On Sat, Jul 02, 2011 at 12:13:29AM +0300, Marko Saukko wrote:
> Ps. If someone knows how to prioritize zypper repositories so that
> packages from repo A are installed even when same package is newer in
> repo B would be nice if you would ping me at IRC (Sage, #meego-arm @
> Freenode) so we can make the update functionality even better from the
> CE point of view.

As a general, per-repoi, manual solution:

  $ sudo zypper mr -p <priority> <repo>

where, according to man, priority setting is described as follows:

 -p, --priority <positive-integer>
        Set priority of the repository. Priority of 1  is  the  highest,
        the  higher  the number the lower the priority. Default priority
        is 99. Packages from repositories with higher priority  will  be
        preferred  even  in  case  there is a higher installable version
        available in the repository with a lower priority.

so, to set repo A as higher than repo B (where the repo files
/etc/zypp/repos.d/A.repo and /etc/zypp/repos.d/B.repo exist and use the
names "name=A" and "name=B" respectively:

  $ sudo zypper mr -p 80 A

Using "80" just as an example, since it's less than the default of 99.

All this is best managed by the user, but if you want to change the
defaults in the image to suit your needs at install time, just have the
.ks file add "priority=80" (or whatever value makes sense) to the
relevant .repo files in /etc/zypp/repos.d/

This, I'm guessing, is more likely what you want to do, from a CE image
team point of view.


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