In a web application I'm using a pool of servers with Ketama hashing.
I'm using Memcached::libmemcached, and I'm persisting the "memc"
handle between requests, per process.

If a get() or set() call fails due to a memcached server failure I
want to pull that server out of the server list so that new keys will
map to the remaining active servers.

The Perl module only provides a "walk_stats()" call which uses
memcached_stat to return stats for every server in the current list.
If a memcached server fails then "walk_stats()" returns nothing -- so
It doesn't tell me which server failed.

So, here's the approach I'm considering, but I'd like to hear other
suggestions (or reasons why this approach is insane):

I create a new handle (memcached_create) and then add the servers.
As I call memcached_server_add() for each server I also call
walk_stats() to make sure that I have stats for that newly added
server.  If that stat fails I flag the server as bad and start over.
In the end I end up with just a list of servers that are alive (well,
returned stats).

Then in my get() and set() calls if I get an error I destroy my "memc"
handle which will trigger reloading the server list as above.

Is there a better way to do this?

I can see one issue. If a server is intermittent might be possible to
end up with the same key in multiple servers -- so as the server is
toggled in and out of the pool the app could get different values for
the same key at different times.  But, that's a problem not really
related to the method above.


Bill Moseley
Sent from my iMutt

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