Erik Zachte has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: New script for breakdown of uploaders per month 'new/repeat 
uploaders' plus 'edited earlier on other wikis or not'

New script for breakdown of uploaders per month 'new/repeat uploaders' plus 
'edited earlier on other wikis or not'

Change-Id: I344f6dddcf6948a82cf8a14fac8403eeb6a22ffa
A dumps/perl/
1 file changed, 314 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/dumps/perl/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb51753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumps/perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+  use warnings ;
+  use strict ;
+  our $true  = 1 ;
+  our $false = 0 ;
+  my $time_format = '%2d hrs %2d min %2d sec' ;
+# in this script 'uploads' (and, derived from that, 'uploaders') refers to new 
articles on commons, created in namespace 6
+# re-uploads are ignored (sometimes an image is uploaded again after cropping 
or other small adjustment)
+  my $dir_in = "w:/# Out Stat1/csv_wx/" ; # Q&D script, hard coded path
+  my $file_creates_commons      = 
"$dir_in/CommonsUploadersStats/CreatesCommons.csv" ;
+  my $file_uploaders_per_month  = 
"$dir_in/CommonsUploadersStats/CommonsUploadersPerMonth.csv" ;
+  my $file_meta                 = 
"$dir_in/CommonsUploadersStats/CommonsUploadersPerMonthMeta.txt" ;
+  my $file_edits_except_commons = 
+  my $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user = 
"$dir_in/CommonsUploadersStats/FirstEditPerUser" ;
+  my $file_bots                 = "$dir_in/CommonsUploadersStats/BotsAll.csv" ;
+  my @bots = &ReadBots ($file_bots) ;
+# &CollectFirstEditsPerUser ($file_edits_except_commons, 
$file_first_month_non_commons_per_user) ;
+  &CollectUploadersPerMonth ($file_creates_commons, $file_uploaders_per_month, 
$file_edits_except_commons, $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user, $file_meta, 
@bots) ;
+  print "\n\nReady\n\n" ;
+  exit ;
+sub ReadBots
+  print "ReadBots ->" ;
+  my ($file_bots) = @_ ; # function arguments
+  my $wiki = 'commons' ;
+  my ($line,$bots,$lang,@bots,%bots) ;
+  open FILE_BOTS, '<', $file_bots ;
+  binmode FILE_BOTS ;
+  while ($line = <FILE_BOTS>)
+  {
+    if ($line =~ /^$wiki/)
+    { $bots = $line ; last ; }
+  }
+  close FILE_BOTS ;
+  if ($bots eq '')
+  { print "No line found for '$wiki' in '$file_bots'\n" ; }
+  else
+  {
+    chomp $bots ; # remove eol char
+    ($lang,$bots) = split (",", $bots,2) ;
+    @bots = split ('\|', $bots) ; # split into array
+    foreach my $bot (@bots)
+    { $bot =~ s/\&comma;/,/g ; } # comma's in user name were encoded
+  }
+  print $#bots . " bots found on commons\n\n" ;
+  return (@bots) ;
+sub CollectFirstEditsPerUser
+  my ($file_edits_except_commons, $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user) = @_ 
+  my ($line, $user, $month, $user_prev) ;
+  die "File not found: '$file_edits_except_commons'" if ! -e 
$file_edits_except_commons ;
+  open CSV_IN,  '<', $file_edits_except_commons ;
+  open CSV_OUT, '>', $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user || die "Could not 
open '$file_first_month_non_commons_per_user'" ;
+  $file_edits_except_commons =~ s/^.*\//..\// ; # greedy: replace all till 
last slash with '../'
+  print CSV_OUT "#data based on $file_edits_except_commons\n" ;
+  print CSV_OUT "#user,month\n" ;
+  $user_prev = '' ;
+  while ($line = <CSV_IN>)
+  {
+    next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
+    next if $line =~ /^\s*$/ ;
+    ($user,$month) = split (',', $line) ;
+    if (($user ne $user_prev) && ($user_prev ne ''))
+    { print CSV_OUT "$user,$month\n" ; }
+    $user_prev = $user ;
+  }
+  close CSV_IN ;
+  close CSV_OUT ;
+sub CollectUploadersPerMonth
+  my ($file_creates_commons, $file_uploaders_per_month, 
$file_edits_except_commons, $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user, $file_meta, 
@bots) = @_ ;
+  my 
+     $line,$lines,$month, $timestart,
+     %months, %uploads_per_user_per_month, %uploads_per_month_per_user, 
+     %uploads_per_anonymous_user, %uploads_per_bot,
+     %first_month_on_commons_per_user, %first_month_non_commons_per_user, 
