On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Felipe Cerqueira <skylaz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Its works for me on version 0.45 with C.

Well, perhaps I'm not configuring the client correctly.  See below.

> I didnt like of this behavior but its works.
> The concept of master and slave dont exist. So, if its get a error
> trying to send data to the hash(key)->server, its dont send data to
> the others server(s).

Are you saying that even with " MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS" set
to 1 if the first server write fails then it won't write to the second?
 That is, once a server fails only reads work?

Here's a simple test script using the most recent Perl version with output
below.  Am I not setting this up correctly?

use Memcached::libmemcached qw( :memcached_behavior_t );
use strict;
use warnings;

my $memc = Memcached::libmemcached->new;
$memc->memcached_behavior_set( MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS() => 1

$memc->memcached_server_add( 'localhost', 11211 );
$memc->memcached_server_add( 'localhost', 11212 );

my $mem1 = Memcached::libmemcached->new;
$mem1->memcached_server_add( 'localhost', 11211 );

my $mem2 = Memcached::libmemcached->new;
$mem2->memcached_server_add( 'localhost', 11212 );

printf "Running libmemcached version %s\n",

for ( 1 .. 8 ) {

    my $id = int rand 1000;

    print "\n============= key $id =============\n";
    $memc->memcached_set( $id, 1, 10 )
        || die 'set failed "' . $memc->errstr . "'\n";

    my ( $flag, $rc );

    $mem1->memcached_get( $id, $flag, $rc )
        && print "found in mem1\n";

    $mem2->memcached_get( $id, $flag, $rc )
        && print "found in mem2\n";


Running this I see -- not it's only finding the key in one server.

Running libmemcached version 0.44

============= key 869 =============
found in mem2

============= key 321 =============
found in mem1

============= key 618 =============
found in mem1

============= key 234 =============
found in mem2

============= key 667 =============
found in mem1

============= key 54 =============
found in mem2

============= key 441 =============
found in mem1

============= key 178 =============
found in mem1

One thing I always find odd is if I don't have Memcached running I get:

set failed "SYSTEM ERROR Success'

Does that mean a successful system error? ;)

Bill Moseley

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