
+        self.idPattern = "^\s*<id>(?P<i>.+)</id>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledIdPattern = re.compile(self.idPattern)
+        self.timestampPattern = "^\s*<timestamp>(?P<t>.+)</timestamp>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledTimestampPattern = re.compile(self.timestampPattern)
+        self.contributorPattern = "^\s*<contributor>\n$"
+        self.compiledContributorPattern = re.compile(self.contributorPattern)
+        self.usernamePattern = "^\s*<username>(?P<u>.+)</username>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledUsernamePattern = re.compile(self.usernamePattern)
+        self.endContributorPattern = "^\s*</contributor>\n$"
+        self.compiledEndContributorPattern = 
+        self.commentPattern = "^\s*<comment>(?P<c>.+)</comment>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledCommentPattern = re.compile(self.commentPattern, 
+        self.typePattern = "^\s*<type>(?P<t>.+)</type>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledTypePattern = re.compile(self.typePattern)
+        self.actionPattern = "^\s*<action>(?P<a>.+)</action>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledActionPattern = re.compile(self.actionPattern)
+        self.logtitlePattern = "^\s*<logtitle>(?P<l>.+)</logtitle>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledLogtitlePattern = re.compile(self.logtitlePattern)
+        self.paramsPattern = 
+        self.compiledParamsPattern = re.compile(self.paramsPattern, re.DOTALL)
+        self.noParamsPattern = '^\s*<params\s+xml:space="preserve" />\s*\n$'
+        self.compiledNoParamsPattern = re.compile(self.noParamsPattern)
+        self.endLogitemPattern = "^\s*</logitem>\s*\n$"
+        self.compiledEndLogitemPattern = re.compile(self.endLogitemPattern)
+        self.all=string.maketrans('','')
+        self.nodigs=self.all.translate(self.all, string.digits)
+    def skipHeader(self, fd):
+        """skip over mediawiki site header etc"""
+        endHeaderPattern = "^\s*</siteinfo>"
+        compiledEndHeaderPattern = re.compile(endHeaderPattern)
+        for line in fd:
+            if compiledEndHeaderPattern.match(line):
+                return True
+        return False # never found it
+    def unXMLEscape(self, title):
+        """Convert XML sanitized title to its regular format.
+        This expects no newlines, \r or \t in titles and unescapes
+        these characters: & " ' < >
+        Arguments:
+        title   -- title to be desantized"""
+        title = title.replace("&quot;", '"')
+        title = title.replace("&lt;", '<')
+        title = title.replace("&gt;", '>')
+        title = title.replace("&#039;", "'")
+        title = title.replace("&amp;", '&') # this one must be last
+        return title
+    def sqlEscape(self, string, underscores = True):
+        """Escape string in preparation for it to be written
+        to an sql file for import.
+        $wgLegalTitleChars = " 
+        Escapes these characters:  ' "  \   by adding leading \
+        Note that in the database all titles are stored with underscores 
instead of spaces
+        so replace those; also enclose the title in single quotes
+        Arguments:
+        string  -- string of to escape"""
+        string = string.replace('\\', "\\\\")  # must insert new backslashs 
after this step
+        string = string.replace("\'", "\\'")
+        string = string.replace('"', '\\"')
+        if underscores:
+            string = string.replace(' ', '_')
+        return "'" + string + "'"
+    # format:
+    #  <logitem>
+    #    <id>1</id>
+    #    <timestamp>2005-02-26T19:37:52Z</timestamp>
+    #    <contributor>
+    #      <username>Leonariso</username>
+    #      <id>3</id>
+    #    </contributor>
+    #    <comment>content was: ''''Έντονης γραφής κείμενο'''''Πλάγιας γραφής 
κείμενο''[[Τίτλος σύνδεσης]]== Headline text ==[[...'</comment>
+    #    <type>delete</type>
+    #    <action>delete</action>
+    #    <logtitle>Βικιλεξικό:By topic</logtitle>
+    #    <params xml:space="preserve" />
+    #  </logitem>
+    def doLogItem(self, fd, logOutFd, userOutFd):
+        # note that it's possible for a comment or the params to have an 
embedded newline in them
+        # the rest of the fields, no
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledLogitemPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            if "</mediawiki" in line:
+                return True # eof
+            else:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<logitem>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledIdPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected <id>, 
found <%s>\n" % line)
+        logid ="i")
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledTimestampPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<timestamp>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+        timestamp ="t")
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledContributorPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            if not "<contributor deleted" in line:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<contributor>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+            else:
+                username = ''
+                userid = '0'
+        else:
+            line = fd.readline()
+            result = self.compiledUsernamePattern.match(line)
+            if not result:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<username>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+            username ="u")
+            line = fd.readline()
+            result = self.compiledIdPattern.match(line)
+            if not result:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected <id>, 
found <%s>\n" % line)
+            userid ="i")
+            line = fd.readline()
+            result = self.compiledEndContributorPattern.match(line)
+            if not result:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
</contributor>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+        line = fd.readline()
+        if "<comment>" not in line:
+            # apparently comment is optional. OR it can be 'deleted'. 
