On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Arjen van der Meijden <a...@tweakers.net> 
> Wouldn't more servers become increasingly (seen from the application) slower
> as you force your clients to connect to more servers?
> Assuming all machines have enough processing power and network bandwidth,
> I'd expect performance of the last of these variants to be best:
> 16x  1GB machines
>  8x  2GB machines
>  4x  4GB machines
>  2x  8GB machines
>  1x 16GB machines
> In the first one you may end up with 16 different tcp/ip-connections per
> client. Obviously, connection pooling and proxies can alleviate some of that
> overhead. Still, a multi-get might actually hit all 16 servers.

That doesn't make sense.  Why would you expect 16 servers acting in
parallel to be slower than a single server?  And in many/most cases
the application will also be spread over multiple servers so the load
is distributed independently there as well.

   Les Mikesell

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