Hey Everyone,

I’m trying to model custom materials in meep by fitting Lorentz-Drude 
susceptibility parameters to provided n and k values. As a sanity check, I set 
up a simulation to measure the reflectivity of a given material, and I’m 
comparing this to the reflectivity as calculated using the Lorentz-Drude 
susceptibility profile given in the materials_library.py file. Using Aluminum 
as an example, I’m finding that the reflectivity in the meep simulation is 
higher than expected based on the given material parameters. The reflectivity 
calculation is consistent with other sources for the reflectivity of Aluminum, 
so I believe there must be a problem in the simulation. I would expect that 
calculating the reflectivity based on LD parameters and simulating a material 
with those same LD parameters would give the same answer. I’ve already checked 
that the simulation is using the intensity of the fields, so it isn’t a problem 
of squaring my simulated reflectivity values. If anyone knows what might be 
going on, I would really appreciate it.

Here's a sample of the reflectivity data I’ve collected:
Wavelength (nm) -           500,       600,       700,       800,       850,    
   900,       1000
Calculated Reflectivity - 0.920,    0.911,    0.904,    0.871,    0.869,    
0.895,    0.936
Simulated Reflectivity - 0.963,    0.959,    0.954,    0.936,    0.929,    
0.941,    0.964

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dylan McKeithen
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
meep-discuss mailing list

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