Dear MEEP users,****

Recently, I am doing the simulation of DBR structure on a substrate(LiNbO3)*

My purpose is to reflect the wavelength at 1550nm.****

According to the phase matching condition 2*2*pi*n/lambda=m*2*pi/period.****

After simplifying, the equation turns to period =lambda/2n.****

According to the sellmeier equation of LiNbO3 ,refractive index of
wavelength at 1550nm at room temperature is 2.1476.

Therefore, we can calculate the period equals to 1550/(2*2.1476)=360nm.****

In meep wavelength unit = a/lambda.****

If a =1, So theoretically, the spectrum will have a dip at 1/1.55=0.6451.***

I use Meep to simulate the structure showing at below.****

But I can't get the result that I expect. Did I do anything wrong?

   ___       ___        ___       ___       ****

* **│**  **│*__*│**  **│*__*│**  **│*__*│  **│*

* **│** *                                    *      **│*****

*│**  *                                        * **│   ......*****


Codes with structures****


(define-param eps 4.61218576) ; dielectric constant of waveguide****


(define-param w 6) ; width of waveguide  ****

(define-param fcen 0.645)     ****

(define-param df 0.6)

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 100 50 no-size)))

(set! geometry****

      (append ; combine lists of
objects:                                      ****

       (list (make block (center 0 0) (size infinity w infinity)****

                   (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps) ))))****

       (geometric-object-duplicates (vector3 0.36 0) 0 50****

        (make block (center 0 3) ( size 0.18  1 infinity)****

              (material  (make dielectric (epsilon 1)))))****

       (geometric-object-duplicates (vector3 -0.36 0) 0 50****

        (make block (center 0 3) (size 0.18  1 infinity)****

              (material (make dielectric (epsilon 1))) ))   ))

(set! resolution 20)

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))****

(set! sources (list****

               (make source****

                 (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))****

                 (component Ey)****

                 (center -20 0)****

                 (size 0 w))))****

(define trans ; transmitted flux                                         ***

        (add-flux fcen df 500****

                  (make flux-region****

                    (center 20 0) (size 0 w))))****

(run-sources+  (stop-when-fields-decayed 50 Ey (vector3 20 0) 1e-3))****

(display-fluxes trans) ; print out the flux spectrum****

Codes without structure****


(define-param eps 4.61218576) ; dielectric constant of waveguide

(define-param w 6) ; width of waveguide  ****

(define-param fcen 0.645)     ****

(define-param df 0.6)

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 100 50 no-size)))

(set! geometry****

      (append ; combine lists of objects:

       (list (make block (center 0 0) (size infinity w infinity)****

                   (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps) ))))  ))

(set! resolution 20)

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness 1.0))))****

(set! sources (list****

               (make source****

                 (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))****

                 (component Ey)****

                 (center -20 0)****

                 (size 0 w))))****

(define trans ; transmitted flux                                          **

        (add-flux fcen df 500****

                  (make flux-region****

                    (center 20 0) (size 0 w))))****

(run-sources+  (stop-when-fields-decayed 50 Ey (vector3 20 0) 1e-3))****

(display-fluxes trans) ; print out the flux spectrum****


I use the flux with structure divided by flux without structure .then I get
the transmittance as attachment.****

Can anyone tells me why I can't get the results that I expect.****

Thanks for everyone. attached the transmittance spectrum
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