Dear Ardavan, Steven, and all meep enthusiasts,

I have used Ardavan’s instructions (meep-discuss, 26 July 2017) for Ubuntu 
16.04 and applied them to Ubuntu 17.04.  Meep, h5utils, and dependencies 
install without error, both in the stand-alone version and in the mpi version.  
It might be noted that two trivial lines in the instructions are omitted for 
the installation of fftw-3.3.4, (tar xvzf  fftw-3.3.4, cd fftw-3.3.4/).  These 
lines are included in the accompanying bash script.

Using "sudo apt-get install meep” to download and install the meep package on 
17.04 from the Ubuntu repository still results in an error at meep run time.  
This package installs guile-2.0.13 rather than guile-2.0.11 per Ardavan’s 

John Weiner
meep-discuss mailing list

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