On 9/18/19 07:02, Vladimir Lenok wrote:
I am trying to use MEEP (python) for performing Cherenkov simulations and I faced with two issues:

1. When I make a simulation of a horizontally moving charge then everything looks fine. But when I incline the trajectory I can see some stable fields on the way of the charge.

The small field irregularities you are observing may be due to high-frequency numerical artifacts of the discretization. For reference, see Fig. 5 of the Meep paper (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/~oskooi/papers/Oskooi10.pdf) and the related discussion in Section 3 "Interpolation and the illusion of continuity". One way to verify this would be to either increase the resolution or decrease the Courant factor and see whether these artifacts become less noticeable.

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