> OK, I just wanted to say that now we have working patches for all actual MW
> versions (1.18, 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21), and the storage-rewrite branch is at 
> least
> "beta", i.e. it works and should have no critical bugs so you're welcome to
> test it :) also I plan to translate the existing russian documentation page to
> english soon. But even without it, simple use cases should be very easy to try
> - you just need to install the extension, apply the patch, and try to protect
> some pages by clicking "ACL" tab that will appear between "Article" and
> "Talk" and then clicking "Create with editor" :) and you're welcome to ask me
> here if you have any questions.

Thanks Vitaliy !!! Very happy !!!  I will wait for the translation to have 
examples and concepts... 
I want to use security per namespace, not per page in our case...
Cheers !
-- pierre

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