+            if "<comment deleted" in line:
+                line = fd.readline()
+            comment = ''
+        else:
+            while "</comment>" not in line:
+                line = line + fd.readline()
+            result = self.compiledCommentPattern.match(line)
+            if not result:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<comment>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+            comment ="c")
+            line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledTypePattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected <type>, 
found <%s>\n" % line)
+        type ="t")
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledActionPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected <action>, 
found <%s>\n" % line)
+        action ="a")
+        line = fd.readline()
+        result = self.compiledLogtitlePattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            if "<text deleted" in line:
+                logtitle = ''
+            else:
+                raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<logtitle>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+        else:
+            logtitle ="l")
+        line = fd.readline()
+        # do the no params case first
+        result = self.compiledNoParamsPattern.match(line)
+        if result:
+            params = ''
+            line = fd.readline()
+        else:
+            if "<params" in line:
+                # ok it has some params, possibly over more than one line
+                while "</params>" not in line:
+                    line = line + fd.readline()
+                result = self.compiledParamsPattern.match(line)
+                if not result:
+                    raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
<params  xml:space=\"preserve\" />, found <%s> for %s\n" % (line, logtitle))
+                else:
+                    params ="p")
+                    line = fd.readline()
+            else: # it's some other tag, this elt was missing altogether
+                params = ''
+        result = self.compiledEndLogitemPattern.match(line)
+        if not result:
+            raise WikiContentErr("bad line in logging file, expected 
</logitem>, found <%s>\n" % line)
+        # turn logtitle into pageid, namespace, title-with-no-namespace-prefix
+        sep = logtitle.find(":")
+        if sep != -1:
+            prefix = logtitle[:sep]
+            if prefix in self.nsDictByString:
+                pagetitle = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(logtitle[sep+1:]))
+                nsnum = self.nsDictByString[prefix]
+                if pagetitle in self.titlesDict:
+                    pageid = self.titlesDict[pagetitle][nsnum]
+                else:
+                    pageid = "NULL"
+            else:
+                pagetitle = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(logtitle))
+                nsnum = 0
+                if pagetitle in self.titlesDict:
+                    pageid = self.titlesDict[pagetitle][0]
+                else:
+                    pageid = "NULL"
+        else:
+            pagetitle = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(logtitle))
+            nsnum = 0
+            if pagetitle in self.titlesDict:
+                pageid = self.titlesDict[pagetitle][0]
+            else:
+                pageid = "NULL"
+        comment = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(comment), False)
+        username = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(username), False)
+        params = self.sqlEscape(self.unXMLEscape(params), False)
+        line = "INSERT INTO logging ( log_id, log_type, log_action, 
log_timestamp, log_user, log_user_text, log_namespace, log_title, log_page, 
log_comment, log_params, log_deleted ) VALUES "
+        logOutFd.write(unicode(line).encode('utf-8'))
+        username = username.decode('utf-8')
+        pagetitle = pagetitle.decode('utf-8')
+        comment = comment.decode('utf-8')
+        params = params.decode('utf-8')
+        nsnum = str(nsnum)
+        # need 20130425122902, have 2005-07-23T16:43:37Z
+        timestamp = timestamp.translate(self.all, self.nodigs)
+        line = "( %s );\n" % ", ".join([ logid, "'" + type+ "'", "'" + action 
+ "'" , "'" + timestamp+ "'", userid, username, nsnum, pagetitle, pageid, 
comment, params, '0' ])
+        logOutFd.write(unicode(line).encode('utf-8'))
+        if self.userOutFile and userid not in self.userDict:
+            line = "INSERT INTO user ( user_id, user_name, user_real_name, 
user_password, user_newpassword, user_newpass_time, user_email, user_touched, 
user_token, user_email_authenticated, user_email_token, 
user_email_token_expires, user_registration, user_editcount ) VALUES "
+            userOutFd.write(unicode(line).encode('utf-8'))
+            line = "( %s );\n" % ", ".join([ userid, username, "''", "''", 
"''", "NULL", "''", "'20010101000000'", "'6f9b27b447a7fd49bc525e51cc82320b'", 
"NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "0" ])
+            userOutFd.write(unicode(line).encode('utf-8'))
+            self.userDict[userid] = True
+        return False
+    def writeSql(self):
+        self.userDict = { 1: True }
+        fd = File.openInput(self.xmlFile)
+        logOutFd = File.openOutput(self.logOutFile)
+        if self.userOutFile:
+            userOutFd = File.openOutput(self.userOutFile)
+        else:
+            userOutFd = None
+        if not self.skipHeader(fd):