%bots) ;
+  # array -> hash
+  foreach my $bot (@bots)
+  { $bots {$bot} = $true ; }
+# fields: article type,yyyymmddhhnn,namespace,usertype,user,title,uploadwizard
+# usertype  = [A:anonymous|B:bot|R:registered user]
+# article type = [-:page contains no internal link|R:page is redirect|S:(link 
list, deprecated)|S:stub|+:normal article]
+# when processing full archive dump: count article only when it contains an 
internal link (official article definition), and is not a redirect
+# when processing full archive dump: only difference for stubs is : those are 
not counted for alternate article count
+# when processing stub dump: article content is unavailable (no test for 
redirect or stub threshold) -> article count will be higher
+  die "File not found: '$file_creates_commons'" if ! -e $file_creates_commons ;
+  $lines = 0 ;
+  $month = '' ;
+  $timestart = time ;
+  open TXT_META, '>', $file_meta || die "Could not open '$file_meta'" ;
+  open CSV_IN, '<', $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user || die "Could not 
open '$file_first_month_non_commons_per_user'" ;
+  while ($line = <CSV_IN>)
+  {
+    next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
+    chomp $line ;
+    ($user,$month) = split (',', $line) ;
+    $user =~ s/\&comma;/,/g ;
+    $first_month_non_commons_per_user {$user} = $month ;
+  }
+  close CSV_IN ;
+  open CSV_IN, '<', $file_creates_commons || die "Could not open 
'$file_creates_commons'" ; ;
+  while ($line = <CSV_IN>)
+  {
+    next if $line =~ /^#/ ;
+    $lines++ ;
+  # last if $month gt '2005' ;
+    if ($lines % 1000000 == 0)
+    { print  &ddhhmmss (time - $timestart, $time_format) . " lines: " . 
commify ($lines) . "\n" ; }
+    chomp $line ;
($article_type,$yyyymmddhhnn,$namespace,$usertype,$user,$title,$uploadwizard) = 
split (',', $line) ;
+    next if $namespace != 6 ;
+    if (&IpAddress ($user))
+    {
+      $uploads_per_anonymous_user {$user} ++ ;
+      next ;
+    }
+    if (defined ($bots {$user}))
+    {
+      $uploads_per_bot {$user} ++ ;
+      next ;
+    }
+    $month = substr ($yyyymmddhhnn,0,7) ;
+    $months {$month} ++ ;
+    if (not defined $first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user})
+    { $first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user} = $month ; }
+    elsif ($month lt $first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user})
+    { $first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user} = $month ; }
+    # $uploads_per_user_per_month {$user} {$month} ++ ;
+    $uploads_per_month_per_user {$month} {$user} ++ ;
+  }
+  close CSV_IN ;
+  print "Write $file_uploaders_per_month\n" ;
+  open CSV_OUT, '>', $file_uploaders_per_month ;
+  # greedy: replace all till last slash with '../'
+  $file_creates_commons                   =~ s/^.*\//..\// ;
+  $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user  =~ s/^.*\//..\// ;
+  $file_edits_except_commons              =~ s/^.*\//..\// ;
+  print CSV_OUT "#data based on $file_first_month_non_commons_per_user which 
is based on $file_edits_except_commons\n" ;
+  print CSV_OUT "#data also based on $file_creates_commons\n" ;
+  print CSV_OUT "#month,uploaders,new uploaders,new uploaders - veteran 
editors,repeat uploaders,repeat uploaders - veteran editors\n" ;
+  my ($uploaders,
+      $new_uploaders,    $new_uploaders_started_elsewhere,
+      $repeat_uploaders, $repeat_uploaders_started_elsewhere,
+      $new_uploader,     $started_elsewhere) ;
+  foreach $month (sort keys %months)
+  {
+    $uploaders = 0 ;
+    $new_uploaders = 0 ;
+    $new_uploaders_started_elsewhere = 0 ;
+    $repeat_uploaders = 0 ;
+    $repeat_uploaders_started_elsewhere = 0 ;
+    $new_uploader = 0 ;
+    $started_elsewhere = 0 ;
+    %uploads_this_month_per_user = %{$uploads_per_month_per_user {$month}} ;
+    foreach $user (sort keys %uploads_this_month_per_user)
+    {
+      # print "$user $month: " . $uploads_this_month_per_user {$user} . "\n" ;
+      $uploaders ++ ;
+      # so the user uploaded this month, now 2 questions:
+      # is it a new kid on the block this month, on commons?
