On 07/14/2011 05:16 AM, jukka.ekl...@nokia.com wrote:
Back ground for the changes:
Handset UX isn't fully maintained and currently there's no activities for 1.3. N900 
CE project is only who is maintaining / developing anything to Handset UX>and when 
bugs are fixed in CE the fixes are also available to add to the MeeGo release. For 
more information about the N900CE, please visit:>http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900

Just one question, does this mean we won't have vanilla N900 handset releases 
for 1.3?; it's been a while since we don't get a new image for it.
Remember, there wasn't Handset release even for 1.2. Images are built however 
for N900, not for IA though it seems. Community Edition continues supporting 
ARM and N900, and also N950/N9 quite soon.

You are right, so, what I actually wonder is if the armv7hl images will stop being generated soon from upstream.

About Handset UX, how about making a community-driven UX? There is already a 
such initiative, see: http://wiki.meego.com/Yet_Another_GUI_Project.
Really interesting :)

Where is the main discussion happening for this project?, a mailing list?, some IRC channel?

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