On 12/11/2017 12:18 PM, Priscilla Kelly wrote:

; run the simulations
(run-sources+ 1600
   (in-volume (volume (center 0 0 (+ (* 0.5 sz) dpml)) (size 0 0 sz))
             (after-time 300
             (to-appended "ex-slice" (at-every .3 output-efield-x))))))

A couple of things to consider. The z coordinate of your volume seems to lie outside of the computational cell. Also, it seems that you are outputting the fields at every point in the computational cell (since the z size of the volume is "sz") whereas you may want to output the fields at a single point outside the slab.

Another way to output the fields as a function of time is to use a custom step function, as follows:

    (define print-field (lambda()
               (print "ex:, " (meep-time) ", " (get-field-point Ex (vector3 0 0 (- (* 0.5 sz) dpml))))))

    (run-sources+ 1600 (at-every 0.3 print-field))

This will print the results to standard output which you can use for post processing.

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