+      $new_uploader = ($month eq $first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user}) ;
+      # did the user start on commons? (monthly precision only)
+      $started_elsewhere = (defined ($first_month_non_commons_per_user 
{$user}) &&
+                           ($first_month_non_commons_per_user {$user} lt 
$first_month_on_commons_per_user {$user})) ;
+      if ($new_uploader)
+      {
+        $new_uploaders ++ ;
+        if ($started_elsewhere)
+        { $new_uploaders_started_elsewhere ++ ; }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        $repeat_uploaders ++ ;
+        if ($started_elsewhere)
+        { $repeat_uploaders_started_elsewhere ++ ; }
+      }
+    }
+    print CSV_OUT 
+  }
+  close CSV_OUT ;
+  print TXT_META "Anonymous users:\n\n" ;
+  foreach $user (sort {$uploads_per_anonymous_user {$b} <=> 
$uploads_per_anonymous_user {$a}} keys %uploads_per_anonymous_user)
+  { print TXT_META "$user: " . $uploads_per_anonymous_user {$user} . "\n" ; }
+  print TXT_META "\n\nBots:\n\n" ;
+  foreach $user (sort {$uploads_per_bot {$b} <=> $uploads_per_bot {$a}} keys 
+  { print TXT_META "$user: " . $uploads_per_bot {$user} . "\n" ; }
+  close TXT_META ;
+# overcomplete routine (for this script) Q&D copied from other script
+sub ddhhmmss
+  my $seconds = shift ;
+  my $format  = shift ;
+  my ($days,$hrs,$min,$sec,$text_days,$text_hrs,$text_min,$text_sec) ;
+  $days = int ($seconds / (24*3600)) ;
+  $seconds -= $days * 24*3600 ;
+  $hrs = int ($seconds / 3600) ;
+  $seconds -= $hrs * 3600 ;
+  $min = int ($seconds / 60) ;
+  $sec = $seconds % 60 ;
+  if ($format eq '')
+  {
+    $text_days = ($days > 0) ? (($days > 1) ? "$days days, " : "$days day, ") 
: "" ;
+    $text_hrs  = (($days + $hrs > 0) ? (($hrs > 1) ? "$hrs hrs" : "$hrs hrs") 
: "") . ($days + $hrs > 0 ? ", " : ""); # 2 hrs/1 hr ?
+    $text_min  = ($days + $hrs + $min > 0) ? "$min min, " : "" ;
+    $text_sec  = "$sec sec" ;
+    return ("$text_days$text_hrs$text_min$text_sec") ;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return sprintf ($format,$days,$hrs,$min,$sec) if $format =~ /%.*%.*%.*%/ ;
+    return sprintf ($format,      $hrs,$min,$sec) if $format =~ /%.*%.*%/ ;
+    return sprintf ($format,           $min,$sec) if $format =~ /%.*%/ ;
+    return sprintf ($format,                $sec) ;
+  }
+sub commify
+  my $num = shift ;
+  $num =~ s/(\d)(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2/ ;
+  $num =~ s/(\d)(\d\d\d,)/$1,$2/ ;
+  $num =~ s/(\d)(\d\d\d,)/$1,$2/ ;
+  return $num ;
+# in xml dumps anonymous users are often not specified by address (4 triplets) 
but by provider
+# at least in older edits
+# # hence this complicated test, also a few exceptions for self-reported false 
+sub IpAddress
+  my $user = shift ;
+  if (($user eq "Emme.pi.effe") ||
+      ($user eq ".mau.") || # exceptions on it:
+      ($user eq "") || # exception on en: (Wikiversity)
+      ($user eq "A.R. Mamduhi"))        # exception  on eo:
+  { return ($false) ; }
+  if (($user =~ m/[^\.]{2,}\.[^\.]{2,}\.[^\.]{2,4}$/) ||
+      ($user =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\./) ||
+      ($user =~ m/\.com$/i))
+  { return ($true) ; }
+  else
+  { return ($false) ; }

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I344f6dddcf6948a82cf8a14fac8403eeb6a22ffa
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wikistats
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Erik Zachte <>

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