Hi everyone,

I am getting the following error when I run the file bend-flux.py I
have downloaded from github (meep/python/bend-flux.py) :

   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/home/thibault/TIPE/bend.py", line 52, in <module>
       straight_refl_data = sim.get_flux_data(refl)
   AttributeError: 'Simulation' object has no attribute 'get_flux_data'

   Field time usage:
       connnecting chunks: 0.0659251 s
            time stepping: 4.92044 s
            communicating: 0.411649 s
       Fourier transforming: 1.9925 s
          everything else: 0.164349 s

   [Finished in 12.0s with exit code 1]

I'm running it in a miniconda3 env (OS : Solus GNOME, up-to-date),
which was set up following the Installation guide (https://meep.readthe

I have checked simulation.py in my meep directory and it appears that
it doesn't have the get_flux_data function.
Could you help me fixing my installation, which appears to be outdated
even after setting it up using the documentation ?

Thanks in advance,

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