Hi there,
I have now been successfully appying MEEP in the field of lightning electromagnetic environments (effect of terrain on field propagation) for some time.
So far I have been initializing the geographical terrains by blocks, specifying ε and σ (up to 500.000 blocks) in a loop for every elevation on a geographical grid (DEM model). This becomes quite slow for large domains.
The reason, why I did not take HDF5 for init was because I would not be able to set the electric conductivity σ (D_conducitvity in MEEP) or μ with HDF5, only ε.
Is it correct, that σ and μ cannot be inited using HDF5 files, or have I misunderstood something?
Are there any suggestion, how I can more efficiently introduce such geometric objects (i.e. the terrain) with the ε, σ and μ parameters? If yes, that would be of great benefit to the progress of analysis.
Current simulations are set up with a resolution of 20 (equals 50m, one mp_unit = 1km). The blocks are chosen to be arount 150-200m broad and simulation domain is
200km x 20km x 10km = 320.000.000 cells, simulation times about 10h.
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Hannes Kohlmann
meep-discuss mailing list

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