I thought this was a FAQ -- or at least I have memory of this being
discussed here before.

I have one process that uses memcached for throttling by setting a key with
a timeout.  If the set fails (NOT_STORED, as the FAQ describes) then the
process waits.

The question came up yesterday at work if a process can query the time
remaining for a given key.  I thought I remembered that there was no way to
read the timeout value on an existing key, but I'm not having any luck this
morning finding discussion of this.  Can someone confirm this -- or point me
to documentation/discussion about this?

Also, Is there a way to test that a key exists other than a get()?  I know
with the throttling example an add() is used, but I don't want to add a new
value if it doesn't exist.  Perhaps premature optimization, but can a
process check that a key exists and not transfer the value when the data is
not needed?


Bill Moseley

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