+            raise WikiContentErr("failed to find end of mediawiki/siteinfo 
header in xml file\n")
+        eof = False
+        while not eof:
+            eof = self.doLogItem(fd, logOutFd, userOutFd)
+        fd.close()
+        logOutFd.close()
+        if self.userOutFile:
+            userOutFd.close()
+        return
+def usage(message = None):
+    """Show usage and help information. Arguments:
+    message   -- message to be shown (e.g. error message) before the help"""
+    if message:
+        sys.stderr.write(message)
+        sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("Usage: python %s --lang langcode --project filename 
--sqlfile filename\n" % sys.argv[0])
+    sys.stderr.write("                 --logfile filename --logout filename 
[--userout filename]\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("This script converts a pages-logging.xml file to an sql 
file suitable for\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("import into the logging table of a MediaWiki 
+    sys.stderr.write("It may get some things wrong because page ids of page 
titles can change\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("over time and this program isn't clever about how it 
looks that up.\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("We needed this script for testing logging dumps.  If you 
need it for production\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("purposes, better test it carefully.\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("Options:\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("--lang         the language code of the project from 
which the logging table was dumped,\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               i.e. en, fr, el etc.\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("--project      the type of wiki from which the logging 
table was dumped, i.e. wikipedia,\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               wiktionary, wikisource, etc.\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("--sqlfile      path to an sql fle containing fields 
pageid namespacenum pagetitle space-\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               separated and one triple per line, 
pagetitle should be sql escaped as it\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               would be if written out by mysqldump, and 
it should not contain the namespace\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               prefix.\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("--loggingfile  path to the xml pages-logging file to be 
+    sys.stderr.write("--logout       path to the file where the converted sql 
will be written\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("--userout      path to file where fake user table sql 
will be written, if specified\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               the user table is used when generating 
xml dumps of the log table;\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               any user id found in the logging sql file 
with non null username will\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               be added except for the user with uid 1, 
yes this is a hack\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               Make sure that there are no other users 
except uid 1 already in the table\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("               and that the username is not in the 
produced sql BEFORE using it for import\n")
+    sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    langCode = None
+    project = None
+    sqlFile = None
+    loggingFile = None
+    logOutFile = None
+    userOutFile = None
+    try:
+        (options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", [ "lang=", 
"project=", "sqlfile=", "loggingfile=", "logout=", "userout=" ] )
+    except:
+        usage("Unknown option specified")
+    for (opt, val) in options:
+        # main opts
+        if opt == "--lang":
+            langCode = val;
+        elif opt == "--project":
+            project = val
+        elif opt == "--sqlfile":
+            sqlFile = val
+        elif opt == "--loggingfile":
+            loggingFile = val
+        elif opt == "--logout":
+            logOutFile = val
+        elif opt == "--userout":
+            userOutFile = val
+        else:
+            usage("Unknown option specified: %s" % opt )
+    if len(remainder) > 0:
+        usage("Unknown option specified: <%s>" % remainder[0])
+    if not langCode:
+        usage("Missing mandatory option <%s>" % "lang")
+    if not sqlFile:
+        usage("Missing mandatory option <%s>" % "sqlfile")
+    if not project:
+        usage("Missing mandatory option <%s>" % "project")
+    if not loggingFile:
+        usage("Missing mandatory option <%s>" % "loggingfile")
+    if not logOutFile:
+        usage("Missing mandatory option <%s>" % "logout")
+    ns = NsDict(langCode, project)
+    nsDict = ns.getNsDict()
+    nsDictByString = {}
+    for nsnum in nsDict.keys():
+        nsDictByString[nsDict[nsnum]] = nsnum
+    td = TitlesDict(nsDictByString)
+    titlesDict = td.getTitlesDict(sqlFile)
+    lx = LoggingXml(nsDictByString, titlesDict, loggingFile, logOutFile, 
+    lx.writeSql()

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ibe5ab1d8044a2faa60b1f1097dab1c40a553ebe3
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/dumps
Gerrit-Branch: ariel
Gerrit-Owner: ArielGlenn <>

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