Faidon Liambotis has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Remove role::ceph::*, unused now

Remove role::ceph::*, unused now

No role::ceph::* users now, eqiad cluster is being repurposed.

Change-Id: I612c09c7e8902b152f97041a9fca9cb0f83d72a4
D manifests/role/ceph.pp
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)

  Faidon Liambotis: Looks good to me, approved
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/manifests/role/ceph.pp b/manifests/role/ceph.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe2174d..0000000
--- a/manifests/role/ceph.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-@monitor_group { 'ceph': description => 'Ceph servers' }
-class role::ceph::base {
-    $cluster      = 'ceph'
-    $nagios_group = 'ceph'
-    include standard
-class role::ceph::eqiad inherits role::ceph::base {
-    system_role { 'role::ceph::eqiad': description => 'Ceph eqiad cluster' }
-    include passwords::ceph::eqiad
-    class { 'ceph':
-        admin_key      => $passwords::ceph::eqiad::admin_key,
-        config         => {
-            fsid                => 'c9da36e1-694a-4166-b346-9d8d4d1d1ac1',
-            mon_initial_members => [
-                'ms-fe1001',
-                'ms-fe1003',
-                'ms-fe1004',
-            ],
-            mon_addresses       => [
-                '',  # ms-fe1001
-                '', # ms-fe1003
-                '',  # ms-fe1004
-            ],
-            'global'            => {
-                # eqiad hardware has H710s which have a BBU
-                'osd fs mount options xfs'    => 'noatime,nobarrier',
-            },
-            'mon'               => {
-                'mon osd down out interval'   => '600',
-                # be more resilient to malfunctioning OSDs; see Ceph #4552 et 
-                'mon osd min down reporters'  => '14',
-            },
-            'osd'               => {
-                'osd journal'                 => 
-                'osd journal size'            => '10240',
-                # lower from 5->3 and 10->5 respectively to ease up on the
-                # recovery traffic; GbE has easilly been maxed out before
-                'osd recovery max active'     => '3',
-                'osd max backfills'           => '5',
-            },
-            'radosgw'           => {
-                'rgw print continue'          => 'false',
-                'rgw enable ops log'          => 'false',
-                'rgw enable usage log'        => 'false',
-                # default is 100, far too small for the nr. of req that we want
-                'rgw thread pool size'        => '600',
-                'rgw extended http attrs'     => 'x_content_duration',
-                'debug rgw'                   => '1',
-            },
-        },
-    }
-    class mon inherits role::ceph::eqiad {
-        system_role { 'role::ceph::eqiad::mon':
-            description => 'Ceph eqiad monitor',
-        }
-        class { 'ceph::mon':
-            monitor_secret => $passwords::ceph::eqiad::monitor_secret,
-        }
-        include ceph::nagios
-    }
-    class osd inherits role::ceph::eqiad {
-        system_role { 'role::ceph::eqiad::osd':
-            description => 'Ceph eqiad OSD',
-        }
-        include ceph::osd
-        # I/O busy systems, tune a few knobs to avoid page alloc failures
-        sysctl::parameters { 'ceph':
-            values => {
-                # Start freeing unused pages of memory sooner
-                'vm.min_free_kbytes'    => 512000,
-                # Prefer to reclaim dentries and inodes
-                'vm.vfs_cache_pressure' => 120,
-            },
-        }
-    }
-    class radosgw inherits role::ceph::eqiad {
-        system_role { 'role::ceph::eqiad::radosgw':
-            description => 'Ceph eqiad radosgw',
-        }
-        class { "lvs::realserver": realserver_ips => [ "" ] }
-        sysctl::parameters { 'radosgw':
-            values => {
-                # Increase the number of ephemeral ports
-                'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range' =>  [ 1024, 65535 ],
-                # Recommended to increase this for 1000 BT or higher
-                'net.core.netdev_max_backlog'  =>  30000,
-                # Increase the queue size of new TCP connections
-                'net.core.somaxconn'           => 4096,
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog' => 262144,
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets'  => 360000,
-                # Decrease FD usage
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout'     => 3,
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans'     => 262144,
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries'  => 2,
-                'net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries'     => 2,
-            },
-        }
-        class { 'ceph::radosgw':
-            servername  => 'ms-fe.eqiad.wmnet',
-            serveradmin => 'webmas...@wikimedia.org',
-        }
-        monitor_service { 'http-apache':
-            description   => 'HTTP Apache',
-            check_command => 
-        }
-        monitor_service { 'http-radosgw':
-            description   => 'HTTP radosgw',
-            check_command => 
-        }
-        file { '/usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules/apache_status.py':
-            source => 'puppet:///files/ganglia/plugins/apache_status.py',
-            notify => Service['gmond'],
-        }
-        file { '/etc/ganglia/conf.d/apache_status.pyconf':
-            source => 'puppet:///files/ganglia/plugins/apache_status.pyconf',
-            notify => Service['gmond'],
-        }
-    }

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I612c09c7e8902b152f97041a9fca9cb0f83d72a4
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Faidon Liambotis <fai...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Faidon Liambotis <fai...@wikimedia.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot

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