hum, a check sometimes is nice for small network use...
thinking about apc (php) cache, it don´t have a check, but it use only
local memory cache
maybe network could have this 'feature', just to optimize some codes,
not related to cache, but to network protocol/network otimization

2011/3/18 Dustin <>:
> On Mar 18, 3:28 pm, Roberto Spadim <> wrote:
>> for example, if a key of cache is
>> key_1 , key_1_1, hey_1_2 , key_1_3, key_1_xxxx
>> if we check key_1 and it return not exists, we don´t need to check 
>> key_1_1,2,3,4
>  Why wouldn't you just do them all at once?  That'll be fewer round
> trips assuming low miss rates.  Why would you want to trade low
> latency for inaccuracy?

maybe with a noSQL it´s usefull (memcachedb, membase)

>> it´s a feature, some cache problems could get improvement with it.
>> i think it´s very good =)
>> think about http sessions
>> just check if a variable exists in cache (it can be very big)
>> if not exists get from session database (invalidade all cache values 
>> (delete))
>> if exists get all cache values from cache
>  How about this:
>  Request it.
>  If it exists, use it.
>  If it doesn't exist, go back to the DB.

Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial

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