I'm using the notes at https://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/Timeouts
 to debug timeout errors against a single 1.4.4 Memcached server with 8GB
of RAM on CentOS 6.2 started with

memcached -d -p 11211 -u memcached -m 4096 -c 8192

I could not get http://consoleninja.net/code/memcached/mc_conn_tester.pl to
issue a timeout running by itself.

So I wrote another script using Perl's Memcached::libmemcached that forked
20 or so processes and set ~1/2MB of data using keys generated by
Data::UUID.  I didn't specify an expires time for these sets.

I then started to see a few timeouts w/o connecting like in the examples:

Fail: (timeout: 1) (elapsed: 1.00427794) (conn: 0.00000000) (set:
0.00000000) (get: 0.00000000)

I'm just starting to look at this now, but the network cards are not
showing errors or dropped packets.  I couldn't get enough timeouts where
changing the timeout value made much difference.

Anyone have any additional suggestions for debugging these?

And I assume unrelated to the timeout errors, but while testing I started
to get server errors on my script writing the large data to Memcached:

SERVER_ERROR out of memory storing object

Are those failed malloc calls?  I'm suspecting that this is related to my
old version of Memcached (per this thread):


But, I just started up another instance of Memcached using the defaults (-m
64) and cannot get it to fail with that error.

The machine where I was getting the out of memory errors has plenty of room:

 $ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8059188    5006444    3052744          0     284740     215796
-/+ buffers/cache:    4505908    3553280
Swap:     10289144          0   10289144

Any chance the timeouts are somehow related?

Bill Moseley


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