Hello MEEP Users,

I am trying to make a gaussian pulse train. So far I am successful in creating one single pulse, but can't generate a pulse train. I have attached the code and a bash file.

Make the code run by typing "bash run.sh" in the terminal.
If you remove semicolon before the gaussian-src line, you can see one pulse travelling in -ve x-direction. Whereas if you remove the semicolon before custom-src line, the pulse train is not formed.



time meep 2D.ctl &> 2D.out
cd 2D-out
h5topng -S3 -t 0:49 -Zc dkbluered -d electric-function.r enorm.h5
convert enorm.t*.png Enorm.gif


(set-param! resolution 5)

(define-param dpml 3.0); length scale is 1.0 micrometer
(define-param len (+ 34 dpml dpml))
(define-param wid (+ 34 dpml dpml))

(define-param wcen 0.8) 
(define-param dw 3) 
(define-param fcen (/ 1 wcen)) 
(define-param df (/ 1 dw))

(define-param k (vector3 1 0 0)) ; choosing direction
(define-param s 2) ; for width of pulse 
(define-param w 0.1) ; for spatial width

(define (my-src width)  
                        (lambda (t) 
                                (exp (- 0 (/ (* t t) (* 2 width width))))

(define (my-amp sig k)  
                        (lambda (x) 
                                (exp (- (* 0+2i pi (vector3-dot k x)) 
                                                (/ (vector3-dot x x) (* 2.0 sig 

(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size len wid no-size)))

(set! pml-layers (list 
                                        (make absorber (thickness dpml))

(set! sources(list 
                                (make source 
;                                       (src (make custom-src (src-func (my-src 
                                        (src (make gaussian-src (frequency 
fcen)(fwidth df)))
                                        (center 17 0)(size 0 34)(component Ez)
                                        (amp-func (my-amp s k))


(define (f_e r ex ey ez)        
                        (sqrt (+ (* ex ex) (* ey ey) (* ez ez)))

(define (electric-output)       
                        (output-field-function "electric-function" (list Ex Ey 
Ez) f_e)

(run-until 50 (to-appended "enorm" (at-every 1 electric-output)))

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