Hi  Charlampos,

The version I use is 1.2.1 which just released few days ago. I know how to 
define dispersive material in MEEP but what I want is to get the epsilon vs  
frequency as calculate in 
Thanks a lot for helping!

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:24:44 +0300
Subject: Re: [Meep-discuss] How to get material dispersion for metal
From: iph...@gmail.com
To: falcon_dai...@hotmail.com
CC: meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu

First of all, which version of meep are you using?
Here is my code for dispersive Ag:; Parameters(define a 100e-9) ; define the 
unit of length in meters
(define cc (/ (* 2 (* pi 3e+8)) a)) ; unit of frequency in meep; 
eV->radpersec(define (ev->radpersec l)  (/ l 6.5821e-16) ; divide by the 
reduced Planck's slab
; Ag; Parameters from http://arxiv.org/pdf/0911.2737.pdf(define Ag_epsb 
3.7)(define Ag_wp (/ (ev->radpersec 9.2) cc))
(define Ag_gamma (/ (ev->radpersec 0.02) cc))
(define Ag  (make dielectric (epsilon Ag_epsb)    (E-susceptibilities       
(make drude-susceptibility (sigma 1.0) (omega Ag_wp) (gamma Ag_gamma)
Then, write (material Ag)

in your geometry definition..

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Allen Spencer <falcon_dai...@hotmail.com> 

Dear Meep users,

I am a beginner of MEEP.  I am wondering to know how to calculate the material 
dispersion for metallic material like gold and silver as shown in the Tutorial 
I tried to use the same method as given in the tutorial but it seems that the 
source doesn't work in a PEC like material.  Here is my code:

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size no-size no-size no-size)))
(set-param! resolution 200)(set! default-material(make dielectric (epsilon 
1)(E-polarizations (make polarizability(omega 1e-20) (gamma 0.038715) (sigma 
(make polarizability(omega 0.65815) (gamma 3.1343) (sigma 7.9247))(make 
polarizability(omega 3.6142) (gamma 0.36456) (sigma 0.50133))(make 
polarizability(omega 6.6017) (gamma 0.052426) (sigma 0.013329))
(make polarizability(omega 7.3259) (gamma 0.7388) (sigma 0.82655))(make 
polarizability(omega 16.365) (gamma 1.9511) (sigma 1.1133)))))(define-param 
fcen 0.5)
(define-param df 0.5)(set! sources (list (make source                      (src 
(make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))                      
(component Ez) (center 0 0 0))))

(define-param kmin 0.1)(define-param kmax 1)(define-param k-interp 99)(define 
kpts (interpolate k-interp (list (vector3 kmin) (vector3 kmax))))

(define all-freqs (run-k-points 200 kpts)) ; a list of lists of frequencies 20)
(map (lambda (kx fs)       (map (lambda (f)              (print "eps:, " 
(real-part f) ", " (imag-part f)
                     ", " (real-part (sqr (/ kx f))) "," (imag-part (sqr (/ kx 
f))) "\n"))            fs))     (map vector3-x kpts) all-freqs)

In Aaron Webster's note, meep-fields-analtic-chi1 has been used but in the 
newest version, I didn't find it. Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? 
Thanks in advance!

Regards Spencer                                           


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