Dear Steven and other users,
      About the LDOS, Thank for Ardavan Oskooi's  help!(https://www.mail-
       After reading Ardavan Oskooi's reply, I have some other questions. I
will be thanksful if anybody help me.
First, if eq. 4.22 in book chapter:, does not
apply to lossy metals which epsilon is complex (Lorentz-Drude model), now can (
dft-ldos f 0 1) apply to? According to the web
index.php/Meep_Tutorial/Local_density_of_states, LDOS can be calculated
directly from the power radiated by a dipole and Fourier-transforming the
result of a pulse using the dft-ldos command, which is eq. 4.21 in book chapter: Then,if dft-ldos command can calculate LDOS of
lossy metals. My model is a metal disc.
Second, why the parameter  T in ( run-sources+ T (dft-ldos f 0 1)) command is
defined by (define-param T (* 2 Q (/ f))), but not for constant that similar to
T or slightly larger than T?
Ma Yawei
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