Dear all,
I created a periodic structure 2D in meep of Aurum in air and I want to
study the spectum to the variation of the inclination of the source. I use
a gaussian source and I apply it a tilted of x degree using amp function to
source. I use the k-point that it depends to theta by the following

(define theta (/ (* pi theta_deg) 180))
(define kx (* fcen (sin theta)))
(set! ensure-periodicity true)
(set! k-point (vector3 kx 0 0))

Gaussian source has the following parametres: wavelength=0.6 (it is
normalized to 1 micrometer), FWHM=2.5. The monitor that compute fft has
central frequency of 1.75 and FWHM=1.5 (0.4-1 range). Increasing source
inclination angle, there are many abnormal oslillations of spectrum wieving
by monitor. The problen is correlated whith the fact that the source is
gaussian and the effective tilte that meep consider is given by the next
relation: asin(lambda0/lambda*sin(theta_simulated)). How I can remove these
undesired oscillations whithout to use, in another simulation, a source
with another wavelength and combine pieces of spectrum.

Thanks all,

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