I am trying to analyze the polarization state of light at a particular
point in a simulation. As the propagation direction may vary, I plan to
record the three components of both the electric and magnetic fields as
a first step. I guess I need to apply synchronize_magnetic, at_time and
in_point to specify the point and get accuracy? So I have been trying to
build up the run/step function:

sim.run(mp.synchronized_magnetic(mp.in_point(mp.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
mp.at_time(24, mp.with_prefix('le', mp.output_efield())))).....

however, I get an error thrown:

TypeError: output_efield() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sim'

The documentation does not seem to specify any argument to
output_efield() - what construct should I be using?

More generally, is there a better solution to outputting all the field
components at a specific time and point?

Many thanks,


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