
I'm running a Debian Lenny installation, and thus running Memcached
1.2.2. If the statistics that I'm seeing via the tool from
are to be believed, then it appears that my queries are getting
refreshed every time a get is called (ie, the "Age" statistic returns
to 0 minutes with each get("QueryName") call). Is this normal

A stat dump:
STAT pid 28382
STAT uptime 71174
STAT time 1300154240
STAT version 1.2.2
STAT pointer_size 64
STAT rusage_user 11.485253
STAT rusage_system 53.794821
STAT curr_items 4
STAT total_items 4
STAT bytes 111793
STAT curr_connections 9
STAT total_connections 605498
STAT connection_structures 55
STAT cmd_get 173965
STAT cmd_set 4
STAT get_hits 173961
STAT get_misses 4
STAT evictions 0
STAT bytes_read 3599661
STAT bytes_written 8642675377
STAT limit_maxbytes 536870912
STAT threads 1

So it's written 8GB of data in 20 hours, though it's only using a
little over 100KB of the memory I've dedicated to it?

I use the following PHP as a test:
$lol = new Memcache; // Also tried new Memcache() due to different
documentation, same result
$lol->connect("localhost", 11211);
$res = $lol->get("TestQuery");

The results are shown as expected via the print_r(). But, each time
that script executes, the "Age" statistic for TestQuery I'm seeing
from the memcache.php utility says 0 minutes again.

Have I misconfigured something, or is this how Memcached is supposed
to behave, rewriting the data every time it's accessed and resetting
the age of the data. I'm just not sure what I should be looking for,
but having that many bytes written doesn't seem right to me.

Thank you,

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