#meego-meeting: N900 DE TOP Blocker Bug Triage

Meeting started by iekku at 06:59:52 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* now new untriaged bugs this week  (iekku, 07:00:07)
* Bug - 15035 Enter button on hardware keyboard does not work in Fennec.
  | https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15035  (iekku, 07:00:28)
  * problem is because of wrong keymap  (iekku, 07:01:24)
  * stskeeps to take action on XKB issue  (Stskeeps, 07:04:11)

* Bug - 16031 [DE][Trunk: Testing] No sms notification when a new
  message arriving | https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16031
  (iekku, 07:07:01)
  * fix ready, need to patch that to DE  (iekku, 07:10:20)
  * LINK: https://projects.maemo.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=251612
    (mirek2_, 07:12:03)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8665   (mirek2_,
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8665   (mirek2_,
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9940   (mirek2_,
  * 2 related bugs  (iekku, 07:16:56)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8665   (iekku,
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9940   (iekku,
  * mirek2_ will update those  (iekku, 07:17:34)

* Bug - 8108 Volume control does not work
  https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8108  (iekku, 07:17:52)
  * new volume controller replacing the old one  (iekku, 07:20:32)
  * original colume controller isn't shown in systemui  (iekku,

* Bug - 14861 [META] I/O activity causes significant
  interactivity/responsiveness problems |
  https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14861  (iekku, 07:28:09)
  *   (iekku, 07:29:18)
  * as stated yesterday, two efforts ongoing, tukem's work and
    kjokinie's I/O tests  (iekku, 07:29:27)
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/QA/Performance#Filesystem_tests
    (jukkaeklund, 07:32:55)
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/QA/Performance#Filesystem_tests
    (iekku, 07:33:56)
  * class 6 should be used on DE  (iekku, 07:34:32)
  * if filesystem tests needed, contact jarnoteivas  (iekku, 07:38:20)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12930   (jarnoteivas,

* Bug - 15948 [REG]Fail to run ut_qtcontacts_trackerplugin  |
  https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15948  (iekku, 07:42:33)
  * going to be tested with DE image today  (iekku, 07:42:58)

* Bug - 16037 [DE] [Trunk:Testing] ring tone doesn't play. |
  https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16037  (iekku, 07:43:41)
  * probably related to the audio stuff not working properly at all
    (iekku, 07:46:52)
  * ringtone file was added but now dialer has issues  (iekku, 07:52:00)
  * ssirkia and mirek will follow up  (iekku, 07:52:14)
  * should be working  (iekku, 07:54:51)

Meeting ended at 07:58:40 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* iekku (53)
* mirek2_ (36)
* Stskeeps (27)
* jarnoteivas (15)
* jukkaeklund (14)
* veskuh (12)
* aruravi (11)
* ssirkia (7)
* Sage (5)
* harha (4)
* timoph (3)
* shenghua (2)
* kimju (2)
* theodor (2)
* MeeGoMeetBot (2)
* jpeltonen (2)

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Iekku Huttunen
MeeGo Computers
Core System Testing / Error manager
+358 40 749 0894

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