Also, no one forces Mer to copycat Android's approach to modularity. First one needs to think how to make things better and easier to use for both end users and manufacturers. And if it won't go the same way Android went - it's not a problem. Mer isn't Android after all.



On 10/07/2011 03:50 AM, Inge Wallin wrote:
On Friday, October 07, 2011 08:41:50 wrote:
After reading this, it looks obvious to me that Mer providing the core,
including Qt, and Plasma Active providing a user experience together form what
should be MeeGo2.

While reading the log it struck me that there was a lot of speculation on what
vendors would want to do with it to make their own devices (build a completely
new UI vs change the color theme). Is there a paper about how vendors have
used Android and tweaked it to make their own offering (somewhat) unique? That
would be a perfect parallel to this.

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